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The 5Sens of an Entrepren By William Ng ne word “entrepreneur” is used way t00 uch these days. Just because you un ‘or own z successful business doesn’t necessarily mean that you an entreprencur. Entrepreneurs have a different mindset to ‘others. They will go way above and beyond tocomplete and finish something that they have started, have developed what I call the 5 senses of an entrepreneur which will highlight those differences. We al have 5 whieh are sight, taste, smell, bearing and vouch. The entrepreneur also has those 5 senses but to them they mean something totally different. The entrepreneurial senses direct an entrepreneur to operate and succeed in a certain way, Below is how an entrepreneur uses the 5 SIGHT Entrepreneurs ean see things normal business ‘owners can’t. By that I mean that they can see potential in the smallest of things, whether itis new tend or a diferent way of doing something and in Zam gaining bigger and beiter rests from the others around them. They also have the Foresight to see past the hurdles or obstacles that most business ‘owners would see aa ull stop and press on regardless of the issues that they may face. ‘They aren't really good on the stu that is eight infront oftheir Faces, the day today stuas they are already thinking, far in advance. You could say that some entrepreneurs have blinkers on. Once sey are focused on something, they will se it through tothe end. Whatever comes their way will be quickly dealt with so as they dont lose momentum or become distracted TASTE Entrepreneurs ean taste success in everything that they do. It doesnt really concern them 40 | SME with the curent taste of a deal ora venture as they know what the ultimate taste of success in that deal when itis finished and completed will actualy taste like. Even when they have a taste of something biter; whether tha is a deal gone wrong oF ‘a wrong decision, they will stil press on until the sweet taste of success is filling their ‘mouths. Just as kids when we are all made toeat those disgusting vegetables (the cau- liflower and brussel sprouts) and then as we row up we are able to make our own choice 25 to what ison our plates, so does the ens trepreneur, They have been through the hard Yyards just as everyone else, They just want 10 hhave the choice 3s to what taste stays ir their _mouths for the longest period of time. Until they tase it they will not give up. SMELL Anentrepreneur can smell success from a mile away. Infact, they can smell it before they even experience it Is thal sweet smell that keeps them driving towagds touching and living it. Just as they can Smell the sweetness of success, so can they smell a baal deal. Now Tam not saying that everything an entre ‘preneur puts his or her hands to will always ‘work, but as they go through ther ives they ‘will know quickly if something smells 2 bit Off Ics this ese that i the most important ‘one toan entrepreneur. Without the whiff of something potentially huge and exciting, an entrepreneur will usually It it go. They also have the ability to smell “manure” a mile oft. HEARING With the ear it receives a whole lot of diferent vibrations and sound waves which in tum it processes it into something that _makes sense 10 our brains, This in principal is what happens to an enurepreneur. All Of ‘us bear different feedback, various business ‘opportuities and potential deals throughout cur lives, What makes an entrepreneur different from the ret is that he or she will

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