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Written Communication

By V P Bhagat

The process of written communication involves sending messages by written words. Written communication has primarily been used as a medium to pass in formation and ideas upwards and downwards permanently.

Characteristics of written communication

It allows the writer more time to think. It is subjected to careful scrutiny and interpretation. It can be read at the convenience of the receiver.. It commits the writer permanently to the ideas expressed. It provides the medium for wider or restricted use and dissemination in the organization.

When to use Written Communication

When impersonality is in order. When idea reliability and validity are import.. When idea verification is important. When objective references are important. When the speaker is not comfortable in oral.. When crucial decisions are to be considered. When ideas need to be stored and retrieved.

Objective of Written Communication

Future reference Record of evidence Avoiding mistakes Facilitates decision-making Measurement of progress Guide for future action Organizational efficiency Legal requirements

Process of written communication

Writers area Readers area Environmental system Feedback

Problems related to Written Communication

The message The purpose the audience The language, the style and the tone Transmitting media Timing

Structure of Written Communications

Introduction Developing the argument Conclusions Recommendations

Essentials of Effective Written Communication

Tactfulness Personal tone Active voice Positive ness Unified Coherence Conciseness Clarity Mechanical Soundness Readability

Tips for improved Writing

Keep it simple Keep it active Work together Invest in employees Make it interesting Use new and better technology Hiring a professional Dont be wordy, be concise Avoid repetitions Avoid camouflaged verbs Use familiar words Avoid faulty use of prepositions Avoid use of biased words

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