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AnnoLaLed 8lbllography !

ordan 8uss november 1 2011

Source 1
Lee !ohn ! 8ullflghLlng ls arL of Lhe Spanlsh CulLure Atts ooJ otettolomeot nomooltles
zloe Attlcles Web 23 CcL 2011
1hls parLlcular arLlcle Lells how Lhe culLure of bullflghLlng and bull rldlng orlglnaLed and where lL
orlglnaLed from lL speaks abouL how bullrldlng ls noL merely a sporL buL a way of provlng one's
manllness and a way Lo show greaL courage and fearlessness !ohn Lee porLrays bull rldlng as a
LradlLlon of excellence ln men of Lhe Spanlsh CulLure l would llke Lo speak abouL ln my own
arLlcle how bull rldlng orlglnaLed and l would llke Lo Lake from Lhls arLlcle how bull rldlng ln Lhe
unlLed SLaLes has grown upon Lhese anclenL Spanlsh LradlLlons and ldeals
Source 2
Clark 8alph 8ull 8ldlng 8aslcs koJeo AbouLcom Web 23 CcL 2011
1hls arLlcle explalns Lhe rules and regulaLlons of a professlonal bull rlder lL also Lalks deeply on
Lhe meLhod bull rlders use Lo sLay on Lop of a bull and how dlfflculL lL ls 1he maln Lhlng l would
llke Lo Lake from Lhls arLlcle ls Lhe menLal preparedness belng almosL equally as lmporLanL as
Lhe physlcal readlness Lo begln Lhe elghL second [ourney 1hls arLlcle Lalks abouL Lhe maLerlals
Lhe bull rlders use and also whaL meLhods/lLems are resLrlcLed for use whlle bull rldlng 1hls
arLlcle also glves deep lnslghL on Lhe gradlng scale bull rlders are puL up agalnsL whlle ln
compeLlLlons Much needed background lnformaLlon was glven ln Lhls arLlcle
Source 3
lsLvan ZolLan n laclng Lhe 8ull 1he MosL uangerous 8 Seconds ln SporLs Notloool
Ceoqtopblc 23 leb 2004 Web 23 CcL 2011
1hls arLlcle Lalks abouL how enLwlned Lhe llfesLyle of a bull rlder ls wlLh Lhelr professlon 1he
arLlcle Lalks abouL how bull rlders do whaL Lhey do because of Lhe rush Lhey geL 8ull rlders ln
Amerlca are pald on average of $90000 a year AlLhough Lhe ma[orlLy of bull rlders Lo noL make
Lhe professlonal cuL Lhe ones LhaL due are well pald 1hls arLlcle shows somewhaL Lhe
progresslon LhaL bull rldlng made from belng a LradlLlon ln Spaln Lo a professlon ln Lhe unlLed
SLaLes ln Lhls arLlcle l would llke Lo Lake Lhe reasons why bull rlders do whaL Lhey do and glve
Lhe reader leglLlmaLe reasons why bull rlders have chosen Lhe professlon Lhey are ln
Source 4
Clark 8alph Pow uo 1hey Make Lhe 8ulls 8uck? koJeo AbouLcom Web 01 nov 2011
1hls arLlcle dlspels many popular bellefs LhaL bull rlders and many arenas around Lhe uS lnfllcL paln and
sufferlng onLo bulls ln order Lo provlde a good show Lo Lhe people Lo aLLend Lhese evenLs 1hls arLlcle
explalns Lhe psychologlcal breakdown of why a bull bucks and whaL glves a bull reasons Lo buck 1he
devlces LhaL bull rlders use Lo enhance Lhe buck of a bull are also belleved Lo provlde paln Lo Lhe bull
buL Lhls arLlcle proves oLherwlse l would Lake from Lhls arLlcle Lhe mechanlcs of why a bull bucks and
why lL ls beneflclal Lo a bull rlder Lo perform on a wlld and bucklng bull raLher Lhan a solemn and calm
Lempered bull

Source 3
!ohnsLone !effrey and kelLh 8yan CarLwrlghL ltofessloool 8oll klJets tbe Offlclol ColJe to tbe
1ooqbest 5pott oo ottb Chlcago lL 1rlumph 2009 rlnL
lrom Lhls book l learned whaL Lhe envlronmenL of a bull rldlng arena means Lo each rlder l read whaL
was descrlbed as Lhe mosL breaLhLaklng adrenallne rush of your llfe" was whaL many rlders felL as Lhey
merely enLered Lhe arena leL alone whaL Lhe book descrlbed from Lhe perspecLlve of real bull rlders
how lL acLually feels Lo rlde a bull lrom Lhls book l would llke Lo porLray Lhe feellngs and emoLlons LhaL
Lhese bull rlders feel as Lhey enLer Lhe arena and hop on Lop of LhaL 2000 pound bull and begln Lhe
mosL vlclous and longesL elghL second rlde of Lhelr llfe
Source 6
M 8eba 8odeo 8ull 8ldlng 1ermlnology and lacLs AssocloteJ cooteot AssocloteJcooteotcom 8
Apr 2008 Web 01 nov 2011
1hls arLlcle glves lnslghL on Lhe equlpmenL LhaL Lhe bull rlders use for performlng each rlde Also Lhls
arLlcle Lalks abouL Lhe speclflc area LhaL Lhe bull (and rlder) are prepped ln before each performance
1hls arLlcle Lalks abouL how each rodeo clown ls poslLloned sLraLeglcally around Lhe bull rldlng arena for
Lwo dlfferenL reasons l would llke Lo Lake from Lhls arLlcle are facLs abouL Lhe rodeo clowns lL explalns
how Lhe rodeo clown's enhance Lhe performance of Lhe overall show and also provlde proLecLlon for Lhe
bull rlder ln case he/she does noL make lL Lhe full 8 seconds

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