California Province Latrice Mccaskill

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Callfornla Þrovlnce

LaLrlce McCasklll
W Sequola
W AsLeraceae (whlch are sunflowers)
W Þoaceae also known as CramlneaeŦ A large famlly of flowerlng planLs or
slmply refered Lo as grassŦ
W Cyperaceae also know as sedgesŦ
W 8rasslcaceae also a flowerlng planL lnformally know as musLardsţ musLard
rganlsms ln Lhe Callfornla llorlsLlc
W lunglŴ 1he AmanlLa ocreaLa
W 8acLerlaŴnone
W ÞrosLlsLŴnone
W AnlmalŴCarrlbean crocţ lrogţ sunblrds
LocaLlon of Callfornla Þrovlnce
Ma[or reasons or facLors Callfornla llorlsLlc
Þrovlnce ls LhreaLened
W ÞopulaLlon growLhţ fuelllng many acLlvlLles LhreaLenlng Lhe floraţ lncludlng
converslon of land for agrlculLural or urban usesţ dam consLrucLlonţ
excesslve groundwaLer absLracLlonţ recreaLlon and mlnlngŦ 1he dellberaLe
sLarLlng of flres ls a serlous problemŦ
W hLLpť//boLanyŦslŦedu/pro[ecLs/cpd/na/na16ŦhLm
JebslLes slLed
W hLLpť//wwwŦconservaLlonŦorg/where/prlorlLy_areas/hoLspoLs/norLh_cenLr
W hLLpť//boLanyŦslŦedu/pro[ecLs/cpd/na/na16ŦhLm
W hLLpť//wwwŦblodlverslLyhoLspoLsŦorg/xp/hoLspoLs/callfornla_florlsLlc/Þage

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