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Freshman English Paper

Requirements: Is a four-paragraph report of information Is in the third person Includes a thesis statement Includes a minimum of three embedded quotations from three different sources Includes signal phrases Includes paraphrased passages Includes parenthetical citations Includes a Works Cited page with a minimum of three sources Is in perfect MLA format Introduction: Opens with a hook o An anecdote o A statistic o A fact o A quotation Includes some background information on the topic a description of the larger context, an explanation of what they already know Ends with a thesis statement that includes a topic and an opinion Body Paragraphs: Are written according to an organizing principle e.g., sequential, chronological, thematic, mostto-least important Transition between the body paragraphs Open with a claim (topic sentence) in support of the thesis Include a combination of the following: o Signal phrasing o Direct quotation with a parenthetical citation o Paraphrasing with a parenthetical citation Include analysis or commentary that connects the quotation to the claim Conclude with a transition Have no fewer than five sentences Conclusion: Returns to an image, a phrase, an idea from the hook Ends memorably

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