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Journal of the Mine Ventilation Society of South Africa

Volume 61 Number 4 October/December 2008

Editorial . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 Presidents Christmas Message . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 Addressing ventilation engineering skills shortages the Anglo Platinum way . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 Qualitative Baseline Risk Assessment Approach for Exposures to Occupational Health Stressors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 Ventilation planning for the re-activation of Rio Algoms Panel Mine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16 Obituary - Jack Greig . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25 Branch News: Extracts from Colliery Branch Newsletter . . . . . . . .26
Published quarterly by the Mine Ventilation Society of South Africa

Product News MSA Africa won't sacrifice quality for price . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .27 MeshGuardTM single sensor battery powered gas detector from RAE Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28 STEMTEK - Advance Tamping Device . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .30 Local company garners Best Distributor Award of leading UK instrumentation manufacturer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .32

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Advertising and Production: Delinds Publications 12 Delta Rd Blairgowrie Randburg PO Box 72366 Parkview 2122 Tel: (011) 886-5985 Fax: (011) 886-1332 Cell No: 083-266-6662 E-mail: Advertising: Debbie Myer Production: Lindsay Myer The opinions expressed by contributors do not necessarily represent the official view of the Society. Products and services advertised in the Journal are not necessarily endorsed by the Society. Material in this publication may not be reproduced in any form whatsoever without written permission from the Editor. Copyright 2008 of the Mine Ventilation Society of South Africa

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GfG offers an extensive range of portable and fixed monitors, providing comprehensive solutions for toxic, explosive and oxygen gas detection.

Journal of the Mine Ventilation Society of South Africa, October/December 2008


The best way to predict your future is to create it

Who said the Ventilation and Occupational hygiene fraternity is a dying breed? I was fortunate to attend a mini symposium hosted by the Northern branch. The purpose of the symposium was to provide the junior members of our society with the opportunity to present papers. What a pleasant surprise! Topics were ranging from technical ventilation related challenges and opportunities, surface fan options, challenges faced by the ventilation officers in his/her daily activities to career opportunities in the Ventilation Occupational Hygiene fraternity. The hands on subject knowledge and passion of our junior members was the reason for many gooseflesh victims within the audience. You will also note that one of these papers is included in this edition. Personally, I am proudly and in expectation, looking forward to a bright future of the Ventilation and Occupational Hygiene discipline. Yes, we are facing an extremely challenging economical climate and there are even more day to day obstacles hindering us in our activities as Ventilation/Occupational hygiene practitioners. Somebody once said: The best way to predict your future is to create it. This is applicable from little projects to life ambitions and goals. Another friend of mine uses the following principles in life. Take stock: Determine exactly what you want and where you are in relation to your needs. Resolve: Address your needs, derive your action plans and set your intermediate and end goals. Commit: Stick to your plans with commitment and focus on the goals. Expect: Wait in anticipation for the fruit. Any individual can make a difference in our fraternity and the sky is the limit. From what I see in the different branch activities, is that the future of the next generation is being created and the prediction can be a bright future.

Presidents Christmas Message

As I write this message, we are facing very difficult economic times - not only in our country, but throughout the world. When there is such a slowdown, it affects the prices of commodities, which directly influence our industry. It is now the James van Rensburg time for each of us to put the proverbial "shoulder to the wheel" to ensure that our industry can continue mining cost-effectively. There is no doubt that 2009 will be extremely challenging. On the Society front there are some positive processes to reflect on: The first annual banquet took place earlier this year and we hope that this is a sign of good things to come. The administration function is returned to a desired standard, and there has been a significant improvement in our financial situation and membership numbers. Despite these improvements, there are still minor problems - if you have not received your Journals or membership invoices, please contact the Secretary and update your details. Other areas where we are making progress are: The revision of the constitution, Professional registration for members, Developing qualifications through the MQA, and Revision of the handbook for Environmental Engineering in South African Mines. I would like to take this opportunity to urge every member to participate actively in the affairs of the Society and make recommendations in areas where you believe we can improve. On behalf of council, I wish each of you and your families a safe and blessed Christmas, and a prosperous New Year.

Albert Viljoen Honorary Editor

Please send your comments and opinions to

Journal of the Mine Ventilation Society of South Africa, October/December 2008

MVS Public Relations Committee MVS Communication Facility

The MVS Public Relations Committee would appreciate any feedback on any matter relating to the operation of this society. This facility has been initiated in order to ensure that any matter that is raised is given due attention. It would be appreciated that the questionnaire below be completed and faxed / e-mailed to any one of the person/s listed below: Renier Cornelissen, Fax number 011 482 3267, e-mail Bruce Doyle, Fax number 011-706-6931, e-mail; or MVS Office, Fax 086 652 7171, e-mail All communications will remain confidential in terms of identification of the communicator. Should you wish to remain anonymous you are welcome to do so. Name: Contact details: Telephone number: Fax number: E-mail address: Remember, should you choose to remain anonymous; you are welcome to do so. Nature of communication (please mark with an X) Complaint Compliment Other Details of communication (please state what the exact nature of your communiqu is):


President: J Janse van Rensburg Senior Vice President: Dr B Belle Junior Vice President: Mr M De Koker Honorary Editor: A Viljoen Honorary Treasurer: A van der Linde Honorary Chairman of Education: R Webber-Youngman Immediate Past President: JJ du Plessis

Mr R Cornelissen, Mr B Doyle, Mr J Horn, Mr M Beukes, Mr D Labuschagne, Mr R Donaldson and Mr D van Tonder.


Mr A Viljoen (Hon. Editor), Dr BK Belle, Mr M Biffi, Dr JJL du Plessis, Mr AD Unsted, Ms Debbie Myer, Mr HJ Rust and Mr R Cornelissen.

The Free State Branch Mr Daniel Theys The Collieries Branch Mr Shane Ambrosio The Western Branch Mr J van Sittert The Northern Branch Mr D Stanton

Phone: +27-11-482-7957 Fax: +27-11-482-7959 / 086 652 7171 email: Internet:

Journal of the Mine Ventilation Society of South Africa, October/December 2008


Addressing ventilation engineering skills shortages the Anglo Platinum way

Aneen Potgieter, Senior Ventilation Officer, Paardekraal Rustenburg Platinum Mine Anglo Platinum This paper was presented at the Symposium hosted by The Northern Branch during September 2008 1. Abstract Skilled labour is constantly being moved, and lured to better paying jobs. With the expansion of industry and demand, labour becomes scarce, and thus one of a company's most valuable assets. At Anglo Platinum the need to train and develop skilled employees has been identified at an early stage. The result is a number of fully operational and highly successful training programmes. One such development programme is the Anglo Platinum Training and Development Programme for young professionals in the ventilation engineering field. The origin, implementation and operation of this programme were investigated and discussed as research for this paper. We also took an in-depth look at the different phases of the programme, which were developed to address issues specific to certain stages in the syllabus. The programme is driven by an extensive recruitment process followed by a development agenda that focuses on skills acquisition as opposed to an education based purely on theory. This is how Anglo Platinum has successfully been addressing the issue of skills shortage on South African mines.

2. Introduction
The objective of this paper is to share the mechanics, successes and the future requirements of the ventilation engineering development programme used by Anglo Platinum. In short, what it takes to develop a new recruit into a successful ventilation officer and a successful ventilation officer into a proficient ventilation engineer. During 2000, the need for a comprehensive development programme addressing all the theoretical and practical skills required by the ventilation engineering department was identified. In October 2002, the process of upgrading the development programme commenced and it was implemented in January 2003. Updating the programme is an ongoing process and improvements are continuously made to ensure that it remains relevant.

of competence acquisition. In other words, occupation based training which develops a person who can do what is expected of them and has the necessary theoretical knowledge to perform all required tasks well. This programme is designed to move ventilation engineering trainees through a process that will lead to the development of competent, functioning, well-rounded and independent ventilation engineering practitioners.

4. Recruitment
Firstly, there is a massive awareness drive in the fourth and first quarter of every year. This includes school and university visits and application forms sent to all e-mail contacts and existing Anglo Platinum employees for distribution. Radio interviews are held on channels such as Radio Mafisa where potential candidates can ask questions about the mine ventilation field. Bursary application forms are made available on Anglo Platinum's website to increase the target population and to allow electronic applications. Generally the ventilation HRD (Human Resource Development) co-coordinators have been known to go to great lengths to recruit the right candidates. The Anglo Platinum bursary department does the initial paper screening, also called the long listing process, where all the candidates not meeting the minimum requirements are screened out. The next round of screening exists in the form of preliminary interviews which are held throughout South

3. The Anglo Platinum Development Programme for Young Professionals in Ventilation Engineering
The Anglo Platinum development programme for ventilation engineering professionals is subdivided into 2 main categories: a. The trainee phase (entry level) b. The post-trainee phase (concerned with acquiring the advanced MEC ticket) Anglo Platinum has moved away from time-based programmes, dealing only with education based on theory, to the modern human resource trend

Journal of the Mine Ventilation Society of South Africa, October/December 2008

Africa. They consist of a one-on-one interview with the relevant HRD coordinator and the potential candidate. Psychometric testing is done to test the candidate's proficiency in numerical, diagrammatical and verbal skills. This provides the final panel consisting of the ventilation HRD coordinator and senior ventilation engineering personnel with the shortlist of candidates with further panel interviews, underground visits and, psychometric testing focusing on personality and job matching. This extensive recruitment and screening process forms the basis of a very effective training and development programme. It is important at this stage to reiterate how important the recruitment phase of the programme is. Technical, management and leadership skills must be present in order to be developed. Underground visits ensure essential exposure to the working environment before candidates are recruited. Psychological personality typing is used to support decision making when matching the candidate with a position.

consistent good performances as a ventilation engineering practitioner: Ventilation engineering knowledge Occupational hygiene knowledge Risk management knowledge Decision making Planning and scheduling Leadership Time management and prioritising Identification and analysis Initiative Communication Report writing and record keeping Performing under pressure

Managerial, leadership and Computer Literacy courses include: Word, PowerPoint, Excel, Basic Outlook Business writing skills Assertiveness programme Presentation skills Managing conflict Managing discipline

5.2 Practical Development

The trainee's practical development programme is driven by competency acquisition. By design, the trainee is made accountable and responsible for the speed at which vital skills, relevant to the field are acquired. Thirty nine outcomes have been identified as essential requirements in the practical ventilation engineering field. All outcomes must be checked by an assigned mentor who has practically evaluated and tested the trainee in the relevant context. Placement also plays a vital role in the programme, as development should be progressive in content and responsibility, and should, to a large extent, be non-repetitive. Sites of excellence have been identified where specific exposure is related to specific sites. All trainees must visit Waterfall Trackless Shaft, for example, to gain board-and-pillar and trackless mining experience.

