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}uly 2009

Suppllers employ varlous
measures to propel sales
1rade 5hew kews
China 5eurcing fair
Flectronlcs, eco-frlendllness
drlve latest releases
page 17
0n|ine kewI
C|eba| 5eurces metrics
Track buyer and suppller trends
for hlgh-demand products











More demand & supply trends lnslde
Top new product postlngs
Pur se hanger s t hat r efl ect
your br and's i mage
Renowned buyers source from us
When Hugo Boss, DHL, Coca-Cola, Avon, Swatch, Honda
and Jaguar need gifts and premiums, they come to us. With
13 years of OEM/ ODM experience, we have what it takes to
deve|op |tems that refect the|r compan|es' reputat|ons. We'||
use the same expertise to create products suited to the market
channel of your upcoming promotions.
Up to 10 percent invested in R&D annually
Our current catalog has over 200 purse hangers to choose from.
To provide you with new designs each month, we invest 5 to
10 percent of our annual sales in R&D. We can have a sample
bearing your logo in just one week.
A monthly capacity of 1 million units
At our lSO 9001:2000-cert|fed factory, we produce up to
1 million units monthly. To ensure reliability, we meticulously
check our items at all stages of production. We source raw
materials from our trusted mainland China suppliers, allowing us
to control quality, and at the same time, offer you competitive
prices. Contact us today for more information.
No. 120, Emerald Palazzo, Donghua Rd., Jiangmen,
Guangdong 529000, China
Tel: (86-750) 307 3288 Fax: (86-750) 307 3277
www.globalsources.com/ premium.co
Premium4you Ltd
Over 200 items to
put your logo on
Foldable purse hangers
Lead and cadmiumcontent
compliant with California Proposition
65 and the RoHS Directive
Best Ecobag Co. Ltd
Shengtu udng, 40l Lmng Rd.,
\enzhou, Zheung 325000, Chnu
1e: |86-577) 8208 6668
lux: |86-577) 678l 6668
L-mu: ecobugecobug.cc
Eco-friendly promotional
bags you can depend on
The choice of YSL, Microsoft,
Lacoste, UPS and Sony
All items shown here with various trademarks, brand names and logos (Marks)
are for reference purposes only, and are not for sale.The Marks are the property of
the respective owners, and we are not authorized to manufacture or sell any items
bearing such Marks to any third party.
Don't gumbe vth the quuty
und tmeness o your order or
promotonu bugs. Choose us the
sume supper preerred by YSL,
Mcrosot, Lucoste, LlS und Sony.
Cur envronmentuy rendy
muterus, dependube quuty und
tmey deveres huve kept these
buyers comng buck. Send us your
speccutons or nyon, cotton, puper,
ute und ll voven und nonvoven bugs.
Cur R&D teum creutes 60 nev tems euch month, und cun
compete your custom sumpes n ve to l0 duys. And u o
our muterus ure uzo-ree, recycube und compunt vth the
RoHS Drectve. Do you vunt to puce voume orders: No
probem. \e huve u duy output o l00,000 bugs rom our
three uctores neur the ports o \enzhou, Hungzhou und
ngduo. 1o see some o our desgns, vst our Cobu Sources
Cnne shovroom, und then send us un e-mu toduy.
Customized promotional bags made
of cotton, nonwoven and woven PP
Promotional drawstring bag,
cotton bag and nylon folding tote bag
Nonwoven bag, nonwoven
shoulder bag and woven bag
EN 71
Enhance your
environment-friendly image
We use SGS-certifed and EN 71-approved soft PvC
Eco-friendly materials
Need to boost your image? Then come to us for shopping
bags, ribbons and mobile phone cases that are eco-friendly.
We use SGS-cert|fed and EN 71-approved soft PvO, as
well as recyclable and biodegradable materials to make
promotional products.
Thousands of product choices
Our heat-transfer printing process takes only one day,
compared to the fve days |t takes our compet|tors. We offer
4,000 models for you to choose from, with 30 new products
monthly. And our capacity is 2.3 million units per month.
Wide range of printing options
We use |aser-scu|pt|ng dev|ces and an array of pr|nt|ng
equipment that includes silk screen, heat-transfer, offset,
foam-re||ef and refect|ve pr|nt|ng mach|nes. W|th these
ava||ab|e, we can prec|se|y create |ogo patterns as th|n as
0.3mm catered to your designs, just as we do for Disney,
BMW and Peps|. To jo|n them as one of our sat|sfed
customers, contact us today.
All items shown here with various trademarks, brand names and logos ("Marks") are for reference
purposes only, and are not for sale. The Marks are the property of the respective owners, and we
are not authorized to manufacture or sell any items bearing such Marks to any third party.
8-35 Hongj|ang Rd., J|nshan Pushang Deve|opment D|str|ct,
J|anx|n, Fuzhou, Fuj|an 350003, Oh|na
Te|: (86-591} 8800 1111 Fax: (86-591} 8800 1118
E-ma||: |anyards@g|oba|sources.com dav|dw@x|ngchun.com
www.globalsources.com/ lanyards.co
www.globalsources.com/ promotionalbag.co
www.globalsources.com/ softgums.co
www.globalsources.com/ stationery.co
www.globalsources.com/ promotional.co
Fuzhou Xingchun Premium Mfg Co. Ltd
600D polyester shipping bag
210D polyester bag
Twill fabric bag
Our product line includes:
Badges, pins, keychains and
bottle stoppers
All items shown here with various trademarks, brand names and logos ("Marks") are for reference purposes only, and are not for sale. The Marks are the
property of the respective owners, and we are not authorized to manufacture or sell any items bearing such trademarks.
Chien Yauh Industries Co. Ltd
l2l, No. 2, Lune 8, 1u 1ung St., lun Chuo, 1upe, 1uvun
1e: |886-2) 2257 344l lux: |886-2) 2257 6343
L-mu: nocybest.com.tv Contuct: Chures luo
vvv.gobusources.com/chenyuuh.co - vvv.cypns.com
W hy do For t une 500 companies
sour ce gift it ems fr om us?
l you're ookng or premum gt tems rom u munuucturer thut understunds the needs o urge
nternutonu mporters, you've come to the rght puce. \e huve been munuucturng und exportng
to North Amercu und Lurope snce l989. Cur cents ncude u ong st o ve-knovn brunds und
compunes M\, udveser, Dsney, leogg's, Lexus und leps, to nume ust u ev.
uuty s the rst concern o these bg buyers und brunds. 1o ussure
them o product consstency, ve metcuousy check our tems
ut u eves o producton und provde one-yeur guuruntees.
Speed s u concern too, o course. 1hut's vhy ve oer
turnuround tmes o l5 duys on u o our gt tems.
lor more normuton on our products und servces,
contuct us toduy.
for onc, wc offcr 1S-day turnaround on aII of our products
Discover our
new handmade
Christmas premiums
Our Vania coIIcction incIudcs 200 itcms
Cur nev Vunu coecton ncudes more thun 200 Chrstmus-themed
hundmude promotonu tems. Cur desgn teum deveoped the
ne bused on extensve murket reseurch, und ve munuucture
t vth cureu uttenton to detu. And you cun sturt vth u
mnmum order or ust 25 peces.
Cur desgns runge rom cussc to modern, und ve constunty
udd nev premum uccessores bused on the utest trends. ln
uddton to the tems shovn here, ve oer dog tugs, cu nks,
bruceets und putches or your promotons. Cur desgners v
prepure sketches rom your specs vthn one duy, und ve'
compete your sumpes n ust one veek.
\th l,800 vorkers und u l.5 mon-pece monthy cupucty, ve
ure reudy or urge proects. lnqure toduy.
k-Pro lntcrnationaI (Shanghai) Co. ltd
32/l, \ord luzu, 855 South ludong Rd.,
Shunghu 200l20, Chnu
1e: |86-2l) 5882 50l0 ext. 30l lux: |86-2l) 5882 5025
L-mu: customerservcek-pro.com.cn
vvv.gobusources.com/k-pro.co - vvv.k-pro.com.cn
Contuct lerson: Mr. Vncent luo
Packaging for our Vania collection Photo frames and luggage tag, made of PVC
Mobile phone strap from
our Christmas series
Metal alloy
Suitable for promotions
Metal alloy keychains and
mobile phone strap
Thc compIctc packagc -
cntirc proccss in-housc
Our advanced technology satises Braun, Lancme and Rmy Martin
Heavily client-focused, we offer complete packaging solutions with design, plate making and digital
printing all done in-house. Let our team work closely with you from design concept to nished
product.This comprehensive service has wrapped up long-term partnerships with Braun, Rmy
Martin, Gillette, Colgate, Siemens, LOral, Este Lauder and Lancme.We are repeatedly honored
at international print awards, most notably receiving Benny Awards at the Premier Print Awards
in 2007 and 2008.
Our in-house service is made possible by top-quality technology and machines imported from
Germany and Japan, including:
Patented, automated color and ink control Automatic box gluer
Advanced CTP technology Pasting machine for gift boxes
Six-color/eight-color offset presses
Professional testing process for printing and packaging safety
This is all driven by an ERP management system designed especially for us. Few, if any, companies
in our industry can offer this range of technology and service.
We cover ne packaging, gift packaging, commercial printing and hardcover books.As part of the
Jielong Group, with nine printing companies in partnership, we can leverage the scale and scope of
one of mainland Chinas largest printing groups to meet your requirements.
For your convenience we have ofces in London, Paris, Shanghai and New Jersey. Contact us
today to experience an unrivalled packaging service.
7077 Chuanzhou Rd., Pudong New District, Shanghai 201205, China
Tel: (86-21) 5892 5888 Fax: (86-21) 5894 3115
E-mail: marketing@jielongart.com
www.globalsources.com/jielongart.co www.jielongart.com
All items shown here with various trademarks, brand names and logos (Marks) are for reference purposes only, and are not for sale. The Marks
are the property of the respective owners, and we are not authorized to manufacture or sell any items bearing such Marks to any third party.
Custom promotional boxes
Shanghai Jielong Art Printing Co. Ltd
Custom shopping bags
Hardcover books
Met al product s made
under greener processes
We employ a dedicat ed wast ewat er t reat ment plant
Customizable pewter badges and lapel pins
Jin Sheu Ent erprise Co. Lt d
8l-9, No. 502 Yuun Shun Rd., Chung Ho Cty, 1upe Hsen 235, 1uvun
1e: |886-2) 2225 6056 lux: |886-2) 2225 6058, 222l 4570
L-mu: servcensheu.com.tv vvv.gobusources.com/nsheu.co - vvv.nsheu.com.tv
Munund Chnu uctory: Dongguun, Cuungdong
All items shown here with various trademarks, brand names and logos (Marks`) are for reference purposes only, and are not for sale. The Marks
are the property of the respective owners, and we are not authorized to manufacture or sell any items bearing such Marks to any third party.
lroducng vth ess envronmentu mpuct
Lnke most compettors, ve muntun uctes dedcuted to
treutng ndustru vustevuter. 1hs reduces the envronmentu
mpuct o our processes by terng out uny hurmu byproducts
thut resut rom producton. \e've uso ucqured un
eectroputng cense. So you cun be sure thut u o our pevter
und znc dvot toos, budges, embems und promotonu pns
ure mude to the stundurds you expect.
Deveres n tvo veeks
\th un ecent LRl system n puce, ve oer devery o
competed orders n tvo veeks. 1hs uovs you to keep
nventory dovn, und cuter to murket demunds us they urse.
\e uso utze producton equpment rom }upun und 1uvun
und conduct C nspectons ut every stuge o producton or
neur-perect ucceptunce rutes. lurthermore, our processes ure
certed by Dsney.
A vorkorce thut's 4,500-strong
\e huve one uctory dedcuted to metu products, one to
embrodered goods und one to unyurds. Cur 4,500 producton
stu members hep us turn out up to l0 mon unts monthy.
ut ve're exbe enough or smuer buyers, oerng the sume
eve o servce on smu- und urge-voume orders. 1o benet
rom our ceun producton, ecency und cupucty, vst us
onne toduy.
Medals and keychains
made from zinc alloy
Paper craf t s pri nt ed
wi t h eco-f ri endl y i nks
Services trusted
by Disney
\e produce coor puper
cruts n u vde runge o desgns, ncudng the unmu seres
shovn here und Suntu Cuus n u sed vth rendeers. You cun
even choose cruts n buck und vhte gruphcs or chdren to
coor vth vux cruyons, vhch ve cun ncude. }ust provde
us vth u pcture, und ve' creute u 3-D mode. And or your
customers' suety, ve use nontoxc, SCS-upproved nks thut
ure eco-rendy. \e dever sumpes n three to our duys und
u orders n us ust us seven. Dsney und 3M ureudy benet
rom our prntng servces. L-mu us toduy.
Hue Ki ng Pr i nt i ng Co. Lt d
No. 8, Aey 2, Lune 458, Yonghe Rd.,
}honghe Cty, 1upe 23586, 1uvun
1e: |886-2) 2225 5959
lux: |886-2) 3234 6389
L-mu: servcehuekng.com.tv
paper craft
paper crafts
All publlshlng rlghts and copyrlghts are held by Trade
Medla Ltd., Crand Cayman, Cayman lslands, 8rltlsh west
lndles. ChPlFC number 782-0001. (lSSh-1993-0712)
}uly 2009 volume 3]humber 6

Prlnted by: C & C 0ffset Prlntlng Co., Ltd
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hewTerrltorles, hong Kong
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Gifts & Premiums July 2009 8 www.globalsources.com - Choose veried suppliers
We produce 60,000 drinkware
items daily
Choose from 20 new
models monthly
l you vuue u short eud tme or voume requests, our 25-duy devery tme v surey
sutsy you. \e compete orders ust becuuse our 350,000m
producton uctes ure
operuted by neury 2,000 empoyees. 1hese ubundunt resources uov us to turn out up
to 60,000 drnkvure tems every duy.
uyers rom Lurope und North Amercu come to us or S80 mon vorth o goods every
yeur. Cur urge cupucty und ust devery ure the reuson. Choose rom the 20 nev tems
ve deveop monthy, ncudng coee pots und cups, vucuum usks, truve mugs, tumbers,
und lrench presses. And most ure uvuube n l8/8 stuness stee.
\e ure lSC 900l:2000-certed, und our goods huve lDA upprovu. lor your convenence,
our 60 C ocers perorm nspectons uccordng to the AL o your choce. 1o eurn
more ubout our products und servces, send us un e-mu toduy or vst our Cobu
Sources vebpuge.
NanIong Group Co. ltd
Hurdvure 1echnoogy lndustry Zone, Yongkung, Zheung 32l300, Chnu
1e: |86-579) 8743 l388 ext. 82l0 lux: |86-579) 8743 l377
L-mu: nunonggobusources.com - krstynunong.com
MSN: krsty.uhotmu.com
\ebste: vvv.gobusources.com/nunong.co
Single-walled stainless steel sports bottles,
available in various designs, colors and sizes
16oz stainless steel tumblers with
transparent AS outer, available in
various colors and with or without handles
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0n the cover: Promotlonal keychalns from
Acever Clfts lndustry (Shenzhen) Co. Ltd
and wlnwln lndustrlal Co. Ltd, both of Chlna,
page 9
Promotlonal keychalns 9
Makers reduce M0, enhance k&u and
explore new materlals to propel sales.
Preduct ga||ery 73
A selectlon of promotlonal keychalns from Chlna
Trade Show hews
China 5eurcing fair: Cifts & Premiums 17
Fxhlbltors unvell deslgns hlghllghtlng electronlc functlons,
eco-frlendllness and aesthetlcs.
Promotlonal ltems 25
kew preducts 29
Premlums, lncludlng:
- Low-nolse uS8 fans that also run on AA batterles
- Caps featurlng bottle opener below the vlsor
C0vR 510R
C|eba| 5eurces en|ine metrics
Clfts, Crafts & hollday uecoratlons 99
Crafts, gifts & neve|ties 103
Processes that do not adversely affect the envlronment are
lncreaslngly belng adopted by the llne.
Christmas |ights 143
Suppllers emphaslze models ftted wlth LFus and use alternatlve
power sources.
Statlonery & 0ffce Supplles 173
Paper 177
hlgher tax rebates and lmproved loan regulatlons result ln better
buslness cllmate.
Products 0nline 192
Advertiser Index by Product 195
Advertiser Index 212
Track buyer and suppller trends
for hlgh-demand products
0nllne metrlcs are taken from buyer and
suppller actlvlty ln hundreds of hlgh-demand
product groups on www.globalsources.com.
In this issue:
keychains pae 89
h0TF T0 kFAuFkS: All prlces quoted ln thls magazlne are ln uS dollars, unless otherwlse speclfed. F08 prlces were
provlded by the companles lntervlewed only as reference prlces at the tlme of the lntervlew and may have changed.
keaders seeklng frm quotes on products mentloned ln thls magazlne should contact the manufacturers]traders dlrectly.
All product lmages are provlded by the companles lntervlewed and are for reference purposes only. Those product lmages
featurlng products wlth trademarks, brand names or logos are not lntended for sale. Products that are not the speclfc
toplcs of edltorlal artlcles are shown for lllustratlve and]or demonstratlve purposes only. we, our affllates, and our
affllates' respectlve dlrectors, offcers, employees, representatlves, agents or contractors do not accept and wlll not have
any responslblllty or llablllty for product lmages (or any part thereof ) whlch lnfrlnge on any lntellectual property or other
rlghts of a thlrd party.
All publlshlng rlghts and copyrlghts are held by Trade Medla Ltd.
0nllne how!
Cet the latest product
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checked by slmply golng onllne.

Source dlrect from your desktop wlth
free personallzed e-mall updates on
new products and suppllers.
1RA 5B0W Ck1R
Suppllers, products, prevlews and
detalled guldes to hundreds of shows.
Chlna Sourclng keports
verlfed Chlna
Product and prlclng
lnformatlon on
supply centers and
market trends
To see a complete llst of all our Chlna
Sourclng keports, go to:
Sourclng Magazlnes
lnslghts lnto
the latest supply-
market trends
hew product
lncludlng full-color
Contact detalls for quallfed
advertlsers from Creater Chlna
Conclse profles of featured suppllers
To subscrlbe, go to:
Digital photo frame with 7" TFT-LCD screen
Digital photo frame with
2.4" TFT-LCD screen
Digital photo frame with
1.4" CSTN display*
Keychain digital photo frame
with 1.5" CSTN display
1.3MP digital video camera
with 1.5" TFT display
0.3MP digital camera with 2" TFT display 0.3MP digital camera with 0.95" CSTN display 0.3MP digital camera with 1.1" CSTN display
*The illustration shown here is a drawing or other representation of the product.
It is not an actual photograph of the product.
OFM deslgns comgleIed ln
]usI one day
Huve un event comng up und need your promotonu
tems n u hurry: Cur desgners, u vth ve yeurs
o experence, ure here to hep. 1hey' huve nev
CLM desgns or keychuns, purse hungers, pns,
money cps, phone strups, budges, botte openers,
tugs or bet buckes reudy n us ust us 24 hours. And
they cun deveop up to 400 nev modes monthy.
1hs speed s thunks to huvng our ovn modng
vorkshop, uong vth tvo computerzed engruvng
und ve eectrcu dschurge muchnes.
Sendng these premums to other uctores s
unnecessury snce ve do modng, de custng,
punchng, poshng, putng, user engruvng und
movube prntng u under one roo. And ng
voume orders sn't u probem ether vth l.5 mon
promotonu tems mude n our 36,000m
euch month.
1o tuke udvuntuge o our rupd product deveopment,
send us your requrements toduy.
Wlnwln ndusIrlal Co. LId
Rms. l00l-l004, Huutong Munson, Sungung Lust Rd.,
Luohu, Shenzhen, Cuungdong 5l8023, Chnu
1e: |86-755) 2557 0225/0223/420l, 2546 8946
lux: |86-755) 2558 7060
L-mu: szvnvngobusources.com
\ebste: vvv.gobusources.com/szvnvn.co
All items shown here with various trademarks, brand names and logos ('Marks') are for reference
purposes only, and are not for sale. The Marks are the property of the respective owners, and we are
not authorized to manufacture or sell any items bearing such Marks to any third party.
Business card holder
Purse hanger
Metal badge
Bottle opener
Metal keychain
Volume that satises Target, Tesco,
Mark & Spencer and Coles Group
Backed by over 12 years experience
If youre looking to place a bulk order for bags, work with us. We produce up to
2 million nonwoven tote bags and garment bags monthly, and keep clients such as
Target, Tesco, Marks & Spencer and Coles Group stocked.
Volume isn't the only reason why these buyers rely on us. Backed by 12-plus years'
experience, we can complete any project on time because we've integrated all of our
manufacturing processes in-house. We produce nonwoven fabric on two production
lines at our 20,000m
factory, and the remainder of the work is nished on an array
of equipment, including 250 sewing machines and 10 screen-printing tables.
Our capacity is also complemented by the quick pace of our R&D team. We
can design samples in as fast as two days, so you can make business decisions
immediately. Each month, we release 10 new models, giving you a wider range of
products to choose from. Find out why our bags are being carried around all over
Europe, the US, Asia and Australia. Contact us today.
No. 162, Tongan Industry Zone, Xiamen, Fujian 361100, China
Tel: (86-592) 719 9279, 565 6420 Fax: (86-592) 719 9255
E-mail: probtain@globalsources.com
Website: www.globalsources.com/probtain.co www.probtain.com
All items shown here with various trademarks, brand names and logos ('Marks') are for reference purposes only, and are not for sale. The Marks
are the property of the respective owners, and we are not authorized to manufacture or sell any items bearing such Marks to any third party.
Greaten Import & Export (Xiamen) Co. Ltd
Probtain (Xiamen) Nonwoven Co. Ltd
Our facilities
Nonwoven shopping bags and
cooler bag, customizable
designs are available
Wal-Mart sources
from our catalog
OEM samples in one week
Ro HS I SO 9 0 0 1:20 0 0
2l5 Dongung Rd., Cuhu Lconomc Deveopment Zone,
\enzhou, Zheung 325000, Chnu
1e: |86-577) 8607 8986/8987 lux: |86-577) 8607 8555/8985
L-mu: sorbovzshengbo.com
vvv.gobusources.com/sorbo.co - vvv.sorbo.cn
\u-Murt ses our cuttng-edge eectronc tems becuuse they uppeu to u
dverse runge o customers. Cur products muke deu promotonu gts too.
\e deveoped our unque dynumo technoogy nne yeurs ugo und nov oer
more thun 90 modes o ushghts, ncudng the mussuger vth LLD ghts
eutured here. Cur seecton o upproxmutey l50 promotonu tems ncudes
ushghts, keychuns, mn shuvers und u vurety o sour-povered products.
And ve udd up to eght nev tems to thut st monthy.
Cur 60 R&D stu members cun nsh your CLM sumpes n one veek.
Cur lSC 900l:2000-certed uctes ure run by our vorkorce o l,300
empoyees. \e cun turn out up to l.5 mon unts euch month u vth CL
upprovus to sutsy the voume demunds o your murket. Cooperute vth
us to stuy on the ronter o hgh-tech desgn. Vst our Cobu Sources Cnne
shovroom und then e-mu us toduy.
SB-6006: Mini dynamo massager
with LED light and two vibration settings
Zhejiang Sorbo Electronic Co. Ltd
SB-7106: Mini solar
keychain ashlight
SB-1095: Mini
dynamo ashlight
SB-1098: Mini solar-
and hand-crank-powered
keychain ashlight
Mini shaver
Models boastlng electronlc, envlronment-frlendly and
aesthetlc features headllned the Chlna Sourclng Falr:
Clfts & Premlums held ln hong Kong from Aprll 28 to May 1.
To enhance value and lmprove aesthetlcs, suppllers are lncreaslngly lncorporatlng elec-
tronlc functlons lnto new releases. More and more models are belng ftted wlth lCs and
carry software, allowlng products to emlt llght and sound.
A partlcular electronlc component that has galned wldespread use among makers
of glft and promotlonal ltems ls LFus. These types of dlodes are adopted ln a varlety of
appllcatlons, ranglng from backllghts to pro|ectlng logos and fashlng
messages. Some products that boast LFus lnclude keychalns,
badges, pens, desk fans, photo frames and greetlng cards.
Flectronlc functlons are also utlllzed on hollday and party supplles,
whlch lnclude costumes and masks. Models are equlpped wlth llghts
and sound modules to enhance overall appeal.
ce-friend|iness, visua| appea| inhuence |atest designs
Sensltlvlty toward the envlronment ls another trend taklng hold
across dlfferent sectors. 0ne aspect concerns the adoptlon of "green"
lnk, whlch ls water-based and derlved from sustalnable sources such
as gralns and herbs. Targeted at safety-consclous products and mar-
kets, thls type of lnk complles wlth FuA requlrements and can be used for varlous appllca-
tlons, lncludlng tln boxes for food and toys.
Aesthetlcs ls another area manufacturers are
emphaslzlng. Aware that buyers from tradltlonal
markets have llmlted budgets due to the economlc
slump, suppllers are lmprovlng vlsual appeal ln order
to malntaln proftablllty. 8ecause of thls, a growlng
number of suppllers are applylng for patents on some
of thelr newest releases.
The use of rhlnestones ls also becomlng more
prevalent, especlally ln the glfts and premlums
segment. Some products that features thls type of
decoratlon lnclude lanyards, keychalns, moblle phone
straps and ul tattoos.
mphasis en e|ectrenic
functiens, ece-friend|iness
5B0W R vt W
July 2009 Gifts & Premiums 17 More new products - www.globalsources.com
tnternatiena| buyers ceping with the demands ef the current g|eba| ecenemic crisis have
seen a re|evant se|utien te their business preb|ems. 1he China 5eurcing fair: Cifts &
Premiums attracted theusands ef buyers at Beng Keng's AsiaWer|d-xpe when it was
he|d en Apri| 28 te May 1, 2009.
1he feur-day fair was a|se ce-|ecated with China 5eurcing fairs: fashien Accesseries and
Underwear & 5wimwear.
Mere preducts are in stere this fa|| as the Cifts & Premiums fair is staged ence again at
AsiaWer|d-xpe en 0cteber 20 te 23, 2009.
Register kew at
Gifts & Premiums July 2009 18 www.globalsources.com - Choose veried suppliers

