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Trapped! My parents went for a day trip to Malaysia for they had something urgent to attend to.

They entrusted my two-year-old baby brother in my care. We were playing building blocks when Ring..the telephone rang. I told my brother to remain quiet and not leave the bedroom as I went to answer the phone in the living room. Coincidentally, it was my friend, Mary. While I was happily talking on the phone, a strong gust of wind blew across the living room and the door of the bedroom slammed shut! I immediately told Mary that I would call her back later and hung up. Instinctively, I ran to open the door and realized it was locked! The scenario before me was disastrous. I was panic-stricken and beads of perspiration started trickling down my forehead. Meanwhile, my brother was howling in fear and banging on the door. Though I tried my best to reassure him that everything would be fine, it was to no avail. He just kept on crying. I tried kicking the door but all I received was a painful toe. I then tried to force open with a card and even pushed a pin into the keyhole but all methods failed. I called out to my baby brother in the bedroom but there was no reply. I was overwhelmed with anxiety. Without further hesitation, I notified the police. They arrived in the nick of time and broke the lock. All of us rushed in immediately. My baby brother was playing with his toys joyfully. No wonder there was no reply from him. He must have got bored while waiting for me and started playing with his toys again. I thanked the police for their help before they left. That evening, my parents returned and I related the whole incident to them. They went to a locksmith and prepared an extra set of keys for all the doors in the house to prevent such an incident from happening again. Though this incident happened two years ago, I will never forget it for as long as I live. Written by: School: Valesha Soon Weixuan Methodist Girls School, P6.3.

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