5.1 Theory
Ventilation and cccupational theory courses consist of all the courses identified to address technical, management and leadership skills Technical courses include: Basic, practical, intermediate MEC courses Guidelines and COPs Occupational hygiene principles, risk assessment, measuring techniques and legislation Strata control for supervisors Practical risk management for supervisors

5. Trainee Development
Any trainee who has passed this rigorous selection process then receives their very own theory and practical development time schedule. The first and probably the most important step when designing a development programme is to identify its correct competencies to be addressed. The following competencies were identified as essential to ensure

Example of Training Matrix

Journal of the Mine Ventilation Society of South Africa, October/December 2008

Example of Placement Matrix Movement to various sites is carefully planned in accordance with the particular trainee's competency and requirements On each site a mentor is assigned to a trainee for on-site coaching. Planned task observations are done to ensure trainees are on the right track. Mentors guide the trainee technically and professionally and are responsible for explaining the social organisation and patterns of advancement. The development programme itself is the main measure of progress. Mentors can only sign for outcomes when the trainee has been found fully conversant with all aspects of that particular aspect. The ventilation HRD coordinator also acts as a progress assessor by visiting trainees on-site for an underground practical work evaluation. HRD coordinators are also responsible for checking development programmes, evaluating competencies and the final pre-appointment assessment which involves the applicable line managers on the site where the trainees will be appointed.

bridging courses which address the gap between intermediate and advance paper difficulty The advanced mine environmental control courses which consist of an in-depth discussion of course theory and calculations applicable to MEC The coaching courses - which are designed to prepare candidates for the final exam. Dr Ronnie Webber Youngman has been so kind as to assist many a nervous student with essential pre-examination advice and revision.

7. Conclusion
In conclusion, all these aspects make the Anglo Platinum ventilation engineering development programme one of the most successful in the industry. Some, but not all of our successes include: The number of ex-trainees who joined the scheme since 2003 in substantive positions: Management positions - (D4 and up) - 2 Shaft Ventilation Engineer Positions - (D3) - 2 Senior Shaft Ventilation Officer Position (D1) - 2 Shaft Ventilation Officer Position (C4/5) and obtained 3 or more subjects for the Certificate in MEC and Occ.Hygiene.- 9 Shaft Ventilation Officer Position (C4/5) - 24 The chart below shows the performance of trainees and extrainees (dark purple) against the rest of the Anglo Platinum Development Centre course delegates, (this includes candidates from Anglo Platinum not part of the development programme as well as external mining groups).

6.2 Practical development

For this development programme to be effective, it will be necessary for each trainee to have a suitable mentor to provide support, guidance and direction. Mentor-trainee relationships of this level grow out of a personal willingness to enter the relationship and not necessarily out of formal assignments. Mentors are crucial to plan the trainee's working experience so that they will be stretched but not overwhelmed. The exposure to different sites is essential for broad based knowledge acquisition and a wide experience base to draw from in day-to-day problem solving. A time schedule is also in place to ensure candidates do not become complacent or routine bound. It provides candidates with regular projects to facilitate learning for MEC advance exams. In addition to this it serves as a practical competency generator which can prove to be invaluable in later experience. Progress is monitored on this level by a career development panel or CDP as opposed to the task observations and evaluation of earlier developmental stages. The CDP is based on a corporate model and provides a platform for candidates to discuss short term and long term plans with senior ventilation engineering staff. The candidate is then evaluated against personal goals and achievement potential.

6. Post trainee phase

The next step a competent, now appointed ,ventilation officer takes is joining the post-trainee development programme. The purpose of this programme is to obtain the education and practical skills required to function as a professional ventilation engineer. This includes the development of a clear career path which suits the individual and the provision of the means to achieve set goals. The post-trainee development programme is also subdivided in 2 categories: one dealing with theory and the other with practical training.

8. Future aspirations
Future plans for the development programme mainly deal with the alignment to the MQA (Mines Qualification Authority) methods of development and training. Although the programme already deals with MQA aligned on-site competence assessments, some input documentation is still awaited from the MQA to finalise the alignment. However, it is the future vision for the MEC development programme to develop into an MQA qualification in the near future.

6.1 Theory
Theory courses include The intermediate to advanced

Journal of the Mine Ventilation Society of South Africa, October/December 2008


Qualitative Baseline Risk Assessment Approach for Exposures to Occupational Health Stressors
[Sedibelo Platinum Mine]
B. A. Doyle & R. H. McIntyre Senior Ventilation Consultants BBE Consulting and A. Formanowicz Project Mining Engineer - Sedibelo Platinum Mine

1. Introduction
The objective of this paper is to describe the process and methodology followed in conducting a qualitative baseline risk assessment for Barrick Platinum's planned Sedibelo mine. The Mine Health and Safety Act [MHSA] Section 11(1)(b)(c), requires that every employer must "assess the risk to health or safety to which employees may be exposed while they are at work" and to "record the significant hazards identified and risks assessed". Risk assessment is not a once-off function but an ongoing requirement of Section 11(4)(a), which requires that every employer must "periodically review the hazards identified and risks assessed, including the results of occupational hygiene measurements and medical surveillance to determine whether further elimination, control and minimisation of risk is possible". The employer's responsibility is not only to employees but also to any person who could be exposed to a hazard arising from the mining operation or related process as stated in Section 11(5)(2)(b), which requires that "as far as reasonably practicable, every employer must: (a) identify the relevant hazards and assess the related risks to which persons who are not employees may be exposed; and (b) ensure that persons who are not employees, but who may be directly affected by the activities at the mine, are not exposed to any hazards to their health and safety". "Reasonably practicable" is defined as "practicable having regard to:(a) the severity and scope of the hazard or risk concerned; (b) the state of knowledge reasonably available concerning that hazard or risk and of any means of removing or mitigating that hazard or risk; (c) the availability and suitability of means to remove or mitigate that hazard or risk; and (d) the costs and the benefits of removing or mitigating that hazard or risk". Therefore, the responsibilities placed on employers, regarding hazard identification and risk assessment, look both inwards at the workplace and outwards at persons
Journal of the Mine Ventilation Society of South Africa, October/December 2008

Abstract The Barrick Sedibelo project team appointed BBE Consulting to conduct a qualitative baseline risk assessment for potential employee exposures to health hazards. The requirement for this risk assessment is in terms of Section 11(1)(b)(c) of the Mine Health and Safety Act [MHSA], which requires that every employer must "assess the risk to health or safety to which employees may be exposed while they are at work" and to "record the significant hazards identified and risks assessed". These assessments were further conducted in accordance with the requirements of Section 7 of the guidelines for the compilation of mandatory codes of practice for occupational health programmes [airborne pollutants, thermal stress and noise]. In order to comply with these requirements a qualitative-type risk assessment was undertaken. This type of risk assessment was necessary seeing that the mine has not yet commenced with mining operations [Bankable Feasibility Study], and hence there been no history of results. The outcome of this qualitative risk assessment determined the various areas within the mine that would need to be considered to be potential employee health risk areas. Within these identified areas a combination of control measures will need to be implemented including engineering, administration, education, training, and personal protective equipment. The results of the risk assessment will be used to comply with the requirements of regulation 9.2(2) of the MHSA - System of Occupational Hygiene Measurements. The importance of taking the risk assessment outcomes into account in the early planning stages will ensure that adequate facilities are provided for over the life-of-mine.

who are not part of the mining activities, as regards their health and safety. This implies both a social responsibility and also a potential legal liability. Regulation 9.2(2) of the MHSA further requires a system of occupational hygiene measurements to be implemented where specified occupational exposures are measured.

3. Risk Assessment Methodology

Barrick's "Formal Risk Assessment Guideline" requires the use of the following tables to calculate the inherent risk: Consequence Table - Appendix 1 Likelihood Calculator - Appendix 2 Risk Matrix - Appendix 3 The qualitative risk assessment and evaluation methodology followed was directed by the professional judgement and experience of knowledgeable health and safety professionals. It must be noted that due to the mine being in the planning phase, no actual measurements could be taken to ascertain the extent of the various types of exposures. This assessment was conducted in a manner that will assist both management and employees to recognise and be proactive towards the identified risks in the workplace In order to obtain an understanding of possible employee exposures the following was done.

