Sejarah f.3

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ENGLISH HOMEWORK FOR FORM 5 Unusual Character: Write a composition of about 350 words.

INTRODUCTION: Uncle Song been part of the landscape of the neighbourhood Most people know him

MAIN POINTS: A) About Uncle Song Not much on impressive sight physically Wears a singlet and samsu pants Strict adherence to traditional attire Clothes only found in history books or historical period movies in China Can always pick him out at in a crowd B) The classic character Mannerisms are decidedly archaic Speaks with hands clasped behind Gestures do not betray any emotions Characters polarized and chivalry a much prized commodity Speaks with classical witticisms C) Contribution to the society Concern about safety Voluntary patrols the area to keep it safe Alerts resident to safety lock their house Blocks a thief until the latter surrenders Keeps our neighbourhood safe D) Helpful person Always offer help without seeking anything in return Will be first to arrive during a gathering Never been late Everyone likes Uncle Song E) Has a place in everyones heart Likes his quirky habit and mannerisms A fatherly character Always have visitor Remembers every single of them

CONCLUSION: An unusual character I have seen Very positive Well respected

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