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Impotence Syndrome Presentation/Symptoms Pulse: deep thready Life Gate Fire Decline Poor erecting of penis

Erection for only few sec Pallow complexion Cold limbs Dizziness Blurred vision Poor spirit Sore Lumbar/knees Freq. urination Impotence Palipitation Insomnia Poor appetite Loose stool Fatigue

Treatment: Reinforce kidney yang, warm lower jiao (ren, kidney points), Tonify kidney yangstrengthens sexual desire, strengthen libido UB 23-kidney shu Du4/Mingmen-moxa, @L2, kidney life gate Ren 4-moxa, gate of primary qi, source qi K3-kidney yang tonifier Sp6-meetiing pt of 3 meridians Use moxa/warming needle

Tongue: pale tongue body, white coating

Impairment of Heart and Spleen

Tongue: wet greasy coating Pulse: thin

Treatment: invigorate heart and spleen, tranquilize the mind UB 20-spleen shu Sp 6-tonify spleen St 36/Ren 12-for digestion issue UB 15-heart shu H7 Du 4-strengthen kidney Ren 4 Treatment: invigorate heart and kidney Tranquilize the mind UB 23 Du 4 Ren 4 UB 15-heart points for fear, psych issue, need to strengthen the spirit, mind, mentality so tonify the heart H7

Theory-heart controls blood spleen controls production of qi and blood to nourish reproductive system; if overworked/strained, overthink it damages qi and blood, damages qi and heart, deficiency impotence

Fear Impairing Kidney

Impotence Palpitation Insomnia Timidity Restlessness Dreaminess Amnesia If kidney is def, GB may be def also

Dizziness Lumbago Tinnitius Tongue: purple tongue body Pulse: Thin wiry pulse

Downward Flowing of Damp Heat

Inability to become erect Wet scrotum w foul smell Bitter taste in mouth Thirst Short/scanty urine Sore lower limbs

Pulse: rapid, soft Tongue: greasy tongue coating

Treatment: Eliminate damp heat w. points from Ren/Spleen meridians, REDUCE, do not tonify Ren 3-mu of urinary bladder, diuretic point Sp 6-regulate spleen/stomach, clear damp w. Sp6, 9, St 36 Sp 9 Liv 2-jing spring of liver, clears damp heat in liver meridians St 36

Too much hot/spicey food, greasy food, alcohol-creates damp heat, blocks meridian in lower jiao, causes dysfunction EXCESS-pulse forceful, strong but tongue red, puffy, scallped w thick greasy coating, sweaty in private area, skin issues, itchy-ask about digestion! Diet!

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