2. Background
The Barrick Sedibelo Project Team appointed BBE Consulting to conduct a qualitative baseline risk assessment for potential employee exposures to occupational hygiene stressors. This assessment was in accordance with the requirements of the Mine Health and Safety Act [Section 11(1)(b)(c)] and Section 7 of the Guidelines for the Compilation of Mandatory Codes of Practice for Occupational Health Programmes on airborne pollutants, thermal stress and noise. Section 7 of these Guidelines deals with the risk assessment process and refers specifically to Section 11 of the Mine Health and Safety Act, Act 29 of 1996. Furthermore it was also conducted in order to comply with the requirements of regulation 9.2(2) of the MHSA [system of occupational hygiene measurements]. Risk assessment is a basic management tool used at Barrick and is a fundamental process used in meeting the Company's obligation to provide safe systems of work, an environment where workers are not exposed to hazards, to minimise negative impacts of business activities on the environment, and to minimise the risks to stakeholders and the business on behalf of the shareholders. To be effective, this process includes the systematic identification and assessment of hazards to determine all of the undesired or unwanted events that could result in harm to people, damage to property and the environment, or production loss. Once identified and assessed, formal controls are implemented and then re-assessed to determine their effectiveness and level of residual risk. These risk assessments are an integral part of the Safety and Environmental Management Systems and are conducted as part of an effective way to manage the risks encountered in day-to day operations and identify opportunities for improvement. Site-based risk assessments may also be used to classify priorities or verify critical aspects of other work practices (e.g. codes of practice) prior to site implementation. The purpose of this system is to ensure that: risk assessments are conducted in a systematic way by appropriately trained and experienced persons using the right tools; risk assessments are undertaken to a consistent quality; and results of risk assessments are used as intended.

3.1 Benchmarking
Once the qualitative risk assessment had been conducted the outcome was benchmarked against risk assessments that had been done on mines with similar equipment and operating procedures.

3.2 Airborne Pollutants

Professional judgement was used to ascertain the types of pollutants that could be expected to occur in the Department of Minerals and Energy listed activity areas. Use was made of the "NIOSH pocket guide to chemical hazards" to determine the health effects and occupational exposure limits for the identified potential pollutants.

3.3 Thermal Stresses

The Mine Health and Safety Council, SIMRAC research report, GAP 505, "A Guide to heat stress management" was used to estimate the typical metabolic work rates of various occupations. Weather data obtained from the Weather Station in Rustenburg was used to assess the risk to cold stress during the winter months and heat stress during the summer months on surface. A VUMA model was developed to predict typical environmental conditions in the underground workings.

3.4 Noise
The Mine Health and Safety Council research report Gen 011, "Develop means to enhance the effectiveness of existing hearing conservation programmes" was used to estimate the typical exposure levels that could be expected as well as for the recommended control measures. Typical exposure levels for various occupations as well as control measures were recommended for the various types of equipment, which could be expected to be in use.

Journal of the Mine Ventilation Society of South Africa, October/December 2008


4. Activity areas - Homogenous exposure groups (HEGS)

In terms of Section 12.3 of the Mine Health and Safety Act, all exposure results must be linked to the medical records of that employee. In order to achieve this, the mine needs to be sub-divided into HEGs. A HEG is defined as "an area in which a group of employees who experience pollutant exposures similar enough that monitoring exposures of any representative sub group of employees in the group provides data useful for predicting exposures of the remaining employees". The methodology used for the determination of HEGs was as per the South African Mines Occupational Hygiene Programme Code Book: This process is in compliance with the establishment of systems of occupational hygiene measuring programmes, as contemplated in regulation 9.2(2) of the MHSA. It is Barrick's policy to adopt the American Congress of Governmental Industrial Hygienists [ACGIH] Threshold Limit Values; these limits are generally considered to be the most stringent limits currently defined. Hence at the commencement of mining, all activity areas relating to exposures to airborne pollutants will be classified as been in the "A" category. Once the sampling programme has been in operation for a reasonable time and proven/ consistent results have been obtained, this classification will be reviewed and, if required, amended. Appendix 4 is an example of the various identified HEGs. This example provides information on: (a) a breakdown of the Activity Areas; (b) the types of stressors to which employees may be exposed; (c) where such stressors may be present, i.e. working place; (d) the nature of the key workplace operations and activities that pose the greatest potential for exposure to stressors; and (e) health effects associated with the various identified stressors.

The Concentrator Plant; The Workshop area; All Mining and Ground Handling areas. The airborne pollutants that were identified as being a potential exposure risk to employees are: Carbon Dioxide; Nitrous Oxide; Carbon Monoxide; Diesel Particulate Matter; Dusts (Particles Not Otherwise Classified and Platinum mine dust); Flammable gases [acute risk - to be comprehensively addressed in the guideline for the prevention of flammable gas explosions in mines other than coal mines]; Lead; The risk assessment also included the recommended hierarchy of controls required to address the risks. An example of the risk assessment is shown in Appendix 5.

5.2 Thermal Stressors

Results of the risk assessment indicated that the majority of mineworkers could potentially be exposed to thermal stress. For surface operations the nature and extent of temperature monitoring and the need to initiate/discontinue heat and cold stress management programmes will generally be determined by seasonal drifts. Table 1 indicates the work areas in which employees could be prone to heat stress. Table 1. Heat stress areas.
Heat Stress Metallurgy - Crushing, screening, milling, concentrator and assay laboratory Opencast Pit Surface Workshops and roving Development Trackless mining Ground handling Shafts, services, roving and workshops Period Summer Months Sept to April


5. Risk assessment outcome

The risk assessment process was a desktop study and hence the residual risk could not be calculated as no mining is presently taking place. However it did identify the potential significant health effects that employees could be exposed to, the sources of such stressors and possible control measures (which when implemented would abate the risk). The outcomes of the risk assessments are described below:

Table 2 indicates the work areas in which employees could be prone to cold stress. Table 2. Cold stress areas.
Cold Stress Metallurgy - Crushing, screening, milling, concentrator, and dumps Surface Workshops and Roving Opencast Pit Development (Initial decline sink) Accommodation Camp - Refrigerator Period Winter Months June to August

5.1 Airborne Pollutants

The following areas would need to be considered as potential risk areas that require a monitoring programme to be implemented:



Journal of the Mine Ventilation Society of South Africa, October/December 2008

5.3 Noise
The outcome of this risk assessment determined that the following areas would need to be considered as potential risk areas: The Metallurgy plant including the concentrator, screening and crushing areas; All workshops; All mining and ground handling areas; Development.

6. Conclusion
The qualitative risk assessment conducted for employee exposures to occupational hygiene stressors at Sedibelo Platinum Mine has allowed management to be proactive in the controlling of employee exposures, by implementing the hierarchy of control and monitoring the effectiveness thereof through systems of occupational hygiene measurements [as contemplated in regulation 9.2(2) of the MHSA]. A quantitative risk assessment will be conducted once the mine is operational and reliable/consistent employee exposures are available for scrutiny.

7. Acknowledgments
This work was carried out in co-operation with Barrick Sedibelo Project management and staff and their support is clearly acknowledged. Their permission to publish this work is also appreciated.

8. References
ACGIH: American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists (2007): Threshold limit values for chemical substances and physical agents and Biological Exposure Indices. ACGIH, Cincinnati, USA. Barrick Guideline for Conducting a Formal Risk Assessment.

Department of Minerals and Energy (2002): Guideline for the compilation of a mandatory COP for an occupational health programme on thermal stress. DME, Pretoria, South Africa. Reference number: DME 16/3/2/4-A2 Department of Minerals and Energy (2002): Guideline for the compilation of a mandatory COP for an occupational health programme for airborne pollutants. DME, Pretoria, South Africa. Reference number: DME 16/3/2/4-A1 Department of Minerals and Energy South African Mines Occupational Hygiene Programme Codebook (SAMOHP). Reference number: DME 16/3/2/1-A3. Department of Minerals and Energy Guideline for the Compilation of a Mandatory Code of Practice for an Occupational Health Programme (Occupational Hygiene and Medical Surveillance) for Noise; Department of Minerals and Energy (2001): Guideline for the compilation of a mandatory code of practice on minimum standards of fitness to perform work at a mine. Reference number: DME 16/3/2/3-A1 Department of Minerals and Energy (2002): South African Mines Occupational Hygiene Programme Codebook. DME, Pretoria, South Africa. Reference number: DME 16/3/2/1-A3 K-Law Mine Health and Safety Act, Act 29 of 1996 with Schedule and Regulations. Kielblock, A.J., and P Schutte (1998): A guide to heat stress .C. management. SIMRAC Project Report GAP 505, Department of Minerals and Energy, Pretoria. NIOSH Pocket Guide to Chemical Hazards, August 2006. SIMRAC Handbook of Occupational Health Practice in the South African Mining Industry ISBN1-919853-02-2; SIMRAC Project GEN 011 "Develop means to enhance the effectiveness of existing hearing conservation programmes". SIMRAC Handbook of Occupational Health Practice in the South African Mining Industry ISBN1-919853-02-2; Mine Ventilation Practitioner's Data Book (1992). Section: Heat Stress. Topic: Stress


Journal of the Mine Ventilation Society of South Africa, October/December 2008





Thermal Stress


Journal of the Mine Ventilation Society of South Africa, October/December 2008

APPENDIX 4: Stressor Activity Area Classification

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Journal of the Mine Ventilation Society of South Africa, October/December 2008



Ventilation planning for the re-activation of Rio Algoms Panel Mine

Reprinted from Journal of the Mine Ventilation Society of South Africa, August 1979 Volume 22 No 8. AR Bell, Superintendent of Technical Services - Area Operations Rio Algom Mines Limited & KP Black Ventilation Engineer Algom Mines Limited konimeter counts from about 250 to 150 p/ml. Obviously, the technology used to achieve these admirable results had to form an important part of the mine ventilation planning for Panel mine. Table 1

This paper describes the ventilation planning carried out for the proposed re-activation of Panel Mine, a previously worked underground uranium mine. Since the mine was late in production, a greater awareness of dust and radiation hazards, as well a more strict regulatory standards for al airborne contaminants, has necessitated major changes and expansion of the previous ventilation system.

