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Jay Parker is running for fire commissioner again..... oddly, six years ago the firemen were crazed to oust him from office by electing another fireman instead at a vote of 70-11 ..... why? Because of his personal pet projects and physical intimidation of people who disagreed with him..... plus he violated almost every privacy law with his remote snooping of the firehouse via the computer system... Jay Parker made it his pet project to restore an old fire pumper.... the problem is that the pumper was not owned by the fire district.... the apparatus belongs to the volunteer fire department, a non-profit organization. So how could taxpayer dollars in the fire districts budget be used for a pumper belonging to a non-profit group? Jay Parker managed to get the entire restoration work done on the pumper paid for by the DISTRICT --- the taxpayers paid to have the truck restored. Of course the volunteer fire department has its own money -- it has well over a million dollars of its own money, mostly from contributions over the years from you taxpayers...... they send out three appeals for donations each year.... and this community strongly supports the volunteers directly as well as paying taxes to the Fire District government. But rather than spend any of the volunteer fire companys donated funds on their pumper, John Parker had the Fire District budget cover it...... this is absolutely against the law.... there is no benefit to the taxpayer for tax dollars to be spent on an old pumper that firemen display in a parade..... it is not used to fight fires..... Meanwhile the pumper was not properly stored, and it was even shrinkwrapped by Bob Hahn two years ago and now it is rusting away behind the firehouse. Jay Parker has been busy getting the next restoration of it organized --- so as soon as he is elected commissioner, it can undergo a second restoration..... who will pay for it this time?

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