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Rivers: Cantabrian slopes

- large rivers

- stable flow due to to the rainfall in this area - Highlights: Bidasoa,Nervin, Naln, Sella

Sella river

Atlantic slope
Galician rivers: abundant and regular regime

The Guadiana

- The Douro, The Tagus The Guadalquivir and Guadiana are long and run through plains

Mediterranean slope

- short and steep rivers, except The Ebro - irregular flow

The Ebro, as it passes through Zaragoza

Lagoons, ponds, marshland, deltas Refuge for migratory birds Highlights:
-Tables of Daimiel - Marshland of Guadalquivir - Delta of The Ebro - Lagoons of Valencia
L'albufera de Valencia

Rivers : Dams:

Water resources in Extremadura

El Tajo y Guadiana Duero y Guadalquivir

Alange, La Serena, Cjara, Garca Sola

Groundwatre sack Surfacing as rivers, springs or flowing into the sea Stand by the quality of the water City supplies


- Consumption abuse - Regional imbalances - Concentration of demand - Overuse and waste - Sewage contamination - Degradation

Take care of water

Repair faucets and prevents drippping Turn off the tap when not in use Take a shower instead of bath

Take care of water

Avoid abrasive cleaners Fill appliances to capacity

Take care of water

In the garden, use a watering can Install dual flush cisterns

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