fair effers creative marketing eppertunities in hard times
Chlna Sourclng Falr: Clfts & Premlums has become
a powerful marketlng venue for exhlbltors and thelr
potentlal customers as the global economy faces decllne.
The Falr, whlch dlsplayed attractlve glfts and promotlonal
ltems from Creater Chlnese and Aslan suppllers ln the
lndustry, provlded greater lnteractlon among buyers
and suppllers to generate sales leads and enhance thelr
Clobal Sources Fxecutlve ulrector Sarah 8enecke noted
how the Falr has helped tlme-consclous buyers to source
effclently and effectlvely. "The Chlna Sourclng Falr: Clfts
& Premlums ls a further speclallzatlon of our popular
Clfts & home Products show. 8uyers have less tlme to
source, so they need to ensure that they use thelr tlme
effectlvely. Speclallzed shows help our buyers to source
qulckly and economlcally," she sald.
Moreover, buyers at the sprlng 2009 Falr were pleased
because of the attractlve prlce polnts and fexlble order
terms they secured from the suppllers who dlsplayed a
wlde array of the most popular products ln the lndustry.
Among these satlsfed buyers were Amerlcan Creetlngs,
Atlco 8uylng Servlces, Coles Croup Asla, harvey hlchols
hong Kong, Ll & Fung, Metro Croup 8uylng hong Kong,
Sears holdlng Clobal Sourclng, Swarovskl hong Kong and
Thls 0ctober, enhance your buslness wlth products from
Creater Chlna and Asla. Pre-reglster to get free admlsslon
at www.chinaseurcingfair.cem Q
0cteber 20-23, 2009
AsiaWer|d-xpe, Beng Keng
5eurce new preducts
frem these categeries
Christmas & seasena| preducts
|ectrenic premiums, watches & c|ecks
Cenera| gifts
Cift bexes
Phete frames
Premetiena| & trave| mugs
Premetiena| bags, caps & garments
Premetiena| keychains, badges & pins
5tatienery & paper
1rinkets & jewe|ry bexes
XBtt10R5 fR0M
Malnland Chlna, hong Kong, Talwan, and more.
C0-L0CA1 Wt1B
Chlna Sourclng Falr: home Products
Chlna Sourclng Falr: 8aby & Chlldren's Products
Chlna Sourclng Falr: Fashlon Accessorles
Chlna Sourclng Falr: underwear & Swlmwear
Trade only
Free wlth pre-reglstratlon at
July 2009 Gifts & Premiums 19 More new products - www.globalsources.com
Shanghai Himmers Industrial
& Trading Co. Ltd
890 Lunu Rd., }utng, Shunghu 20l6l5, Chnu
1e: |86-2l) 6762 6059 lux: |86-2l) 6762 6462
L-mu: sueslhmmers.com
vvv.gobusources.com/hmmers.co - vvv.hmmers.com
Promotional bar
items chosen by
Corona and Heineken
Our phthalate-free PVC gifts
meet EN 71 standards
Cur ecent n-house producton
heps us contro costs und oer some
o the most compettve prces uround.
ut thut's not the ony reuson thut househod
numes such us Dsney, leps, Heneken, Coronu
und the NA source our promotonu tems. 1hey
uso count on us to provde consstent stundurds o
quuty. \e perorm pece-by-pece nspectons durng
producton und then ugun beore puckugng to ensure
the ntegrty o euch order. \e use eco-rendy, phthuute-
ree lVC to compy vth LN 7l stundurds uctutng
entry nto Luropeun murkets.
Luch month, ve turn out up to 2 mon promotonu bur
tems, keychuns, pcture rumes, mugnets, mugs, hur
cps, bruceets, strups, churms und ktchenvure. \e cun
compete your sumpes n one to three duys, dever your
orders n one to three veeks und unsver your nqures
vthn l2 hours. L-mu us toduy.
All items shown here with various trademarks, brand names and logos (Marks) are for reference
purposes only, and are not for sale.The Marks are the property of the respective owners, and we
are not authorized to manufacture or sell any items bearing such Marks to any third party.
Promotional acrylic ice bucket
PVC bar mat, ready
for your custom logo
Promotional bottle openers,
rubber cover available
Developing over 50,000 gifts and
premium items annually
Backed by 22 years' experience
If you're looking to source a particular gift or premium item, you need an experienced
supplier to realize your ideas. For over two decades, we've been creating products
for clients such as Disney, Universal Studios, BMW, McDonald's and Glen Dimplex.
We already develop over 50,000 items annually, and we're ready to work to your
specications too.
Some of the products that we make are USB ash drives, keychains, pins, medals,
badges, cufinks, tie clips and PVC items all of which are created by our 40 designers.
We employ the latest 3-D graphics software to render items with extra-ne details. And
with 15 production lines, we have a monthly capacity of 9 million units.
We have over 100 sales representatives in order to more efciently handle your
inquiries. Find out why some of the world's major brands rely on us. Contact us today.
Scorpion Precision Industry (Hong Kong) Co. Ltd
16/F, Excelsior Industrial Building, 68-76 Sha Tsui Rd.,
Tsuen Wan, N.T., Hong Kong
Tel: (852) 2851 3513 Fax: (852) 2581 4199
E-mail: info@scorpion.com.hk
ISO 9001:2000
ISO 14001:2004
Metal USB fash-drive keychains,
coated with rubberized paint and
imprinted with enamel
Rest assured that the products you source from us are safe our items meet
FDA, ITS, LMBG, SGS and TV standards. Our development team has made
over 2,500 outdoor items and one of its latest creations is a picnic backpack for
four people featuring padded shoulder straps, an insulated bottle holder and
aluminum foil lining that will help your logos stand out. And we continue to
add to this collection with at least 300 new items every year.
Choose any item that matches your requirements, and we'll have a sample
ready in just seven days. As soon as we receive your conrmation, we'll turn
your design over to our 1,000-plus workers for volume production.
Wal-Mart, Carrefour and Auchan are among our repeat clients. To support
their business and yours, we have added eight more production lines to our
factory, increasing our monthly capacity to 400,000 units. Discuss
your requirements with our design team today.
Choose from over 300 new
FDA-approved products every month
More than 2,500 logo-ready outdoor items
Xiamen Good Forever Industrial Co. Ltd
18 Tianyang Rd., Jimei North Industrial Zone,
Xiamen, Fujian 361021, China
Tel: (86-592) 615 5333 Fax: (86-592) 615 5288
E-mail: camping@globalsources.com sales@picnic-bag.com
Website: www.globalsources.com/camping.co
600D polyester picnic
backpacks for 4 people
Detachable insulated
bottle holders
Padded shoulder straps
600D polyester garden tool bag
SpcciaI Art ltd
Rm. l6l5-l6l6, l Hung 1o Rd., lvun 1ong,
lovoon, Hong long
1e: |852) 2763 4408 lux: |852) 2763 024l
L-mu: sueslspecuurttd.com
\ebste: vvv.gobusources.com/specuurt.co
Wc cnrich your scIcction
lor umost tvo decudes, ve've been creutng ntrcute gt
tems thut uttruct the kes o Sunro, Cure's und Murboro.
Currenty, ve huve over l,000 styes o purse hungers,
keychuns, curdhoders, ushtruys und other metu tems
uvuube or your seecton. lut your ogo on these tems or
deveop your ovn styes vth support rom our R&D teum.
ln order to hunde your most compex orders, ve've
equpped our uctory vth CNC muchnery, ncudng
hgh-requency vedng und poshng equpment. \e
uso possess 30 ussemby nes und 40 spruy-puntng und
oven-bukng nes. 1hese gve us u cupucty o l30,000 unts
per month. ln order to ensure quuty, our experenced C
nspectors oversee u steps o producton
lor quuty CLM/CDM proects or metu gts und ushon
every, contuct us toduy.
Metal purse hangers
Hong Kong
Oct. 20- 23, 2009
Booth No. 3F36
\th thousunds o gts und premums
Can be used on
dining tables and
other fat surfaces
The size and popularity of our product range has grown. So much, that our sales have
increased by approximately 10 percent annually since we began production 11 years
ago. Rest assured that were strong enough to withstand the tough economic times that
may lie ahead.
Our response to the global economic crisis of 2009 was to establish a trading company
in Shanghai to expand and diversify our lines of ashlights and small electronic items.
We did this to offer clients almost everything they need from one place. And to cut out
any risks associated with struggling manufacturers that could be nearing bankruptcy.
Our range includes an assortment of ashlights, as well as emergency items, camping
gear, giftware and childrens products. Foreign designers lead our 20 R&D staff
members in the development of ve new items monthly.
By exporting to Japan for many years, weve learned to adhere to the strict quality
regulations required by discerning markets. Contact us today.
Rm. 9B, Liduxingui Bldg., 831 Xinzha Rd., Jingan, Shanghai 200041, China
Tel: (86-21) 6271 1689 Fax: (86-21) 6267 9159
E-mail: goalstron@globalsources.com shuwen@goalstron.com
www.globalsources.com/goalstron.co www.goalstron.com
Were strong
enough to withstand
the economic crisis
Shanghai Goalstron Electric Co. Ltd
Source everything that you need risk-free
from an established supplier
Lghtveght promotonu ushghts, uvuube vth
krypton or LLD bubs
Rechurgeube spotght
vth l\ LLD
lrypton emergency ght
vth vu mount, 2.4V 0.7A
\euther-resstunt cumpng
untern vth 7 vhte LLDs
Promotional Items
Promotional ifts
Promotional supplies
kew preducts 29
Premiums, including:
Low-noise USB fans that also run on AA batteries
Caps featuring bottle opener below the visor
Premetiena| keychains 49
Makers reduce MOQ, enhance R&D and explore new
materials to propel sales.
Product gallery 73
C|eba| 5eurces en|ine metrics 89
Find thousands of products and
suppliers in an easy to compare
formatupdated daily
Product Alertreceive e-mail
when new products go online
Inquiry Basketsend inquiries
quickly to multiple suppliers
July 2009 Gifts & Premiums 25 More new products - www.globalsources.com
Take your time choosing
Brilliance Metal Products (Shenzhen) Mfy.
Bldg. 2, Laowei Ind. Block, Longhua, Baoan, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China
Tel: (86-755) 2980 9585, 2815 2290 Fax: (86-755) 2810 6770
E-mail: metal-gifts@globalsources.com sales@metal-gifts.com
Website: www.globalsources.com/metal-gifts.co www.metal-gifts.com
With so many new designs made available to you each month,
earning a reputation as a retailer of unique and interesting
premiums is a certainty if you source from us. The 6,000 card
holders, key rings, wallets, letter-openers and other items in our
catalog ensure you can offer your customers individual air. And
300 new designs each month ensure you can keep up with their
changing tastes.
Order one of our items and well deliver it in as fast as 12 days for
small orders, and 30 days for those up to 20,000 units. The speed
We've got 6,000 options
Metal and zinc alloy
keychains with pendants
in various designs
Business card holder
in genuine leather
inherent in our 800,000-unit
monthly capacity helps make
this a possibility. It also makes
sure your biggest orders are
handled with the attention
you demand. To learn more,
inquire today.
Your Iogo printcd using
machincs from ]apan
for high visibiIity
You cun count on shurp und vvd prntng o your ube vhen you
source our mcrober ceunng cothes, toves, pouches und goves.
\e use u-coor prntng muchnes rom }upun to ensure thut your
desgn und ogo v stund out. Lsng l0 yeurs o expertse, our R&D
specusts cun compete u sumpe und u nev desgn n ust three duys.
Voume munuucturng s hunded ut our Shenzhen uctory or prces
thut von't udd up to your budget. \e cun get you sturted vth 200
unts, und devery o your order cun be urrunged n us ust us l5 duys.
1o benet rom our speedy servces, nqure toduy. \e' send you u
detued repy vthn our hours.
Agomax Group ltd
lut l6l7, everey Commercu Center, 87-l05
Chuthum Rd., 1sm Shu 1su, lovoon, Hong long
1e: |852) 3524 7984 - lux: |852) 3524 7985
L-mu: nougomux.com
Promotional microber cleaning cloth
Microber cleaning pouches
Gifts & Premiums July 2009 26 www.globalsources.com - Choose veried suppliers
Looking for new bag designs to keep your customers interested? Then look no
further. Our 10-member R&D team develops over 100 new eco-friendly products
like tote, promotional, shopping, travel and cooler bags each month. As a
result, it becomes apparent why Starbucks, Carlsberg and licensed distributors
of Disney products source from us.
To provide you with bags you'll be proud to have your logo on, we fashion
each one with PEVA, PVC, canvas and nonwoven fabric. Each of our products
has to go through quality examinations and meet high standards set by 25
of our QC members. Printing is done using Heidelberg machines for precise,
sharp and vivid images.
Our two factories covering 6,000m
and 500 skilled workers are capable of
producing 2 million units each month. This ensures that we'll never come up
short when it comes to your volume orders. Find out what else we can do for
you by contacting us today.
All items shown here with various trademarks, brand names and logos (Marks)
are for reference purposes only, and are not for sale. The Marks are the property of
the respective owners, and we are not authorized to manufacture or sell any items
bearing such Marks to any third party.
Hongfei Plastic Product (HK) Ltd
1/F, Tower C2, Fuyuan Industrial City, 111 Jiuwei Rd.,
Xixiang, Bao'an, Shenzhen, Guangdong 518126, China
Tel: (86-755) 2997 6880 Fax: (86-755) 8145 3113
E-mail: szhongfei@globalsources.com
Website: www.globalsources.com/szhongfei.co
Starbucks, Carlsberg and Disney come to us
Choose from 100 new
eco-friendly bag styles monthly
Insulated bag with customized logo
Meeting the safety requirements
of Wal-Mart and Kmart
We understand the importance of safety. Tat's why we make it
one of our top priorities. Our promotional and gif pens are RoHS
Directive-compliant and have EN 71, CE, and FDA approvals.
Wal-Mart and Kmart trust their orders to us, and we're sure you'll
appreciate our services too.
To provide your customers with exciting new designs, our R&D
team frequently develops new pen models with various features. For
example, in addition to standard metal gif pens, we ofer USB pens
with storage capacities ranging from 256MB to 8G. We also welcome
your OEM projects. Minimum orders start at 1,000 units, and we
can handle orders of up to 1 million units. Visit us at Global Sources
Online to browse our collection or e-mail us today.
Arico Pen Industrial Ltd
Room 3, 18/F, Sunwise Ind. Bldg., 16-26 Wang Wo Tsai St.,
Tsuen Wan, N.T., Hong Kong
Tel: (852) 2407 7102 Fax: (852) 2409 9920
E-mail: aricopen@netvigator.com
www.globalsources.com/arico.co www.aricopen.com.hk
Ballpoint pens
Hong Kong Gifs & PremiumShow
HK Convention & Exhibition Centre
Apr. 27-30, 2009
Booth No. 1K38
Mega Show Part 1
HK Convention & Exhibition Centre
Oct. 20-23, 2009
Booth No. 3D39
Innovative ICs that you will
not hnd elsewhere
In a market lled with new promotional electronic
gadgets, you need a partner to meet your specic needs.
FMradio, stopwatch, pedometer, programmed lighting,
pulse-measuring capability and calorie-counting functions
are some examples of what we can programinto our
chips. Our 15 R&D engineers have been developing
six newICs every three months and can create them
according to your OEM/ODMrequirements.
Our 20 QC staff members monitor everything fromthe IC
wafers that are sourced fromTaiwan and IC bonding with
our 15 automatic IC bonding machines, to prototypes and
nished items. You can rely on us for precision, just like our
buyers in the US and Europe do. Contact us today for more
information on our promotional designs.
Growtech Industrial Ltd
Rm. 916B, 9/F, Well Fung Ind. Centre, 58-76 Ta Chuen Ping St., Kwai
Chung, N.T., Hong Kong
Tel: (852) 2427 9291 Fax: (852) 2401 7180
E-mail: info@growtech.com.hk
www.globalsources.com/growtech.co www.growtech.com.hk
All of the designs shown here are patented in mainland China and other international jurisdictions. Counterfeiting, copying and
other infringement will be prosecuted to the full extent allowed by law.
Digital timers with clips, stands and magnets
Count up and down
G13 batteries included
Pedometers for dogs
Ideal for dog's health
Maximum count: 99,999 steps
Simulate dog's walking form
Easy attachments with
durable clips
PRC patent no.
Gifts & Premiums July 2009 28 www.globalsources.com - Choose veried suppliers
hFw Pk0uuCTS
centinued en page 34 W
Keychain depicts
bew| ef feed
Malnland ChlnaAcever Cifts tndustry (5henzhen) Ce.
Ltd has released model A-0958, a promotional keychain
that features an attachment resembling a bowl of food.
The attachment is made of nontoxic, high-grade plastic
and measures 4cm in diameter and 2cm in height. The
chain and key ring come in metal.
The product is available in versions depicting dishes
from various cuisines, including American, European,
Chinese and Japanese.
Specifcations on the design
are accepted. Buyers logos
can be printed on the
bowl or on a
Price is
$0.60, with
a minimum
order of 1,000 pieces. Delivery takes 20 days after order
Acever manufactures promotional items such as
keychains, caps, hats, fans and mobile phone straps. The
company accepts OEM orders.
Lew-neise U5 fan
a|se runs en AA batteries
Malnland Chlnafeshan Rea|time Ce. Ltd has launched
model RT-SD089, a miniature USB fan that can also be
powered by four AA batteries.
The product uses USB 2.0 and has low-noise operation.
Its voltage ranges from 4.6 to 6V. The head oscillates to
an angle of 45 degrees and can also be
set to a stationary position. It tilts
vertically up to 35 degrees.
The model measures
13.3x16x25.5cm and is
available in white, blue and
pink. Its cover is removable
and easy to clean.
One unit is packed in a
gift box. A 66x54x78cm carton
contains 48 fans.
Price is provided on inquiry.
The minimum order is 2,000 units,
for delivery within 15 days after
order confrmation.
Over 10,000 t oys
and novelt ies
Le onheur, estubshed n l989, oers over l0,000
toys und novetes or you to choose rom. 1oys,
stutonery, trend-nuenced every, purty suppes,
gts und premums cun u be moded to your CLM/
CDM speccutons. Cur products ure cost-eectvey
produced n munund Chnu under strct C processes.
Cur oces n 1uvun, Hong long und
munund Chnu ussst us n keepng
eud tmes to our veeks und deverng
sumpes n seven to l0 duys. \th our
quuty merchundse, compettve prces
und outstundng servce, ve ure ube to
hep buyers nd success n ther murkets.
Contuct us toduy n Lngsh or }upunese.
9l, No. 2l3 Shn Y Rd., Sec. 2, 1upe l00, 1uvun
1e: |886-2) 2393 8249 lux: |886-2) 239l 0936
L-mu: suesbonheurs.com
Bouncing balls,
available in a wide variety of designs
July 2009 Gifts & Premiums 29 More new products - www.globalsources.com
Flat A, 11/F, Kim Sing Commercial Bldg., 126 Castle Peak Rd.,
Sham Shui Po, Kowloon, Hong Kong
Tel: (852) 2428 0281 Fax: (852) 2409 8765
E-mail: info@giftsnpremium.net
www.globalsources.com/giftsnpremium.co www.giftsnpremium.net
Gifts & Premium Ltd
GP Gifts & Home Products (Shenzhen) Ltd
ISO 9001:2000
Meetng lrop 65 und the utest LL stundurds
We have been offering a full range of
designs for day-to-day use and special
occasions for decades all constructed
with the best quality raw materials to
ensure user safety. Our decals meet the
Prop 65 and the latest EUstandards on
ceramics the world s toughest
requirements on toxic chemical control.
Our catalog includes a range of high
quality decals for ceramic, glass,
polyresin, wooden and stainless steel
products.We also welcome your own
artwork, graphics and design
:pecifcclicn:. Experiencec :lcff cl
cur Hcng Kcng cffce cre reccy lc wcrk
on your custom projects. Inquire today.
Ceramic mugs
Packaging and
advertising major
brands since 1971
Your puckugng perorms tvo vtu roes: protectng your
products rom dumuge und mukng them pop out on sheves. lor
38 yeurs, ve've been producng the boxes or shoes, home products
und more o bg-nume buyers such us \u-Murt, Lev Struuss & Co. und
Nev uunce. \e munuucture these lVC und sk puper boxes usng
uutomutc pustng und bondng muchnes creutng puckugng vth good
prntng suruces und stube shupes. And by usng mutcoored hgh-speed
prntng muchnes, ve creute puckugng vth uvess ogo pucement und
eye-cutchng coors to uttruct consumers. \e vecome orders sturtng ut
ust l,000 unts. lor more normuton, contuct us toduy.
No. 6-6 Y Ho Rd., Sun Ho, 1u Yu, 1uchung, 1uvun
1e: |886-4) 2567 256l lux: |886-4) 2566 6704
L-mu: umy.uohvbox.com
vvv.gobusources.com/huumu.co - vvv.hvbox.com
Munund Chnu uctory: Youngun lndustru Dst.,
Cuunyuo, Nunhu, Cuungdong
All trademarks shown here are for reference purposes only. They are the property of their
respective owners, and we are not authorized to sell items bearing such trademarks.
Hua Mu Color Art Paper Product Co. Ltd
OEM/ODM samples, various boxes,
paper display racks, books, bags, hang
tags and instruction sheets are available
Gift box and books with multicolored oset printing
Hong Kong
Oct. 20-23, 2009
Booth No. 6M08
Gifts & Premiums July 2009 30 www.globalsources.com - Choose veried suppliers
BoosI your brand's lmage wlIb
eco-frlendly groducIs
Disncy, Coca-CoIa, Smirnoff and Hcinckcn comc to us
Looking to enhance your brand image with environment-safe products?
Work with us and join our list of big buyers including Disney, Coca-
Cola, Smirnoff and Heineken. Our promotional gifts, such as the items
featured here, are EN 71- and CE-certifed, RoHS Directive-compliant
and made of phthalate-free PVC. The other materials that we use
include EPE, rubber, PU and silica gel.
Our selection consists of bar glasses, mugs, keychains, luggage tags,
refrigerator magnets and bracelets, and we also manufacture bar mats
and coasters. At our factory, we have an in-house molding workshop
and 20 production lines capable of turning out 3 million items a month.
To place your bulk orders, contact us today.
All items shown here with various trademarks, brand names and logos ("Marks") are for reference purposes only, and are not for sale. The Marks
are the property of the respective owners, and we are not authorized to manufacture or sell any items bearing such Marks to any third party.
Quanzhou lichcng Hongfa PIastic & Hardwarc Products fty
longIing (Hong kong) Prcscnt Tradc ltd
168 Linjiang Hunei Industry Area, Quanzhou, Fujian 362000, China
Tel: (86-595) 2812 7866 (86) 138 6071 6495 Fax: (86-595) 2258 7455
E-mail: veralee@qzhongfa.com qzhongfa@globalsources.com
Website: www.globalsources.com/qzhongfa.co www.qzhongfa.com
Luggage tag
and keychains
Refrigerator magnet
Promotional mug
Rubber bar mat
PVC bar mat
Auchan, Tesco and Sams
Club count on our capacit y
We turn out up to 1.5 million bags per month
Big buyers rely on our high-volume capacity. Auchan, Tesco and Sams Club
benet fromthe 1.5 million bags that we produce each month. Let us know
howlarge your order is. We can have your shipment ready in just 20 days. Our
major markets are in Europe and North America.
Browse our selection of shopping bags, shoulder bags, wine bags, cooler bags,
garment covers, hanger organizers and wardrobes. We use eco-friendly and
recycled materials such as organic cotton and PET to minimize impact on
the environment.
Your custom projects are welcome. We can print your logos and promotional
messages on our products. Samples take only three days. To learn more, send
us an e-mail today.
All Star Houseware Ltd
Rm. 1512, Bldg. 3, Lane 58, East Xinjian Rd.,
Minhang, Shanghai 201100, China
Tel: (86-21) 5103 5009 Fax: (86-21) 5465 6477
E-mail: enquiry@ast99.com
Website: www.globalsources.com/ast99.co
Shopping bags, wine bag
and cooler bag, available
in nonwoven fabric and
organic cotton
Foldable nylon
shopping bag
All trademarks shown here are for reference purposes only.
Tey are the property of their respective owners, and we are
not authorized to sell items bearing such trademarks.
10 year s of exper i ence
Dongyang Sentai Plastic Products Co. Ltd
No. 2, Jiangbei High-Tech Park, Dongyang, Zhejiang 322100, China
Tel: (86-579) 8689 6010 Fax: (86-579) 8689 6009
E-mail: sentai@globalsources.com yhsentai@163.com
Website: www.globalsources.com/sentai.co www.st-toy.com
Promotional infatable PVC boat, with pump, nylon rope,
cushion, repair kit, jointing sleeve and carrier bag
Our management, R&D experts and 50 percent of our workers
have been in the PVC inatables business for over 10 years.
This experienced brain trust helps us to ensure that your
products wont leak. We test all of our nished goods for
24 hours thats 50 percent longer the industry standard.
Over 80 percent of our output is for custom orders, so we
know how to handle your special requests. Samples based
on your ideas or designs take just three to ve days. And we
pledge to respond to your inquiries within two hours.
Our ISO 9001:2000-certied facilities provide a monthly capacity
of 500,000 units for your high-volume orders. Everything we
make is CE and ASTM approved. E-mail us today.
Leakage-tested for 24 hours
Infatable PVC pool for promotions
Infatable PVC
palm tree cooler
for promotions
All trademarks shown here are for reference purposes only. They are the property of their
respective owners, and we are not authorized to sell items bearing such trademarks.
Gifts & Premiums July 2009 32 www.globalsources.com - Choose veried suppliers
Adjustable luggage straps
We offer a full range of gift and premium items such as lapel pins, charms, coins,
plaques, medals, keychains, embroidered patches and lanyards galore. Each month,
we roll out 2,000 new designs and produce up to 10 million pieces at our three plants.
And with 4,500 staff members, we've fulflled all kinds of design requirements and
volume orders from Disney, Sesame Workshop and other selective buyers.
Let us take care of all your product needs from materials sourcing to packaging design.
Provide us with a drawing or simply an idea, and well have a sample ready in seven
days. A full range of surface treatments is available, including hard enamel, imitation hard
enamel, soft enamel, photo etching, printing, stamping, die casting and die spinning.
Once your sample is fnalized, your order will be processed and shipped in 14 to 18 days.
Start benefting from our design and manufacturing capabilities today. ln business since
1984, we're one of the most experienced suppliers of premiums and gift items too.
Contact us today for more information.
Global brand names choose
us for variety and volume
Logojets International Ltd
Unit B, 5/F, Benyuan Bldg., 6015 Shennan Rd., Chegongmiao,
Futian District, Shenzhen, Guangdong 518040, China
Tel: (86-755j 8358 9462 Fax: (86-755j 8358 9465
E-mail: sales@logojets.com
www.globalsources.com/logojets.co www.logojets.com
Factory: Gaobu, Dongguan, Guangdong, China
All items shown here with various trademarks, brand names and logos (Marks) are for reference purposes only, and are not for sale. The Marks
are the property of the respective owners, and we are not authorized to manufacture or sell any items bearing such Marks to any third party.
Our product range:
Metal premiums
Plastic premiums
Soft PvC premiums
Embroidered items
Die-cast (zinc alloyj items
Spin-cast (pewterj items
Badge set, made of die-struck copper, zinc
alloy or pewter and flled with hard enamel,
soft enamel and color epoxy resin
Soft PVC luggage tags with 3-D molds
More sourcin opportunities online
5ave time searchin
0ne search provldes you wlth quallty results from
Clobal Sources verlfed suppllers - plus hundreds of
other suppllers and search results from the entlre web.
5in up for Product Alert
Source from your desktop wlth free e-mall updates on new
products and suppllers ln the categorles you want.
Pe|yester |anyard
with rhinestene trim
Malnland ChlnaThe model CL-01 promotional lanyard
from Cheng|ian Cifts & Arts Ce. Ltd is decorated with
hot-fx rhinestones arranged in a heart shape.
The product is made of polyester and printed with heat-
transferred pattern. It measures 20mm wide.
The lanyard is
ftted with a plastic
buckle and a metal
lobster clasp.
Price is $0.30, with a minimum
order of 3,000 pieces. Delivery takes
15 days after order confrmation.
Cap features bett|e
epener be|ew viser
Malnland Chlna5henzhen Changyuan Cifts &
Premetien Ce. Ltd has launched model CY03042-B, a
promotional cap equipped with a bottle opener.
Made of zinc alloy, the bottle opener is located at the
base of the visor. It is available in fve types.
The product has a 100 percent cotton crown. The back
closure is ftted with hook-and-loop tape.
Buyers logos can be printed or embroidered.
Specifcations on the design, color
and material are accepted.
Price is provided
on inquiry. The
minimum order
is 1,000 pieces,
for delivery
within 15 days
after order
Changyuan makes
promotional hats and
caps. Its major customers include HSBC, Sheraton and
1,000-item selection valued by Coca-Cola
Asia Sky International (HK) Ltd
4/F, Bldg. 22, No. 4 Cuigang Industrial Park,
Fuyong, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China
Tel: (86-755) 2128 6506 Fax: (86-755) 2661 2937
asiasky@globalsources.com asiasky@vip.163.com
Coca-Cola's marketing platform has made it one of
the world's most recognized brands. What better way
to boost your own brand than to source premiums
where Coca-Cola does right here. We offer you
over 1,000 OEM-ready promotional items, including
pens, USB ash drives, mobile phone emergency
chargers, Bluetooth

