Literacy Memoir Overall Reflection

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LlLeracy Memolr Cverall 8eflecLlon

8y WhlLney A 8ryanL
8eflecLlng on my orlglnal LlLeracy Memolr Lhe response of anoLher lndlvldual and my own
response l have reallzed LhaL l have Lhe enLhuslasm Lo learn l expressed my llLeracy hlsLory buL
Lhrough my grammaLlcal wrlLlng lL does noL show LhaL l have l recall Lelllng abouL my Leachers and
whaL processes LhaL we used Lo read and wrlLe l also showed my humbleness knowlng LhaL my readlng
and wrlLlng ls noL perfecL and LhaL l am eager Lo change Lhls lrom Lhe reflecLlon of oLher and my own l
have reallzed LhaL l need more experlence ln Lhe grammaLlcal fleld of wrlLlng 1hroughouL my hlgh
school Lngllsh experlence Lhere was one class LhaL really LaughL me grammar and LhaL was composlLlon
and grammar My oLher Lngllsh classes conslsL more of readlng novels and wrlLlng lnformal [ournals l
wanL Lo be correcLed by my peers my professor Ms Caruso and anyone else LhaL can help me lmprove
my wrlLlng
1he Lone ln my flrsL response Lo Lhe LlLeracy Memolr was noL ln defense or carelessness lL was
a Lone of new undersLandlng l began Lo read over Lhe paper LhaL l knew l had wrlLLen and l begln Lo
Lhlnk crlLlcally of Lhe wrlLlng noL Lhlnklng of Lhe wrlLer l reallzed LhaL my paper was noL clear and LhaL
lL needed Lo be more formal l was acLually analyzlng Lhe purpose of Lhe paper more Lhan Lhe grammar
lncluded Also l applled Lhe lesson of dlfferenL archeLypes of wrlLlng and reallzed LhaL l am a success
wrlLer and LhaL l love wrlLlng because l know LhaL lL wlll geL me somewhere 8uL l have learned LhaL l
need Lo love lL [usL because lL ls Lngllsh
now l would Lruly llke Lo Lhank wrlLer LwenLyfour because Lhey really helped me Lo see
someLhlng ln a dlfferenL perspecLlve 1hey agreed wlLh me acknowledglng LhaL l am a very exclLed
wrlLer and LhaL l am eager Lo Lake crlLlclsm 8uL Lhey also polnLed ouL LhaL l need help ln Lhe grammar
polnLs ln my wrlLlng WrlLer LwenLyfour was very upfronL and bold saylng LhaL lL seems as lf all of my
llLeracy hlsLory was polnLless accordlng Lo my lasL mlnuLe orlglnal LlLeracy Memolr 8ecause many of my
Lngllsh classes were more abouL readlng l never really noLlced LhaL my grammar ln more speclflcs
comma spllce and senLence wordlng was so bad l flnally reallzed LhaL my wrlLlng skllls needed greaL
work when l recelved my paper back from Lhe responder Lvery oLher edlLor LhaL l had ln hlgh school
always Lold me LhaL my paper was awesome or LhaL only a couple of Lhlngs needed revlslng 8uL l really
appreclaLe my responder belng upfronL and crlLlcal because Lhls wlll always be remembered and l wlll
deflnlLely help my wrlLlng skllls for Lhe fuLure
l Lruly belleve LhaL represenLaLlon LhaL l gave of myself ln Lhe flrsL response was wonderful l
wouldn'L change a Lhlng because l was very dlrecL abouL whaL Lype of wrlLer l am Cne good Lhlng abouL
my flrsL response was my way of belng very modesL and eager Lo learn l reason LhaL my vlews of wrlLlng
are very poslLlve buL Lhls compleLe asslgnmenL has changed my already opLlmlsLlc vlews lnLo greaLer
opLlmlsLlc vlews lL has encouraged me a llLLle blL more ln excelllng ln Lngllsh My aLLlLude abouL wrlLlng
has changed for Lhe beLLer and when your aLLlLude changes ln a poslLlve way lL wlll acLually help you
buL you musL be wllllng and l deflnlLely am
1hls compleLe process made me more aware of my llLeracy hlsLory 8eflecLlng back even more
made me reallze LhaL wrlLlng was noL LhaL perLlnenL ln my hlgh school l have reallzed LhaL my Leachers
were awesome buL wrlLlng sklll was someLhlng LhaL we Lruly lacked We read novels more Lhan worklng
on proper grammar Also Lhls process allowed me Lo see LhaL my freshman composlLlon and grammar
class was very lmporLanL and LhaL l should have pald a loL more aLLenLlon and my grammar mlghL be a
llLLle beLLer Loday 1hese Lhlngs LhaL l have now grasped wouldn'L have come Lo mlnd lf lL was noL for
Lhls lnformaLlve exerclse 1hls reflecLlon glves me Lhe urge Lo counsel nlnLh graders enLerlng lnLo hlgh
school abouL Laklng Lhelr grammar classes serlously l would leL Lhem know LhaL even lf Lhey Lhlnk
wrlLlng ls noL LhaL lmporLanL LhaL lL ls
ln concluslon l am compleLely graLeful for Lhls flrsL ma[or asslgnmenL lL helped me Lo be more
moLlvaLed and focused Lhan l already am lL also broughL new ldeas and correcLlons Lo llghL 1he besL
Lhlng abouL Lhls compleLe exerclse ls geLLlng someone else's polnL of vlew l cannoL express enough
how someone else's oplnlon does maLLer Lveryone was born and ralsed wlLh some sorL of dlfferenL
lnformaLlon 1here ls always someLhlng Lo learn every day and you wlll probably be surprlsed aL you
learn lL from So geLLlng correcLlons and a response from wrlLer LwenLyfour lnsplred me and showed
me exacLly whaL l need Lo work on Lhls semesLer So l sLrlve Lo work on focuslng more maklng a more
clear paper waLchlng ouL for grammaLlcal errors proofreadlng my paper more Lhan once and Lo sLop
belng so repeLlLve ln my papers 1hls compleLe experlence has already made me a greaLer wrlLer So l
would llke Lo express a blg Lhanks Lo Ms Caruso flrsL for glvlng Lhls asslgnmenL and a blg Lhanks Lo
wrlLer LwenLyfour for helplng me Lo undersLand my sLrengLhs and weaknesses

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