The mine ventilation technology for mining in the uranium ore-bodies of Elliot Lake has been subject of continuous studies and investigation by the mining companies for the past twenty years. This work was spurred on by the recognition of heath risks associated with the emanation of radon gas from the ore, and the high silica content (65%) in situ. The companies have been faced with ever decreasing levels of maximum allowable exposure to radon daughters, which had to be adhered to, and Rio Algoms existing Elliot Lake producer, Quirke Mine, had achieved good control in this area. As the Panel mine ventilation system design was frequently compared in concept to that of Quirke, it is appropriate to briefly review the Quirke data. Table 1 shows the allowable exposures that have prevailed since 1968, and it can be seen that no employees had exceeded the maximum allowed. Similarly, a gradual and consistent improvement in dust levels has taken place at Quirke and Fig.1 shows this graphically in relation to monthly average konimeter results since 1974. These significant improvements in dust and radiation control have been achieved primarily by increased airflow rates and Fig. 2 shows how this increase took place. Note that the mine air volume was approximately doubled between 1974 and 1977 for a reduction in average

Figure 1. Quirke Mine Monthly Averages The question of whether ventilation system design should be considerably in excess of that required to contain contaminants lower than prevailing M.A.C, (Maximum Allowable Concentration) values is a debatable issue with economic factors rapidly approaching the stage where they must be considered along with the important humanitarian issues. The re-opening of the Panel mine provides additional difficulties for mine ventilation in that entry had to be made into the abandoned workings, which are very highly
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contaminated with radon daughters. It is necessary therefore that the initial ventilation system be designed to cope with this situation.

Figure 2. Total Air Circulation at Quirke Mine The Report of the Royal Commission on the Health and Safety of Workers in Mines of June 1976 made many recommendations aimed specifically at contaminants in underground uranium mines and these al had to be given recognition during design. With full consideration of al the background difficulties discussed above, ventilation planning was carried out. The system was designed to meet current regulatory contaminant limits, but with a small amount of additional ventilating air being available if required. The major effort to provide improved contaminant control will be in maximizing the use of available air by minimizing leakage and assuring control of distribution. Full use would be made of the Quirke Mine experience.

showed no deterioration for many months after being mined out. To mine the orebody, two shafts were sunk about 580 m apart. The No. 1 shaft was mined to 564m depth and from this shaft an incline driven to meet the ore zone to serve as intake airway, service way, and ore hoisting opening. The No. 2 shaft was sunk from a small island on Quirke Lake to a depth of 381m to serve as an emergency exit and return airway. Drifts were mined from this shaft westward to ntersect the orebody and the main incline. Room and pillar mining, similar to that practised at other mines in the area, was the principal mining method in use. Stopes were at least 60 m long and widths averaged 21 m, the stopes were separated by pillars of about 3,7m width. In selected areas, shrinkage stoping and blast hole stoping were employed. Total recoverable ore reserves remaining in the Panel property are estimated to be 7 654 000 tons. Mining of an adjacent area known as the Panel East Conecho property would increase these reserves considerably, though at a lower mill recovered grade. Following closure, the mine flooded to within 380 m of the shaft collar, with a daily water inflow rate estimated to be 68 000 litres.

4.0 Mine Planning Factors Influencing Ventilation System Design

4.1 Milling rate 3 000 tons per day. 350 days a year. 4.2 Mining rate 4 240 tons per day of ore. 240 days per year. Waste estimated at 10% 424 tons per day Total mined output therefore 4 664 tons per mine day. 4.3 Mine at 3 213 tons of ore per day by January 1st, 1980, rising to 4 340 tons of ore by April 1st, 1980. 4.4 The planned mining system is based on present day technology and proven equipment identical to that carried out at Quirke Mine. This is conventional room and pillar with slusher stoping methods, supplemented with trackless mining techniques in selected areas. For conventional mining, sill drifts located in the ore zone are mined some 9 m above the footwall haulage drifts. Twin 2,13 m x 2,13 m stope raises are driven on the hanging wall on each side of a 3,1 m rib pillar, up dip from the lower sill to the upper sill on the level above. The stopes reach 45,7 m width, including the rib pillar. A boxhole raise from the footwall drift provides the ore dump. Productivity from each conventional stope is estimated at 86 tons per day and a maximum of 580 tons from any one level. The trackless mining method has yet to be finalized in detail, but would again be a room and pillar method.

3.0 Description of the Panel Property

The Panel Mine is on the north shore of Quirke Lake, about 22km by road north of Elliot Lake. The area comprises 36 claims, and is bordered on the west by Quirke and Denison Mines, current producers, and to the south by the closed down CanMet Mine. Production first began in March 1958, and due to the reduced demand for U3O8, production was terminated in July, 1961. During the final months of operation, the mill was treating an average of 3 130 tons of ore each day. Approximately 3,4 million tons of ore were milled during the life of the mine. The orebody consists of a pyritic, uraniferous quartz pebble conglomerate averaging about 8,5 m in thickness. Dips vary from flat to 60O and faulting is common. Footwall rock is primarily medium to coarse-grained quartzites, while the hanging wall is medium to coarse-grained yellowish green quartzite with a few fine pea pebble conglomerate beds. Ground conditions are known to be good. There were many openings in the ore zone in excess of 30m that
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5.0 Key Factors in the Ventilation Design Criteria

There are difficulties in planning the ventilation system for a uranium mine, in particular the inability to make precise prediction of radon emanation and radon daughter production. While a theoretical mathematical approach is possible, the variables in the data affecting the calculation are currently such that the approach cannot be used with total confidence. The following basic criteria were given attention in defining the ventilation system:1. Fresh intake air should be supplied through routes that will eliminate or minimize contamination from radon gas. 2. Previously mined out areas must be effectively bulkheaded and, where in contact with intake airways, be under negative pressure, so that leakage of contaminated air to intake is not possible. 3. The air distribution system and method of sealing where air leakage points exist, should be such that volumetric efficiency of the circuit is high. 4. Air which has been used to ventilate an active stope will be discharged direct to the return system, so that only single pass ventilation prevails. 5. As an identical mining method in the same orebody is being used at Rio Algoms neighbouring Quirke Mine, full use of historical information on contaminant levels relative to ventilation factors at this property will be made. 6. In the knowledge that precise mine planning is not possible at this stage, flexibility will be built into the ventilation system to enable the system to follow, and not to limit, the inevitable changes in mining strategy, 7. Attempt to supply air from one inlet to stop return at as high a velocity as practical, thus minimizing air residence time, hence radon daughter production. 8. Design with the objective that radon daughter levels are such that no person will be exposed to cumulative exposures in excess of 4 WLM per annum and 2 WLM per any consecutive three month period. Also, comply with the Code of Practice (Appendix 1) for Panel Mine, approved by the Atomic Energy Control Board.

effect, planning their own jobs. This has obvious advantages. A ventilation engineer worked closely with this group so full consideration was given to the service at the outset. The basic ventilation planning technique was to first of all establish the total mine air volume, then review the distribution of the available air related mining layouts proposed by the project team. When the primary distribution system was established, a more thorough study was carried out using computer aided airflow network analysis techniques. Following this, ventilation plant was then specified, scheduled, and cost estimated. The above is not being suggested as a unique approach to mine ventilation planning, indeed it is common practice in many mining companies. The approach is mentioned only to show that the company objective was to ensure the best possible ventilation system was developed.

7.0 Definition of Total Mine Air Volume Requirements

In planning a mine ventilation system, the required quantity of air to be circulated must be derived at the outset. When this has been decided, the correct sizes of shafts, airways, and plant can be defined. It is of great importance that the quantity be determined with reasonable accuracy as this has a major effect on the economics of the project. To date there is no reliable scientific method of accurately predicting airflow requirements for a uranium mine. Air per ton mined ratios from current uranium producers in the area were examined and related to level of contaminant data measured. These ratios have to be considered with caution, as they depend on local factors such as volumetric efficiency of the distribution system, mining method and degree of concentration, radon emanation rates etc. As Quirke Mine was using identical mining methods to that proposed for Panel and was in the same orebody, valuable empirical ventilation data was obtained from this source. More important, Quirke Mine has an enviable record of no worker having exceeded the 4 WLM of annual exposure, and konimeter dust counts in all operations were generally good. An airflow ratio of 0,08 m3/s per ton broken per day applied to the total mine air circulation was used as a guideline at Quirke. With due consideration to this, it was decided to plan Panel Mine ventilation quantity at the rate of 470 m3/s. This results in a ratio of 0,1 m3/s per ton broken per day, 10% more than the prevailing Quirke ratio. It was also realised that further improvements in the Quirke experience would result in a higher volumetric efficiency of the air and single pass ventilation systems for all stopes. This is now planned and a volumetric efficiency of 80 is being used as a target for Panel. Of the available 470 m3/s, 33 m3/s would be used to ventilate dumps, crusher and loading pocket areas. If 80%

6.0 Approach to Ventilation Planning

It is of vital importance that mine ventilation planning be integrated with the overall mine production and layout planning. All too frequently, ventilation planning is carried out as an afterthought, ending up with a poor ventilation system on a good mining layout. Alternatively, it is equally poor practice when the ventilation system imposes severe limitations on the mining strategy. Considerable study, frequently involving compromise, is necessary by both the mine planning engineer and the ventilation engineer. By giving attention to detail and thoroughly investigating alternatives, the best overall system should result, thus avoiding costly future modifications. The Panel Mine re-activation was planned by a project team of engineers, some of whom were designed to fill key positions in the eventual operation, so that they were, in


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of the remaining air is available for working stopes, this will result in about 12 m3/s per operating stope. Note that air used for development is re-used in stope ventilation and some 15% of the ore mined is obtained from development in the orebody, thus approximately 30 stopes will be in operation at any one time. Again, it is recognised from the Quirke experience that a volume of 7 m3/s, in a single pass conventional stope ventilation circuit, provides good environmental conditions. With this reasoning, we are anticipating that Panel conditions will be even better than those at Quirke.