headsets and more.

You can have us simply add your logo to your
choice of premium, or have our R&D team develop
a completely new item for you. Your samples will
be ready in as fast as ve days. Mass production
takes place in our own factory, where we ensure
quality by performing QC testing at each stage of
manufacturing, from incoming raw materials to
Ballpoint pens with rolled paper inside
the barrels for double-sided advertising
Card reader with USB connector Multifunctional solar emergency charger
assembly and packaging. We've set up a 24-hour
customer service center to take your inquiries, so
contact us at any time.
Bluetooth and the Bluetooth logo are registered trademarks of the Bluetooth SIG.
Gifts & Premiums July 2009 34 www.globalsources.com - Choose veried suppliers
If you' re looking for promotional items that would leave a lasting
impression of your brand, then source our solar fashlights. They
utilize energy so effciently that they can be used to charge mobile
phones and PMPs. We've ftted them with Siemens silicon boards,
resulting in 16-percent energy conversion that' s 4 percent more
effcient than the industry norm. Some also come with crank
dynamos, so they can be recharged when the sun is not shining.
We create up to 20 new models of these multifunctional products
each month for markets in Japan, the US and Europe. To meet
their demand for eco-friendly items, all of the 20,000 units that we
produce monthly come with RoHS, CE and FCC marks.
To enhance the appeal of your brand among your customers,
place an inquiry for our solar fashlights. Contact our English- and
Japanese-speaking staff members today.
Flashlights that can be used
as mobile and
PMP chargers
Shenzhen Xinlingnan Electronic Technology Co. Ltd
Rms. 1902-1903, Block A, Mingdu Building, Wenjin Central Rd.,
Luohu, Shenzhen, Guangdong 518001, China
Factory: 3 Lixin St., Liyuanxia, Pinghu, Shenzhen,
Guangdong 518111, China
Tel: (86-755) 8239 9022, 8468 1433 Fax: (86-755) 8468 0533
E-mail: xlngss@126.com xlngs@globalsources.com
www.globalsources.com/xinlingnan.co www.xinlingnan.com
Flashlights with crank dynamo functions and FM radios
3.5mm headphone jacks
USB ports
Can be used to charge different mobile phone models
Solar charger
Unique magnet ic
hanging cont ainer
As u promotonu tem, the eutured decorutve mugnetc
hunger s perect. Adorned vth your compuny ogo, ths
product v teruy hung uround your customers' homes
or yeurs to come. And vth ts 3mm-thck mugnetc
buckng und durube lVC constructon, t stuys securey
uttuched to metu suruces.
Cur products curry LN 7l und AS1M upprovus, und ure
sourced by the urgest convenence store chun n 1uvun.
\e cun dever sumpes n one veek. And you're
nterested n u test run, ve vecome orders o ust 500
unts. 1o dscuss your CLM/CDM orders
vth our Lngsh- und Spunsh-speukng
stu, contuct us toduy.
No. 25, Aey 7, Lune l95, Yongong Rd., 1ucheng Cty,
1upe County 236, 1uvun
1e: |886-2) 2264 l647, 2264 385l lux: |886-2) 2264 l635
L-mu: knongknong.com.tv - knongknong.com
vvv.gobusources.com/knong.co - vvv.knong.com
Magnetic hanging containers,
available in 5 different designs
Hold securely to
metal surfaces
lor use as nower pots,
ish bowls and more
Standard diameter 14cm
5amgles of your deslred
gremlums wlIbln 5 days
Simply tell our English-procient representatives the nature of your upcoming promotion,
and they'll point you to one of our 250 premiums, including digital photo frames, novelty
pens, multifunctional and light pens, air fresheners and ashing LED items. Once you've
decided on a model, we'll have a sample bearing your logo, ready in two to ve days.
To ensure rapid order processing, we carry out production in-house, where we make
350,000 EN 71-, ASTM- and CE-marked items monthly. This volume production, combined
with our efcient R&D services, has earned us the business of Disney, Coca-Cola,
RadioShack, Volkswagen and other big names. See how fast we can meet your promotional
needs. Send us your requirements today.
Rm. 1402, 14/F, Nangang Commercial Bldg., Qianhai Rd.,
Nanshan, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China
Tel: (86-755) 8625 3082/3083/3081 Fax: (86-755) 8625 3039
E-mail: oceanstar@globalsources.com oceanstar@21cn.net
Website: www.globalsources.com/oceanstar.co www.oceanstar-hk.com
250 OEM-ready items to choose from
Occan Star lntcrnationaI (Hk) ltd
All trademarks shown here are for reference purposes only. They are the property of their respective owners,
and we are not authorized to sell items bearing such trademarks.
Promotional paper
air fresheners
LED pen
with lanyard
Metal pen stand
with lamp
Gifts & Premiums July 2009 36 www.globalsources.com - Choose veried suppliers
No. l0l, Yungdong lndustru Zone, unku, \enzhou,
Zheung 325804, Chnu
1e: |86-577) 6850 6000, 6850 600l lux: |86-577) 6850 6002
megebugsgobusources.com munugermegebugs.com
vvv.gobusources.com/megebugs.co - vvv.megebugs.com SGS
Laminated PP woven
shopping bags in gold
and silver colors
Huve u greut deu or u promotonu bug und vunt to see u quuty product
qucky: Cur l0 desgners, euch vth ve yeurs o experence, v vork
rom your sketches und consut you to creute u sumpe n ust three to sx
duys. You cun choose rom u vurety o shoppng, ushon, tote und beuch
bugs. Cur mun muterus ure voven ll, nonvoven ll, lL1 und vurous
recyced, eco-rendy ubrcs.
\e knov thut vurety uttructs sues. 1hut's vhy ve hep to keep your
customers duzzed vth the l5 nev bug desgns ve creute every month.
\th our 5,000m
uctory stued vth 200 vorkers ve ure reudy or your
mxed orders. Cur monthy cupucty s 900,000 peces, und our mnmum
order requrement s ust 5,000 peces. Motorou, LC, lrn, Mtsubsh,
L'Creu, \u-Murt und Neste ure u sutsed vth us, und ve thnk you
v be too. Contuct us toduy.
Wc'vc got your idcas in
thc cco-fricndIy bag
ISO 9001:2008 OHSAS 18001
Chosen by LOral, Nestl, Kirin and Wal-Mart
Cangnan Meige Bags Co. Ltd
All items shown here with various trademarks, brand names and logos (Marks) are for reference purposes only, and are not for sale. The Marks are
the property of the respective owners, and we are not authorized to manufacture or sell any items bearing such Marks to any third party.
Promotional nonwoven PP shoulder bags with Velcro

Foldable nonwoven shopping bag,

measuring 10 x 10 x 5
Ovcr 200 promotionaI itcms
avaiIabIc for your ncxt campaign
Multifunctional, user-friendly and sleek. Our promotional stopwatches, calculators,
USB disks and radios have been well-received in markets worldwide since 1989. Our
designers attend major trade shows every year to keep up with the latest that is
offered in the industry, and introduce newitems every month. Choose frommore than
200 models in our latest catalog or provide us with your specications. For 20 years, we
have worked with international clients and helped them realize their projects.
Our four-color offset printing line enables us to get your labels on the products quickly
and accurately. And with our own tooling, molding and plastic-injection departments,
we can have your designs on the market in two months or less. Contact our Hong Kong
ofce today for a quick quote.
Solar-powered desktop calculator
Built-in mirror and memo pad
Size: 175 x 112 x 37.8mm
Panoramic digital alarm clock,
size: 68 x 68 x 11.5mm
Pretty Rich Industrial Ltd
Unit 16, 14/F, Block B, Hi-Tech Industrial Center, 491-501 Castle Peak Rd.,
Tsuen Wan, N.T., Hong Kong
Tel: (852) 2405 6103 Fax: (852) 2414 7980 E-mail: info@prettyrich.com.hk
www.globalsources.com/pretty.co www.prettyrich.com.hk
Sports stopwatch
Records 1/100 seconds
5 translucent colors available
Size: 68 x 68 x 11.5mm
Billyking Co. Lt d
1upe oce: 2l, No. 45-l Chung Hvu Rd., Sec. l, 1ucheng, 1upe, 1uvun
Munund Chnu oce: No. ll, }ung Vuge,
Du Su leng, Cuunun, Shenzhen
1e: |86-755) 28l6 4998 lux: |86-755) 28l6 4990
L-mu: yunnms75.hnet.net
vvv.gobusources.com/bykng.co - vvv.bykng-chnu.com
Innatable air mattress, pool with
remoable canopy and jumping castle
In facilities that have passed audits by Disney
\e empoy u teum o 60 C stu, vho conduct strct
testng on every one o our nutube products. 1hese
exumnutons ncude 24-hour eukuge tests und veght
tests n vhch up to 600kg o pressure s upped. Cur
uctes huve uso been uudted by Dsney so you knov
our processes ure n uccordunce vth nternutonu stundurds.
\hy not on mutnutonus ke Cocu-Cou, Lnever und
Ruvngs n sourcng our promotonus und retu tems: You'
benet rom speedy sumpe creuton custom desgns ure
reuzed n ust tvo duys. uyers uso upprecute our use o
u l80k\ seung muchne. 1hs uovs us to seu urger tems
thun our compettors, most o vhom empoy smuer l50k\
equpment. Contuct us toduy.
ISO 9001:2000
Mega Show Part 1
Hong Kong
Oct. 20-23, 2009
Booth No. 1A-A46
Diameter: 244cm
135 x 135 x 38cm
129 x 198cm
Gifts & Premiums July 2009 38 www.globalsources.com - Choose veried suppliers
Longwick Industries Ltd
Units 601-603, 6/F, Block B, Wing Kut Industrial Bldg.,
608 Castle Peak Rd., Cheung Sha Wan, Kowloon, Hong Kong
Tel: (852) 2785 8800 Fax: (852) 2785 6611
E-mail: info@longwick.com
Website: www.globalsources.com/longwick.co
Want to supply your customers with a constantly updated range of gift
items? Show them our latest birthstone collection. Based in Hong Kong,
our designers are exposed to a dynamic gift market where trends are
ever-changing. To keep your stock fresh, they develop at least 10 new
items each month. You can count on them not only for creative product
designs, but also for eye-catching packaging and retail display solutions.
In addition to over 10 new products each month, we have a collection of
20,000 items, and also carry out custom production for your OEM/ODM
projects. Samples are ready in just 15 to 25 days. We operate a 20,000m

