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1l1LL ( 8CLu 14CLn1L8Lu nC1 ALL CAS A8lAL / 1n8 )

AuLhors/Address (flrsL name mlddle lnlLlal lasL name)

8eporLed musL be underllned
ueparLmenL of sychology
uS1 Manlla h
(12 cenLered)
A8S18AC1 (SuMMA8? Cl 1PL Lx) (lnuLn1Lu SlCLL SACL !Su1lllLu)
1 SLn1LnCL C8!LC1lvL
2 SLn1LnCLS 8CCLuu8L nC1 MC8L 1PAn 130 WC8uS
3 SLn1LnCL 8LSuL1S

lnLroducLlon 8ackground
Lx uescrlbe dlsLlllaLlon
1he sample (exeLhanol)
Cb[ecLlves aL Lhe end

8esulLs and dlscusslon
dlscuss Lhe seL up
dlscuss Lhe procedure
dlscuss Lhe prlnclple behlnd experlmenL
analysls of Lhe resulL
causes of Lhe errors
daLa Lables and seL up flgures and graphs

should answer ob[ecLlves

book(auLhorLlLlepubllsher copyrlghL year pp)
only 2 lnLerneL sources
8eLrleved on__ from__

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