Anthony Ketner: Objective

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Pe !"nent A## e$$ C8&' #angwood ?rive Indianapolis, I$ /=%=8 9.

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Anthony Ketne

C"!%&$ A## e$$ %.( #ittleton treet, *pt '/ "est #afayette, I$ /C>&=

OBJECTIVE Highly motivated, organized, and analytical individual that is willing and able to learn new processes. I seek a summer internship that will challenge my ability to analyze situations and develop my creativity skills in evaluating the performance of a business. EDUCATION Purdue University, Krannert chool of !anagement, "est #afayette, I$ )achelor of cience in *ccounting !a+ors, *ccounting, !anagement 1oncentrations, 2inance, *nalytical 1onsulting !ay %&'( -P*, ..//0/.&

WORK EXPERIENCE Purdue University Dining Services, "est #afayette, I$ %&'% 3 Present Student Supervisor in Training at the Central Production Kitchen !anaged a team of '& student workers to efficiently produce over '( food products Inspected the accuracy of ingredients and proper assembly for samples of each product $otified appropriate management when food products failed to meet our standards Involved in current strategy of #ean !anagement in creation of food products 4esolved communication problems between shifts of student workers Herff Jones, Inc., Indianapolis, I$ %&'' 3 %&'/ Assistant in the Credit Department 1ommunicated with appro5imately (& customers a day to verify the accuracy of their account balance due and settled any differences with approval from management Prepared paperwork to send to customer accounts to third6party collection agency *nalyzed specific documentation to determine refunds ranging from 7(& 6 7'8,&&& 4esponded to an incoming flow 9.& emails0day: of customer email re;uests with same6day turnaround time COLLEGE/COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT )oy couts of *merica Assistant Scoutmaster, <roop =>, Indianapolis, I$ ?eveloped weekly lesson plans to teach '( new scouts over the summer @ducated '& new scouts in survival and outdoor skills at summer camp *lpha Kappa #ambda 2raternity Aolunteer, *lmost Home Humane ociety, #afayette, I$ tudent Panel, Pike High chool 1ollege ?ay, Indianapolis, I$ @lderly *ssistant, "esley 2oundation "interization, "est #afayette, I$ HONORS AND RECOGNITIONS Buality 1ontrol *uditor, 1entral Production Kitchen @agle cout, )oy couts of *merica, <roop => %&&/ 6 Present %&'& 3 Present

%&'% 3 Present %&'% 3 Present %&'. %&'% %&'. %&'&

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