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Miguel Daz Lozano 4D

1he SecreLs of Sllver Lake

One summer day, when Jon and Eddie were busy making planes Ior the vacation,
their dad tell them they had bought a cabin on Silver Lake, in the north oI New
York. They were really excited, and the next day they went to Silver Lake Ior the
Iirst time. When they arrived, they realised that the cabin was in poor conditions
and the Iamily was disappointed, but they started to work to have a beautiIul
place to spend the summer in.
When Eddie went to his room to sleep, he saw a Ilashing light at the other side oI
the lake. Next day, when Eddie went out to explore the place, he met two guys
and they became Iriends. They told Eddie that years ago a murdered called Jack
Devlin lived there and he killed people by putting them in a block oI cement and
dropping it in the middle oI the lake. They also told him that in the other side oI
the lake he buried a treasure, so they went to the other side oI the lake the very
next day.
When they arrived to the bay in the other side oI the lake, they saw a very
estrange man with a shotgun and they started to be Irightened. The estrange man
heard them, so they run to the boat and they went back home.
The Iollowing morning was raining, so Eddie and Jon didn`t do anything special.
At night, they went to the city to eat pizza and they stopped in a supermarket.
There, Eddie and Jon saw the estrange man Irom the day beIore, but he didn`t see
When the raining stopped, Eddie and his two Iriends went to an old boathouse.
AIter arriving, they realized that the boathouse was very untidy; there were beer
bottles and bags on the Iloor. There was also a very old boat with a little box
inside it. It contained old bullets, probably Irom a criminal.
The next day, Eddie read in the newspaper that the police were looking Ior a drug
ring in Silver Lake. Eddie and his Iriends went to the old boathouse again, but
this time the boathouse wasn`t empty; there was an old man inside it. He
threatened them; he told them iI they say something to the police he will cut out
their tongues.
During the Iollowing days, the boys were Irightened and they had nightmares,
but Iinally they told the story to the police and the police arrested the murderers.
The murderers Iormed part oI the drugs ring. At the end, the three guys got
$1000 Ior helping the police.

Miguel Daz Lozano 4D

ersonal Cplnlon
I think this book is very boring. I haven`t liked it so much and I don`t recommend it.
Maybe people who like mystery books will like this kind oI books but I think the story
is very long and predictable, you know what`s going to happen beIore it happens.

Footprints Huellas Toad Sapo
Bay Bahia Troblemakers - Gamberros
Delivered Traido Untidy - Desordenado
Oars Remos Sneak - Merodear
Ring Red Sticks - Palos
LiIejackets Chaleco salvavidas Seeds - Semillas
Sheets Sabanas Lightning - Relampago
Proud- Orgulloso Slanted Abuhardillado
Bruried Enterrado Flowerpot Maceta

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