HR Report

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1. The place of human resource
department in the organization
2. The environment and human
resources management
t is relatively a new discipline in the Phils.
t was felt during the American occupation (1898 1941)
t was low during Japanese occupation (1941 1946)
Then, it was revived during the post war period
(1946 71)
t progress during martial law period (1971 85)
t grows in post martial law period (1985 95)
Now, the level of development is high (1995 present)
Periods in Phil. history & human
resource management
Pre-Spanish Period personnel management was not
known and was unheard of during such period
Spanish Period
Code of Commerce dominates
Education was very minimal
Rizal and del Pilar were trained and educated and led Filipinos
to rise up in arms for freedom and dignity
American Period
Labor practices was far from being fair and just
No labor laws were passed
Level of literacy raised workers enlightenment and desire to self-
cont'n.periods in Phil. history &
human resource management
apanese Occupation
Suspension of normal education system
Japanese dictate the policies and practices
Anemic union movement and labor management or personnel management
was smothered temporarily
Post War
Personnel management development and growth is primarily a post-war
1. ncrease complexity of business sector
2. Number of government regulations and labor laws were
3. Growth of labor unions
4. nflux of new concepts in management
Specialization and "professionalization were rampant
Government's positive role were reflected
Department of Labor, GSS, SSS, NYMC, etc.
Formation and organization of PMAP
Educational courses directly or indirectly treating concepts on labor, al started
cont'n.periods in Phil. history &
human resource management
artiaI Law Period
"Parliamentary form of government
Decrease in the proliferation of local unions (to lure investors into the
Most of the private sector discontinued or pared down personnel
program just to survive
Tri-partite system was introduced into the country
Human resource management seeped into work setting and academe
Practice fell short of the cognitive realm due to "suppression
Post martiaI Iaw period to 1995
Persistent of management-labor problems
Areas of greatest concerns
1. nsurgency from the left
2. Attempts to abrogate constitutional authority from the right
3. ndebtedness
4. Etc.
Funds were diverted to resolve these areas of concerns
cont'n.periods in Phil. history &
human resource management
1990 to Present
1987 Accord on ndustrial Harmony
PMAP exerted and shown leadership in
"professionalization of human resource
management thru formal and informal
The environment and human
resources management
Human resources management is a product of its environment
Economic Environment
Regulate employment conditions
Political Environment
Desire for humane and participative avenues
stands strong
Educational Environment
Masses are enlightened, would even risk their
own lives
Human beings are the most
important, potent and critical
resource of any organization, and
yet are the least understood and
the worst managed of its
f any of you put a stumbling-block
before one of these little ones who
believe in me, it would be better for
you if a great millstone were
fastened around your neck and you
were drowned in the depth of the
sea. Matthew 18:6
Thank you.

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