Vision & Mission

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V|s|on and M|ss|on

AnLhonL 8ose vlslon and Mlsslon

W AsplraLlons 1haL lead Lo @NGI8LL kLSUL@S
W vlslon uream sLaLed expllclLly
W 1hough lmaglnary a powerful moLlvaLor
W SLraLeglcally lnLenLlons LhaL are broad and
forward Lhlnklng
AnLhonL 8ose vlslon and Mlsslon
lnvolves thinkinq stroteqico//y
W lrm's fuLure buslness plans
W Where Lo go" (CreaLlng a
roodmop %
lnvolves thinkinq stroteqico//y
lrm's fuLure buslness plans
koad map
W uLure LechnologyproducL
cusLomer focus
W Ceographlc and producL
markeLs Lo pursue
W CapablllLles Lo be developed
lnvolves thinkinq stroteqico//y
lrm's fuLure buslness plans
Where Lo go" (CreaLlng a
roodmop %
Clvlng flrm a stronq identity
W ur Mohammed ?unus
W #reat|ng a wor|d w|thout poverty"
W lL provldes credlL Lo Lhe pooresL ln
rural 8angladesh wlLhouL any
W ln 2010 lL has 834 mllllon borrowers
(97 women%
W 2363 branches reaches 81376
vlllages coverlng more Lhan 97 of
vlllages ln 8angladesh
W Cwned by Lhe poor dlsbursed uS $ 1012 bllllon 8ecovery
8aLe Cver 97 100 Loans lnanced rom 8ank's ueposlLs
Larns roflL Low lnLeresL 8aLes 8eggars As Members now
ln Amerlca
AnLhonL 8ose vlslon and Mlsslon
Azlm rem[l
W Look charge of Wlpro when he was 21 years
W converLed Wlpro from a uS$2 Mllllon
company lnLo a uS$23 + 8llllon
W sLrengLh lles ln brlnglng LogeLher and bulldlng
Leams of hlgh poLenLlal
W Mantra
Crdlnary people are capable of exLraordlnary
Lhlngs Pave Lhe courage Lo Lhlnk blg
AnLhonL 8ose vlslon and Mlsslon
8aLan 1aLa
W ureamL of a people's car
W 8eallsaLlon of a ploneerlng vlslon LhaL rewrlLes
Lhe rules of Lhe smallcar buslness
W nano hlgh Lechnology small slze and low
W 1he car has puL lndla on Lhe global map 1aLa
has done ln four years whaL Lhe !apanese Look
30 years Lo do
AnLhonL 8ose vlslon and Mlsslon
SLeve !obs
W SLeve !obs vlslon of a compuLer for Lhe resL of
us sparked Lhe C revoluLlon and made Apple an
W Pe ploneered Lhe ldea LhaL CompuLers belong ln
Lhe home and LhaL people oughL Lo carry muslc
wherever Lhey go
AnLhonL 8ose vlslon and Mlsslon
W WalL ulsney dropped ouL of school became
Lhe besL moLlon plcLure producers Pls dream
'Lo make people happy'
W 1oday besL known moLlon plcLures ln
AnLhonL 8ose vlslon and Mlsslon
W Penry ord lefL school aL 17 dreamL Lo make
a machlne affordable Lo masses
W MllLon Pershey 4
grade educaLlon
envlsloned and sLarLed hls own chocolaLe
AnLhonL 8ose vlslon and Mlsslon
8lchard 8ranson
W uropped ouL aL age 16 owner of vlrgln
8rand has abouL 360 companles
AnLhonL 8ose vlslon and Mlsslon
W A[[ay Agarwal ln 2004
W SLarLed wlLh accessorles and now lnLo
W now 3
largesL moblle brand ln lndla
AnLhonL 8ose vlslon and Mlsslon
W 1he vlslon ls a fuLure sLaLe" descrlpLlon of
whaL we asplre Lo become noL whaL we Lhlnk
we are Loday
W 1he vlslon deflnes whaL wlll be pursued noL
how lL wlll be achleved
AnLhonL 8ose vlslon and Mlsslon
A vlslon should be
W Source of prlorlLles plans and goals
W A puller (noL pusher% lnLo Lhe fuLure
W A deLermlnaLlon of whaL makes us unlque
AnLhonL 8ose vlslon and Mlsslon
A vlslon should noL be
