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nama AnggoLa 1 lnLan 1rl LesLarl (14)

2 1lara ShlnLla (23)
kelas x10
Mapel endldlkan senl

8ACAM CL8Ak 1A8l 18AulSlCnAL !AWA
kepala 1angan
O LengguL nyeklLhlng
O Mbayak slulup nyempurlL
O Celo ngepel
O Cebes ngrayung
O !lllng naga rangsang
O acak [angga Wulan Lumanggal


Cne day a monkey wanLed Lo cross a rlver Pe saw a crocodlle ln Lhe
rlver so he asked Lhe crocodlle Lo help hlm 1he crocodlle Lold Lhe monkey
Lo [ump onLo lLs back 1hen Lhe crocodlle swam down Lhe rlver
now Lhe crocodlle was very hungry When Lhe crocodlle was ln Lhe
mlddle of Lhe rlver lL sLopped and sald Lo Lhe monkey Monkey my faLher
ls very slck Pe musL eaL Lhe hearL of a monkey Lhen he wlll be sLrong
1he monkey LhoughL for a whlle 1hen he Lold Lhe crocodlle Lo swlm
back Lo Lhe rlver bank
WhaL for? asked Lhe crocodlle
8ecause l dldnL brlng my hearL wlLh mesald Lhe monkey l lefL lL
under Lhe Lree near some coconuLs
So Lhe crocodlle Lurned around and swam back Lo Lhe bank of Lhe
rlver As soon as Lhey reached Lhe rlver bank Lhe monkey [umped off Lhe
crocodlles back and cllmbed up Lo Lhe Lop of a Lree
Where ls your hearL?asked Lhe crocodlle
?ou are foollsh Lhe monkey sald Lo Lhe crocodlle now l am free and
you have noLhlng
(1aken from wwwaesofablescom)


SuaLu harl seekor monyeL lngln menyeberangl sungal ula mellhaL
buaya dl sungal maka la memlnLa buaya unLuk membanLu dla 8uaya
memlnLa kepada monyeL unLuk melompaL ke punggungnya kemudlan
buaya berenang menyusurl sungal
Sekarang buaya lLu sangaL lapar keLlka buaya lLu dl Lengah sungal
la berhenLl dan berkaLa kepada monyeL MonyeL ayah saya sangaL saklL la
harus makan haLl monyeL Maka dla akan men[adl kuaL lagl
MonyeL berplklr se[enak kemudlan la mengaLakan buaya berenang
kemball ke Lepl sungal
unLuk apa? Lanya buaya
karena aku Lldak membawa haLl ku dengan aku kaLa monyeL aku
Llnggalkan dlaLas pohon Lak [auh darl buah kelapa
!adl buaya berballk dan berenang kemball ke Lepl sungal 8eglLu
mereka mencapal Lepl sungal monyeL melompaL darl punggung buaya dan
nalk ke puncak pohon
ul mana haLlmu? 1anya buaya
kau bodoh kaLa monyeL kepada buaya Sekarang aku bebas dan Anda
Lldak memlllkl apaapa

1 Why dld Lhe monkey ask Lhe crocodlle for help?
Answer because he wanLed Lo cross Lhe rlver

2 Pow dld Lhe monkey Lrlck Lhe crocodlle?
Answer by Lelllng Lhe crocodlle LhaL he lefL hls hearL

3 lrom Lhe sLory above we can learn LhaL
Answer we have Lo be calm ln solvlng any problems

4 Lo swlm back Lo Lhe rlver bank
1he underllned words mean
Answer Lhe land along Lhe slde of a rlver

3 Who ls clever ln Lhe sLory?
Answer Lhe monkey ls clever ln Lhe sLory

6 Pow Lhe naLure of Lhe crocodlle ln Lhe sLory?
Answer easy ln foollng

7 WhaL dld Lhe monkey when he goL ln Lhe rlver?
AnswerLhe monkey cllmbed up Lo Lhe Lop of a coconuL Lree

8 WhaL dld prompL Lhe crocodlle Lo Lhe monkey?
AnswerLhe hearL of a monkey

9 Pow dld Lhe monkey Lo cross Lhe rlver?
Answerrlse onLo Lhe crocodlle's back

10Why dld Lhe crocodlle requesL Lhe hearL of a monkey?
Answer because Lhe crocodlle was very hungry

1 Mengapa monyeL memlnLa banLuan buaya?
!awaban karena dla lngln menyeberangl sungal

2 8agalmana Lrlk monyeL buaya?
!awaban dengan mengaLakan kepada buaya bahwa la menlnggalkan

3 uarl cerlLa dl aLas klLa dapaL bela[ar bahwa
!awaban klLa harus Lenang dalam memecahkan masalah

4 unLuk berenang kemball ke Lepl sungal
kaLakaLa yang dlgarlsbawahl berarLl
!awaban Lanah sepan[ang slsl sungal

3 Slapa yang plnLar dalam cerlLa lLu?
!awaban monyeL plnLar dalam cerlLa

6 8agalmana slfaL buaya dalam cerlLa lLu?
!awaban mudah dlbodohl

7 Apa yang dllakukan monyeL sesampalnya dl Lepl sungal?
!awaban monyeL meman[aL ke puncak pohon kelapa

8 Apa yang dlmlnLa buaya kepada monyeL?
!awaban haLl monyeL

9 8agalmana cara monyeL unLuk menyeberangl sungal?
!awaban nalk ke punggung buaya

10 Mengapa buaya memlnLa haLl monyeL?
!awaban karena buaya lLu sangaL lapar

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