DBMS Important Questions

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DBMS Important questions Chapter1

What is DBMS? 2. What is database? 3. Differentiate between data and information. 4. Explain diff applications of DBMS. 5. What is DBA? Explain responsibility of DBA. 6. What is Data Model? Explain different types of data model. 7. Explain DBMS architecture. 8. What are different types of DBMS uses? 9. Explain view of data. 10. What is the purpose of DBMS.

Chapter2, 6
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Explain different types of keys with example. What is Attribute? Explain different types of it. What is relationship set? Explain the mapping cardinalities. OR Explain different types of relationship. Write a short note on ER model. OR Write a short note on ER diagram. Explain extended ER features. OR Explain specialization, generalization and aggregation. Explain Different fundamental algebra operations : Select, Project, Union, Set difference, Division, Cartesian Multiplication, Natural join.

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