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Lngllsh !

ournal #2 AugusL 26 2011

1 l worked on Lhls asslgnmenL ln Lhe Llbrary on Lhe ground floor AL abouL 300pm l saL on Lhe
flrsL avallable desk because l was Loo Llred Lo walk Lo Lhe furLher ones so l was already very
Llred when l walked lnLo Lhe llbrary lL was very quleL ln Lhe llbrary and l had no one slLLlng on
elLher slde of me so l felL l was ln a surprlslngly prlvaLe envlronmenL lL was a comforLable
LemperaLure and Lhe chalr and desk flL my posLure and l felL exLremely comforLable ln my
2 8efore l worked on Lhls asslgnmenL l was exLremely Llred buL l Look many breaks whlle wrlLlng
and l had a snack and a CaLorade as l was wrlLlng so l rldded myself of Lhe hunger l was also
feellng before sLarLlng Lo wrlLe l was nervous aL flrsL because lL was Lhe flrsL wrlLlng asslgnmenL
LhaL l had been asslgned ln college As l sLarLed wrlLlng and flnlshed Lhe paper l felL relleved
3 1he wrlLlng experlence Look llLLle efforL because lL was compleLely abouL personal experlences
so my ldeas [usL flew onLo Lhe page efforLlessly l saL aL my chalr crossed my feeL on Lhe floor
and sLarLed Lo wrlLe Laklng slps of my drlnk and blLes of my sandwlch every few senLences or so

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