factory in mainland China, and have 17 years of zinc alloy die-casting
experience to ensure attention is paid to the fnest details of every piece
we produce. Fifteen experienced trade staff in Hong Kong are ready to
serve you. Contact us today for our latest catalogs and service details.
Over 20,000
original designs
Photo frame keychains
Photo frame phonestrap and keychain
Big lots, Mcijcr and othcr US storcs
buy 70% of our goods
Toyota, Sony and Coca-CoIa makc prcmiums with us
Cur ushghts ure popuur vth LS-bused
retuers und vhoesuers, und umous
brunds. About 70 percent o our output
s stocked by stores ncudng g Lots,
Cceun Stute }ob Lot, Advunce Auto lurts
und Meer. 1oyotu, Sony und Cocu-Cou
uso turn to us or promotonu ushghts.
\e've been vorkng vth u o these
compunes or over our yeurs.
\e huve more thun 200 styes uvuube or
your seecton, und deveop l0 nev modes
every month. Cur monthy cupucty o 200,000
ushght meuns thut your promotonu proects
v never be deuyed.
As u trudng compuny vth l0 yeurs o experence,
ve oer u mussve seecton o more thun 6,000
gtvure und promotonu tems. rovse our
products onne toduy.
1Wrechargeable LED fashlight with
car plug and compass
Aluminum LED fashlights
with clam-shell packaging, display
box available for supermarkets
lucky lntcrnationaI
Tradc Co. ltd
Rm. l0-l, l0/l, 455 Lust Zhongshun Rd.,
Nngbo, Zheung 3l5040, Chnu
1e: |86-574) 8774 3020, 8774 302l
lux: |86-574) 8774 3022
Hong Kong
Oct. 20- 23, 2009
Booth No. 6M37
Why do world-renowned multinationals like Wal-Mart, Disney, Coca-Cola and
Carlsberg come to us for their retail bags, storage boxes, cooler bags and
promotional items? Is it the fact that we use eco-friendly, azo-free, recyclable
materials with less than 100ppmheavy metal content? Or is it because we
use rotogravure printing machines for vivid true-to-life images? It is all of
these things, plus the fact that we use
laminators and slitters fromTaiwan,
Japan and South Korea that allow for
more durably manufactured products.
We offer a wide range of materials for
you to choose from before we process
your orders. Some of our newest
choices include organic cotton, recycled
PET, polyester and jute. Send us your
requirements, and we'll have a sample
in just ve days. Contact us today.
ISO 9001:2000 ISO 14001:2004
Richall Technology Co. Ltd
H5-03, Bldg. 306, Shenzhen Century Craftwork Cultural Market, 4001
Fuqiang Rd., Futian, Shenzhen, Guangdong 518048, China
Tel: (86-755) 8610 0988/0111 Fax: (86-755) 8610 0688
E-mail: richall@globalsources.com rich@richall.net
www.globalsources.com/richall.co www.richall.net
Contact person: Jessy Kar
Supplying eco-friendly bags
to Wal-Mart and Disney
Insulated cooler bags
Promotional shopping bags
All trademarks shown here are for reference purposes only. They are the property of their
respective owners, and we are not authorized to sell items bearing such trademarks.
Gifts & Premiums July 2009 40 www.globalsources.com - Choose veried suppliers
Promotional items with
your logo in three days
Lookng to bud your brund's muge vth promotonu products: 1hen
ook no urther. Cur seek und stysh LS promotonu products eutured
here ure ust some o u ev tems thut ve cun oer. \ork vth us und
ve' send you u sumpe vth your engruved ogo n ust three duys und
huve your order reudy l0 duys uter or your next promotonu event.
uyers n the LS und Lurope ure orderng Sl0 mon vorth o
merchundse rom us every yeur. Cur cents ncude Semens und lrocter
& Cumbe. \e oer you u cutuog o over 80 desgns upduted vth
20 nev tems per month o LS ush drves, pens und nght-ghts, us
ve us dgtu cumerus. A our products ure CL- und lCC-certed und
guurunteed or one yeur. Contuct us toduy to nd out hov you cun get ree
sumpes o our products.
Shenzhen Suntop Enterprises Co. Ltd
Rm. 503, Donge udng, Shennun Lust Rd., Shenzhen,
Cuungdong 5l8000, Chnu
1e: |86-755) 25l3 2464/2465/2467 - lux: |86-755) 25l3 2447
L-mu: suntopgobusources.com - undysuntopone.com
\ebste: vvv.gobusources.com/suntop.co
Semens und l&C come to us
USB fash drives with
leather keychain case
USB bracelets
USB keychains
Odesun Co. Ltd
No. 1-2, West Luheyuan, Ouchi Industrial Zone,
Yinzhou, Ningbo, Zhejiang 315176, China
Tel: (86-574) 8716 7673 Fax: (86-574) 8716 7697
E-mail: sales@nbodesun.com odesun@globalsources.com
www.globalsources.com/odesun.co www.nbodesun.com
Come to us for pens, pen holders, highlighters, pencils, scissors, calculators,
staplers and more. We have over 1,000 pen styles and 5,000 other stationery
and promotional items available for your selection. Our R&D team of five develops
300 new pens annually to keep our catalog fresh. And our sample lead time is
just one week.
We turn out up to 7 million pieces every month, meeting the promotional
needs of Mercedes-Benz, Warner Bros. and Unilever. We also supply
supermarkets and dollar stores, such as Dollar Tree. Were ready for
your orders too.
Our designs meet ASTM and EN 71 standards for easier market entry.
To learn more about our products, send us an e-mail today.
300 new gens annually
Promotional pens for Mercedes-Benz and Warner Bros.
Our new plastic
ballpoint pen styles,
logo printing available
for your promotions
Promotional ballpoint
pens with bottle opener
and nail clippers ASTM D- 4 2 3 6 EN 71
5mlleMakers, TargeI and over 80%
of our cllenIs glace OFM orders
Yiwu Changqing Toys Co. ltd
558 Xungshun Rd., Yvu, Zheung 322000, Chnu
1e: |86-579) 8532 27ll lux: |86-579) 853l 32ll
L-mu: cqtoysgobusources.com - sueschungqngtoys.com
vvv.gobusources.com/chungqngtoys.co - vvv.chungqngtoys.com
Color-changing ball
\hen SmeMukers, 1urget, \u-Murt, Muney 1oy und Coopmun huve deus
or un, orgnu toys, they come to us. So do more thun 80 percent o our other
cents rom the Amercus, Lurope, }upun und Southeust Asu. And muny umur
brunds ncudng M&M's come to us or ther promotonu proects.
Wc aIso suppIy promotionaI products to big brands
High bouncing balls with glitter
Plastic football horn
Renovned compunes vork vth us
becuuse they ee sue sourcng our
phthuute-ree toys. A o our products uso
meet AS1M und LN 7l stundurds. And ve
round out our commtment to consumer suety
by usng lDA-upproved, ood-grude, heut-seued
puckugng. Custom sumpes cun be reudy n ve duys,
or l0 to 20 duys nev mods ure requred. Devery s
n tvo veeks hu the ndustry uveruge. lnqure toduy.
Gifts & Premiums July 2009 42 www.globalsources.com - Choose veried suppliers
l you ure n the murket or nonvoven bugs, tuke u ook
ut our utest oerngs. Lvery month ve udd 30 nev
desgns to our coecton o over 200 bugs. Cur l0
desgners huve more thun 20 yeurs o experence,
und ve vecome custom requests or stye, ogo,
coor und puckugng. \u-Murt customzes
nonvoven shoppng bugs vth us, und Addus,
Heo ltty, Cuterpur, Curreour, est uy
und otherm turn to us or hep vth ther
promotonu ventures.
\e're ve-equpped or voume producton.
Cur 200 sevng muchnes rom }upun und
Hedeberg prntng equpment rom Cermuny
turn out up to 500,000 peces monthy.
lroducton oovs lSC 900l:2000 und
lSC l400l:2004 gudenes or consstent
quuty und envronmentu munugement.
You cun uso come to us or u vde runge o
mugnets, stckers, notebooks, oders, hundbugs,
puckugng products und promotonu gts. lor
l0 yeurs, ve've been suppyng buyers n Lurope,
North Amercu und Asu. Vst our Cobu Sources
Cnne shovroom toduy.
30 new nonwoven
bags per month
Customization for Adidas,
Hello Kitty and Caterpillar
Rm. 20l, dg. 2, Zhenxng Rd., Longgung,
\enzhou, Zheung 325802, Chnu
1e: |86-577) 6427 l288 lux: |86-577) 6427 l289
L-mu: ybprntnggobusources.com
\ebste: vvv.gobusources.com/yubuo.co
Wenzhou Yabao Printing Co. Ltd
All items shown here with various trademarks, brand names and logos (Marks) are for reference purposes only, and
are not for sale. The Marks are the property of the respective owners, and we are not authorized to manufacture or
sell any items bearing such Marks to any third party.
Eco-friendly nonwoven tote bag with
lamination, available for customorders
Tote bags, made of 80gsm
nonwoven fabric
\e're un ocu vuter botte supper or the \ord Lxpo 20l0 n Shunghu. \e
specuze n stuness stee und uumnum bottes vth vuter-bused nner coutngs
und SCS upprovus. \e uso muke stundurdzed creum vhppers rungng n sze
rom 250mL to l,000mL, und sodu sphons. Cur other bg buyers ncude Cocu-Cou,
\u-Murt, Hugo oss, Dsney und Chnu Mobe.
Cur desgn techncuns cun mod nev stuness stee und uumnum sumpes und prnt
your custom desgns n ony l5 duys. A o our nk comes rom Murubu o Cermuny.
\e've never hud uny returns, und ve're 1LV-certed or envronmentu reguutory
compunce. Cur monthy cupucty s over l mon vuter bottes und creum
vhppers. Contuct us toduy.
Cushun lndustru Zone, Yongkung, Zheung 32l307, Chnu
1e: |86-579) 875l 2999, 875l 2982
lux: |86-579) 875l 2987, 875l 2985
L-mu: suescneun.com
vvv.gobusources.com/eun.co - vvv.cneun.com
Contuct lerson: Mr. Robert Lu Mobe: |86) l35 7569 2878
Skype: robertul26 MSN: udecunl206hotmu.com
Zhejiang Feijian Industry and Trading Co. Ltd
Ofcial Supplier for the
World Expo 2010
Custom stainless steel and aluminum options
All trademarks shown here are for reference purposes only.They are the property of their respective
owners, and we are not authorized to sell items bearing such trademarks.
600ml stainless steel
double-wall vacuum bottle
750ml stainless steel
single-wall bottle
500ml stainless steel
cream whipper
Unique equipment and
28 years of experience
Ningbo Ningshen Industry & Trading Co. Ltd
658 North Taoyuan Rd., Science & Technology Industrial Zone,
Ninghai, Ningbo, Zhejiang 315600, China
Sales Offce: 7/F, 40 Baizhang Rd., Ningbo, Zhejiang 315040, China
Tel: (86-574) 8717 4168 Fax: (86-574) 8793 5291
E-mail: ningshen@globalsources.com sales@ningshen.com
www.globalsources.com/ningshen.co www.ningshen.com
All trademarks shown here are for reference purposes only. They are the property of their
respective owners, and we are not authorized to sell items bearing such trademarks.
Display stand, especially suitable for
supermarkets, made of glossy art
paper and corrugated paper, available
in various sizes and designs
After nearly three decades in the industry, we know how to make quality bags. Our
MAN Roland fve-color, half-sheet printers and offset presses - worth more than
$1 million - ensure vivid, fade-resistant designs. We`re one of the few display and
packaging manufacturers in mainland China to own this equipment. An experienced
management team keeps our production on track.
Wal-Mart and other clients in the US, Europe and the Middle East come to us for
$20 million worth of items each year. Our 400-strong team is ready for your large
orders of promotional gift bags and other packaging and printed products. We`ll
complete your order in just one week.
To fnd out how we can help with your custom projects, call us today.
MAN Roland printers set us apart
Color-printed package box,
we offer four-color, pantone,
gold and silver printing

Gifts & Premiums July 2009 44 www.globalsources.com - Choose veried suppliers

Multifunctional USB keychains
made with zinc alloy 3
fvcry unit chcckcd for quaIity bcforc shipmcnt
Cur mutunctonu LS keychuns ure mude vth znc uoy 3, vhch ve source rom un
SCS- und lSC-certed supper. 1hs muteru s 95.67 percent pure znc, enubng our
tems to be stronger und more mpuct-resstunt thun competng modes. 1he muteru uso
conorms to RLACH reguutons n Lurope, uctutng RoHS und CL murks beng uvurded
to our products. Lsers v nd our keychuns durube enough to vthstund constunt
ubruson rom uttuched keys. And uppeung to envronmentuy conscous consumers,
our goods ure processed n u uctory vth ts ovn vustevuter treutment punt.
\th 25 yeurs' experence, ve huve munuuctured budges, keychuns, medus und
pns or cents ke Dsney und Cocu-Cou. Sourcng ugents rom the 2000 Summer
Cympcs uso cume to us. Cents ke these knov thut our 900-member
producton stu competes orders ecenty. lrototypes vth your ogos ure
uvuube n ust l0 duys, und ve vecome orders or ust 300 o our LS
keychuns. Addtonuy, every unt s checked or quuty beore shpment.
L-mu us toduy.
Multifunctional USB keychains
USB 2.0 interfaces Up to 8GB capacities Weight: 41g
Taiwan patent: M340731 Mainland China patent pending
Plaques customizable with laser, soft-enamel or offset screen printing
USB keychains made of zinc alloy 3, customizable
with different nishes, memory sizes and logos
Chung Jen Emblem Co. Ltd
3l-8, No. 492 un Nun Rd., Chung Ho, 1upe, 1uvun
1e: |886-2) 2223 l7l8 lux: |886-2) 2223 l9l8
L-mu: errychungen.com.tv
vvv.gobusources.com/chungen.co vvv.chungen.com
0cteber 20-23, 2009
AsiaWer|d-xpe, Beng Keng
Co-located wlth:
5ee creative preducts
find new eppertunities in these teugh times:
See a hot range of products to brlng ln more buslness
Meet new Chlna suppllers wlth better prlce polnts
Cet more flexlble terms ln productlon and dellvery
frem China & Asia
8eat the economlc crlsls wlth hot and competltlvely-prlced products at
China 5eurcing fair: Cifts & Premiums ln hong Kong!
As one of Asla's ma|or sourclng events for glfts and premlums, the Falr
presents you wlth excltlng new products from 10 popular categorles:
Register new fer free admissien:
See the largest group of Chlna suppllers of any same lndustry trade
show ln hong Kong. Plus, meet new suppllers from hong Kong, Talwan,
Korea, lndla and more.
Thelr lower prlce polnts and fexlble productlon and dellvery terms
can brlng you more cost-savlngs ln today's tough market condltlons.
Meet them at the Chlna Sourclng Falr to regaln your competltlve edge!
Promotlonal bags, caps &
Promotlonal keychalns, badges
& plns
Statlonery & paper
Trlnkets & |ewelry boxes
Chrlstmas & seasonal products
Flectronlc premlums, watches &
Ceneral glfts
Clft boxes
Photo frames
Promotlonal & travel mugs
5ee a vast se|ectien ef
pepu|ar new preducts
5eurce frem cempetitive
China and Asian supp|iers
Perfect|y timed shew fer
fa|| seurcing
The Falr opens wlthln |ust a few days of Canton Falr ln Cuangzhou.
See a wlder product selectlon by vlsltlng the Chlna Sourclng Falr!
0ffclal hotel partner:
6/F, 7-AHuanghe South Street, Huanggu, Shenyang, Liaoning 110031, China
Tel: (86-24) 8620 9760 Fax: (86-24) 8620 9759
E-mail: popbag@globalsources.com popbag@timeschina.net
Website: www.globalsources.com/popbag.co www.timeschina.net
Have a major promotional event coming up? Our bags are a great way
to get your name out there. Just ask Renault, Coca-Cola, Heineken
and Disney. When they needed a large supply of PP/PE woven bags
and PP nonwoven bags, they came to us. We built a new,
38,000-square-meter factory in 2006 to help us produce up to 1.8 million
promotional, shopping, tote, shoulder, storage and cooler bags per
month. We also offer beach mats, picnic mats and tablecloths.
With the help of our 190 machines, we can handle every step of
production in-house. This is how we're able to produce custom
samples in just four days. For those smaller promotions, we're happy
to provide as few as 1,000 bags. Contact us today.
Renault's choice for promotional bags
Up to 1.8 million bags per month
to keep their sales motoring
All trademarks shown here are for reference purposes only. They are the property of their
respective owners, and we are not authorized to sell items bearing such trademarks.
Shenyang Times Plasic Woven Packing Co. Ltd
Waterproof PE woven bag
with intaglio printing, can be
printed with up to seven colors
Eco-friendly PP/PE
woven bags
In-house logo printing for
your USB premiums
Few USB premium manufacturers have the in-house printing
capabilities we do. We offer a variety of logo engraving services,
including silk-screen and movable printing. In addition to creating
10 newitems monthly, our R&D teamcan develop a custom
sample based on your specications in just one week. Our monthly
capacity is 300,000 units, allowing for shipments of 500 pieces in
only two days. Inquire today.
10/F, Hong Kong Trade Centre, 161 Des Vouex Rd.
Central, Hong Kong
Tel: (852) 2816 7037 Fax: (852) 6997 1665
E-mail: amy@szxinhuihe.com.cn
Website: www.globalsources.com/xinhuihe.co
64MB-16GB promotional USB fash drives
Mainland China factory: 13/F, Huashan Rd.,
Daguangkan Bantian, Longgang, Shenzhen, Guangdong
Xinhuihe (HK) Digital Technology Co. Ltd
Coca-Cola has their logo on our inatables
Give your company the exposure it
deserves by printing your logo on our
inatables as Coca-Cola, Disney and
Carlsberg do. Each month, our designers
come up with 10 new items, and need just
two days to create a sample with your
logo. Well use our 18 years experience
to make sure your orders proceed
smoothly. We follow an
ISO 9001:2000-certied
management system
and perform inspections
during all stages of
production. To put
our expertise to
work for you,
inquire today.
All trademarks are shown for reference purposes only. We are not authorized to sell any items bearing such trademarks.
2/F, Bldg. 2, Zhenxing Industrial Zone, Buji,
Shenzhen, Guangdong 518112, China
Tel: (86-755) 2852 2858, 2857 6998
Fax: (86-755) 2852 2278
E-mail: szzhlf@public.szptt.net.cn michealfa@szzhlf.com
www.globalsources.com/zhlf.co www.szzhlf.com
Shenzhen Zhonglifa Industrial Co. Ltd
Infatable mattress and beach chair
Gifts & Premiums July 2009 48 www.globalsources.com - Choose veried suppliers
The global business slowdown is urging China suppliers of
promotional keychains to take aggressive measures.
In an effort to boost sales, many companies have
dramatically reduced their minimum order quantity.
Depending on the complexity of the design, makers now
stipulate as low as 500 pieces per model, a stark contrast to
the previous standard requirement of 3,000 keychains.
Of the suppliers interviewed for this report, King Hong
Metal & Plastic Product Co. Ltd and Gaoyao Jiawang
Hardware Processing Fty accept orders as small as 500
pieces per style. Both offer zinc alloy models.
Acever Gifts Industry (Shenzhen) Co. Ltd has adjusted
the MOQ for its miniature shoe keychains from 5,000 to
2,000. Similarly, the requirement for versions equipped with
emergency chargers is down from 1,000 to 500 pieces. For
simple designs, including food-shaped models, the company
can accept a trial ODM order of as few as 99 keychains.
While lowering the MOQ was primarily intended to
stimulate demand, it also translated to faster delivery. Many
suppliers, in fact, are now able to send products within a
month. Traditionally, this took 60 to 90 days.
At Winwin Industrial Co. Ltd, 2,000 pieces can be
shipped in two weeks. Canjie Bag Co. Ltd requires only
eight days for the delivery of 1,000 keychains.
Orders of existing models not exceeding 500 pieces
may be received from Acever and King Hong in fve and
10 days, respectively.
Pk0M0Tl0hAL KFChAlhS
5upp|iers take varied
steps te drive sa|es
To ensure vlablllty, makers are
slashlng M0, lmprovlng k&u
capablllty and trylng out new
centinued en page 54 W
wlnwln makes model 5,
a 3u dog-shaped zlnc
alloy keychaln wlth
a pollshed surface.
8uyers' logos can be
laser-engraved or
Cover Story
Preductien hub: 5henzhen
Shenzhen ls Chlna's largest sourclng center for multlfunctlon
keychalns. Thls clty ln Cuangdong provlnce has 50 to 100
small, mldslze and large manufacturers, whlch regularly
devote more than 30 percent of productlon to the llne.
Most can carry out mold maklng and metal toollng ln-
house, although many also subcontract procedures to local
speclallsts, especlally durlng peak seasons.
Companles beneflt from the hub's strong k&u capablllty
and well-developed perlpheral lndustrles. Shenzhen boasts
an extenslve supply chaln for materlals and processes.
ln fact, the clty has more than 2,000 vendors of electronlc
components and parts. humerous moldlng and metal-
toollng workshops are also wlthln the vlclnlty.
Clven these advantages, Shenzhen makers can offer a
range of deslgns, most of whlch come ln metal and plastlc. 0f
the former, brass, steel and zlnc alloy are commonly adopted.
0ptlons for the latter lnclude AS, PS, PP, acryllc and A8S.
Many of the hub's latest releases comblne varlous
functlons and boast electronlc features.
upscale verslons from some makers fuse volce recorders,
and MP3 and MP players. houslngs come ln alumlnum,
processed by 3u moldlng, and may feature detalled
craftsmanshlp. uependlng malnly on the quallty of the
functlonal ltem adopted, prlces can exceed $1.
Mldrange releases have zlnc alloy or alumlnum caslngs
produced vla 2 or 3u moldlng. They usually have two
electronlc functlons such as a money detector and a
flashllght, or a multlple tool klt. uotes are between $0.50
and $0.80.
Startlng at $0.20, low-end deslgns double as a torch,
magnlfler, compass, scale or bottle opener.
5uppliers interviewed for this report:

