Annotated Bibliography

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ClementTasmine_Bib Annotations In this paper I plan to argue that, if methods such as corporal punishment and suspensions are replaced

with educational programs and laws that penalize aggressive individuals, there will be a decrease in instances of bullying and deaths resulting from violent behavior in schools. This topic is interesting to me because I want to prevent violence in schools so that no one especially, anyone I know is the victim or perpetrator of violent crimes. Many people have been hurt, some have gone to the extent of committing suicide, and others have ruined their lives by being involved in situations that could easily be solved by discussing the problem with each other or an adult or by finding a successful way to leave a negative situation. American Civil Liberties Union and Human Rights Watch. Impairing Education: Corporal Punishment of Students with Disabilities in US Public Schools. New York, NY: Human Rights Watch, 2009. Print. These two organizations published this book to bring to light the disproportionately high rates of instances of corporal punishment that disabled students receive in US public schools to federal and state governments so that corporal punishment will be banned and replaced with alternative forms of discipline. The two organizations are against physical violence against children and they see it has violating the childs human rights. They use primary sources such as personal interviews combined with statistics and respond to the conditions in which students are being punished. This support is used to build the argument in states where it is still legal, corporal punishment should be replaced with a more effective and less violent method of discipline. This source supports the claims made by some of my other sources by repeating the idea that there are more effective ways to tackle bad behavior in educational environments. This source is useful in relation to my argument because it includes information from credited sources such as the United Nations. Burstyn, Joan N., Geoff Bender, Ronnie Casella, Howard W. Gordon, Domingo P. Guerra, Kristen V. Luschen, Rebecca Stevens, and Kimberly M. Williams. Preventing Violence in Schools: a Challenge to American Democracy. New Jersey: L. Erlbaum Associates, 2001. Print. This book was specifically written for students in courses that focus on education, social policy and qualitative research among other community based subject matter. It is also beneficial for professionals that deal with youth. Guidance counselors and teachers that work with lower level students in the elementary level to the high school level would be just some examples. This book is useful because it gives an analysis of violence prevention programs and their success. The authors do this by using data from observations, interviews, as well as published data from the schools to create a well balanced piece of work that is different from many of the other research studies performed because it focuses on the cultural and structural context of school violence and violence prevention efforts using quantitative measures and ethnography. Other researchers may just use quantitative measures, such as surveys, to assess the effectiveness of violence

prevention programs (250). Because this book increases its scope by using quantitative research and then expanding on it with ethnographic studies, it becomes a credible resource. This book is even more useful to my paper because well-esteemed individuals who used research to make qualitative arguments supporting violence prevention programs and their effectiveness wrote it. Friedman, Matt, and Bob Considine. "N.J. Gov. Christie Approves Toughest Anti-bullying Law in the Country., 07 Jan. 2011. Web. 27 Oct. 2011. <> . Tyler Clementi was a freshman at Rutgers who committed suicide after his roommate bullied him by posting a video of Clementi with another man in an intimate setting. The media brought to mainstream the incident and many other instances of bullying and harassment that led to laws against the violence. This article responds to when Jersey decided to enact stronger laws on bullying in public schools and public colleges. The bill helps by mandating schools to set up anti-bullying programs and requiring school employees to undergo training on how to spot bullying which is what I am proposing is a better alternative then paddling or suspending students from school. This source is useful because it shows a recent problem with violence at an institution of higher learning revealing that bullying isnt just something younger kids cope with. It also shows how governments are stepping in to handle the widespread problem by making sure that schools can help prevent it with their existing resources. "School Bullying Affects Majority Of Elementary Students. Science Daily: News & Articles in Science, Health, Environment & Technology. Science Daily, 12 Apr. 2007. Web. 27 Oct. 2011. <>. Science Daily wrote this article, as a result of a child behavioral study conducted by doctors and researchers sponsored by the National Institutes of Health. It highlights the two forms of bullying: indirect and direct which are prevalent from very young ages. Kids who are routinely victimized exhibit higher levels of depression, anxiety and suicidal thoughts than do non-victims. Such statistics highlight the importance of being able to identify at-risk kids and assess the effectiveness of interventions. Some efforts effective in stopping school bullying range from school wide presentations, to mediation sessions and discussions that allow students to voice their experiences when they were the victim of violence or saw someone else being victimized. These efforts promote positive peer pressure and an attitude change from everyone in the schools community from recess monitors to parents. This is beneficial to my argument because it contains statistics to backup the idea that bullying is detrimental to students health and that anti-violent programs are effective when working with people that experience conflict. This source will add to other sources I have by giving background information on a fairly common action that leads to bullying and the efforts that can be made to make sure that educational environments remain safe to students.

Stephey, M.J. "Corporal Punishment in U.S. Schools. TIME Magazine. Time Mag., 12 Aug. 2009. Web. 27 Oct. 2011. <,8599,1915820,00.html>. Just two years ago, Time Magazine published an article that stemmed from a report by Human Rights Watch and the American Civil Liberties Union where nearly a quarter of a million children were subjected to corporal punishment in U.S. public schools. This article was written to condemn corporal punishment especially against disabled students that were being abused in the process. It tries to amplify the findings in the report so that parents and government officials notice the cruelties behind corporal punishment. However, I will not be using this source to discuss corporal punishment on the basis of disabled children, but I will be using it to present the counterargument on the reason it is used over other options such as detention and suspension from school. M.J. Stephey included the voices of teachers and students to support the argument that corporal punishment is cost-effective because there is no organized structure to paddling and unlike detention, it doesnt require extra funds to bus students home if they have to stay later than needed. Including a counter argument in my essay will be useful to address any doubts that readers may be thinking. Thomas, Robert. Murray. "Suggestions for School Practice. What Schools Ban and Why. Westport, CT: Praeger, 2008. 133-35. Print. Thomas Murray is taught high schools students and is now emeritus professor at the University of California, Santa Barbara who also taught at three other universities after teaching educational psychology. He wrote this book to discuss controversial things (books, weapons and violent behavior) in schools that have been banned. Students and teachers are just some members of his intended audience that would care to read his book. The overall purpose of the book is to analyze items that have been banned and what lead them to being prohibited in schools. This book will benefit my argument because it proposes policies that schools can implement to make the environment safer for children. This source is similar to other sources Ive found because it addresses the danger that teachers and school officials face if they dont take care of violent behavior correctly.

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