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How ambitious are you??

1- 8. I have a strong interest in the lives of 1- successful people

In ten years do you hope to a. be married with family? b. Have an interesting but not very well paid job? c. Have a well-paid job that isnt very interesting? 2a. b. c. a. Yes b. No Answers 1a0 2 a. 0 b. 5 b. 5 c. 10 c. 10 b. No 10 b. No 0 b. No 10 c.5 d. 10

9-Do you think that rich people are happier and more interesting than other people a. Yes b. No

3 a. Yes 0 4. a. Yes 10 5. a. Yes 0 6. a. 0 b. 2 7. a. Yes 10 8. a. Yes 10 9. a. 10 10. a. Yes

In twenty years time do you hope to have enough money to pay your bills? 10-Do you work hard because you want to be successful? have quite a lot of money? a. Yes Have a lot of money? b. No with many friends is more important than the hard work of attaining accomplishments Yes No 11-If you have a job to do, do you do it immediately, or do you wait until the last moment? a. Immediately b. Last moment 12- Would you like to have more money than your parents? a. Yes b. No 13-Do you agree with the philosophy Every man for himself? a. Yes b. No 14- Do you like hard work? a. Yes b. No 15- Which of the following is most important to you? a. Love b. Happinness c. Money Health

3- You only live once, so a happy life

b. No 0 b. No 0 b. No 0 b. No 0

a. b.

4- Is improving your standard of living important to you?? a. b. Yes No 5Do you think people who have money should help people who dont have money Yes No

11. Immediately 10 b. Last moment 0 12. a. Yes 10 13. a. Yes 10 14. Yes 10 b. No 0 b. No 0 b. No 0 b. Happiness d. Health 0

a. b.

15. a. Love 0 c. Money 10

6How old do you want to be when you have children? a. 18-22 b. 23-26 c. 27-30 d. over 30 7When you are playing a game, do you always want to win? Yes No.

0 50 You arent very ambitious! Youre happy with a quite life 50-100 Youre quite ambitious, but you dont want to work too hard. Over 100 Youre very ambitious! Godd luck, and try to be nice to people.

a. b.

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