Acever Clfts lndustry (Shenzhen) Co. Ltd Can|le 8ag Co.
Ltd Foshan hanhal }lnsha hardware & Plastlc Fty Caoyao
}lawang hardware Processlng Fty Klng hong Metal &
Plastlc Product Co. Ltd wlnwln lndustrlal Co. Ltd
July 2009 Gifts & Premiums 49 More new products - www.globalsources.com
l7, dg. , No. l \ord luzu, 7002 Hong \est Rd.,
lutun, Shenzhen, Cuungdong 5l8034, Chnu
1e: |86-755) 8373 745l/7452 - lux: |86-755) 8373 7453
L-mu: ucmepengobusources.com
\ebste: vvv.gobusources.com/ucmepen.co
Shcnzhcn Acmc Pcn Co. ltd
l you're ookng or premums vth the eements to hep you
ucheve your murketng gous, source our mutunctonu pens.
Not ony do they come vth perume utomzers, they're uso
studded vth gemstones. Cocu-Cou, lunusonc, Semens,
Lenovo, the Cxord Lnversty lress, Mercedes-enz und the
mukers o }ohnne \uker und Chvus Regu ure umong the l,000
cents vho huve ther ogos on our pens.
lck u stye thut reects your compuny's muge rom our
coecton o 5,000 modes. Cur l0 desgners, euch vth eght
yeurs o experence, v huve u sumpe reudy or you n no tme.
\th u monthy cupucty o 5 mon CL- und LN 7l-certed
unts, ve huve vhut t tukes to support mussve promotonu
cumpugns. \e cun get your sturted vth 2,000 peces, und
devery tukes ony 25 duys. lnqure toduy.
Coca-CoIa and Panasonic
havc thcir Iogos
cmbIazoncd on our pcns
Promotional pens with
perfume atomizers, available
in a variety of colors
Your connection to over 500 suppliers
Over the past nine years, weve
established relationships with
over 500 suppliers. With this
extensive network, we can
offer you over 5,000 products
at competitive prices,
including promotional bags
and gifts, as well as sports
items, hand tools and more.
And we welcome mixed orders,
so you can save time by cutting
down the number of suppliers
you work with. Visit our Global
Sources Online showroom
today for more information.
All trademarks are shown for reference purposes only. We are not authorized to sell any items bearing such trademarks.
Unit 1, 15/F, 9 North Jianxin Rd., Jiangbei,
Chongqing, 400020 China
Tel: (86-23) 6773 8766/9766
Fax: (86-23) 6773 8787
Cooler bag
Promotional T-shirt, packaged in tin can
Chongqing Yatai Trading Co. Ltd
lor some bg compunes,
ther promotonu purtes
ure not compete vthout
our products. Neste,
Cocu-Cou, Lnever und
Zun come to us or cousters
und purty musks, us ve us
3-D posters, cuendurs und
other prnted muterus. 1hey
receve uvorube prcng becuuse
ve perorm u steps o producton n-house.
Cur LV oset prntng presses, ve-coor quurto und oo
prnters, hurd-embossng presses und user-gung muchnes ure
rom Cermuny, South loreu und 1uvun. Amost u o our orders
ure CLM, und sumpes tuke seven duys. Cu us toduy.
Cangnan Boyi Trade Co. Ltd
Rm. l206, Dngsheng Munson,
Longgung, Cungnun, \enzhou,
Zheung 325802, Chnu
1e: |86-577) 599l 3088 lux: |86-577) 6426 2292
L-mu: cncnboyyuhoo.com.cn
vvv.gobusources.com/cnboy.co - vvv.vzboy.com
We supply Nestl,
Coca-Cola and
Stainless steel
Cork coasters with tin box
All trademarks are shown for reference purposes only. We are not authorized to sell any
items bearing such trademarks.
Gifts & Premiums July 2009 50 www.globalsources.com - Choose veried suppliers
Promot ionals and gift s
supplied t o Disney
and Adidas
9l, No. 450 Chung Shun Rd., Sec. 2, Chung Ho, 1upe County, 1uvun
1e: |886-2) 2225 9889 lux: |886-2) 2226 l777
L-mu: mcheeyuongshnn.com
vvv.ongshnn.com - vvv.gobusources.com/ongshn.co
Munund Chnu uctores: Dongguun, Cuungdong und Chengdu, Schuun
Sourcng metu promotonus und gt tems: \hy not choose u munuucturer
thut hus been eurnng the trust o vord-renovned compunes snce l976. Cur
products huve pussed the strct uudtng requrements o Dsney, Addus, LLlA
und Dunop testument to our ndustry-eudng desgn, munuucturng und
quuty-contro processes.
Hov do ve cuter to the expunded producton needs o these urge-voume
buyers: ln uddton to our Dongguun uctes, our nevy but uctory n Chengdu
sturted operutons n lebruury 2009. uyers cun reux knovng ve huve over l,000
stu members reudy to compete uny sze order o gts und promotonus. 1hose
requrng smuer shpments ure vecome to puce orders or ust 300 unts.
\e knov thut urge-cupucty producton vthout u cupube desgn teum udds
up to u ot o nexbty. 1hut's vhy our R&D stu members, muny vth 20 yeurs'
ndustry experence, ure reudy to provde custom-desgned tems thut mutch your
deus. lns, keychuns, photo rumes, mobe phone strups, dvot repur toos und
cu nks our desgners vecome CLM/CDM modcutons o these tems und
more. Contuct us nov und ve' repy vthn 24 hours.
Easy-to-carry foldable
purse hanger, customizable
with logos for promotional
Custom designs available from
our experienced R&D staff
USB nash drie with custom-designed case,
aailable in a range o memory capacities
Shanghai Zenglian Industry Co. Ltd
Rm. 1702A, Bldg. 8, 68 Lane, Liyuan Rd., Huangpu, Shanghai 200010, China
Tel: (86-21) 6316 1909, 6316 1796 Fax: (86-21) 6316 2159
E-mail: andy@shzenglian.com zenglian@globalsources.com
Website: www.globalsources.com/zenglian.co www.shzenglian.com
All trademarks shown here are for reference purposes only. Tey are the property of their
respective owners, and we are not authorized to sell items bearing such trademarks.
Eco-friendly paper tube with
aluminum lid and bottom
Ten years of experience help us meet your quality and delivery time
requirements. More than 80 percent of our 400-strong workforce
has at least fve years of experience, and we produce up to 2 million
shopping bags monthly. Big buyers Wal-Mart, Nestl and Lenovo
are already sourcing from us.
Our fve designers create 15 new products monthly, eight of which
are nonwoven shopping bags. We ofer bags with draw strings,
snap fasteners and pouches, and ones that fold to wallet size. Our
four-color screen printers ensure dazzling colors on our paper bags.
We also ofer customizable notebooks, paper tubes and notepads.
We welcome your custom projects. Samples take three to fve days.
To brighten your next promotional project,
send us an e-mail today.
2 million shopping bags monthly by
experienced workforce
15 new styles monthly
Nonwoven shopping bags with
lamination lm, and paper bag, ready for your custom logos
Notebook with leather cover, ribbon
bookmark and gold-colored gilded edges
Well go to any length to ensure
your satisfaction. Try our
multifunctional keychains in your
market with a minimum order for
just 1,000 pieces. Most competitors
require at least 8,000 pieces. Bring
us a competitors price quote, and
well beat their offer by 3 percent.
Big Lots, Hobby Lobby, Lakeshore
and Sbar are already sourcing
from us.
Samples take seven days,
and delivery is in 20 to 30 days.
We develop fve to 10 new items
monthly. Inquire today.
Our MOQ is just
1,000 picccs
1/F, Bldg. A, 11 West Oulanqiao Rd.,
Ningbo, Zhejiang 315040, China
Tel: (86-574) 8800 8227,
8764 2889, 8800 8171
Fax: (86-574) 8764 2833
E-mail: info@sunboo.com.cn
Ningbo Zhonghai lndustry
lnvcstmcnt Co. ltd
Multifunctional keychain with LED
fashlight, tape measure and mini
tool kit, suitable for promotions
Promotional fashing LED fan, made of
ABS, runs on USB or battery power
S.E.B Group Co. Ltd
Rm. 801, 316 Jinying Building, Huanshi Middle Rd.,
Guangzhou, Guangdong 510000, China
Tel: (86-20) 8354 1927, 2281 0190/0382
Fax: (86-20) 2281 0383
E-mail: sebinfo2@gmail.com
Website: www.globalsources.com/sebgroup.co
www.sebbottle.com www.sebglobal.cn
We take care of all steps involved in the
processing of your promotional water
bottles in-house. From parts production
and assembly to printing and
packaging, all processes are
handled by our 352 workers.
Choose fromover 1,000
OEM-ready models, and our
R&D team will have a sample
made with your choice of
colored case, PP bag, paper
box or gift packing. You
wont have a problem
marketing our items as
theyre made of BPA-free
materials that comply with FDA
regulations. E-mail us today.
Water bottles ready for your logo
Promotional water bottles
Hong Kong
Oct. 20- 23, 2009
Booth No. 3E13
ISO 9001:2000
Samples in just 3 days
Gifts & Premiums July 2009 52 www.globalsources.com - Choose veried suppliers
Pht halat e-fr ee
PVC and silicone
accessor ies
Hov do ve ensure the suety o our lVC und scone uccessores:
y rgorousy testng them or phthuute content. 1hs ensures our goods
ure nontoxc und sue or users o u uges. lurthermore, our 50-member
C teum empoys MlL-S1D sumpng pructces, resutng n u deect rute
o ust 0.2 percent better thun the 3 percent ndustry uveruge. lt's no
vonder quuty-conscous mutnutonus ke Dsney, \u-Murt und
1urget put ther trust n our merchundse.
Cur uccessores ure shpped vth LN 7l und SCS upprovus, or smped
mportuton. And our R&D teum creutes un uveruge o 200 nev tems
unnuuy. \e even huve u nev ne o bruceets und neckuces contunng
muterus thut provde heuth benets to veurers. Cur 700 stu members
ure reudy or orders both urge und smu. 1o begn sourcng suer products,
contuct us by e-mu toduy.
Hao Dy Development Cor p.
1uvun oce: l8l-2, No. 33 Mnsheng Rd., Sec. l, lun Chuo Cty, 1upe Hsen, 1uvun
1e: |886-2) 2950 9008 lux: |886-2) 2950 0977
L-mu: huodycormsl9.hnet.net
vvv.gobusources.com/huody.co - vvv.huodycn.com
Munund Chnu uctory: udng 6, \unung lndustru Zone, Dongguun
1e: |86-769) 22l7 l669 lux: |86-769) 22l7 2296
L-mu: huodycnl63.com - huodydghd.com
EN 71
ISO 9001:2000
Silicone necklace,
measuring 500 x 10mm
3|||core u38 las| dr|ves |r ar|ra|
s|apes, cuslor|zal|ors We|core
3|||core coasler ard cup cover,
eac| reasur|r 11 x 10cr
3|||core orace|el,
measuring 210 x 15mm
Cover lor App|e's |P|ore
iPhone is a trademark of Apple Inc.
Releasing new designs more frequently is another way
to boost competitiveness. In line with this, many suppliers
have enhanced their R&D capability.
Acever creates at least two models each month. The
color, size, and fnish are the usual features updated.
Some companies are exploring new materials. Canjie
offers promotional keychains made of crystal and
Taking advantage of the strengthening demand for
environment-friendly products, the company has also
released bamboo versions.
Other suppliers focus R&D on improving the
promotional aspect. Winwin reserves a large space for
buyers logos. The company offers brass, iron, stainless
steel, aluminum, alloy and soft PVC models.
To make keychains more suitable as premiums, Canjie
has released designs with a slot for a logo-printed paper
Form and function are likewise areas of product
development emphasis. Acever released a series of miniature
keychains resembling food such as sushi and steak.
Canjie offers designs with a built-in voice module.
When pressed, the model emits a prerecorded sound.
Apart from updating selections faster and enhancing
R&D, suppliers are upgrading their factories. Many are
acquiring advanced machines under efforts to vertically
integrate their facilities and have more control of the
production cycle.
Winwin, for example, has installed new punching,
embossing, debossing, etching, silk-screening and
polishing equipment.
Acever has purchased laser-engraving machines.
Boosting competitiveness further, suppliers are
expanding their market reach. While manufacturers
originally targeted importers and trading companies, they
now also cater to distributors, wholesalers and retailers.
This is especially true among makers that accept very
small orders.
centinued en page 58 W
Model }}-198 from Acever features a
mlnlature rubber shoe as the attachment.
The shoe has a rubber outsole and vamp,
and prlnted canvas upper.
Over 1,000 gi f t i t ems
r eady f or your l ogo
For promotional USB accessories or electronic
cigarettes, such as the ones featured here,
work with us. We offer a selection of over
1,000 items that you can put your logo on.
If you have a design in mind, we can realize
your idea with a sample in less than three
days. All of our products come with one-year
warranties and are CE-, FCC- and RoHS-
marked. For more information, contact our
sales representatives today.
13/F, Bldg. C6, Hengfeng Industrial Park, Hezhou,
Xixiang, Bao'an, Shenzhen, Guangdong 515126, China
Tel: (86-755) 8190 6343 Mobile: (86) 135 0285 6753
Fax: (86-755) 2747 0005
bettersupply@globalsources.com susan@bettersupply.com
www.globalsources.com/bettersupply.co www.bettersupply.com.cn
Gold-plated USB fash drives
Shenzhen Bettersupply Industrial Co. Ltd
electronic cigarettes
Your sourcc for
cco-fricndIy bags
\e huve estubshed un extensve sourcng netvork so thut
ve cun oer you bugs to sut your exuct brundng ntutves.
lor exumpe, you're turgetng eco-conscous murkets, ve'
produce your bugs vth nuturu cotton, ute or bodegrudube
muterus. Cur sourcng specusts huve over 25 yeurs' experence
budng sod reutonshps vth reube bug munuucturers. lus,
ve ure steudy vorkng together vth our suppers to brng them
up to pur vth nternutonu stundurds such us lSC 900l:2000,
lSC l400l:2004 und lSC l800l:2007. L-mu us toduy.
Bagco Asia Ltd
Sute 7D, \ord 1rust 1over, 50 Stuney St., Centru, Hong long
1e: |852) 2526 2ll7 - lux: |852) 2526 0l07
L-mu: nobugcousu.com
Strood-series 100%
natural jute tote bag with LDPE
lamination (B8211)
Boxley-series 100%natural cotton tote
bag with long handles (B8859)
Gifts & Premiums July 2009 54 www.globalsources.com - Choose veried suppliers
Choose from 30 new
cases each month
Xin' an Industrial Park, 68 Longxi Rd., Nanlian, Longgang,
Shenzhen, Guangdong 518116, China
Tel: (86-755) 8480 4245 Fax: (86-755) 8480 9518
E-mail: goldentrees@globalsources.com
Website: www.globalsources.com/jinlianfeng.co
All items shown here with various trademarks, brand names and logos ('Marks') are for reference
purposes only, and are not for sale. The Marks are the property of the respective owners, and we
are not authorized to manufacture or sell any items bearing such Marks to any third party.
With technology advancing at such a rapid pace, it' s
important that you source protective cases for all the
newest gadgets. Our R&D team provides you with a
vast selection, creating 30 cases every month to house
the latest devices from Apple, Research In Motion,
Nintendo and more. And our monthly output of
1.8 million silicone, plastic and leather cases means that
we can fll your volume orders with ease. Both OEM and
ODM projects are welcome, with a sample lead time of
as fast as fve days.
To ensure that the products you receive are of the
highest quality, we assign six QC staff members to
inspect our production lines. We also make certain that
all of our raw materials are FDA- and SGS-certifed and
meet RoHS Directive requirements. Our factory boasts
its own molding facility with 13 CNC machines and 10
electric discharge machines from Taiwan for added
accuracy and effciency. Our attention to detail has
satisfed the likes of renowned buyers such as Belkin,
Verizon and T-Mobile. To keep up to date with the latest
in electronics accessories, visit our Global Sources
Online showroom today.
Scone cuse vth
but desgn or
Appe's lhone 3C
Jin Lian Feng Industrial Co. Ltd
Scone cuse vth
over desgn or
Appe's lod Nuno 4C
Scone cuse vth puste
coors or Appe's lod Cussc
Scone cuse vth
scorpon desgn or
Appe's lhone 3C
High-accuracy timer with a pedometer
With a +/-3 percent error allowance, our timer with a built-in
pedometer can be counted on to show the most accurate gures.
And it's loaded with other features that consumers in your market
will value: a calorie counter, a step counter to count up to 10 million
paces, a stopwatch and an alarm. Plus it's also built with a belt clip
and an LCD screen for user convenience, as well as a newly developed
contactless sensor giving it a longer life span.
You can nd many more products like this in our catalog, including
timers and pillboxes, each designed by our R&D team. Our 12
designers will gladly apply their expertise to precisely render your
specications. With an annual capacity of 2 million CE- and
RoHS-marked units, we are ready for your orders. Inquire today.
Shenzhen Detop Electronic Co. Ltd
Rm. C, 10/F, Buxin Building, Buxincun, Luohu, Shenzhen, Guangdong 518019, China
Tel: (86-755) 2577 6816/0718/9519 Fax: (86-755) 2577 6289
E-mail: detop@szonline.net sales@china-detop.com
Website: www.globalsources.com/detop.co www.china-detop.com
All trademarks shown here are for reference purposes only. They are the property of their
respective owners, and we are not authorized to sell items bearing such trademarks.
Timer with pedometer, alarm and
stopwatch, long life span with newly
developed contactless sensor
Countdown timer in
credit card shape
Plus other functions users will value
700,000 inflatables monthly
With a monthly capacity of 150,000 thundersticks, 50,000 fan rollers
and 500,000 other inatable items, we have what it takes to get
your promotional campaign moving. We can have your volume
orders shipped in four days and urgent ones in as fast as two. Our
products come in patented designs and printed using rotogravure
printing machines and Toppan presses for high visibility. To get a
glimpse of our selection, visit our Global Sources website today.
Nontoxic infatable thundersticks
Tailor-made UV inks Weight: 2g
Can be printed with a maximumof
eight colors
Fujian Henghui Plastic &Rubber Co. Ltd
Puzhao Industrial Park, Qingyang, Jinjiang, Quanzhou, Fujian, China
Tel: (86-595) 8568 0571 Fax: (86-595) 8566 1933
E-mail: qzhh@globalsources.com sales@qzhh.com
Website: www.globalsources.com/qzhh.co www.qzhh.com
All trademarks are shown for reference purposes only. We are not authorized to sell any items bearing such trademarks.
Crcativc and styIish homc
tcxtiIcs for 19 ycars
lor over l9 yeurs, ve huve been munuucturng und enhuncng
home textes vth stysh prnts. Seect rom our urruy o
putterns, or brng us your brunds, ogos, deus und druvngs ve
v prnt them on our runge o hund-sevn textes und gt sets.
A products ure mude vth ether l00-percent cotton or nyon
und meet S 6526 und Ceko-1ex Stundurd l00 reguutons. \th
u monthy cupucty o 2 mon unts, ve ure reudy or your
voume orders too. lnqure toduy
Flat 3, 6/F, Favor Industrial Centre, 2-6 Kin Hong Street,
Kwai Chung, N.T., Hong Kong
Tel: (852) 2481 5502 Fax: (852) 2481 5306
E-mail: info@fullmax.com.hk
100% cotton placemat
with Christmas design
100% cotton napkin,
fatware not included
Gifts & Premiums July 2009 56 www.globalsources.com - Choose veried suppliers
Start with an order as
small as 10 units
Flexibility that has pleased
Coca-Cola and Disney
We want to give you as much fexibility as possible to
reach a wide range of customers. That's why we'll get
you started with an order as small as 10 key chains,
medals and other premiums. Major buyers such as
Coca-Cola, Disney, Adidas, Hard Rock Cafe,
Mercedes-Benz and McDonald's like the fact that they
can try out a few items frst before placing large orders.
With six factories that allow for a monthly capacity of
3 million units, we can ensure your massive promotional
campaigns will proceed without a hitch. Since we
purchase raw materials in large quantities from the same
suppliers we've worked with for over 10 years, we can
offer you lower prices relative to our competitors, while
upholding our high quality standards.
To enjoy the same services as our big-name buyers,
send us your specifcations today.
ISO 9001:2000
ISO 14001:2004
Trolley coin key chains
made of metal
Huatai Technology Park, Xiegang, Dongguan,
Guangdong 523590, China
Tel: (86-769) 8763 2888, 8763 2889 (direct line)
Fax: (86-769) 8763 2160
E-mail: sunny.kee@mail.sinobestpin.com
Website: www.globalsources.com/sinobestmadels.co
Sinobest Asia Ltd
Medals in a
variety of shapes
All items shown here with various trademarks, brand names and logos ('Marks') are for reference purposes only, and are not for sale.
The Marks are the property of the respective owners, and we are not authorized to manufacture or sell any items bearing such Marks to any third party.
More sourcin opportunities online
5ave time searchin
0ne search provldes you wlth quallty results from
Clobal Sources verlfed suppllers - plus hundreds of
other suppllers and search results from the entlre web.
5in up for Product Alert
Source from your desktop wlth free e-mall updates on new
products and suppllers ln the categorles you want.
Product gallery, page 73
Even with these aggressive measures, suppliers do not
plan to implement price markdowns. Almost all of the
companies interviewed said they are already operating on
razor-thin margins. Winwin and Acever foresee quotes to
increase by 10 percent because they are moving upmarket.
Bigh-end keychains beast qua|ity
Buyers of upscale keychains can expect the latest releases
to feature either expanded functionality or improved
The frst trend is set to broaden the current range of
multipurpose models, including fashlights and digital
voice recorders. In fact, keychains with a USB fash drive,
digital photo frame, emergency battery charger or PMP
capability are now being released in greater numbers. But
because of the high price of these products, output will
not be as substantial as that of basic counterparts, which
continue to dominate.
Compared with other single-function keychains, the
latest upscale versions boast better workmanship. Many
suppliers focus on design intricacy, regarding this as
the primary differentiator among traditional models. In
crafting its miniature shoe keychains, Acever, for instance,
uses the same raw materials adopted in real footwear.
The outsole and forepart of the vamp are made of rubber,
while the rest comes in canvas. To have a more accurate
rendition, the company emphasized the color, shape,
number of metal eyelets and direction of stitching.
Other suppliers, particularly those offering keychains
that depict cartoon fgures, pay closer attention to minor
traits such as the shape of the eyes and brows, and tone of
the skin.
Prices for upscale, single-function models average
$2. While this refects a substantial difference from
mainstream counterparts, suppliers said most buyers fnd
quotes justifed by the products` higher perceived value.
Car dealers, top-tier enterprises, airlines, government
institutions and banks are typical clients.
At present, upscale designs account for 20 percent of
Chinas total keychain output. Makers expect the ratio will
remain stable or possibly shrink a little in coming months
due to the sluggish global economy.
A monthly capacity
of 200,000
gift items
With a monthly capacity of 200,000 units, we can handle your
volume orders with ease. Select from our catalog of gift items,
souvenirs, jewelry and fashion accessories. Or bring us your
specications, and our designers will work closely with you to
realize your ideas. Plus, we can have your shipment ready in as
fast as 10 days. Regular audits fromSGS ensure the quality of our
products. E-mail us with your inquiries today.
Rm. 36, 2/F, ShingYip Industrial Building,19-21 ShingYip St.,
Kwun Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong
Tel: (852) 2541 0991 Fax: (852) 2851 1689
E-mail: info@tru-style.com.hk
Website: www.globalsources.com/tru-style.co
Metal bookmark and keychains
Tru-Style Accessory Co. Ltd
All trademarks are shown for reference purposes only.We are not authorized to sell any items bearing such trademarks.
We output f if teen 40-foot
containers monthly
Operated by 300 skilled workers,
our ISO 9001:2000-certied
factory covers an area of
. Our monthly
output reaches fteen
40-foot containers of
puffer balls and toys.
Were equipped with
38 injection molding
machines, as well as CNC,
EDMand digital milling
machines. Thats howwe can
perform R&D and molding
in-house and nish your samples
within seven days. We create two
newASTMF 963- and EN 71-compliant
products weekly. Contact us today.
Yiwu Dongshun Toys Co. Ltd
566 Chunhua Rd., Beiyuan Industrial Zone,
Yiwu, Zhejiang 322000, China
Tel: (86-579) 8526 3678
Fax: (86-579) 8526 3680
E-mail: zjtopsun@vip.163.com
Pufer ball, made of SEBS
Animal pufer
toy, available in
diferent designs
Gifts & Premiums July 2009 58 www.globalsources.com - Choose veried suppliers
Crund \ord, lnc., u LS enterprse, s our heudquurters und
prmury nvestor. Cur mun murkets ure North Amercu und
Lurope. Cver 80 percent o our goods ure exported to the
LS. Snce ve huve u LS heudquurters, ve knov overseus
murkets und buyers better. lus, ve huve more thun l0
yeurs' experence n the bug ed. So, ve're ube to serve
bg buyers such us 1urget, Dsney, Cocu-Cou, leps, Nveu,
