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Glider Project

Becky Jones November 2011 Aerospace Engineering

OVERVIEW We started out this project by working on AERY Glider Design Software to design a glider that would fly successfully. After we designed a successful glider on the software, we then copied the dimensions on graph paper, constructed our glider with balsa wood, and decorated it. We went on to make test flights, making corrections where needed. The test flights were made in a 8ft wide x 9ft tall hall with no wind or other conditions that would effect the flight. To keep the flghts consistant, we used a catapult to regulate velocity, launched our glider from 3ft off the ground, and maintained an angle of attack of zero. The challenge was to glide a minimum distance of 35 feet. With this project, we learned how to use the design process to make a glider. From design, construction, and flight, we had to overcome challenges and make changes to our glider to ensure a successful flight.

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