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JJ Wilson with Antonia Clare ADVANCED Students’ Book ww Grammar: verbs/adjectives with prepositions Grammar: passives Gram Vocabulary: learning languages Vocabulary: talking about how much you know Vocab Can do: discuss your language learning Can do: say how much you know/don't know about Can 4 experiences thiogs Grammar: verb patterns 1 Grammar: comparatives review Vocab Can do: give advice/make recommendations. Can der Cand about places formal and informal language Grammar: naratve tenses review Grammar: compound words Gram ‘Vocabulary: synonyms Vocabulary: books Vocab an do: tell an anecdote Can do: describe a person in detail Can SSeammar future probabitity ‘Grama tune fora review ‘ova Can do: describe the chances of something Vocabulary: arrangements Vocab happening (Can do: talk about plans and arangements Cand Grammar: emphasis Grammar: conditional sentences ~ Gram Can do: talk about professional relationships Can do: Vocab Gand Grammar: articles Grammar: whatever, whoever, whenever | Gram Vocabulary: architecture ‘Vocabulary fashions and fads Vocab Can do: describe an important bullding/ Cam dos take notes from fluent connected speech Can d structure Grammar: relative clauses Grammar verb patterns 2 © Gram Can do: explain procedures, Vocabulary: descriptive language | Vocab Can do: make inferences based on extended prose ; Can de ‘Grammar: reporting verbs ‘Grammar: continuous aspect Can do: stall for time when asked a dificult Vocabulary: lifestyles question Can do: discuss lifestyle Gramn Vocab Can dc Grammar: dependent prepositions Can do: express a degree of certainty Grammar: discourse markers Grammar: modals (and verbs with similar ‘Grammar: modals of deduction (past and present) Gramm meanings) ‘Vocabulary: strong feelings am dor discuss how foaings affect you Can do: mako guotcor about imaginary situations ee ae ecu eees ‘Grammar: perfect aspect Vocabulary: achievement (Can do: talk about your achievements Vocabulary: adjectives to describe places Can do: describe a place Grammar: participle clauses/gerunds Vocabulary: humour (an do: tell a joke Grammar: inversion Vocabulary: special abilities Can do: follow an extended piece of discourse Grammar: sentence adverbials Vocabulary: expressing quantity Gan do: express priorities ‘Grammar; link words of time and contrast Vocabulary: personal characteristics Gan do: write an autobiographical statement Grammar: as... as and describing quantity bulary: buying and selling “Gan do: write an ad for an object Grammar: fronting Yocabulary: cause and effect ‘Cando: explain everyday problems unreal past ‘Can do: respond to hypothetical questions 2 uses of would Can do: describe a childhood memory Tce e Cy Prefixes Phrasal verbs: ‘Metaphors, Two-part expressions Idioms 1 Idioms 2 Suffixes ‘Academic English Confusing words Phrasal verbs and particles eee ey Challenge yourself! Start a club Telling stories Great steps forward Spend a fortune ‘Who's the leader? Paradise istand Do you agree? Business venture ‘Moan, rave, take a stand! Ultimate challenge Ascary tale Future world ‘Anew venture Hollywood icons {In the wilderness Pet hates Leonardo Close encounter

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