8.1 Ventilation Shafts

Panel Mine was previously ventilated with 95 m3/s at a fan static pressure of 2,5 kPa. Records show that about 1,7 kPa o f this pressure was lost in the No. 1 shaft intake and No. 2 shaft exhaust. It was obvious therefore that new intake and exhaust facilities would be required to handle the proposed 470 m3/s. Several alternatives were considered by the planning group. Serious consideration was given to a scheme which included a centrally located air supply raise and two exhaust raises, one serving the western and the other the eastern area of the mine. The final scheme decided upon was to mine a single supply raise parallel to the No. 1 shaft and connect it to the main incline, and mine a single exhaust raise parallel to the No. 2 shaft. The latter scheme had the distinct advantage that the large exhaust raise on the east side of the mine was better located to handle the ultimate air distribution, also mining and scheduling factors were simplified.

8.0 Planning the air distribution

Existing production levels are 4, 5, 6, 9 and 12, originating from the 14 % incline which commences from 2 level elevation at No. 1 shaft and extends to 12 level. A tracked haulage is to be mined on 2 level from the No. 1 shaft, west, to recover known ore above the old 4 level. Lower levels, below the 12 level elevation, would be established down dip to the south, extending the main incline to depth with an access and haulage ramp. The existing production levels are to be extended to the east and west of the mined out area, to recover known ore up to the boundary positions. Initially, mining production would be reasonably evenly distributed from east, west and southern mining zones. Ultimately, the bulk of production will be from the area to the east as mining is to extend into the Conecho area where a further 7 million tons of ore exists

The Supply Shafts

The existing No. 1 shaft, previously downcast and hoisting, was to be rehabilitated. A 2 750 mm diameter Sheldon axial flow fan is located on surface with a heating plenum, fresh air from this fan entered the No. 1 shaft via an incline adit connecting about 15 m below collar. As it was going to be necessary to rehabilitate this supply service for the preparatory underground work, it was decided to design so that it would supplement the proposed new supply raise. Very little work was necessary on the fan to enable it to produce 118 m3/s. The new supply raise was located 245 m east of the No. 1 shaft. An economic study was carried out using wellknown techniques for different dimensions. Fig. 3 below shows the graphical representation of the exercise. It was decided to mine the raise at a diameter of 6,7 m; this is slightly in excess of the economic diameter for reasons of future flexibility and offsetting increasing power cost trends. The raise was planned to connect with the No. 1 shaft and incline on 2,4 and 6 level, thus operating in semiparallel. The incline would carry the bulk of the fresh air to depth.

The Exhaust Shafts

The existing No. 2 shaft outlet on a small island on Quirke Lake is rectangular, heavily equipped and has a high resistance to airflow. It was initially considered to strip this shaft and slash to the required size, but economic and time factors dictated the necessity of a separate new raise. Again, an economic study derived a required size of 6,7 m diameter. In this case, however, the exhaust raise was to carry 470 m3/s; the No. 2 shaft, remaining equipped, would be of very limited use as a parallel route, in fact it will only carry about 47 m3/s of the total flow.
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Concrete lining was considered for supply and exhaust raises, but in neither case could it be economically justified. While the precise accuracy of this method is dependent on the reliability of the estimated or assumed data, it is important to note that all the factors, other than air quantity, affect the total size by a function of the seventh root. Thus extreme accuracy in the assessment of individual factors is not warranted. A project life of 10 years is chosen. This is felt to be the maximum that can be used in design calculations. Certainly, it is probable that the proposed shafts will have a longer life, but in the early stages of mine development it is unreasonable to make claims upon capital resources in order to reduce power costs say 15 to 20 years hence, by which time the other controlling factors may well have changed anyway.

the plenum and this is to be done in the most efficient manner possible, with concrete construction and faced with an effective sealing medium. Considering the large saving in capital by using the plenum as a return route, it is worthwhile making much effort to make it as airtight as possible.

9.0 Dust Control for Ore and Waste Handling

Ore and waste passes, crushing and skip loading facilities, are all prolific dust sources and are located at the No. 1 shaft in the fresh air region. In view of this, strict control of vitiated air used to contain the situation is essential. Primary ore and waste passes are located on 2, 4, 6 and 12 levels. A 1,83m x 1,83m raise will be mined parallel to the ore and waste pass system to serve as a return air route for the dust laden air and to provide pressure release space for the air displaced during dumping. A captive velocity on the dump opening of 0,5 m/s is planned, resulting in a flow of 7 m3/s through the open dump door. It is assumed that a maximum of two doors would be open at any time, requiring 14 m3/s. An additional 5 m3/s is allowed to ensure leakage inwards through closed dump doors, resulting in total requirements of 19 m3/s. The return raise for the ore and waste pass ventilation will be continued below 12 level at No. 1 shaft to serve as a return route for vitiated air from crusher and loading pocket. A volume of 14 m3/s is planned for extraction from these areas and this will be positively fan ventilated and filtered before discharge into the return raise. In order to transfer the contaminated air from the return raise to the mine return route system, it is necessary to mine a crosscut some 460 m south on 4 level, connecting with the 4 level primary return airway. Despite discharging air from these dust sources direct to return, it is still considered necessary to filter the air from the crusher. Experience at Quirke has indicated a very rapid build-up of dust in a return airway from crushing operations, requiring frequent clean out to maintain area.

8.2 Underground Airways

The underground air distribution network is to a major degree dictated by the existing running profile and extension of haulages. Existing air routes south from the supply shafts to the orebody were limited to a crosscut on 12 level and the main incline. It was obvious therefore that additional airways would have to be mined; therefore crosscuts were planned on 4 and 6 level. The fresh air would flow south via these airways to enter the existing and proposed strike haulages to flow east and west supplying stoping operations. Based on planned output and number of stopes on each level the theoretical individual air requirements were determined. The existing haulage drifts varied in size so it was recognised that some slashing would be required to meet the needs of the higher airflow rates. As single pass ventilation systems are planned, a sill drift return airway would be established on each level beyond the fringe of the existing mine workings. Fresh air would enter the stopes from the haulage/intake, into a lower sill drift and then direct into the stopes. The exhaust from each stope would then flow into the upper sill drift return airway. These upper sill return airways are then connected to the old mined out area which would act as a plenum or low pressure return air route, feeding back to the main upcast shafts. The major advantage of using plenum as a return air route is to avoid mining of an extensive and costly return airway network from each of the mining areas. Paramount key factors in ensuring the success of this system are that the plenum must be effectively isolated from the intake airways to prevent excessive leakage, the ventilation pressure gradient must be towards the plenum so that there is no escape of radon and daughter products into the fresh air, and there must be an unimpaired route through the plenum. To ensure the latter, some pillar slashing and mining through dykes would be required. Approximately 150 bulkheads are necessary to seal off

10.00 Ventilation Arrangements during Rehabilitation and Pre-production development phases

The ventilation arrangements during this period were of vital importance as, following dewatering, the mine openings would be severely contaminated with radon gas. The underground work schedule called for shaft rehabilitation to follow the lowering of the water level, then to rehabilitate existing haulages and services as access became possible. When the water level was below the 4 level elevation, a through ventilation system was possible as there would be an air route down No. 1 shaft, along the decline and up No. 2 shaft. A 610 mm diameter fan was used in conjunction with 610 mm diameter ventilation duct to supply about 5 m3/s down the shaft. The duct was advanced as the water level was lowered, ensuring fresh uncontaminated air for
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personnel working in the shaft. Following the lowering of the water level, a small and unstable natural ventilation current occurred between the Nos 1 and 2 shafts. Electrical power was provided to the top of the No. 2 shaft on the island, via a temporary cable across the ice covered lake. This supplied a 1 220 mm diameter fan which then exhausted 23,5 m3/s from the mine. This volume was adequate to provide for the initial rehabilitation work down the decline. Following the gaining of access to the bottom of No. 2 shaft on 4 level, power was provided to this site and two 1 220 m fans installed in parallel; with the surface fan now removed, a flow of 47 m3/s was established. A flow of 47 m3/s was adequate to provide good quality air for the rehabilitation of both 4 and 5 levels and thus work commenced, including the development of the 2 level haulage drift west. The haulage drift rehabilitation included the erection of concrete bulkheads to isolate the plenum from the intake air supply. To maintain low radon daughter levels for this work it was found preferable to install a temporary bulkhead in the haulage drift about 90m from the through ventilation point in the decline. A quantity of 5 m3/s was then forced in a duct up to the temporary bulkhead, thus pressurising the zone and preventing excessive leakage of radon out of the plenum. When rehabilitation was complete up to the bulkhead it was then advanced and the duct extended. When duct lengths were excessive, a fan was installed in a plenum bulkhead advancing the through ventilation point. This system was found to work satisfactorily and acceptable radon daughter levels prevailed. By January 1978, the first of the main exhaust fans was installed and operational, circulating some 118 m3/s, thus sufficient air immediately became available for further rehabilitation and pre-production development work to commence. There are occasional problems with the present system in that any back pressure on the plenum can contaminate areas of the mine and recirculation has to be prevented at all times. This is not an easy task and much depends on effective bulkheads and doors, both temporary and permanent, with prompt response to ventilation work requests. Supervisory personnel are very conscious of the need for good ventilation which is critical at this project stage, and their co-operation achieves the desired results. The next stage of the project will be the upgrading of the main exhaust fan from 118 m3/s to 236 m3/s and this will be done when both the new supply and exhaust shafts are completed. As mentioned earlier, the resistance of the existing shafts limits the air volume to a major degree. These temporary ventilation arrangements constitute the most difficult part of the mine ventilation system development. With incomplete airways and limited volume flow we have to both provide a good environment and ensure that the lack of adequate ventilation does not hinder the rehabilitation schedule. So far results have been good but

a lesson learned is that the mine ventilation and planning and scheduling must be integrated with the mining, and the permanent ventilation system established as soon as possible.

