Call Sheet

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Producer: Ellen Wilding

Production: Short Skirt/Long Jacket Music Video

Call Sheet

Date of Shoot: 01/12/11

Time: (from/to): (3.45 to 5.30)

Location of Shoot: Haydon School room 12

Personnel Required: (inc. details of role) Ellen Wilding - Director Megan Price - Assistant Verity Ball Actor/Model Becca Smith Actor/Model Daniella Goble Actor/Model

Equipment Required: Canon 550D camera, fill lights, white photoshoot backdrop

Details of shoot: (scenes) Verses and chorus, shot against the white photoshoot backdrop in extreme close-up, mostly visual representations of the lyrics

Special Requirements: (inc. details of props / costumes needed, preparation required) Costumes short skirts, long jackets, black lace tops, black high heels, big costume rings, etc. Make-up dark eye make-up, fake eyelashes, red/purple lipstick, dark nail polish Props red tape, scissors, biro, paper, coffee flask/mug, drawing pins, chairs

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