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1he asL should SLay uead

WrlLLen by !osh Angllm

loL CuLllne
ln 1612 Lwelve women from endle hlll ln Lancashlre were
accused of murderlng 10 clvllllans uslng Lhe acL of wlLchcrafL
10 wlLches were Lrlalled and hanged durlng Lhe Lancashlre
wlLch Lrlals Cne of whlch was named Anne WhlLLle
oLherwlse known as ChaLLox Lo her fellow wlLches CenLurles
laLer and wlLchcrafL ln Lhe endle hlll area has been
forgoLLen kaLe and her faLher have [usL moved lnLo a new
house a beauLlful vlew can be seen from Lhe wlndows Lhe
area ls Lranqull sLreams run Lhrough Lhe surroundlng valleys
LlLLle do Lhey know LhaL Lhe house slLs on endle hlll 1he
same house LhaL ChaLLox and her accompllces occupled for
rlLuals and summonlngs Anne whlLLle reappears

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