11.0 Main fan requirements

Fig. 4 shows the predicted mine system resistances based on network calculations. For the purpose of fan duty selection, a maximum and minimum mine system resistance was considered, while the best estimate of resistance, being a square law curve between maximum and minimum, was used for the fan specification.

Figure 4. Estimated Mine System Resistance and Predicted Operating Points - Exhaust Fans Mention was previously made of the importance of a negative pressure within the plenum to prevent the leakage of radon gas into the intake circuit. In the dense Elliot Lake conglomerates, the increase in emanation due to the negative pressure is expected to be negligible. In the porous uranium bearing sandstones being mined in the Colorado Plateau a high negative pressure system may well be undesirable. To maintain the negative pressure gradient required, it was decided to purchase exhaust fans which would overcome the total mine resistance. Supply fans would be of low pressure, virtually sufficient to overcome only the downcast raise resistance. So that individual fan failure would not cause total work stoppage, the exhaust volume is to be achieved with twin parallel units; similarly twin fans would be installed on the new downcast raise. Fan duty specifications were as follows:Exhaust Fans Two units in parallel, each to provide 236 m3/s at a static pressure of 2740P1. 3 048 mm diameter axial flow fans with 1 829 mm hubs and directly connected to a 1 120 kW, 14,5 r/s motor were chosen for the duty.

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Supply Fans Two units in parallel each to provide 190 m3/s at a static pressure of 400 Pa. 3 048 mm diameter axial flow fans with 1 220 mm hubs and directly connected to a 224 kW,9,8 r/s motor were chosen for this duty. Note that existing 2 740 mm fan on No. 1 shaft is to provide the additional 118 m3/s required. Variable pitch fans were chosen, essential to provide the wide operating range of requirements. Figure 4 shows the predicted operating points with intersection of system resistance square law curves and fan characteristic for the exhaust units. The supply fans will be sited on surface and within the heater building. The exhaust fans will be sited underground at the bottom of No. 2 shaft. A surface siting would have been preferred for this installation, but after giving consideration to access difficulties onto the island during early Winter and the Spring thaw periods, it was decided to locate them underground. Both supply and exhaust fans must be interlocked so that in the event of a failure of one unit the other trips, thus preventing unstable system operating conditions.

12.0 Mine Air Heating

Mine air heating plant had to be designed to supply heat at number 1 service shaft and the main downcast raise. The first plant had to be installed at number 1 shaft and this is now operational, having provided heat for 140 m3/s throughout the past winter. Note that the 140 m3/s is required to match the underground exhaust volume and to provide heat to the headframe by upcasting the top portion of the shaft. The Mine Air Heater System comprises the Burner House, the Controls Room, and the Propane Tank Farm. Details of this heating plant are as follows:.2 Supply Air 142 m3/s Burner Input 7,62 MW Temperature Rise 23,9OC Operating Temperature 5,6OC Fuel Propane Gas @ 104 kPa Fuel 550/3/60 for motors Electrics 110/1/60 for controls.

to operate with air velocities of 1,3 to 30,6m/s. For mine air heating, the recommended air velocities are 6 -10 m/s (to minimise pressure drop and size of burner housing). The flame length, depending on air velocities and input, is between 0,6 and 1,1 m. Because of the short flame characteristic, the burner is mounted approximately 3 m from the motor of the supply fan, thus requiring a smaller burner house. The combustion air for the burner is supplied by a blower mounted on the burner. Because of this feature and the wide range of air velocities at which the burner can operate, it can be installed without profiling and in any position (vertical, horizontal, etc). However, it is very important that the air flow is uniform over the burner to prevent distortion of the flame. The burner comes with an air bypass and a check valve system which allows the burner to fire at a very low flame (40:1) without any losing flame. The installation at Panel mine has a capability of 40:1 turndown with two burners running, 80:1 with one burner running and infinite turndown with both burners in the off cycle. This is achieved automatically with a temperature control system and two thermostats monitoring outside temperature. A pilot burner with spark plug is used to ignite the burner. To eliminate snow and dust entering the burner housing, the louvres are designed for an air velocity of approximately 3 m/s. The burner is designed for high heat release per lineal metre of burner (2,770 - 3 460 kW/m. This feature enables the burner to be of small physical size and requires less space to install. The flame from each burner is detected with two U.V. scanners, one for pilot and one for main flame and heaters are used to prevent frosting of U.V. scanner sight tubes. Control Room This room is located about 3 m from the burner house and in it are two gas valve trains, one common main gas regulator, flame safety panel and a temperature control panel. The gas trains and panels are prepackaged and mounted on a backplate at the factory for ease of installation. The controls are designed to provide automatic start-up, independent operation of the two burners, with controls capable of 40:1 turndown, automatic cycling of the burner, automatic shut down of burner on any limit failure with manual start. Two pen recorders record the discharge and outside temperature on a 7-day circular chart. Safety devices included in the system are for low gas, hi-gas, hi-temperature, combustion air, supply air and flame failure. The flame safety panel includes lights to indicate what

Burner House
In the Burner House two Model 1 440 Eclipse air heat burners are installed horizontally, side by side, firing at a maximum of 3,88 MW. This burner, which is the most important component in the Mine Air Heater System, is specifically designed to operate in direct-firing air heating applications with great flexibility with respect to air velocities and installations. The Eclipse air heat burner is patented, and is of the nozzle mixing, line type burner. It is designed


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limit failed. The maintenance man can determine what limit failed by looking at the panel. Tank Farm Tank Farm is located about 15 m from the controls room and it comprises an 82 kilolitre propane storage tank, a vapourizer system, a feed pump, load pump and two gas pressure regulators. The propane liquid is pumped out of the tank through the vapourizers (to be vapourized) and through the gas pressure regulator to regulate the pressure from 415 kPa to 105 kPa (required for the burner system). The pipe between the gas pressure regulator and the gas valve tain (in the controls room) is installed below frost line to prevent condensation of the propane vapour. Note the higher the pressure downstream of the gas regulator, the higher the ambient temperature is required to keep propane vapour from condensing. The loading pump is used to load the storage tank from transport tank. The loading pump is sized to load the tank in 2 - 3 hours. Similar heating plant is planned for installation at the main downcast raise where output will be in the order of 17,6 MW.

in two programs: the initial and final operating stages. The initial stage is defined as the preproduction period with one main exhaust fan operating, and is represented in Figure 5. The final stage is an operating condition and is represented by Figure 6.

Figure 5. Network Analysis - Rehabilitation Phase

13.0 Ventilation Network Analysis

Computers have played a great role in evaluating models and processes over the last two decades. They can be used conveniently to relieve the engineer of the tedium of repetitive calculations and for testing voluminous data which may be collected routinely for analysis. The computers great power lies in its ability to store, recall, modify data and to generate information records, all in a matter of minutes. The development of computer programs to solve ventilation networks has reached a point of refinement where the programs become a necessary tool of the ventilation engineer. The application of the computer to solve complex ventilation networks is not new; however, a few programs have the capabilities of the Wang and Saperstein program3 - the one utilized by Rio Algom. This computer approach contains features included in earlier programs, such as free splitting, external or internal fans within a system, and natural ventilation processes, plus the important ability to fix quantities in prescribed branches.

Figure 6. Network Analysis - Operating Phase

13.1.1 Pre-production Development Phase

The pre-production development network analysis is represented by a 19 branch airway forming a total of seven meshes, with distribution controlled by a single intake fan sited at No. 1 shaft, handling 137 m3/s at 164 Pa and a single exhaust fan located in 4L Exhaust Drift Handling 107 m3/s at 3 240 Pa. The network constitutes development to date and consequently system changes are expected with increased lateral development and expanse into new mining horizons. In support of this theoretical approach, a barometric pressure/volume survey was carried out. The survey utilized two Negretti & Zambra barometers, type M 2136

13.1 Panel Network Analysis

Working from a ventilation diagram of the mine, all junctions are numbered. The surface is taken as a common junction and therefore shares the same number. Specific data on airway characteristics are input, with branches of fixed quantity listed first, next, all ranches with fans, and finally the general branches. The network analysis for Panel Mine will be represented

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with a range of 80 to 120 kPa; with one instrument used as a control. Psychrometric data of temperature, pressure and volume were collected over a four hour period. The survey data was used to establish shaft friction factors and highlighted that original modelling factors were upwards to 50% too high. The results of this initial barometric survey show a good correlation to the predicted performance during the preproduction mining phase.

