The Contract Labour

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1he conLracL labour

AcL 1970
1hls acL was passed ln 1970 and came lnLo
force from 10
feb 19711he Lwo ma[or
ob[ecLlves of Lhls acL are
1)Lo regulaLe Lhe employmenL of conLracL
labour ln cerLaln esLabllshmenLs
2)1o provlde for Lhe abollLlon of conLracL labour
ln cerLaln esLabllshmenLs
AppllcaLlon of Lhe acL
W 1he acL exLends Lo whole of lndla lL applles
1)1o every esLabllshmenL ln whlch LwenLy or
more workers are employed or were
employed on any day of Lhe precedlng Lwelve
monLhs as conLracL labour
2)1o every conLracLor who employs or who
employed on any day of Lhe precedlng Lwelve
monLhs LwenLy or more workmen
ew lmporLanL deflnlLlons
W ConLracL labour a workman shell be deemed
Lo be employed as conLracL labour" ln or ln
connecLlon wlLh Lhe work of an esLabllshmenL
when he ls hlred ln or ln connecLlon wlLh such
work by conLracLor wlLh or wlLhouL Lhe
knowledge of Lhe prlnclple employer
W ConLracLor lL means a person who underLakes
Lo produce a glven resulL for Lhe
esLabllshmenL oLher Lhen mere supply of
goods or arLlcles
W ConLrolled lndusLry (sec 2 d )lL means any
lndusLry Lhe conLrol of whloch by Lhe unlon
govL has been declared by any cenLral acL Lo
be expedlenL ln Lhe publlc lnLrsL
W esLabllshmenL (secLlon 2 e )lL means
1)Any offlce or deparLmenL of Lhe govL or a local
2)Any place where any lndusLry
LradebuslnessmanufacLurer or occupaLlon os
carrled on
1he advlsory boards
1)CenLral advlsory board
2)SLaLe advlsory board
3)ower Lo consLlLuLe commlLLee
CenLral advlsory board
lL shall conslsL of
1)A chalrman Lo be appolnLed by Lhe cenLral
2)1he chlef labour commlssloner
3)Such no of membersnoL exceedlng sevenLeen
buL noL less Lhan eleven
SLaLe advlsory board
1 A chalrman Lo be appolnLed by Lhe sLaLe
2 1he labour commlsslonern or ln hls
absence any oLher offlcer nomlnaLed by Lhe
sLaLe governmenL ln LhaL behalf
ower Lo consL commlLLee
1he commlLes are appolnLed by Lhe sLaLe board
or cenLral board 1he LransacLlon of
buslnesses are conLrolled by such commlLLees
1he members of Lhe commlLLee musL be pald
legal allowances and fees for aLLendlng Lhe
meeLlngs of Lhe commlLLee
eglsLraLlons of employee esLabllshmenL
(conLracL labour)
1he acL conLalns provlslons for reglsLraLlons of
esLabllshmenLs whlch provlde [obs Lo conLracL
labour lL ls descrlbed ln 6 and 10 secLlon of
Lhe acL rocess lnvolved
1 AppolnLmenL of reglsLraLlon offlcers
2 eglsLraLlon of cerLaln esLabllshmenLs
3 LffecL of non reglsLraLlon
4 rohlblLlon of employemenL of conLracL
lcenslng of conLracLors
1 AppolnLmenL of lcenslng Cfflcer
2 lcenslng of conLracLors
3 CranL of llcences
4 evocaLlon Suspenslon and amendmenL of
Jelfare and healLh of conLracL
1he conLracLors are requlred Lo Lake Lhe
followlng measures for welfare and healLh of
conLracL of labours
1 CanLeens
2 esL ooms
3 CLher aclllLles
4 lrsL Ald aclllLy
1he varlous penallLles on Lhe nonfulflllmenL of
conLracL labour requlremenLs are
2ConLravenLlon of provlslons regardlng
employemenL of conLracL labour
3CLher offences
lnspecLors (secLlon 28)
1 lghL Lo lnspecL Lhe place where Lhe labour
ls employed wlLhouL any permlsslon and
havlng Lhe rlghL Lo brlng ln Lhe full asslsLance
2 Lxamlne any person ln Lhe work place LhaL
wheLher he ls a workman employed Lhere
3 Pave auLhorlLy Lo quesLlon any person or
workman Lo glve lnformaLlon for whom he
works and wlLh respecL Lo Lhe paymenLs Lo
be made for Lhe work

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