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1 8ud's Story

2 Lxp|or|ng I||nt M|ch|gan

1b WhaL dld you flnd unlque abouL 8ud's slLuaLlon? WhaL klnd of award dld Lhe book
8ud noL 8uddy" wln? Lxplaln your answer ln compleLe senLences
1a Would you have Lrled Lo Lell Mr or Mrs Amos Lhe LruLh abouL
1odd or Lhe flghL? Pave you ever been ln a slmllar slLuaLlon ln your
llfe? Lxplaln your answer ln compleLe senLences

2a Why ls LhaL blue flyer so lmporLanL Lo 8ud? WhaL name ls on Lhe flyer LhaL he belleves ls hls
faLher's name? Lxplaln your answer ln compleLe senLences

3 1he Great Depress|on

2c When was lllnL Mlchlgan lncorporaLed? lllnL Mlchlgan ls Lhe blrLh place of
whaL well known manufacLurer? Lxplaln your answer ln compleLe senLences
3a ln whaL monLh and year dld Lhe greaL depresslon begln? WhaL
were some of Lhe causes of Lhe CreaL uepresslon? Lxplaln your
answer ln compleLe senLences

4 Iazz

4a Where dld !azz orlglnaLe from? WhaL year dld lL begln? WhaL clLy
dld lL begln? Lxplaln your answer ln compleLe senLences
4c WhaL emoL
lnsLrumenLs? L

S About the Author

3a Who was Lhe auLhor of 8ud noL 8uddy"? Where was he
born and ralsed? WhaL does Lhls have Lo do wlLh hls book
8ud noL 8uddy"? WhaL klnd of award dld Lhe book 8ud noL
8uddy" wln? Lxplaln your answer ln compleLe senLences
3c WhaL lnsplred hlm Lo wrlLe 8ud noL 8uddy"? !udglng from hls lnLervlew he mlghL posslbly
Lxplaln your answer ln compleLe senLences

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