13.1.2 Operating Phase

Figure 6 represents the operating ventilation network and consists of 65 main airway branches forming 25 network meshes. Volume distribution is controlled by intakes at No. 1 Shaft and a new 6,71 diameter raisehandling 138 m3/s at 164 Pa and 380 m3/s at 112 Pa respectively. Two main exhaust fans sited underground discharge vitiated air to No. 2 Shaft and to a new 6,71 m diameter RAW raise. The 4 level fan installation handles 238 m3/s at 3 200 Pa with 5 Level fan handling 252 m3/s at 2 850 Pa. due to the large volume handled by the fan on 4 Level, coupled with the excessive resistance in the No. 2 Shaft, it was necessary to drive a balancing drift between 4 and 5 Level on the discharge side of the fans. During the preliminary stages of network analysis, a circuit diagram was established with airway characteristics consistent with mine planning and a number of preset factors established. By referencing to the operating stage, the number of fans (NF) was set at 4 with the main intake fans acting in parallel, therefore considered as one fan. The maximum number of iterations (MAX IT), was arbitrarily set at 100 with error factor set at 0,0001 m3/s. As mentioned earlier, the Wang and Saperstein program has the ability to fix quantities in branches. This was utilized in the second analysis when the crusher and loading pocket were fixed at 14,2 m3/s and again on specific levels at 19 m3/s where production occurs at a later period.

a most valuable tool for the ventilation engineer when properly used. It is believed that more use can be made of it with additions to the program. In uranium mining it would be most advantageous to incorporate data in the airflow program which will predict radon daughter levels in stopes and other work places. Such a development would provide valuable back-up to empirical data, increase confidence of predictions and place mine ventilation planning on a more sound scientific basis. Finally, mine ventilation planning is only as accurate as the data assumed in calculations. There is a real need for detailed pressure surveys in our mines to accurately measure friction factors that can be used with confidence as input, and all this information freely exchanged within the industry. With ever increasing capital and power costs, the financial benefits would be substantial.

The authors wish to express their gratitude to M. P .A. Carloss, Vice-President of Rio Algom Elliot Lake Operations and Mr. F. Jackson, Manager of Panel Mine for encouragement and permission to publish this paper.

1. Economic Factors in the Design and Operation of Underground Ventilation Circuits. by Michael J. West, A.R.S.M., B.Sc., Trans. Inst. Min. Metall. Vol. 68, 1959, P . 561. 2. Personal Communication from Mr. Paul W. Lucas, of Advanced Combustion Inc. 3. Computer Aided Solution of Complex Ventilation Networks. By. Y.J. Wang and L.W. Saperstein. SMEAIME. Trans. Vol. 247, Sept. 1970.


14.0 Conclusions
The Panel Mine project offered a unique opportunity in mine ventilation planning. The time between the project planning stage in late 1976 and the ultimate air volume and mine resistance requirement for full production is in the order of three years. Thus we will be provided with a very early opportunity to compare the actual operational conditions with those planned and predicted. Our approach to mine ventilation planning has been to use empirical data from a sound system and try to improve on it where possible. A theoretical approach has always been tempered with important practical considerations. The paper shows that by using well-known mine ventilation planning techniques and the computer for rapid network solution, many alternatives can be investigated to aid decision-making. Network solution solution by computer has proved to be

1.0 Action Levels (Radon Daughters) Multiple of Relevant Protection Action Level Less than 0,33 W.L. Acceptable level. Measure radon daughter concentration in each work place at monthly intervals Greater than 0,33 and up to 1,0 W.L. Greater than 1,0 and up to 10 W.L. Measure radon daughter concentration at intervals not exceeding 7 days. All operations may continue (i) Suspend normal operations in the workplace where a concentration of this magnitude has been recorded (ii) Determine corrective action necessary to reduce the concentratioan to the lower levels. (iii) Implement corrective action before resuming normal operations.


Journal of the Mine Ventilation Society of South Africa, October/December 2008

(iv) Approved powered respirators to be worn by persons who enter the area to check the effectiveness of protective action and by persons who are carrying out the protective action. (v) Measure radon daughter concentration at intervals not exceeding 24 hours until concentration is below 1,0 W.L. Greater than 10 W.L. (i) Suspend all operations in the workplace, withdraw all personnel immediately and inform the statutory authority of the measured concentration, action taken, and to be taken. (ii) Persons who enter the area to carry out or assess the protective action must wear approved respiratory protection (iii) Inform the Statutory Authority on resuming normal operations

Dr Jack Greig

2.0 Dewatering areas and abandoned workplaces

2.1 All unventilated areas in the mine more than 10 m from a point of through or auxiliary ventilation must be effectively barricaded. The barricades to be of construction adequate to prevent the inadvertent entry of unauthorised personnel and No Unauthorized Entry signs to be posted on the barricade. 2.2 Entry into an abandoned and previously unventilated area will only be made with the following precautions:(i) Not less than two personnel to enter the area and authority to enter must be given by underground superintendent or more snior underground official, who will instruct those entering of the tests to be carried out and precautions to be taken. (ii) Tests must be carried out for oxygen deficiency, methane and radon daughters, to ascertain the levels of these contaminants. (iii) Immediate withdrawal to be made if oxygen is less than 19% or any detectable trace of methane recorded. Detection of radon daughters will follow the Code of Practice defined for this contaminant. (iv) If a decision is made to ventilate the area, consideration must be given to the flow path of the contaminants when the ventilation system is commissioned relative to personnel situated down-stream. (v) Before work may commence in a previously abandoned or dewatered area, an effective ventilation scheme must be operational and contaminant levels checked before personnel entry to ensure an acceptable environment.

It is with deep regret that the Society records the passing of Dr Jack Greig. Jack studied for a Bachelor of Science Degree at the University of the Witwatersrand with chemistry and physics as major subjects. He then worked for five years at the Modderfontein factory of AE& CI in the laboratory, sulphuric acid and blasting explosives departments. At this stage he felt like a change from production and transferred to the dust and ventilation laboratory of the Chamber of Mines and worked on the elimination of blasting fumes under the late Dr SR Rabson. He was later appointed chief of the Chemistry Division in the Metallurgical Laboratory. He joined the Society in 1952 and had a long association with the MVS. Jack had long involvement in gases present in mines and was able to explain why he as a chemist became involved in the ventilation of mines. He obtained a higher degree, a doctorate, for work done on the oxidation of nitric oxide in low concentrations as are found in diesel exhaust gases and blasting fumes. He was associated with the publication of eight papers on gases in mines. Other aspects of ventilation practice with which he was involved were the sampling of stack gases and the design of filters for the recovery of valuable constituents from these gases; the detection of both toxic and flammable gases in mine air, the chemical analysis of dust samples and the determination of the efficiency of scrubbers, filters and other devices to clean mine air. Jack was a private man but had a wry sense of humour. He categorically informed council that his Presidential address was to be based on his in-depth knowledge of fans and fan performance. Council was apprehensive about his choice of subject matter, knowing his chemistry background and his limited mechanical engineering skills. However, when the day arrived, Jack did his own profession justice by delivering an authoritative paper entitled A fresh look at noxious atmospheric contaminants on gold mines and collieries. Jack thus had the last laugh on council and provided an excellent overview for members of the existing position with regard to noxious gases, vapours and dust in mines. Towards the end of his service with the Chamber of Mines, Jack was appointed to establish and manage a fire simulation tunnel for research into the combustion of materials used in the workings of mines with a view to making mines safer. Jack will be sadly missed by friends, family and colleagues.

Journal of the Mine Ventilation Society of South Africa, October/December 2008


Branch News
Extracts taken from the Collieries Branch Newsletter Fourth Quarter 2008
Editorial from the Chairman Shane Ambrosio Once again I find myself wondering where the year went. It has been a busy year for the MVS Colliery Branch. Looking back on the year I am reminded that 3 miners lost their lives in collieries this year due to gas related incidents. I am further reminded of a discussion that took place at the beginning of this year by members of our committee. It went something like this: something like this: Years ago the collieries were experiencing difficulties related to ventilation, dust control and methane. They called in our discipline to help them sort it out. Over the last 20 years or so significant strides have been made in improving ventilation management within collieries and the results speak for themselves. The ever present risk of explosions and fires has been significantly reduced, our detection and monitoring of these risks had improved, dust control at continuous miners these risks had improved, dust control at continuous miners has improved dramatically and we ventilate our mines in a much smarter and efficient manner. Sounds good right ?....... Well, it is the view of many senior ventilation officials that perhaps we have taken our eye off the ball a bit. Some say that it is because of the increasing demands of occupational hygiene. Some say its just a matter of complacency. Others say that perhaps we have gotten too good and that perhaps the risk perception on our mines is at an all time low. I will leave you to to debate the causes but there is no doubt that ventilation does not carry the same level of importance it once did. I would like to stress that to you, my colleagues, that your services to this industry were never more in dire need. Incidents are on the increase and the dedication, knowledge and expertise you have to offer will (I have no doubt) save lives. Our recent conference made an effort to elevate the risk within our industry I would like to thank all those involved, particularly our organisers and, of course, our sponsors. Their continued support has always been appreciated. This then makes me think of the ventilation officials of the future. As some of you are aware I am a member of the examinations As some of you are aware I am a member of the examinations committee. During my brief stay in this committee, I have come to realise the huge dilemma facing our discipline. The sad fact is that we are simply not getting enough people into the discipline nor are the people we have able to qualify. In my view, it is simply a matter of proper selection and coaching. I would like to encourage all our encourage all our senior members to take this problem to heart and make every effort to train and nurture the next generation for the future. I would at this time like to ask you for your support in this conference and those of you doing such good work out there are invited to forward your papers / abstracts to MVS offices.

