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1he Lerm 'malnLenance' means Lo keep Lhe equlpmenL ln operaLlonal condlLlon or repalr lL Lo lLs
operaLlonal mode Maln ob[ecLlve of Lhe malnLenance ls Lo have lncreased avallablllLy of producLlon
sysLems wlLh lncreased safeLy and opLlmlzed cosL MalnLenance managemenL lnvolves managlng
Lhe funcLlons of malnLenance
A malnLenance sLraLegy ls a scheme for malnLenance le an elaboraLe and sysLemaLlc plan of
malnLenance acLlon lollowlng are Lhe malnLenance sLraLegles LhaL are commonly applled ln Lhe
O reakdown MalnLenance or CperaLe Lo lallure or unplanned MalnLenance
O 9revenLlve or Scheduled MalnLenance
O 9redlcLlve or CondlLlon ased MalnLenance
O CpporLunlLy MalnLenance
O eslgn ouL MalnLenance

8reakdown Ma|ntenance 1he equlpmenL under breakdown malnLenance ls allowed Lo run unLll lL
breaks down and Lhen repalrlng lL and puLLlng back Lo operaLlon 1hls sLraLegy ls sulLable for
equlpmenLs LhaL are noL crlLlcal and have spare capaclLy or redundancy avallable
revent|ve or schedu|ed Ma|ntenance malnLenance acLlons such as lnspecLlon lubrlcaLlon
cleanlng ad[usLmenL and replacemenL are underLaken aL flxed lnLervals of numbers of hours or
kllomeLres An effecLlve 9M program does help ln avoldance of accldenLs
red|ct|ve or Cond|t|on 8ased Ma|ntenance CondlLlon monlLorlng (CM) deLecLs and dlagnoses
faulLs and lL helps ln planned malnLenance based on equlpmenL condlLlon 1hls condlLlon based
malnLenance sLraLegy or predlcLlve malnLenance ls preferred for crlLlcal sysLems and for such
sysLems breakdown malnLenance ls Lo be avolded A number of CM Lechnlques such as vlbraLlon
LemperaLure oll analysls eLc have been developed whlch gulde Lhe users ln planned malnLenance
Cpportun|ty Ma|ntenance Llmlng of malnLenance ls deLermlned by Lhe procedure adopLed for
some oLher lLem ln Lhe same unlL or planL
Des|gn out Ma|ntenance Pere Lhe alm ls Lo mlnlmlze Lhe effecL of fallures and ln facL ellmlnaLes Lhe
cause of malnLenance AlLhough lL ls an englneerlng deslgn problem yeL lL ls ofLen a responslblllLy of
malnLenance deparLmenL 1hls ls opLed for lLems of hlgh malnLenance cosL LhaL are due Lo poor
malnLenance poor deslgn or poor deslgn ouLslde deslgn speclflcaLlons
esL malnLenance sLraLegy for each lLem should be selecLed by conslderlng lLs malnLenance
characLerlsLlcs cosL and safeLy
ln addlLlon Lo Lhe above new sLraLegles concepLs such as roact|ve Ma|ntenance ke||ab|||ty
Centred Ma|ntenance (kCM) 1ota| roduct|ve Ma|ntenance (1M) eLc have recenLly been evolved
Lo look lL from dlfferenL perspecLlves and Lhls has helped ln developlng effecLlve malnLenance ln
proacLlve malnLenance Lhe alm ls ldenLlfy whaL can go wrong le by monlLorlng of parameLers LhaL
can cause fallures ln 8CM Lhe Lype of malnLenance ls chosen wlLh rellablllLy of Lhe sysLem ln
conslderaLlon le sysLem funcLlons fallures relaLlng Lo Lhose funcLlons and effecLs of Lhe domlnanL
funcLlonal sysLem fallures 1hls sLraLegy ln Lhe beglnnlng was applled Lo crlLlcal sysLems such as
alrcrafLs nuclear and space appllcaLlons AL presenL Lhls ls belng exLended Lo crlLlcal sysLems ln Lhe
planL 19M a !apanese concepL lnvolves LoLal parLlclpaLlon of all concerned 1he alm ls Lo have
overall effecLlveness of Lhe equlpmenL wlLh parLlclpaLlon of all concerned uslng producLlve
malnLenance sysLem
Jhat |s |ann|ng and Schedu||ng? 9lannlng and schedullng ls a dlsclpllned approach for uLlllzlng
your exlsLlng malnLenance resources Lo reduce area downLlme and mlnlmlze Lhe overall producLlon
cosLs 1hls ls accompllshed Lhrough
O 9rlorlLlzlng work
O eveloplng Lhe physlcal sLeps Lo compleLe Lhe [ob
O 9rocurlng necessary Lools and maLerlals
O Schedullng Lhe work Lo be done
O CompleLlng work
O ldenLlfylng any addlLlonal work Lo be compleLed on Lhe equlpmenL
O llllng wrlLLen documenLaLlon for equlpmenL hlsLory

1 8eleases fronLllne foremen from ma[or plannlng duLles and allows Lhem more Llme Lo
supervlse Lhelr crews
2 9rovldes procedures Lo plan execuLe monlLor and conLrol malnLenance resources
3 8educes delays ln walLlng for men maLerlal Lools afLer a [ob ls ln progress
4 9rovldes for sysLemaLlc collecLlon of maLerlals prlor Lo planned [obs
3 9rovldes procedures Lo lmplemenL and conLlnue a 9M program
6 9rovldes a communlcaLlon llnk beLween malnLenance and operaLlons
7 9rovldes a dally plan for fronLllne supervlsors
8 Allows hourly employees Lo be 100 work loaded
9 Pelps fleld repalrs coordlnaLe work wlLh shop and consLrucLlon forces
109erformance reporLlng allows upper managemenL Lo [udge malnLenance progress
118educes Lhe Llme requlred for crlLlcal shuLdowns or overhauls
128educes malnLenance cosLs
139rovldes a Lool for operaLlons Lo asslgn prlorlLles
148educes emergency breakdowns
13lncreased producLlon 8educLlon of wasLeful or unnecessary downLlme lncreases
producLlon Lhereby lncreaslng proflLs
168educed cosLs Plgher producLlvlLy meLhod lmprovemenLs or maLerlal changes can reduce
malnLenance cosLs Lhereby lncreaslng proflLs

Creat|ng a Ma|ntenance |an
O Ma|ntenance po||cy PlghesLlevel documenL Lyplcally applles Lo Lhe enLlre slLe
O Ma|ntenance strategy nexL level down Lyplcally revlewed and updaLed every 1 Lo 2 years
O Ma|ntenance program Applles Lo an equlpmenL sysLem or work cenLer descrlbes Lhe LoLal
package of all malnLenance requlremenLs Lo care for LhaL sysLem
O Ma|ntenance check||st LlsL of malnLenance Lasks (prevenLlve or predlcLlve) Lyplcally
derlved Lhrough some form of analysls generaLed auLomaLlcally as work orders aL a
predeLermlned frequency
O ShorLLerm ma|ntenance p|an (someLlmes called a schedule of work") SelecLlon of
checkllsLs and oLher adhoc work orders grouped LogeLher Lo be lssued Lo a workshop Leam
for compleLlon durlng a deflned malnLenance perlod Lyplcally spannlng one week or one

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