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Freshman English Paper Scoring Guide

A papers will have the following characteristics: Engaging hook Insightful understanding of the topic Interesting thesis Minimum of four paragraphs Clear, logical organizing principle Minimum of three sources integrated seamlessly Compelling analysis Thoughtful conclusion Correct MLA formatting with a proper works cited B papers will have the following characteristics: Appropriate hook Adequate understanding of the topic Clear thesis Minimum of four paragraphs Clear organizing principle Minimum of three sources Clear analysis Clear conclusion Minor mistakes in MLA formatting and works cited C papers will have the following characteristics: Limited hook Limited understanding of the topic Formulaic thesis Minimum of four paragraphs Inconsistent organizing principle Three sources possibly improperly formatted Limited analysis Limited conclusion An attempt at MLA formatting and works cited D papers will have the following characteristics: Limited or no hook Little understanding of the topic Incomplete thesis Fewer than four paragraphs No organizing principle Fewer than three sources with incorrect formatting Inadequate or unconvincing analysis Inadequate conclusion

Major errors in MLA formatting and improper works cited

F papers did not fulfill the requirements of this assignment.

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