Heneken und udveser.
\th our experenced teum, und oces n the LS und
munund Chnu, communcuton s ecent und eusy. \e
huve u vurehouse thut covers l0,000m
n Nev York, und
muny o our tems cun be shpped drecty rom ths ste.
\e oer u knds o bugs, ncudng beuch, cooer,
nonvoven, cunvus, tote und cosmetcs bugs, mutched sets
und buckpucks.
Our US hcadquartcrs makcs
your busincss smoothcr
We serve Target, Disney and Coca-Cola
\e huve over l0 R&D stu und muke more thun 20 nev
products monthy. CLM/CDM proects ure vecome. Cur
uctory cun suppy ut eust l00,000 bugs every month.
Contuct us toduy.
Sute l40l-l405, 2l23 ludong Ave.,
Shunghu 200l35, Chnu
1e: |86-2l) 6855 8405, 6855 8400
lux: |86-2l) 6853 9295, 6853 8l30
L-mu: veunbuggobusources.com
\ebste: vvv.gobusources.com/veunbug.co
Shanghai Weijun Group Ecobag Mfy
PVC set with keychain, credit card holder, notebook, eyeglass pouch and coin purse,
suitable for gifts and promotions
Magnet Ltd
Hong Kong: No. 33, 9/F, Cosmopolitan Centre, 760 Nathan Rd.,
Kowloon, Hong Kong
Tel: (852) 2789 1536 Fax: (852) 2310 2676
Shenzhen: 7/F, East Block 203, Terra Industry & Trade Park,
Chegongmiao, Futian, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China
Tel: (86-755) 8347 5212 Fax: (86-755) 8347 5214
E-mail: magnet@magnet-ltd.com
Website: www.globalsources.com/magnetltd.co
We take promotional items seriously. For over 20 years,
weve provided custom-made promotional products
such as magnets, stickers, lenticular magnets and
fgurines, assisting clients to fnd the perfect designs
for their annual promotion campaigns. Our items are
phthalate-free, and have received ASTMand EN 71
approvals, so theyre ready for your market. Whats more,
we open our doors to SGS inspections upon request.
Submit your customized sizes and designs and
well provide a quote within two business days. Our
delivery time is just 10 to 15 days. Contact us with
your inquiries today.
More than 20 years in magnets
and other promotional items
All trademarks shown here are for reference purposes only. Tey are the property of their
respective owners, and we are not authorized to sell items bearing such trademarks.
Embossed plastic magnets
Flat refrigerator magnets
Designing cardboard
boxes for 15 years
Rely on an experienced supplier for customized
cardboard boxes weve been designing and
making them for the past 15 years. Housed with
CNC molding machines, we have a high precision
rate of 0.1mm. Bring us your designs, and with
the help of our automatic equipment, well have
a sample ready for shipment in just ve hours.
Our product range includes the featured
cardboard box and cat scratcher. Find
out why customers such as Redbull
and HP value our capabilities.
Contact us today.
Shenzhen Mall Vanguard Paper Product Co. Ltd
3/F, Bldg. 9, Shixia Industrial Park,
Futian, Shenzhen, Guangdong 518048, China
Tel: (86-755) 8383 8283 Fax: (86-755) 8380 5858
E-mail: pop@gdpop.com
Website: www.globalsources.com/gdpop.co
www.cardboarddisplay.com.cn www.gdpop.com.cn
Cat scratcher, available with catnip
Trolley and cardboard box,
available in customized designs
Need a small quantity of USB drives, PMPs or digital photo
frames for your next promotion? We gladly ll orders for just
100 units and ship themin three to ve days, making us an ideal
partner when pressed for time. Coca-Cola, Bosch, HP and BMW
appreciate the exibility and the speed with which we meet
their promotional electronics needs. Enjoy the same advantages
as our big-name clients do by inquiring today.
East Sky Industry Co. Ltd
Rm. 1009, Qiche Building A, Zhenghua Rd.,
Futian, Shenzhen, Guangdong 518000, China
Tel: (86-755) 8286 1313 Fax: (86-755) 8286 1317
eastsky@globalsources.com sales@east-sky.cn
www.globalsources.com/eastsky.co www.east-sky.cn
All trademarks are shown for reference purposes only. We are not authorized to sell any items bearing such trademarks.
We shi p 100 uni t s i n j ust 3 days
Apple-shaped microSD card readers with
emergency mobile phone chargers
Hong Kong
Oct. 12- 15, 2009
Booth No. 6K33
Gifts & Premiums July 2009 60 www.globalsources.com - Choose veried suppliers
25 years experience
behind our products
Since 1984, we have been designing and
manufacturing electronic premiums and OEM items,
including products for Fortune 500 companies. We are ready to
work with you too. Our 70 R&D ofcers travel to Europe, the US and Japan
each year to keep tabs on market trends and technologies. They then use
the information they've gathered to ofer you the latest premiums. Fifty
QC specialists thoroughly check each item in our ISO 9001:2000-certifed
factory before shipment.
We deliver your orders in just 25 days, compared with the average 30-day
delivery time for our competitors. Our long-term relationships with IC
suppliers enable us to respond quickly to your sourcing requirements. If
you already have a design in mind, we can provide color artwork within
one working day. Contact us today.
Carabiner keychain with compass,
timer, calendar and alarm
Zurie Watch Ltd
Suite C, 25/F, West Gate Tower 7, Wing Hong St.,
Cheung Sha Wan, Kowloon, Hong Kong
Tel: (852) 2333 3018/3020 Fax: (852) 2334 8241
sales@bfortune.com.hk dorothy@bfortune.com.hk
www.globalsources.com/bfortune.co www.bfortune.com.hk
All Copyrights Protected: We are the original designer and manufacturer of all the models shown here. No other manufacturer is allowed to produce or sell
these products. We reserve the right to take legal actions against suppliers who sell or buyers who purchase these items without our prior authorization.
Keychain and stopwatch
with timer, alarmand calendar Stopwatch with
alarmand compass
A full range of
products that talk
Our talking products are ideal for the visually challenged and the
elderly. They talk the user through all setting functions, and count
down by announcing the remaining time with a loud, clear voice.
Talking clocks, watches, calculators, language translators and
keychains we ofer them all, plus more. We also manufacture
non-talking items such as massagers and wireless computer mice.
We have over 100 diferent products available, with 20 new models
launched each year, many of which have been endorsed by the
World Blind Union. Inspected to AQL and CE standards, our products
are targeted towards quality-conscious buyers in the US and Europe.
Samples can be ready in one week and we can complete orders in 40
days. Inquire now.
Yick Li Industrial (Hong Kong) Co. Ltd
Rms. 1809-1810, Nan Fung Centre,
264-298 Castle Peak Rd., Tsuen Wan, N.T., Hong Kong
Tel: (852) 2411 2558 Fax: (852) 2412 0387
E-mail: info@yickli.com
Website: www.globalsources.com/yickli.co
Speech recognition talking clock
Talking translator
Talking clock with MP3 player
Talking ultrasonic
distance measurer
July 2009 Gifts & Premiums 61 More new products - www.globalsources.com
3l, No. l2l L De St., }hong He Cty, 1upe County 235, 1uvun
1e: |886-2) 2222 567l lux: |886-2) 2222 560l
L-mu: servcetechurts.com.tv - techurtsgobusources.com
vvv.techurts.com.tv - vvv.techurts-onne.com
Tech Ar t s I nt er nat i onal Co. Lt d
Unvei l i ng 25,000 new
pr omot i onal s annual l y
\hy spend your precous tme shoppng uround or promotonus: Source
rom our broud runge und you' never ugun need to contuct unother
supper. Lmbrodered putches, budges, pns, keychuns und scores o other
tems ve reeuse 25,000 nev desgns every yeur. 1he vord's eudng
sports uppure muker ureudy benets rom ths vust urruy o tems.
\th 30 yeurs' ndustry experence, ve produce 2 mon custom
promotonus monthy. Let our 300 empoyees compete orders to your
speccutons. Cr vst our onne shovroom to see sumpes o our products.
Various examples of badges,
medals, pins, keychains, tie bars,
cuff links, necklaces, bookmarks,
patches, money clips and
related metal products
All trademarks shown here are for reference purposes only. They are the property of their
respective owners, and we are not authorized to sell items bearing such trademarks.
Bags that appcaI to
MaybcIIinc and l'OraI
l you vunt to boost the green uppeu o
your brund, then source our bugs us
Muybene, L'Creu und Dsney do.
Cur tems ure mude usng
eco-rendy muterus such us
phthuute-ree lVC, 1lL,
LVA, lL und nonvoven
ubrc. Choose rom
l50 modes o cosmetcs,
gt, shoppng und
promotonu bugs, to
vhch ve udd 20 nev
desgns euch month.
\e cun customze uny
tem uccordng to your
muteru, coor, sze und
stye requrements.
Cur monthy output s
l mon unts.
L-mu us toduy.
]iafcng PIastic Products fty
6-l 1unmun Rd., Xkeng, Henggung, Longgung, Shenzhen,
Cuungdong 5l8ll5, Chnu
1e: |86-755) 2864 l869, 286l 9986 - lux: |86-755) 286l 8769
L-mu: umuengpvc.com - unneuengpvc.com
\ebste: vvv.gobusources.com/shenzhenueng.co
Gift bag made of PVC and nylon
Coca-CoIa and WaI-Mart
shop with us
Cocu-Cou uses our beuch bus or promotons, und \u-Murt
stocks ther sheves up vth our goods. No mutter your busness,
you cun uso count on us or udvertsng und promotonu nutubes
such us svmmng rngs und povs. Cur ll,000m
uctory turns
out up to 800,000 beuch bus per month, u curryng LN 7l und
AS1M murks.
Lvery yeur, ve export more thun S4 mon vorth o goods to
cents n over 50 countres und regons. Cur mun murkets ure
Lurope, the Amercus und Asu. Contuct us toduy.
Promotional PVC beach balls
Yiwu Tuozhan PIastics Toys Co. ltd
43 \est Stong Rd., Shungx, Yvu, Zheung 322006, Chnu
1e: |86-579) 8586 5462 lux: |86-579) 8586 7468
L-mu: tuozhungobusources.com
A trudemurks ure shovn or reerence purposes ony. \e ure not uuthorzed to se
uny tems beurng such trudemurks.
Gifts & Premiums July 2009 62 www.globalsources.com - Choose veried suppliers
Using four factories with plastic and ultrasonic welders, as well as
high-powered binding machines, we can produce up to 3 million USB ash
drives monthly. Backed by a capacity like this, youll be able to plug a lot of
brand reinforcement into the daily lives of your marketing demographic.
Just choose from our wide selection of USB ash drives, Bluetooth USB
adapters and other promotional products, and well add your logo in as fast
as 10 days. Or tell us your ideas, and well create an entirely newnovelty
product for you. Buyers in Europe, the US, Japan, South Korea and Southeast
Asia are already beneting from our
large capacity and design capabilities.
Join them by calling us today.
Shenzhen Starmate
Digital Technology Co. Ltd
1-3/F, Bldg. 4, Jiashitai Technological
Park, Emerson West Rd., Fuyong, Bao'an,
Shenzhen, Guangdong 518102, China
Tel: (86-755) 3392 7848/7799
Fax: (86-755) 3392 7800
Plug-and-play USB 2.0 fash
drives, with life spans of more
than 10 years
Carton-style MP3 player
with data storage
Your logo on millions
of flash drives
We can do it in a month or less
Bluetooth and the Bluetooth logo are registered trademarks of the Bluetooth SIG.
Promotional cosmetic items made
to international standards
Ningbo Ocean Plastic & Chemical Products Co. Ltd
Rm. 1101-1105, Bldg. 2, Shangdong Nations, 1926 Canghai Rd.,
Ningbo, Zhejiang 315040, China
Tel: (86-574) 8766 3877 Fax: (86-574) 8766 5377
E-mail: oceannb@globalsources.com hank@ocean-cosmetic.com
www.globalsources.com/ oceannb.co www.ocean-cosmetic.com
All of our products are FDA- and EEC-approved, and meet EN 71 and
ASTM standards. So you can rest assured that your customers will receive
safe, fashionable cosmetic items t hat are also suitable for promotions.
For over 10 years we have been exporting cosmetics to major buyers,
including Disney, Wal-Mart, Target and Dollar Tree. Wal-Mart and
Target have trusted our products for t hree years, and Disney has been
wit h us for four years.
These big buyers keep coming back because of our strong R&D abilit y.
Our 10 R&D staff members develop 30 new products each season.
We welcome your custom requests, or you can choose
from our lip gloss, lip balm, lip gel, nail
polish, eye shadow, eye liner, mascara,
cosmetic gift kits and sports bags. Visit
our Global Sources Online showroom
and t hen e-mail us today.
Sourced by Wal-Mart and Target
Lip gloss in watch-shaped
and tin packaging, suitable
for promotions and gifts
Lip gloss in
containers, suitable for
promotions and gifts
Gift packaging
July 2009 Gifts & Premiums 63 More new products - www.globalsources.com
6,000-item selection
100 ncw products monthIy
Source rom u trudng compuny thut cun sutsy your
need or stutonery. \e oer un extensve runge o
oce products, us ve us LLD ushghts, gts, und
promotonu und seusonu tems. Lvery month, ve udd
l00 nev products to our ureudy-mussve seecton o
over 6,000 tems one thrd o vhch ure oce products.
\e've been n busness snce l999 und se more thun
Sl0 mon vorth o goods unnuuy. Members o our
munugement teum huve over 20 yeurs o experence n
nternutonu trude.
Cur our dedcuted C experts ure reudy to nspect your
orders. \e' montor every step o producton uccordng
to the speccutons o your conrmed sumpes. And
regurdess o the sze o the order, ve' check every
nshed tem pror to shpment. lnqure toduy.
Multi-tool LED fashlight
4-LED bulb with lifetime warranty
Flashing red emergency light
Multi-blade knife
Ideal for promotions
Ningbo Topsourcc
forcign Tradc Co. ltd
Rm. 902, Lust Luke Munson, l0l North
unhu Rd., Nngbo, Zheung 3l5l92, Chnu
1e: |86-574) 88l3 9699
lux: |86-574) 88l3 9690
L-mu: bobtopsource.cn
Aluminum LED
keychain fashlights
Our priccs arc 1 to
3% Iowcr than
thc compctition's
\th l6 yeurs o experence und
S2.6 mon n unnuu sues, ve huve
the expertse to contro costs. Most
o our promotonu products ure l to
3 percent ess expensve thun competng
products. \e turn out up to l00,000 LLD
cups und l00,000 other tems monthy.
Custom sumpes tuke ust seven duys,
und devery s n 30 to 35 duys. \e
cun provde vurous quuty certcutons
bused on your requrements. L-mu
us toduy.
LED martini glass
Measuring tape and badge holder
Ningbo fcngzc lntcrnationaI lndustriaI & Trading Co. ltd
Nngheng Rd., No. 3, 1uquo lndustru lurk, Nngbo,
Zheung 3l5l92, Chnu
1e: |86-574) 8832 99l7 lux: |86-574) 8827 8323
L-mu: sueschnu-engze.com - chnuengzel63.net
vvv.gobusources.com/chnuengze.co - vvv.chnu-engze.com
500,000 premi um cases and
accessori es mont hl y
When you source your promotional bags, cases,
purse hangers and electronics accessories from
us, both large and small orders are welcome. Each
month our 450-strong production staff turns out
as many as 500,000 premiums. We'll process your
Hong Kong Bestxun Electronic Ltd
Rm. 5D, Bldg. A, Fuqiao Mansion, Fuhua Rd., Futian,
Shenzhen, Guangdong 518033, China
Tel: (86-755) 2532 7690/7691 Fax: (86-755) 8260 1746
bestxun@globalsources.com anita@bestxun.com
www.globalsources.com/bestxun.co www.bestxun.com
All trademarks are shown for reference purposes only. We are not authorized to sell any items bearing such trademarks.
orders quickly, starting with a response to your inquiry within two
hours of receiving it. Order a house design, and we'll have it ready
for delivery in only one week. The lead time on custom samples is
only seven days as well. Inquire now.
Purse hanger
Zippered EVA and nylon gaming device case,
available in a variety of sizes and with your logo
Gifts & Premiums July 2009 64 www.globalsources.com - Choose veried suppliers
Choose from over
1,000 molds
All trademarks shown here are for reference purposes only. They are the property of their respective
owners, and we are not authorized to sell items bearing such trademarks.
Before you invest time and money into developing
your own design, browse our collection of more than
1,000 molds. We update it with another 50 new options
every year all designed and developed by us. Thats why
Disney, Coca-Cola and Nestl choose us to supply inatable
pool oats and other items. And Bureau Veritas and Dollar
General have audited us.
We employ over 1,000 workers to oversee operations at our
complex. Its equipped with over 100 sets of 3kW to
150kW high-frequency plastic welders for a monthly capacity
of twenty 40-foot containers. You can rely on our
four-color screen printing equipment
from Japan to clearly print your
logos. E-mail us today.
Our 80,000m
factory is
ISO 9001:2000-certifed
Liushi Industrial Area, Dongyang, Zhejiang 322104, China
Tel: (86-579) 8677 1127/4998 Fax: (86-579) 8677 0178
E-mail: sales@moderntoys.cn
Website: www.globalsources.com/modernplastic.co
Dongyang Modern Plastic Co. Ltd
Phthalate-free PVC infatable sofa,
for promotional purposes
Phthalate-free PVC
infatable pool
Weve passed audits by Bureau Veritas
PromotionaI itcms starting
at S00 units pcr ordcr
Work with us for a wide selection of promotional and gift
items. These range from microber cleaning clothes and
pouches to heating and cooling packs, as well as stationery
and inatable items. You dont have to order large when
you work with us our MOQ is just 500 units per style.
We perform all manufacturing in-house, including
silk-screen, offset and heat-sealed printing. This allows us
to have samples completed in just three days and offer a
lead time of only 15 days. Find out why customers in
quality-conscious markets such as Europe, the US and
Japan place repeat orders with us. Visit our Global Sources
Online showroom to view more of our offerings.
Emori Products Co. Ltd
Rm. 2021, 20/F, Asia Trade Centre, 79 Lei Muk Rd.,
Kwai Chung, N.T., Hong Kong
Tel: (852) 2423 7041 Fax: (852) 2423 7042
E-mail: info@emori.com.hk
Website: www.globalsources.com/emori.co www.emori.com.hk
All trademarks shown here are for reference purposes only. They are the property of their
respective owners, and we are not authorized to sell items bearing such trademarks.
Microfber cleaning pouches
Microfber cleaning cloths
July 2009 Gifts & Premiums 65 More new products - www.globalsources.com
SuppIying Toys R" Us,
lufthansa, fI Cortc lngIs
and Zannicr
Up to 600,000 units monthIy
\th l,500 empoyees, 800 sevng muchnes,
l0 embrodery muchnes und sx modng muchnes,
t's no vonder ve orders or bg buyers. 1oys
R Ls, Luthunsu, L Corte lnges, Zunner, \d Repubc
und Neste ure ust some o our customers. Lvery month,
ve produce up to 600,000 keychuns, stued toys
und other gt tems. 1hut's l0 tmes more thun the
60,000 unts thut most o our compettors cun
put out monthy.
\e huve more thun 400 ubrc
suppers so ve cun eusy seurch
the muterus you vunt. Cur
products curry LN 7l und
AS1M upprovus. You cun
choose rom l,000 nev tems
unnuuy und huve custom
sumpes reudy n three duys.
Devery tukes 35 duys. L-mu
us toduy.
Fabric book and backpack,
EN 71-certifed
Plush doll with
PVC gift bag
Plush bird toys, available
with different clothes
Shanghai OriIand Toys Co. ltd
Crund 1over, l950 Yuquo Rd.,
Shunghu 20l204, Chnu
1e: |86-2l) 6893 7990/799l/79ll
lux: |86-2l) 6893 8883
L-mu: uckynorundtoys.com
Contuct lerson: Ms. Lucky Ln
Mobe: |86) l35 0l7l 2277
A trudemurks shovn here ure or reerence
purposes ony. 1hey ure the property o ther respectve ovners,
und ve ure not uuthorzed to se tems beurng such trudemurks.
Over 150 pr omot i onal USB dr i ves
With over 150 models to choose from, we can help you enhance
your brand's reputation by putting your logo on our promotional
USB ash drives. If you have a design in mind, we take only three
days to nish a silica gel case sample, and another ve to seven
days to complete your order for delivery. To ensure durability, we
use Samsung and Intel chipsets. We also conduct inspections at
every production stage, so your customers get the quality they
expect. Our minimumorder quantity is only 50 units and we
support rush orders. Contact us today.
Rms. 1012-1013, Bldg. B, Xinghua Building, 2018 Shenzhen
Middle Rd., Futian, Shenzhen, Guangdong 518053, China
Factory: 2/F, Lianfa Building, Shahe East Rd., Nanshan , Shenzhen,
Guangdong 518053, China
Tel: (86-755) 8357 8290 Fax: (86-755) 8367 8844
USB Design Technology Co. Ltd
Promotional USB fash drives
Keychain alarms with
2F, No. 2, Lane 61, Wu Feng Rd.,
Sindian, Taipei 231, Taiwan
Tel: (886-2) 8911 6363 Fax: (886-2) 8911 6262
E-mail: pg.tech@msa.hinet.net
Mainland China factory: Shenzhen
Our keychain alarms come with three remote finders,
while most competing products include just one.
This allows it to keep track of three of your
customers` assets at once. It can also be operated
for eight hours per day for up to 10 days. Other
alarm batteries last half as long. Our QC inspectors
conduct intensive testing on all of our products,
for defect rates of less than 1 percent. And you`ll
be pleased to know that everything we make is
guaranteed for one year. Send your inquiries by
e-mail today.
Keychain alarm, 315 and
433MHz frequencies with 7m range
RC bicycle alarm
and light
Portable, miniature
solar-powered cell
phone charger
Gifts & Premiums July 2009 66 www.globalsources.com - Choose veried suppliers
3,000 pens ready for your logo
Shenzhen Pico Stationery
& Gifts Co. Ltd
Promotional pens
decorated with rhinestones,
various styles available
Whether its for retail sale or promotions, chances are, youll nd the pen you
need in our range of over 3,000 ballpoint, metal, light, oating and fountain
models. Pick one that matches your companys image or market channel, then
send us your logo, and well ship your OEMorder in 25 days. Or tell us your
own idea, and let us create a pen in the shape, size and material of your choice.
Premier companies like Volkswagen, Porsche, Citibank and Bertelsmann
are using our customization services to promote their brands. Besides
appreciating our selection, they value the quality of our products, maintained
through inspection of every single CE-, ASTM- and RoHS-marked pen we
make. To nd out howyou can take advantage of our services, call us today.
Rm. 6B, Bldg. A, Tianjian Mingyuan,
Hongli West Rd., Futian, Shenzhen,
Guangdong 518034, China
Tel: (86-755) 8296 4169/5649
Fax: (86-755) 8373 9089
E-mail: picopen@vip.163.com
Hong Kong
Oct. 20- 23, 2009
Booth No. 6R13
Sol ar-powered LCD i tems made
to your speci f i cati ons
Our so|ar-powered fash|ng |OD keycha|ns can be mo|ded to your
requ|rements, mak|ng them the perfect promot|ona| |tems for your
next market|ng campa|gn. And we don't just offer keycha|ns. The
so|ar techno|ogy for our fash|ng |ODs can be adapted for
refr|gerator magnets, name tags and more.
These un|que |tems are the |atest add|t|ons to the
many promot|ona| products we offer to buyers
|n over 35 countr|es. W|th a month|y output
of over 1 m||||on un|ts, we can f|| |arge
orders qu|ck|y. To |earn more about
our serv|ces, contact us today.
Rm. 1206, B|ock A, E|ec. Sc|ence & Techno|ogy
Bu||d|ng, 2070 Shennan M|dd|e Rd., Shenzhen,
Guangdong, Oh|na
Te|: (86-755} 8378 0423 Fax: (86-755} 8378 0483
depo@depoch|na.com depo@g|oba|sources.com
Webs|te: www.depoch|na.com
DEPO Manufacturing Corp. Ltd
Solar keychains with fashing graphics that your clients
can use to af x bottles to their backpacks
All trademarks shown here are for reference purposes only. They are the property of their
respective owners, and we are not authorized to sell items bearing such trademarks.
Waterproof solar keychains in car, star, T-shirt and tree shapes
Hong Kong
Oct. 20- 23, 2009
Booth No. 6N29
July 2009 Gifts & Premiums 67 More new products - www.globalsources.com
Quartz plastic watch
(Unit price: $0.30)
Mini desk clock with
TennMax Industrial Ltd
Unit G, 7/F, Century Centre, No. 33-35 Au Pui Wan St., Fotan, N.T., Hong Kong
Tel: (852) 2686 8228 Fax: (852) 2635 0702 E-mail: marketing@watches-hk.com.hk
Website: www.globalsources.com/tennmax.co www.watches-hk.com.hk
Promotional watches at a
fraction of the typical cost
Cur quurtz vutches ure desgned n u vuy so they cun be muss-produced
usng the most economcu methods possbe. Cur utest prce s us ov us
S0.30, und mnmum orders sturt ut ust l0,000 unts. 1o turn our vutches
nto your promotonu toos, smpy customze the du to your choce o
coors und prnts.
Cur runge uso ncudes ushon und mutunctonu vutches, some o
vhch huve censes und/or putented desgns. lor l4 yeurs, customers
n Lurope, the LS und the Mdde Lust huve kept comng buck to
us or vuue-prced products. Compure our vutches vth thut o our
compettors, und you' see the derence. lor nqures und sumpe
requests, contuct us toduy.
Available in 80
different styles
\e huve been munuucturng truve mugs,
vucuum usks und coee pots snce
l995. ln 2004, ve sturted concentrutng
on sports bottes, und ve nov huve 80
derent modes or you to consder,
ncudng promotonu vuretes.
Cur lSC 900l:2000-certed 30,000m

