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Learning English - Words in the News

25 January, 2006 - Published 18:01 GMT

Canada elects new government

Voters in Canada have elected a minority government. Stephen Harper, the leader of the Conservative Party has called on other political parties in the next parliament to work with him on moving Canada forward. This report from Daniel Lak in Calgary:
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There's great enthusiasm here for Stephen Harper's victory. The west of Canada has long felt alienated from eastern and central parts of the country, where Paul Martin's Liberals drew their support. Now Mr Harper has picked Stephen Harper - leader of the up strength in all regions, enough to form a minority government. In his Conservative Party in Canada victory speech at the Calgary convention centre, he asked other parties to help him govern as Canadi have decreed.

STEPHEN HARPER "Tonight, although Canadians have voted for change, they have not given any one party in the House of Commons a majority. They have asked us to cooperate, to work together and to get on with tackling the concerns of ordinary working people and their families." Daniel Lak, BBC, Calgary
Listen to the words

great enthusiasm a lot of interest and support victory win alienated not included and separated drew their support had the most people who would vote for them picked up strength became more popular to form a minority government to be the leaders because they have the support of other political parties. he asked other parties to help him govern as Canadians have decreed he asked other political groups to support his party because he said that is what Canadians wanted have voted for change

have elected his party because they want to see a difference a majority the most places in the government tackling the real concerns of ordinary working people trying to end the worries of normal people

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