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FOR BRAD BENSON- Wyoming lesson in horsetrading, Values Clarification and SPOT TRACKER-2011

For BFA.. Saturday, November 26, 2011 Dear Grandnephew Brad Benson, I am sitting and looking to the North at the white Gros Ventre Mountains on what is today a p,risteen, clear, cool morning in the Upper Hogback and at the place I call CM. I recall that some 10 years ago we established our family relationship-a special type of relationship between Grand Uncle, Bensons, and Leo a teacher. You and your friends, namely z and Justin said you were ready to learn-that your prior education had not provided the tools for you to get on with your lives. You indicated you wanted but could not find a tutorial kind of education to fill in where your Computer science degree did not answer some fundamental questions of life and social relationships. We met, really, for the first time after the death of your grandfather and my brother, Art Benson. Personally, I had retired from my profession after 32 years-as a secondary high school social science teacher. ETHS, at the time of my appointment-1teacher accepted for every 2000 applications. One did not apply to this institution but they came after me in 1963. I compare my entry into this system similar to your jumping into a business and leaving the safety of working for Others and beginning at Sycamore residence in your basement. I remember your coming out to CM. My nieces husband Rick Parks was here. I arranged the meet for you. Ricks background was Abbott programer for order re-entry tasks..he was a case history for me into the corporate life. I gave him free room and board for 3 years in my Evanston house-he was working out marital issues with my niece. I had a unique opportunity to use my economic training to interview Rick about corporate relations. His life experience proved that higher education was necessary for advancement in the corp world. So.since he had but 2-3 undergrad work during his years at Southern U., he was made to believe that he could not advance any further with Abbotts.. So again he provided me with real time information about building a company. I arranged for you to meet and consider your life changing decision-to go on your own. You returned home and called me saying you had quit your job and were following our advice to work from your basement accruing benefits to your family. The real Parks history seemed to affirm elementary economic principles-new entry business can thrive on high profit margins and high demand but eventually only the most efficient will prevail. He failed! 3x Ego..! My other work with corporations was the teaching of the Harvard Case Studies. A course of study introduced to ETHS junior history students.. Classic cases of the rise and fall of great corporations. I mentored Louis Marshack from 0-to a million dollar business in antiques. Wedco came to my table at CM and finally got a family business reorganized. I said I would never teach anyone again. But, you came along..

FOR BRAD BENSON- Wyoming lesson in horsetrading, Values Clarification and SPOT TRACKER-2011
So, Brad, a look at the beginning of your economic life was daunting. I had this knowledge of new startups and was really concerned- I saw the market and saw digestion! None of the above individuals recognized the intellectual capital expended or showed understanding or appreciation for it in any form. Being personally strong it was a gift of a teacher. Now comes the story of the horse trader. GIFTS. what I learnedjust for you.. A man came to the ranch-he had a horse. He said he wanted $3000.00 for him. How will I treat this animal? Will I care and feed him or abuse him? The same horse-a man gives him awayhow will you treat the horse. FREE ? free can be abused as lesser value..Free intellectual capital can be used and abused. So, I have opened my intellectual capital to you a selfish interest on my part-I have a disdain for the intellectual skewing of my upbringing and not exposing me at a young person to the rich world of history, sociology, economic, etc..I saw you look at the lady in the mirror and see, the skull. I said, this is the problemso for 10 years I have worked to achieve this goal of having you see the lady in the mirror, an the light outside the Cave. So, why does this Grand Uncle, extract a small price-for a horse( the current stuff and past) is he poor, greedy, or a teacher teaching yet another lesson.? I hope you see I have twisted your arm to take care of the free horse So your answer to the ST, I want to keep you around a couple of years demonstrates a free horse can be valued. I just paid $75.00 for another dogshe is being fed well. I will continue to try and manage your personal web and matrix toward our agreed goalsfreedom, clarity of understanding, unmasking deception, and appreciation for discovering new ideas. I hear you implementing pieces of these precepts and setting goals toward these goals.. keep the faith.. Happy Thanksgiving Day.. Love to you all- we are safe and secure at CM and look forward to your return Uncle Leo

FOR BRAD BENSON- Wyoming lesson in horsetrading, Values Clarification and SPOT TRACKER-2011

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