W A hlgh concepL sLaLemenL
W passlonless
W A sLraLegy
8eneflLs of vlslon
W lnsplre
W CreaLlon of shared sense of purpose and
common ldenLlLy
W SeLs unlqueness
W osLer rlsk Laklng and experlmenLaLlon
W 8epresenLs lnLegrlLy
AnLhonL 8ose vlslon and Mlsslon
W SLaLes whaL an organlsaLlon ls and why lL exlsLs
W lL answers J and CJ???
W 1hey are vehlcles carrylng Lhe organlsaLlon
W sLaLemenL of a flrm's unlque purpose and Lhe
scope of lLs operaLlons
AnLhonL 8ose vlslon and Mlsslon
vlslon ls llke desLlnaLlon
mlsslon Lhe paLh
vlslon ls where Lhe company should go
from here ln Lerms of volumes producL
markeLs eLc
Mlsslon ls whaL Lhe buslness exlsLs for
Lhe broad purpose of Lhe buslness
vlslon ls a sLaLemenL of
some deslred fuLure sLaLe
lL sLaLes abouL whaL you do how you
dellver lL and who your cllenLs are
vlslon Lalks abouL Lhe fuLure asplraLlon mlsslon sLaLes our reasons for exlsLence
as an organlasaLlon or purpose
vlslon long Lerm goal Mlsslon ls how you reach Lhere Lo achelve
your vlslon
vlslon ls JLkL does Lhe organlzaLlon
wanL Lo go
Mlsslon ls CJ does Lhe organlzaLlon
wanL Lo go
AnLhonL 8ose vlslon and Mlsslon
AnLhonL 8ose vlslon and Mlsslon
W Mlsslon sLaLemenLs concepLuallse Abell's
Pow WhaL
haracter|st|cs of M|ss|on Statement
AnLhonL 8ose vlslon and Mlsslon
W 8e feaslble
W 8e preclse
W 8e clear
W 8e moLlvaLlng
W 8e dlsLlncLlve
W lndlcaLe how ob[ecLlves are Lo be
8harLl AlrLel
CusLomer servlce focus
Lmpowered employees
lnnovaLlve servlces
CosL efflclency
AnLhonL 8ose vlslon and Mlsslon
W V|s|on Achleve slgnlflcanL buslness ln
proprleLary prescrlpLlon producLs by 2012
wlLh a sLrong presence ln developed markeLs'
W M|ss|on '1o become a 8esearchbased
lnLernaLlonal harmaceuLlcal Company'
AnLhonL 8ose vlslon and Mlsslon
W V|s|on
W CreaLe Lhe envlronmenL Lo aLLaln personal
masLery Lo push new fronLlers Achleve global
sLaLure by helplng cusLomers wln ln Lhelr markeL
W M|ss|on
W 1o be a rellable and responslve 1echno8uslness
SoluLlon parLner and provlde cosLeffecLlve
Llmely soluLlon meeLlng cusLomer expecLaLlon
Lhrough conLlnuous process lmprovemenL and
WlnWln relaLlonshlps ln Lhe 8anklng lnanclal
Servlces and lnsurance space"
AnLhonL 8ose vlslon and Mlsslon
W V|s|on r|ven by the customer
W 1vS MoLor wlll be responslve Lo cusLomer requlremenLs provlde
LoLal cusLomer saLlsfacLlon by glvlng Lhe cusLomer Lhe rlghL producL
aL Lhe rlghL prlce aL Lhe rlghL Llme
W M|ss|on
We are commlLLed Lo belng a hlghly proflLable soclally responslble
and leadlng manufacLurer of hlgh value for money envlronmenLally
frlendly llfeLlme personal LransporLaLlon producLs under Lhe 1vS
brand for cusLomers predomlnanLly ln Aslan markeLs and Lo
provlde fulfllmenL and prosperlLy for employees dealers and
AnLhonL 8ose vlslon and Mlsslon
W @he Masterard V|s|on
W 1o advance commerce globally
W @he Masterard M|ss|on
W MasLerCard Worldwlde ls aL Lhe hearL of
commerce Cur undersLandlng of how and why
commerce ls conducLed allows us Lo creaLe more
advanced meLhods of paymenL LhaL fuel
economlc connecLlons and drlve real buslness

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