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Brittany Daniel ENGL1101 Ms.

Caruso 6 December 2011 RA Reflection This was the most difficult paper for me. I could not believe I had to write about a mirror. I struggled to pull more out of the mirror to put in my paper. It wasnt until after I had turned my RA paper in and got the comments back that I understood what I needed to do. This paper helped me with all the rest of my papers. My recreation was not as hard because of this paper as well as other papers I wrote outside of this class. I changed chunks of paragraphs at the bottom to flow better into the next ones. I didnt feel like I explained myself enough and where my head was at when I wrote the RA paper so I added more detail to that. I worded several sentences kind of weirs so I changed those around. Of course I had small errors here or there but overall I changed a lot of my paper to flow more especially from paragraph to paragraph. My transitions were not good. I would just start talking about something different in the next paragraph and didnt link them together at all. I tend to be too informal as well and write like I talk too much. I also feel like I had a strong conclusion in the paper and thats not really something I do very well.

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