uctory s stued vth 200 sked und
ecent empoyees. Lvery duy, ve turn
out up to l5,000 bottes, usks und
pots. Your CLM orders ure vecome.
L-mu us toduy to nd out more.
Zhcjiang ]iahua HouschoId Co. ltd
3-9 }nnu Rd., Nuben,
uyung lndustru Zone, \uy,
Zheung 32l200, Chnu
1e: |86-579) 8762 9590, 8762 9580
lux: |86-579) 8762 9560
750mL stainless steel
sports bottle for promotions
400mL and 600mL
sports bottles, available
with various lids
Yoo Enterprise Co.
How do we answer the sourcing requests of leading sportswear and
appliance companies worldwide? We minimize their product development
times by making custom bag samples in as fast as three days. Our company
also has its own Taiwan-based design house, which helps realize the style
ideas of industry icons. And with fve partner factories in Taiwan, we can
boost production to 50,000 units monthly whenever large-volume requests
are received. Place an order now, and you will receive your goods in as
fast as 15 days. Contact us now.
Custom bag samples
in three days
Cooler and warmer bags
Thick EP inners
maintain temperatures
Mesh front pockets
No. 849-9 Wenshin S. 3rd Rd., Nantuen District, Taichung 408, Taiwan
Tel: (886-4) 2386 9036 (rep.) Fax (886-4) 2380 0450
Contact person: Jack Wu Cell: (886) 93263 5942
E-mail: j293@ms24.hinet.net
www.globalsources.com/yooyu.co www.yoo.com.tw
Gifts & Premiums July 2009 68 www.globalsources.com - Choose veried suppliers
3l-7, No. 5l leeung Rd., Sec. 2, 1upe, 1uvun
1e: |886-2) 2739 2325 lux: |886-2) 2739 2327
L-mu: nodrugonseus.com.tv
Munund Chnu uctory:
Shunghu CenHvu Metu Arts Co. Ltd
No. l8 Lunbuo Rd., buo, Mnhung Dst.,
Shunghu 20ll0l lux: |86-2l) 64l9 34l8
Dragonseas & Co. Lt d
A trudemurks shovn here ure or reerence purposes ony. 1hey ure the property o ther respectve ovners, und ve ure not uuthorzed to
se tems beurng such trudemurks.
ODM abilit ies
We realize your metal
premiums in-house
Most o our compettors ure mted to creutng
und perormng CLM customzutons to ther ovn
products. \e go one step urther by oerng CDM
desgn servces. lrovde us vth sketches or druvngs
und ve' turn them nto bruss, uumnum, stuness
stee, ron or copper premums. 1hs desgn exbty
suves you tme und money on your orders or
bookmurks, embem pns, keychuns, budges,
money cps, go dvot toos und mrrors.
\e huve u monthy cupucty o l mon unts, but
uccept mnmum orders or ust 250 unts. And ve
compete CLM orders n ust three veeks. 1hs
ecency s uded by three ndependent vurehouses
or storng ruv muterus, purts und nshed products.
Contuct us nov.
Promotional golf divot
tool and ball markers
Customizable designs
Materials: brass, iron
or zinc alloy
Vol ume suppor t f or pr emi ums si nce 1997
Cver 70% o our products ure or CLM
ln our 20,000m
uctory, ve huve eght producton nes
thut turn out l mon premums monthy. Seventy percent
o these tems ure or CLM orders, muny or cents such us
Cocu-Cou, leps und Dsney.
Despte our mussve
producton, ve never overook
quuty. A o our tems shp
vth LN 7l, CL, LMC und
RoHS murks or smooth entry
nto the LS, Lurope und }upun.
1e us your deus, und ve'
dever u sumpe qucky. 1o put
our resources to vork on your
next proect, contuct us toduy.
Shenzhen Xi nr ui
(Anhaor ui ) Toys & Gi f t s Co. Lt d
Anhuoru lnd. Zone, }un'un Rd., Hgh-1ech lndustry lurk,
luyong, uo'un, Shenzhen, Cuungdong 5l80l3, Chnu
1e: |86-755) 3367 7662 - lux: |86-755) 3367 7663
L-mu: nounhuoru.com
Digital coin box,
customizable for
diferent currencies
Recognizes and counts coins
Reset button
UV-checking keychain, reveals 0 to 8 UV
level, with -10 to 50C temp. range, also
displays F, available in various colors
July 2009 Gifts & Premiums 69 More new products - www.globalsources.com
30 new ni ckel -
and l ead- f r ee met al
gi f t i t ems mont hl y
When it comes to metal gift items, were the supplier to work
with. Our catalog contains 200 purse hangers, mobile phone
charms, metal bookmarks and wine stoppers for your selection.
We add to this selection with 30 newitems monthly so youll always have
new ideas to offer your clients. You can be condent in the quality of our
items, because we use Swarovski crystals and metals that are completely
nickel- and lead-free, ensuring easy access to overseas markets.
Our selection of gift and promotional items has pleased Motorola and
Disney, and we think youll benet from it too. Once youve made your
choice, well ll your orders with our 1 million-unit monthly output.
And if you need 1,000 units or fewer, well ship themimmediately
fromthe stock we keep in our warehouse of our 50 top-selling
products. Larger orders will ship in only seven days. Inquire today.
Sabcollection Gifts & Ornamental Inc.
Rm. 1811, Fengxing Building, 242 Tianhe Rd.,
Guangzhou, Guangdong 510620, China
Tel: (86-20) 3839 5159 Fax: (86-20) 3839 5183
Zinc alloy purse hangers
with built-in mirrors
Promote your brand on our
If youre looking for infatables for your promotional campaign, then
were the supplier for you. Our range covers infatable toys, pool
and beach items, chairs and air beds. We also ofer mobile phone
pendants and other gifts and premiums. We export over 80 percent
of our products to North America, Europe and Japan. Our clients
include well-known companies such as Disney, Anheuser-Busch,
Coca-Cola and Wal-Mart. We are ISO 9001:2008-certifed, and all of
our items are phthalate-free and compliant with EN 71 and ASTM
standards. To choose fromour range, visit our website now.
Infatable boat
Shenzhen Lijiefa Hardware &Plastic Products Co. Ltd
Bldg. 35, Xialang Industrial Park, Heshuikou, Gongming, Shenzhen,
Guangdong 518106, China
Te: (86-755) 8172 1030, 3365 8599 Fax: (86-755) 8172 1032
ljfpvc@globalsources.com sale@ljfpvc.com
All trademarks are shown for reference purposes only. We are not authorized to
sell any items bearing such trademarks.
Infatable swimring, armchair and beach ball
OEM capabi l i t i es t hat at t r act
bi g-name buyer s
Why do HP, Epson and Siemens choose to do business with us?
We can customize designs and have a sample ready in just seven
days. And each month we release two newitems. With a product
range of 500 models, you have plenty to choose from.
All of our products are CE- and FCC-certied, as well as
RoHS Directive-compliant. In fact, our products are of such high
quality that Hynix andSamsunguse our parts andchips toconstruct
their USB drives. To join our list of buyers, contact us today.
Toptai (HK) Technology Co. Ltd
7/F, No. 448 Bulong Rd., Bantian, Buji, Longgang, Shenzhen,
Guangdong, China
Tel: (86-755) 8329 8007, 8450 5961 Fax: (86-755) 8450 5654
E-mail: gracewong@toptai.com
Website: www.globalsources.com/toptai.co
Fashionable USB drive necklace
Bone-shaped USB drive
Gifts & Premiums July 2009 70 www.globalsources.com - Choose veried suppliers
2-in-1 ultra-soft screen
protectors and mouse pads
for notebooks and netbooks
1he eutured mutunctonu tems huve mcro-textured
suruces, vhch protect notebook screens rom dumuge
und uov or precse mouse contro. 1hey ure purt o the
200-pus tems uvuube n our runge. lrovdng CDM/lDM
computer uccessores snce l976, ve've heped cents
muxmze prots vth vuue-udded products. Cur stu
s experenced vth prntng gruphcs und ogos on u
vurety o muterus, ncudng mcrober ubrc.
lor more normuton, contuct us toduy.
Wc offcr ovcr 200 diffcrcnt itcms
Promotionals that combine a screen
protector and mouse pad in one
Promotional microfiber
lens cleaning kit
Excebest Enterprise Corp.
No. l6-5 1u L Street, 1u-L Cty, 1uchung 4l2, 1uvun
1e: |886-4) 2407 7980 lux: |886-4) 2407 6650
L-mu: excebestexcebest.com.tv
vvv.gobusources.com/excebest.co - vvv.excebest.com.tv
OEM microfiber lens
cloths in dye-sublimated
A trudemurks shovn here ure or reerence purposes ony.
1hey ure the property o ther respectve ovners, und ve ure
not uuthorzed to se tems beurng such trudemurks.
Hong Kong
Oct. 12- 15, 2009
Booth No. 8F14
\e've been exportng to nternutonu cents or over l0 yeurs, so
ve knov hov to sutsy your stundurds o quuty und voume. Cur
vorkmunshp sets us upurt rom other mukers o promotonu bugs,
und ve huve u vorkorce o 500 to brng you up to 5 mon bugs
per month. More thun 75 percent o our empoyees huve seven to
eght yeurs o sevng experence.
You cun come to us or bugs mude vth nonvoven, cotton, cunvus
und oxord ubrcs. Cur l0 R&D stu members creute bugs vth
druvstrng und other specu cosures, us ve us ones thut od dovn
to vuet sze. Send us your custom proects, und our desgners v
prepure sumpes n three duys. Cur products curry RoHS murks, und
our uctes ure lSC 900l:2000-certed. lnqure toduy.
Lnt 6-2502, 305 Luubung Rd.,
Shunghu 2000ll, Chnu
1e: |86-2l) 6377 5798, 6377 507l lux: |86-2l) 6377 5072 ext. l08
L-mu: ghsmgobusources.com - chnushghvp.l63.com
vvv.gobusources.com/ghsm.co - vvv.chnushgh.com
Shanghai Guohuang
Industrial & Trade Co. Ltd
Up to 5 million
shopping bags monthly
Samples ready in 3 days
All trademarks shown here are for reference purposes only.They are the property of their respective owners,
and we are not authorized to sell items bearing such trademarks.
Nonwoven shoulder and
tote bags, your custom
projects are welcome
Nonwoven bags,
foldable designs available
July 2009 Gifts & Premiums 71 More new products - www.globalsources.com
A selectlon of promotlonal keychalns from Chlna
Winwin Industrial Co. Ltd
Model: 2
Minimumorder: 2,000 pleces
0elivery time: 20 days
0escription: Metal, customlzable shape and
color, handpalnted, transparent polyresln
kin Ron Metal & Plastic Product Co. Ltd
Model: KF1019
Minimumorder: 500 pleces
0elivery time: 10 days
Price: $0.9
0escription: Zlnc alloy, gold-plated, 3u
cartoon flgure, 33x23x15mm, sllk-screened
or laser-engraved logo
Can[ie a Co. Ltd
Model: XC-SK-002
Minimumorder: 1,000 pleces
0elivery time: 1 days
Price: $0.0
0escription: Zlnc alloy, woven band, 6xcm,
laser-engraved or sllk-screened logo, Fh 71
foshan hanhai |insha Rardware & Plastic fty
Model: Torch Keychaln
0escription: Torch functlon, sllk-screened
Can[ie a Co. Ltd
Model: XC-XCP-007
Minimumorder: 1,000 pleces
0elivery time: 18 days
Price: $0.13
0escription: Acryllc, 5x3.5cm, Fh 71
Acever 0ifts Industry (5henzhen) Co. Ltd
Model: }}-188
Minimumorder: 2,000 pleces
0elivery time: 20 days
0escription: kubber and canvas wlth three
or four eyelets, shoe shape, uS8 flash drlve
Pk0M0Tl0hAL KFChAlhS
Cover Story
July 2009 Gifts & Premiums 73 More new products - www.globalsources.com
An AQl of 1.S for
quaIity assurancc
Since our establishment in 1992, we've been specializing in the production
of gift items and premiums that attract world-renowned companies. You'll
appreciate the fact that we test our products to an AQL of 1.5 to meet your
quality expections. Our monthly capacity of 100,000 units, and we can have
your orders completed in as fast as 10 days.
Take a look at our catalog, and you'll fnd an array of key chains, cuf links, tie
clips, golf accessories, mobile phone straps and desktop items. Send us an
e-mail today to get a quick start on your order.
kM Dcsigns & Production ltd
Hong long oce:
Rm. l, l4/l, \ng lung lndustru udng,
40-50 Shu 1su Rd., 1suen \un, lovoon, Hong long
1e: |852) 24l5 3870 lux: |852) 24l6 0l78
L-mu: noknmng.com
Munund Chnu uctory:
45 Du He Cung, Xn Xu, Hu Yung, Cuungdong, Chnu
1e: |86-752) 359 96l0 lux: |86-752) 359 9236
L-mu: chnu-noknmng.com
Zinc alloy keychains
Zinc alloy keychains
Brass cuffinks with
nickel fnishes Zinc alloy bracelet
Samples ready in as fast as 2 days
Looking to distribute quality bags in your market quickly? Then
work with us. Our sample lead time is only two days and nished
orders take 10 days, thanks to our four production teams and
three partner factories. And for quality assurance, we have 30
inspectors who oversee each production stage, including raw
material assessments. Our monthly capacity is 300,000 units. For
more information, contact us today.
Shenzhen Henree Bags Mfy
51 Anhua Rd., Anliang, Henggang,
Shenzhen, Guangdong 518131, China
Tel: (86-755) 2861 5167/5169 ext. 802 Fax: (86-755) 2861 4381
E-mail: henree@globalsources.com benny@henree.com
Website: www.globalsources.com/henree.co www.henree.com
Eco-friendly shopping bags
All trademarks are shown for reference purposes only. We are not authorized to sell any items bearing such trademarks.
Approved by the ICTI
You can rest assured of the safety of our stuffed toys. The ICTI has
audited our factory and given their seal of approval, and we check
all incoming raw materials for harmful substances. Semi-nished
and nished products then go through rigorous inspections from
our 20-strong QC team. You may choose from over 2,000 items in
our catalog, and we add two or three more every month thanks to
our own molding workshop. View our latest offerings at our Global
Sources Online showroom.
Hang Wing Plastic Industry Co. Ltd
Tongyi Rd., Pumei Industrial District, Shantou, Guangdong 515800, China
Tel: (86-754) 8698 8000, 8585 5777 Fax: (86-754) 8585 5666
E-mail: hangwing@globalsources.com market@hangwingtoys.com
www.globalsources.com/hangwing.co www.0086toys.com
Promotional stuffed toys
Gifts & Premiums July 2009 74 www.globalsources.com - Choose veried suppliers
Promotional card readers with
built-in flash memory
\e bud dozens o promotonu LS devces vth
mutunctonu eutures your customers ure sure to
upprecute. Cur eutured mcroSD curd reuders not
ony come vth LS connectvty, but they cun be
customzed to ncude derent szes o but-n ush
memory us ve us your ogo. And muny retu-reudy tems, vhch
huve no mnmum order requrement, ure uvuube n our cutuog.
Do you huve your ovn creutve deus to murket: \e huve ll yeurs'
experence competng CLM/CDM orders or cents ust ke you.
lrom our uctory n 1uvun, your sumpes v be reudy n ust l0
duys. Smu und mxed orders ure vecome, so contuct us toduy.
Aquarry Technology Inc.
No. 260 Chung Hvu Roud, Sec. 2,
lu L Hsung, 1upe County, 1uvun
1e: |886-2) 26l9 3338
lux: |886-2) 8630 l622
L-mu: uquurryms72.hnet.net
With no minimum order
requirement on retail-ready items Promotional USB microSD card readers,
available with built-in fash memory
USB data storage pens, comprising ballpoint pens,
USB fash drives and optional LED indicators
PromotionaI Products for
Disncy and Hcinckcn
We work with some of the biggest names on the planet. Disney, Nokia, McDonalds, Sony,
Coca-Cola, Pepsi, Philips, Canon, Epson, Adidas and Peugeot all have sourced fromour
range of phthalate-free inatable items for their promotional projects. These companies
expect fast service when they start a promotion. And we cater to themby completing
smaller customsamples in just one day and larger samples within three days.
We turn out up to $1 million worth of EN71-approved goods each month. Over 80 percent
of our output is for promotional buyers in Europe and North America. And we have 15
years of experience satisfying the quality and safety regulations of these markets. To see
more of our selection, just log on to our Global Sources Online showroomtoday.
Yiwu Little Angel Toys Co. Ltd
716 Chengdian Rd., Yiwu, Zhejiang 322000, China
Tel: (86-579) 8579 0975 Fax: (86-579) 8563 8089
littleangel@globalsources.com sales@littleangel.net.cn
Website: www.globalsources.com/littleangel.co www.zjwyj.com
15 years of producing inatable items
All trademarks shown here are for reference purposes only. They are the property of their
respective owners, and we are not authorized to sell items bearing such trademarks.
Hong Kong
Oct. 20- 23, 2009
Booth No. 6Q33
Custominatable PVC beetle
toy, ideal for promotions
Inatable PVC ball, OEM for Disney,
customization available
inatable PVC drink
cooler, just add ice
July 2009 Gifts & Premiums 75 More new products - www.globalsources.com
Supplier to Pepsi-Cola,
L'Oral and Sanrio
Get your umbrellas to market in 15 days
Future Umbrella Co. Ltd
Pingdi, Longgang, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China
Tel: (86-755) 8409 2846 Fax: (86-755) 8409 5325
E-mail: futureumbrella@globalsources.com
Website: www.globalsources.com/futureumbrella.co
Auto open/close
umbrellas in
different sizes
Fifteen days.Thats all it takes for us
deliver your umbrella orders to your
market, if you choose from our available
fabrics. Pepsi-Cola, Coca-Cola, L'Oral
and Sanrio have already taken advantage
of our speedy services, and 90 percent
of our buyers place repeat orders with
us.You can be the next client on our
satised buyer list.
Our ve talented R&D staff, each with
over a decade of design experience,
update our catalog with 100 new
models annually. Select from umbrellas
with lights, super lightweight umbrellas,
and beach umbrellas. Monthly capacity
from our ISO 9001:2000-certied
factory is 600,000 units. Benet from
the same level of service by contacting
us today. 5-section mini umbrella
Si l i cone gel i t ems
w i t h saf et y appr oval s
Our catalog features silicone gel products such as the non-slip
mats featured here. To ensure maximummarket penetration,
we provide SGS reports conrming the lowcontent of heavy
metals and phthalates. Our products are also FDA-approved and
compliant with the RoHS Directive. This is one reason why leading
companies in Japan, Italy, Poland, the US and the EU are on our
client list. To source market-ready merchandise, inquire now.
Silicone gel
non-slip mats
2/F, Bldg. B, Weijian Industrial Park, Tangtou 3rd Industrial Zone,
Shiyan, Bao'an, Shenzhen, Guangdong 518108, China
Tel: (86-755) 2951 4780 Fax: (86-755) 2951 4900
E-mail: master@szdiya.com
www.globalsources.com/szdiya.co www.szdiya.com
Shenzhen Diya Silicone Co. Ltd
Spurring sales for Coca-Cola and Duracell
Coca-Cola, Duracell and
Palmolive are just three of the major
companies using our display stands for
their sales and promotion campaigns.
These companies appreciate that we
have an in-house molding facility,
which allows us to nish OEMsamples
in just three days. Our display stands
are made using recycled paper, metal,
wood, acrylic and other materials, and
are tested for compliance with the
RoHS Directive. We'll even include
an SGS report with each shipment
to prove it. Each month, we make up
to 500,000 table display stands and
50,000 oor display stands, so we can
handle large orders with ease. To work
with a supplier that meets the needs of
multinationals, inquire today.
Visad (Hong Kong) Display Co. Ltd
Tongmao Industrial Park, Dongsheng, Zhongshan,
Guangdong 528414, China
Tel: (86-760) 2363 1688 ext. 819 Fax: (86-760) 2363 1916
E-mail: jijiangang@visad.com.cn
Website: www.globalsources.com/visad.co
Contact person: Mr. Sunny Ji
Beverage display stand
All trademarks are shown for reference purposes only. We are not authorized to sell any items bearing such trademarks.
Gifts & Premiums July 2009 76 www.globalsources.com - Choose veried suppliers
Promotional items for Disney,
Coca-cola and FedEx
Custom samples in 3 days
Our production capabilities have attracted the likes of Disney,
Coca-Cola and FedEx. We welcome your OEMorders too. And we
know that time is money to you, which is why we provide samples
in as fast as three days.
And when you source with us, we ensure variety. Thanks to our
partnerships with over 80 factories, our catalog features 3,000 party,
holiday and promotional products, as well as gifts. And this number
increases by 30 every month.We visit Germany and the US annually to
keep up with the latest trends in gifts and promotional items. Contact
us today to request a catalog, or get started on your next project.
Shanghai Atlantis Industry Co. Ltd (COFCO Group)
Unit 9-102, 588 Shuiqing Rd., Shanghai 201100, China
Tel: (86-21) 5417 9357, 5417 9359 Fax: (86-21) 5186 1632
E-mail: atlantis@globalsources.com sales@goodschannel.com
www.globalsources.com/atlantis.co www.goodschannel.com
All trademarks shown here are for reference purposes only. Tey are the property of their
respective owners, and we are not authorized to sell items bearing such trademarks.
Promotional nonwoven shopping bags,
available with or without PP lamination
Promotional shopping
bags made of PE,
cotton, and nylon

