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Cost Sav|ngs

uslng MS Coll SheeL for Caslng laLe

uslng an MS Coll lnsLead of sLandard sheeLs resulLs ln an overall savlng of 8s 2600/ ( of
overall cosL) wlLh reduced labour and superlor flnlsh and quallLy(ueLalled CalculaLlons ln
Lxcel SheeL )
2 uslng laser CuLLlng for 8ag fllLer
ComponenLs for Laser CuLLlng
O SupporL of exlL ducL of hopper
O 8ase laLe
O @op laLe of Leg
O 8rasslng supporLs aLLached Lo leg
O Slde SupporL Lo 8ag lllLer (for LlfLlng)
O @op Cover llxlng laLe
O @ube SheeL
Cverall CosL Savlng 8s 636 wlLhouL LransporLaLlon Lo vendor slLe for laser cuLLlng
@lme Saved 2 days (acLual operaLlon Llme 30 mln lnsLead of 00 mln for gas cuLLlng)
CperaLlons LhaL have been llsLed above noL only ensure cosL reducLlon buL also lncrease quallLy
wlLh reduced Llme and man power
3 Scrap MlnlmlzaLlon
O SLandardlzaLlon of hopper and caslng plaLes (creaLlng LemplaLes) would mlnlmlze
marklng Llme and maLerlal wasLage
O f Lhe dlameLer of holes ln Lube sheeL ls made equal Lo Lhe Cu of flange Lhen

Jlng nuLs were noL used for clamplng of plaLes for flxlng Lop covers
2 8ubber llnlng for Lop cover was noL used desplLe belng clearly menLloned ln Lhe drawlng
ngles for clamplng Lop cover are devlaLlng from Lhe deslgn speclflcaLlon (8efer lc )
2 Jlng nuLs were noL used for clamplng of plaLes for flxlng Lop covers
3 8ubber llnlng for Lop cover was noL used desplLe belng clearly menLloned ln Lhe drawlng
eader plpe supporL C channel was exLra ln lengLh whlch effecLs dlspaLch (8efer lc2)

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