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11hree lmprovemenLs can be made

O an add a chaL box aL end lL Lo solve querles aL Lhe Llme lL occurred whlle readlng 1PL
O an aLLach 37 mlnuLe Loplc relaLed vldeos (uLMC LL1u8LS) avallable on ?ou1ube
O llnk aL Lhe end of Lhe page Lo share lL wlLh soclal neLworklng slLe avallable llke
lacebook LwlLLer eLc
2 l wlll carefully plan my schedule ln advance lf l m able Lo compleLe my 4
day process on 3

day lLself l wlll be able Lo Lake Llme ouL for my cousln so Lhan noLhlng wlll geL hamper lf lL's noL
posslble Lhen l wlll asks my cousln Lo posLpone hls comlng for a week
3 l wlll call everybody Lo meeL aL a slngle place and ask Lhem Lo brlng forward all Lhelr lssues n
problems relaLed Lo work lL wlll noL only help Lo generaLe beLLer soluLlons buL also Lhe sense of
undersLandlng LrusL n Leam splrlL whlch ls very essenLlal for a successful organlzaLlon
4 llrsLly l ll consulL lL wlLh compuLer/ Lechnology experL nearby n make lL a prlorlLy lssue unLll n
unless lL's been resolved Wlll Lry Lo read every problem faclng by people undersLand lL n ll Lake
acLlon accordlngly lf alone l m noL be able Lo solve such lssue l wlll call my manager Lo ask hlm
WhaL l should be dolng ln such clrcumsLances wlLhouL wasLlng any more Llme
3 l would llke Lo Lake up 828 sales because
Money ?ou are almosL cerLaln Lo make more money ln 828 sales Lhan ln Lechnlcal or
admlnlsLraLlve [obs
8ouLe Lo managemenL MosL chlef execuLlves and senlor managers elLher sLarLed Lhelr career
or aL leasL have spenL some Llme ln Lhelr career ln sales lL glves you an appreclaLlon of whaL
happens aL Lhe sharp end aL Lhe cusLomer lnLerface
ersonal conLrol Cenerally you can conLrol your own Llme ?ou make your own appolnLmenLs
and run your own day Lhe way you Lhlnk flL s long as youre produclng Lhe resulLs your boss
requlres you can more or less do whaL you wanL
llnger on ulse s a sales person youll mlx wlLh a wlde varleLy of oLher people ln your
lndusLry ?oull be beLLer lnformed abouL changes and opporLunlLles occurrlng wlLhln your
markeL 8elng beLLer lnformed wlll enable you Lo be beLLer prepared Lo face sudden changes
whlch could affecL you poslLlvely or negaLlvely

l wlll help her Lo undersLand Lhe baslc knowledge whlch ls essenLlals for her process aL LhaL
parLlcular duraLlon of Llme so LhaL she does noL face so many problems nd when afLer hecLlc
schedule people wlll geL Llme l wlLh my LeammaLes wlll help her Lo know Lhe remalnlng maLLer
whlch even would be easy for her Lo undersLand and adopL as she already have been Lhrough
7 L llnlLlaLlves learnlng lndla pvLlLd people work lndependenLly and selfsufflclenLly ln all Lhe
acLlvlLles LhaL Lhelr [ob enLalls and l can make beLLer use for my flnanclal knowledge aL lLl
Lhan any oLher flrm
8 ?es2comforLable relocaLlng Lo Mysore

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