Collieries MVS Conference

Our annual conference hosted by the Coal Branch of the MVS was held at Evander recreation club on 19 November 2008 with the theme of: Coal Mines live with hazards that have the potential to cause disaster

The conference highlighted lessons learnt from recent major incidents experienced in the industry and the following issues were raised as points to take home: COPs are to be simplified and implemented Ventilation personnel to educate workers person to person at the face Apply due diligence regarding training Enormous cost implication of these incidents due to production loss and re-establishment not to mention loss of life. A new ratio of accurate predicting the status of a coal fire was presented. Corporate memory loss all to take responsibility to ensure preservation of learnings and incidents. Apply effective intervention through risk assessment and compliance to risk assessment If lead indicators indicate a problem arising, react proactively Different results require a different way of doing things

Technical Visits
1. A practical training session was held at the CECS lab on the 6 October 2008 for persons writing exams, specifically


Journal of the Mine Ventilation Society of South Africa, October/December 2008

for dust analysis, which included a visit to MRS. A total of 14 persons attended. The day was declared a success. 2. A long visit for MVS members in training is being arranged in the 1st quarter of 2009. This will be similar to the visit arranged in February 2008 to Kloof mine and the Gautrain.

MSA Africa won't sacrifice quality for price

MSA Africa, the South African affiliate of global safety equipment manufacturer MSA, recently announced price adjustments for its broad range of safety products. According to MSA Africa marketing director Hayley Arnesen, the price increases are in line with economic conditions. There are a lot of 'grey' goods coming onto the market, which has always meant some operations will choose quantity instead of quality; however, MSA will always opt for high quality goods, and never sacrifice quality and safety for lower prices. "We believe this is why we have the extensive client base that we do - and that our clients are aware of the dangers of trading off safety for savings," explains Arnesen. She says that the cost of quality safety products have escalated dramatically and refers to the example of leather gloves which have risen from between 30% to 80%, and PVC gloves are largely unavailable at times due to a shortage in the supply of the base material used to make the gloves. "While we support the changes in China that see the provision of better working conditions and equipment for labourers, it has meant price increases on many of the goods manufactured there." Providing lesser quality products to contain price increases is simply not an option for MSA Africa. It will maintain the quality its clients have come to expect from the company. "Besides the unacceptable dangers involved in questionable quality safety products, they don't last as long as their high quality counterparts - making the decision to 'save now' a costly one in the longer term," Arnesen notes. "We want our customers to know that we have looked at the necessity of the price increase from every angle. It's not something we take lightly." MSA International President Rob Caizares says: "MSA has worked hard to hold the line on product pricing. However, the economic environment - particularly over the past six months - requires us to act to keep pace with these rising costs." To minimise these increases and keep future price increases to a minimum, Caizares says that MSA continues to pursue aggressive global improvement initiatives. "In addition, we are expanding our Global Operational Excellence initiatives to eliminate waste using Demand Flow Technology in our International plants." Established in 1914, MSA is a global leader in the supply of safety products that serve a broad range of industries. With manufacturing operations throughout Europe and the USA and offices in over 40 locations around the world, MSA uses its long history and vast experience to assist industries to assure the health and safety of their personnel.

OEM news BroKrew mobile refuge chamber put to the test New Denmark Colliery
On Friday, 26 January 2008, 16 New Denmark employees were locked-up for 24 hours in one of the mines mobile refuge chambers. The purpose of the exercise was to test the chambers proper application. The steel container has a number of built-in features that ensure people trapped underground can survive for a long time without assistance from the outside world.

After being released from this secure confined chamber the best comment that summarised the experience was: Youll live! CSIR are currently testing the feasibility of the unit in a emergency situation.

Sharing of best practices Sharing of best practices Emergency Preparedness: Simulation Escape drills 2 Anglo Coal. Goedehoop Colliery emergency preparedness simulation program: Drilling of a 630mm CTC rescue hole
CTC rescue drill unit was given an emergency call of which the time and date was not prearranged. A time trail was conducted to determine the real time to establishing a rescue hole for proto teams to rescue employees trapped 45m underground. Positive Points: - Team work. - Well trained rescue drill unit members - Time of drill was half of the expected 24 hours 11hours including breakdowns.

Journal of the Mine Ventilation Society of South Africa, October/December 2008



MeshGuardTM single sensor battery powered gas detector from RAE Systems
RAE Systems Inc. a leader in delivering innovative sensor solutions to serve industrial, energy, environmental, and government safety markets worldwide, introduced MeshGuard a rugged single-sensor, battery-powered toxic gas detector integrated with a wireless mesh radio modem for detecting hazardous levels of hydrogen sulfide (H2S) or carbon monoxide (CO). The monitoring units are designed to operate in the full temperature range of -40 to 122 F or -40 to +50 C. MeshGuardTM allows for quick installation in hazardous locations, and remote readings for up to 24 monitors are displayed on the FMC 2000 wireless controller. Self-healing and automatic configuration of the network for the best wireless route results in ease of deployment and operation, while ensuring that critical data is delivered to the FMC 2000. Applications for MeshGuardTM and the FMC 2000 Controller include: oil and gas drilling operations, oil and gas production, plant maintenance, turnarounds, industrial safety, storage tank farms, shipyards and maritime monitoring. The MeshGuardTM monitors are intrinsically safe for use in hazardous atmospheres and weatherproof to an IP-65 rating. Each unit can operate up to six months without calibration or battery replacement. The radio range for the units is 300m (1000ft) line of sight, with each unit providing radio relay capability. The FMC 2000 Controller can manage 24 sensor input channels and provides four programmable single-pole/ double-throw (SPDT) relays. The controller includes a backlit display, 14 hours of battery backup and audible and visual alarms all in a stainless-steel package. The controller uses a standard SD-memory card to store alarm and programme information. Contact ENVIROCON INSTRUMENTATION Tel: 011 4767323 Email:


Journal of the Mine Ventilation Society of South Africa, October/December 2008


STEMTEK - Advance Tamping Device

The new patented STEMTEK device is the final answer to blasting for profit and safety. It is a mechanical device, manufactured out of a fire retardant anti-static polypropylene and is designed specially for the mining industry. Tests done at various mining sites show that with new modern technology - like the STEMTEK advance tamping device the mining industry all over the world will save money and achieve much better goals.

Harmony Group recently.

If a misfire should occur, the STEMTEK plug can be easily removed with the STEMTEK loading stick by just pushing back the centre of the plug and remove the plug easy and safely out of the hole. Another safety feature is that the process of tamping is much easier and safer because of the unique design of this plug and the way it is fitted.

The STEMTEK plug is pre-assembled, very lightweight and packed into easy carry bags for easy transportation and storage.

Features include:
Extensively tested locally Loaded under 10 seconds Fully recoverable in the event of a miss fire Reusable in the event of miss fires Lightweight and portable User friendly Impervious to all working temperatures Unaffected by wet holes Unlimited shelf life Saving on explosives Improvement on panel advance Improved fragmentation Improved surface crusher efficiency Cleaner side wall and hang No wastage Expected positively by labour force.

Safe to use
Because the STEMTEK plugs are manufactured from an anti-static and fire retardant polypropylene, there is no fire hazard and no spontaneous combustion might occur that might have an effect on the environment underground. Contact: Fax: (011) 692 4671 E-mail:

Cost effective
The cost of the STEMTEK Plug becomes insignificant compared to the face advance that is achieved.

Mining advantages
The control over the position of the STEMTEK plug, allows the miner to regulate the size of the one produced and its distribution to the barricade. If the miner's positioning of the STEMTEK plug is "spot on" he will get face advance beyond the drilled holes, eliminating sockets and reducing the barring required.

Easy to use
To fit the STEMTEK plug is a fast, simple operation using the STEMTEK loading tool. First the holes are drilled, then the explosives are loaded, the igniter cord is pushed through the STEMTEK plug and then the plug is locked with the loading tool at the exact depth in the hole. The plug does not have to rely on the explosive to fix the stemming position. No special skill, training or strength is required to fit the STEMTEK plug. When the plug is locked into the hole, it will contain the gas of the explosives and at the time of the detonation will tighten the plug more, because of the unique design and create a much more advance explosion to the front. Even if the holes are drilled skew, the design of this unique plug will still do the work and create a better advance, without any sockets as has been tested by the
30 Journal of the Mine Ventilation Society of South Africa, October/December 2008


Local company garners Best Distributor Award of leading UK instrumentation manufacturer

Casella CEL, UK, recently awarded South African company AMS Haden Best Distributor for 2008. This was a huge achievement for Gauteng-based, AMS Haden Instrument Services when they were presented the award at Casella CELs annual distributor conference at the Wyboston Lakes Conference Centre in St. Neots, UK. The main focus of the conference was on new product launches for 2009. AMS Haden are eagerly awaiting the new products to begin marketing and distributing. These products hold many advantages in the South African market place. Amongst these products is the Casella CEL-600 Series Sound Level Meters to be launched in January 2009. Casellas advances in micro electronics has enabled it to create a Type 1 Impulse Integrating, Octave Band Analyzer which fi ts snugly into the palm of the hand. In addition to its convenient size, this instrument also boasts certain unique features not seen in instruments of this nature before. It has a colour display and will download to a PC without the use of application software. A software package is however, available for the discerning practitioner. A new addition to the successful Apex Series gravimetric sampling pumps is due to make its dbut early in 2009. The TUFF series was designed to meet the needs of Tough environments. In addition to toughness, it sports a curved bodyfit housing. The housing has an IP68 rating and is further protected by durable rubber laminate. The TUFF will be equipped with all the advanced features found in the Apex. However, it will also be available in a basic unit with a price tag that will knock peoples socks off! The service plans for these products are already in place, with new advanced calibration technology on order. Response from customers, who have seen the pre-launch packs, has been one of eagerness to get their hands on the new kit. For more information, contact John Wernick, AMS Haden Instrument Services, Office: +2711 475 2064, Fax: +27 (0)11 475 2062, Mobile: +27 (0)82 447 1103

Steve Bischoff, John Wernick proudly holding the companys award and Justin Chicken

Casella CEL-600 Sound Level Meter

Mark Du Preez in the workshop at AMS Hadens offices in Gauteng


Journal of the Mine Ventilation Society of South Africa, October/December 2008

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