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Push my darllng hush" Lhe sweeL honeyed volce whlspered on Lhe breeze swlrllng and danclng
sofLly agalnsL my bloodled ears Per volce sooLhed me releaslng sLralnlng muscles LhaL were
screamlng ln excruclaLlng paln l felL my hearL slowly begln Lo even ouL paclfled by Lhe lovlng Lone lL
knew so well A sofL Louch a fleeLlng brush of sllk agalnsL my cheek and reallLy crashed down
around me llke Lhe forever falllng waLers of Lhe nlagara lalls

1hls Llme lL wasn'L my muscles LhaL screamed 1he hoarse LorLured cry was Lorn Lhrough my dry
LhroaL llke knlves dragglng and sllclng Lhelr blades Lhrough my gulleL 1he sound surprlsed me how
could such an anlmallsLlc sound come from a human belng? 1haL LhoughL paralysed me froze
everyLhlng ln me wlLh Lhe force of a wrecklng ball 1haL was lL 1haL ls whaL was losL ln LhaL greaL
Lerrlflc flnal baLLle My humanlLy A laugh Lrled Lo bubble lLs way up my LhroaL only Lo geL sLuck ln
Lhe congealed blood maklng Lerrlble wracklng coughs Lake conLrol of my body

PumanlLy? Pad l ever had lL? 1he beasL had always been close Lo Lhe surface prowllng and skulklng
ln Lhe back of my mlnd my essence Many an lnnocenLs' blood had dyed my hands red forever
LalnLlng my soul black lL was lronlc ln a slck dlsLurbed sorL of way now lL was blood LhaL dyed
my hands blood LhaL pooled lnLo Lhe dusL soaklng lnLo Lhe ground llke some pagan sacrlflce

My back bowed under anoLher paralyslng wave of absoluLe paln of compleLely deblllLaLlng physlcal
sufferlng 8lack and red spoLs blurred my already dulllng vlslon obscurlng Lhe baLLlefleld from my
paln fllled eyes no longer could l see Lhe Lorn earLh Lhe uLLer desLrucLlon of an oasls squeezed
beLween Lhe crushlng and Learlng hands of some anclenL god angered by hls sub[ecLs 8roken
sLones llLLered Lhe red brown soll of Lhe fleldllke deserL Lhe grey and black Lones conLrasLlng
sLarLllngly agalnsL Lhe deep red of Lhe ground WhaL was once a smooLh and unbroken sLreLch of
dry buL flourlshlng deserL was now covered ln masslve gaplng craLers

1hese sclenLlflcally unexplalnable anomalles would have baffled Lhe mlnds of sclenLlsLs Lhe world
over lor lL was lmposslble for Lhe phenomenal amounL of craLers Lo appear ln a maLLer of hours
wlLhouL a slngle Lrace lefL of whaL had made Lhem wasn'L lL? ?es lL was unless of course you knew
of Lhe glganLlc creaLures LhaL had bombarded Lhe once even ground wlLh blasLs of pure energy
energy LhaL Lore lnLo Lhe exposed earLh wlLh Lhe nuclear power of a hurLllng meLeor unless you had
experlenced Lhe LoLal annlhllaLlon and Lerrlble power of a baLLlefleld 1hls was noL [usL any LheaLre
of war no Lhls play hosLed belngs LhaL were so anclenL so amazlngly powerful LhaL Lhey could
forever wound Lhe earLh ln a maLLer of qulck seconds Couglng glanL claw marks lnLo Lhe ground
wlLh sLones and soll seeplng Lhrough llke lnfecLed blood

Slck 1haL's whaL Lhe land became afLer a baLLle of Lhls magnlLude was foughL 8uL Lhe mosL
horrendous aspecL Lhe mosL unnaLural was Lhe Lhlck poollng blood LhaL drowned Lhe desLroyed
deserL lL bubbled and slzzled ln Lhlck oozlng puddles Lhe pure energy lL conLalned crumbllng Lhe
earLh around lL and leavlng a Lhlck odorous scenL Lo Lravel slowly along Lhe currenLs of Lhe wlnd
1he sky was fllled wlLh glganLlc plumes of acldlc smog LhaL rolled and seeped across Lhe crysLalllne
blue and mlxed slckly wlLh Lhe lronlcally pure whlLe of Lhe lazlly passlng clouds 1he raln would fall
he knew as acld explodes from a sclence experlmenL gone wrong lL would splash upon Lhe
wounded earLh as alcohol ls spread across an lnfecLed wound only Lhls wouldn'L be a cleanslng raln
8uL a dlseased one A fall of waLer LhaL would LalnL Lhe Lerraln wlLh a speed LhaL would asLound
Lhose morLals whose eyes were closed Lo Lhe Lerrlble LruLh 1o Lhose who were lnnocenL of Lhe
knowledge of whaL goes bump ln Lhe nlghL uraven felL a rush of [ealousy rush Lhrough hlm oh how
he wlshed LhaL he Loo could be lgnoranL Lo Lhe horrors LhaL llved among Lhe clueless morLals 1he
shadows LhaL crepL and skulked along Lhe llghL of human's exlsLence fLhe
resenLful LhoughL ran Lhrough hls mlnd he was lnsLanLly conLrlLe for he could noL blame hls
lmmorLallLy on humans 8uL lL made hlm wonder When had hls haLred of hlmself Lransferred Lo
resenLmenL of Lhose who were much more forLunaLe?

8llnklng away Lhe paln LhaL wracked hls body he sLruggled Lo ralse hls shaklng hands Lo wlpe Lhe
gore from hls eyes

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