Source from our 3,000

promotional offerings
Wc dcvcIop 20 ncw itcms monthIy
Lookng or u urge seecton o keychuns und
other premums: Cur cutuog ncudes more
thun 3,000 derent products, und every month
ve reresh our runge by deveopng 20 nev ones.
Come to us or keychuns, LLD ushghts, botte
openers, compusses, bnocuurs, vuter bottes,
mugners, survvu kts und more.
\e ovn our uctores und huve but u netvork o 20 suppers to
hep us provde you vth every product thut you vunt to ncude n
your order. \e huve more thun 20 yeurs' nternutonu trudng
experence und uround
l0 yeurs o experence
n ths ndustry. Cur
bg buyers ncude
1urget und L & lung.
\e vecome your CLM
proects. Send us un
e-mu toduy.

Keychains with compasses, and plastic
and metal shells, respectively, suitable
for promotions and can carry your logo
Solar LEDkeychain and aluminum
bottle opener keychain
Keychains with compass
and carabiner
Zhcjiang Ncwnc
lndustry Co. ltd
2538 \est Dongsheng Rd., }uxng,
Zheung 3l400l, Chnu
1e: |86-573) 822l 8640
lux: |86-573) 822l 8l76
L-mu: yunsnevnecn.com
July 2009 Gifts & Premiums 77 More new products - www.globalsources.com
Major buyers such as Nike, Puma, Callaway, Disney,
Hard Rock Caf and Sony look to us for metal promotional
accessories mainly because of our fexibility. We don't
have a minimum order requirement, so they are able to
purchase any quantity they require. And our monthly
output of 3 million units means we can fll volume orders
and offer lead times as short as 14 days.
Take advantage of our fexibility by choosing from our
catalog of divot tools, money clips, hat clips, luggage tags,
ball markers and other products. Or, tell our designers
your idea for a custom item, and your metal of choice, and
they'll create a new mold for you in just fve days. Contact
us with your requirements today.
Zinc alloy
golf divot tool
FlexlblllIy valued by
dlscrlmlnaIlng buyers
We Go Metallic
Products Co. Ltd
Yufeng Zone, Zhangmutou,
Dongguan, Guangdong, China
Tel: (86-769) 8719 0191
Fax: (86-769j 8719 0190
E-mail: wegopin@globalsources.com
Iron hat clip Zinc alloy medal
All trademarks shown here are for reference purposes only. They are the property of their respective
owners, and we are not authorized to sell items bearing such trademarks.
Our silicone cases are for use with
Apples iPhone 3G, PMPs and other electronic gadgets
Looking to promote your brand with exquisite silicone cases? Then
work with us, a silicone gifts manufacturer for 15 years. Our R&D
teamadds 50 newdesigns monthly to our already vast selection.
And if you have a design in mind, we can have samples ready in as
fast as three days. Our 20 QC members conduct stringent tests at
each production stage and our items bear FDA and RoHS marks. Our
monthly capacity is 2 million units. Inquire now.
Samples in as fast as 3 days
Lucky Goldjyx Co. Ltd
The Fifth Industrial Park, Caiwu, Wusha, Changan,
Dongguan, Guangdong, China
Tel: (86-769) 8532 6799, 8533 8406
Fax: (86-769) 8533 2840
E-mail: aaa@goldjyx.com
Website: www.globalsources.com/goldjyx.co www.goldjyx.com
iPhone is a trademark of Apple Inc.
$20 million in annual
premium exports
9/l, lutun usness & 1rude udng, 5l luhuu Rd.,
Shenzhen, Cuungdong 5l8033, Chnu
1e: |86-755) 8250 l089, 8288 4396 - lux: |86-755) 8288 5093
smsmurtoceun.net - ysmurtoceun.net
Smartocean Industrial Ltd
EN 71
Luch yeur ve shp out S20 mon vorth o products to muor
compunes such us llC, leps und McDonud's. 1hese
mutnutonus come to us becuuse ve deveop the exuct eectronc
premum thut meets ther murketng needs. You too cun send us your
CLM order or choose rom our runge o CL-, lCC- und LN 7l-
upproved LS hubs und drves, Chrstmus tems, pedometers,
ushng ogo uns und LLD key chuns. \e turn out over 3 mon o
these tems euch month. Cu us toduy or more normuton.
Mini USB hubs
with 4 ports
Promotional 4-port
USB hub with
plug-and-play function
All trademarks are shown for reference purposes only.
We are not authorized to sell any items bearing such trademarks.
Gifts & Premiums July 2009 78 www.globalsources.com - Choose veried suppliers
Drinkwarc approvcd by
thc fDA and CPSlA
In business since 1998, we have over 150 styles in our collection to keep
your offerings fresh. For 10 years, distributors in the US and Europe have
sourced from our selection of FDA- and CPSIA-approved drinkware,
including stainless steel bottles, travel mugs, BPA-free plastic and aluminum
bottles, vacuum asks, and hip asks.
Whether your order is large or small, our six QC inspectors will ensure
quality at each step of production. And we supply inspection reports with
each delivery. Our clients throughout Europe, the Americas and Asia value
our consistent standards of quality. All of our products carry LFGB marks
and comply with OEHHA Proposition 65 to facilitate smooth market entry.
Our ve designers regularly travel to Europe and the US to research
changing styles and standards. Samples
take ve days. Our monthly capacity
is 300,000 units. Contact us today.
Shanghai Topmost Houseware Co. Ltd
37/F, Block 16, 133 Linping Rd., Hongkou, Shanghai 200086, China
Tel: (86-21) 6123 7446 ext. 612 Fax: (86-21) 6123 7448
topmost@globalsources.com sales@topmost-sh.com
www.globalsources.com/topmost.co www.topmost-sh.com
Skype: topmostrose MSN: rosewurr2000@hotmail.com
Stainless steel bottles
and plastic travel mug
Double-wall tea tumbler
with strainer inside
Hong Kong
Oct. 20- 23, 2009
Booth No. 5B10
Pr ovi de pr ot ect i on agai nst
cr oss cont ami nat i on
With our disposable infection control barriers
Yezu Ent er pr i se Co. Lt d
No. l40 Hsn Mur Rd., Suuo 1ovn, l-Lun County, 1uvun
1e: |886-3) 990 5872-3, 990 5948 lux: |886-3) 990 5327, 990 8298
L-mu: yezums33.hnet.net
vvv.gobusources.com/yezu.co - vvv.yezu.com.tv
All trademarks shown here are for reference purposes only. They are the property of their respective owners, and we are not authorized to sell items bearing such trademarks.
ln dentu pructces, cross contumnuton cun present u reu
dunger to putents. y dstrbutng our promotonu necton
contro burrers, you cun gve dentsts un eectve unsver to ths
probem. 1hese tems cover u knds o suruces, ncudng those
on svtches, nstruments, hoses, hundes und even churs. 1hey're
de-cut to perecty t the equpment used by your customers.
And these tems ure dsposube, so heuth proessonus von't
need to vut or room dsnectons betveen putents.
Source dsposube necton contro burrers thut protect ugunst
cross contumnuton rom the ony supper n 1uvun. Contuct
us toduy.
Disposable infection control barriers
Effectively cover dental equipment
Shield dentists hands and patients mouths
frombacteria, blood and contaminants
OEM/ODMorders with customers logos are welcome
July 2009 Gifts & Premiums 79 More new products - www.globalsources.com
98% of our clients reorder
Coca-Cola, Nestl and Pepsi are on our customer list
Why do Coca-Cola, Nestl, Pepsi and Kodak come
back for our products? Guaranteed quality is one
reason. Production takes place in-house so our 60
QC inspectors can monitor your orders at each step.
Our factory has passed an audit by Bureau Veritas
and an inspection by the British Broadcasting Corp.,
also one of our clients. We subject our infatables
to 24-hour durability tests, and the raw materials
we import are processed using 150 high-frequency
machines for maximum precision.
Product variety is another reason 98 percent of
our clients reorder. Our designers release 100 new
designs monthly, ranging from portable PVC bottles
to giant bouncers, so you can always fnd the best
tool for your marketing campaign. We cap these
advantages with a 2 million-unit monthly capacity.
Contact us today to start your order.
All trademarks shown here are for reference purposes only. They are the property of their respective
owners, and we are not authorized to sell items bearing such trademarks.
15-II, Kanxi Industrial Area, Shaxi, Zhongshan,
Guangdong 528471, China
Tel: (86-760) 8739 9880, 2381 6881 Fax: (86-760) 8739 9881
jeffrey@inatables.cn ntp@globalsources.com
www.inatables.cn www.globalsources.com/nt.co
New Time Plastic Mfg Ltd Infatable nylon air
dancer for advertising
Phthalate-free PVC beach ball
Phthalate-free infatable cheering hand
Cardkcy locks
\e've specuzed n truve uccessores or
l0 yeurs, und nov produce curdkey ocks.
L-mu us toduy.
leutures o our curdkey ocks:
- Accepted und recognzed by the 1SA
- Cun be opened ut checked-bugguge
screenng stutons operuted by the 1SA
ucross the LS
- Curry the 1ruve Sentry

ogo to uctute
eusy screenng und prevent dumuge to bugs
- No combnuton to memorze
Cardkey lock,
available in 6 colors
]iar TravcIwarc Co. ltd
3/l, luzu 3, ClL lndustru Zone, North Dunshun Rd.,
Cx, Nngbo, Zheung 3l5300, Chnu
1e: |86-574) 6303 2888 lux: |86-574) 6303 2889
L-mu: no.stur.cn
Insert card and press
until lock snaps open
Press shackle to close
Choose from over 2,000
designs or customize
with us
We offer the latest
designs for paper bags
and boxes, and straw
bags and mats to set
your product lines apart
from the competition.
Rely on us for up to 30
newdesigns monthly.
Our selection already
contains over 2,000 designs.
Or you can send us your custom ideas,
and well complete your samples in three days.
We turnout upto2millionunits monthly. Dollar General,
Target, Artwrap and Eurobags tap into this massive
capacity. Place an order for as fewas 5,000 units today.
Flocked paper bags
with embroidery
and decorative
organza knot
Paper wine bag
Dongyang Oyi Packing Co. Ltd
Xiayuan Mansion, Hengdian Electronic Industry Zone,
Dongyang, Zhejiang 321300, China
Tel: (86-579) 8626 7088
Fax: (86-579) 8621 0908
Hong Kong
Oct. 20- 23, 2009
Booth No. 8B08
Gifts & Premiums July 2009 80 www.globalsources.com - Choose veried suppliers
Weve made 3 million promotional
items for Corona in one month
A monthly output of 20 million units
Our monthly output of 20 million units helps us expediently meet the needs of big
buyers such as Telefnica and sourcing agents for the 2012 London Olympic Committee.
Weve made 3 million promotional items for Corona in just one month. We also offer
the exibility of smaller orders, with a minimumrequirement of just 1,000 units.
Choose from3,000 styles of promotional products with ready-made molds. Or, make
a customrequest. Samples can be ready in seven days. Place your logo on any of our
air fresheners, sunshades, stress toys, soft PVC novelty items, badges, luggage tags and
inatable cheering sticks. Our products meet EN 71, ASTM, CE and FDA guidelines.
We export to Japan, Germany, the US and Spain for both commercial and social events.
Inquire today.
40 Yuanyichang, Dingfuzhuang, Chaoyang, Beijing 100024, China
Tel: (86-10) 6548 8008, 6548 9848 Fax: (86-10) 8464 2150
strongerich@globalsources.com jenny@strongerich.com
www.globalsources.com/strongerich.co www.strongerich.com
Beijing Stronger Rich Imp. & Exp. Co. Ltd
Paper air-fresheners for cars, available
in different designs and fragrances
PU stress toys Soft PVC photo frame Anti-UV car sunshade
Infatable advertising cheering sticks PU luggage tags
All trademarks shown here are for reference purposes only. They are the property of their respective
owners, and we are not authorized to sell items bearing such trademarks.
Product ion power t rust ed
by discriminat ing buyers
\e've vorked vth vord-renovned buyers ke Addus,
Cocu-Cou und Dsney snce l989. uyers ke these
upprecute thut ve reuby ther voume orders or
promotonu keychuns, pevter tems, ushon every,
coectbes und mobe phone strups on tme. \e huve three
uctores n munund Chnu vth over 2,500 vorkers, gvng
us u monthy producton cupucty o 3 mon unts.
Send us your desgns, sketches or product concepts toduy
und et our R&D teum o 50 desgners compete your CLM/
CDM sumpes vthn tvo veeks. Vst our Cobu Sources
Cnne shovroom to see u sumpng o our vork, or cu us
nov to dscuss your sourcng requrements.
R&P Int er nat ional Co. Lt d
4l, No. 32, Lune l64, Hun Street, 1upe ll0, 1uvun
1e: |886-2) 8780 ll28 lux: |886-2) 8780 83ll
L-mu: novctorynk.com.tv
Hong Kong
Oct. 20- 23, 2009
Booth No. 6L29
Zinc alloy keychains,
custom designs are welcomed
Keychain in bear
design, made with
pewter alloy and
keychain, made
with brass
July 2009 Gifts & Premiums 81 More new products - www.globalsources.com
Ovcr 2,000 travcI
prcmiums rcady
for your Iogo
Gain widespread recognition for your company by
putting your logo on one of our travel premiums. Our
range includes over 2,000 travel kits, business card
holders, keychains, clocks and other promotional items.
Send us your spec|fcat|ons, and our des|gners, each
with over seven years of experience, will have a sample
bearing your label in as fast as one week.
Each month, we turn out 500,000 units to support your
massive marketing campaigns. All our items come with
CE, UL and RoHS marks as well as LFGB, FDA and
EN 71 approvals for easy distribution. To get a glimpse
of our extensive range, visit our Global Sources Online
showroom today.
Travel kit: includes
luggage tag, belt and
lock in a gift pouch
2/ F, Lianghua New Village, No. 60, Pengjiang,
Jiangmen, Guangdong 529000, China
Tel: (86-750) 392 8129 Fax: (86-750) 392 8205
E-mail: giftfairy@globalsources.com sales@giftfairy.cn
Website: www.globalsources.com/ giftfairy.co www.giftfairy.cn
Gift Fairy Co. Ltd
Shenzhen Naki Jewelry Pen Co. Ltd
6/F, Block 3, Shuibei Shihua Industry, Cuizhu North Rd., Luohu,
Shenzhen, Guangdong 518000, China
Tel: (86-755) 2580 0932 Fax: (86-755) 2580 0919
E-mail: naki@globalsources.com naki@naki.cn
Website: www.globalsources.com/naki.co www.naki.cn
We pioneered
jeweled pens
Weve been producing jeweled pens since 1994, making us one of
the pioneers in our eld in mainland China. All our products are
designed and developed in-house by our artists and engineers.
To ensure precision, we use automatic pen-making lathes from
Taiwan. And gold, silver or jewelry setting is done by specialized
inlayers. Choose from our wide selection, which also includes
high-grade pens and writing instruments. Inquire today.
925 sterling silver pens with 18K gold plating
Coca-Cola, Jim Beam and
HSBC promote with us
g brunds ncudng Cocu-Cou, }m eum, HSC, Noku
und Neste ure promoted vth our compressed toves.
\hy ure ve ther chosen supper: \th our seecton o
400 derent products und 300 unque puckugng shupes,
ve ure sure to huve the perect tem or uny murketng
cumpugn. \e oer you crcuur, surbourd, botte und
other shupes, und ve cun deveop your custom desgns.
\e send our products to lntertek or your quuty ussurunce.
1hey ensure thut our dyes ure uzo-ree. Contuct our Lngsh-,
loreun- und }upunese-speukng trude stu toduy.
All trademarks are shown for reference purposes only. We are not
authorized to sell any items bearing such trademarks.
68 West Haiqu Rd., Rizhao, Shandong 276800, China
Tel: (86-633) 828 0905, 828 0805 Fax: (86-633) 828 9925
E-mail: goodhopes@globalsources.com
Rizhao Good Hope Textiles & Crafts Factory
100% cotton promotional towels, available
in 300 different packaging shapes
Gifts & Premiums July 2009 82 www.globalsources.com - Choose veried suppliers
Tog off your wlne
accessorles wlIb us
Gorista Enterprises Ltd
Rm. 1305, Shangcheng International Building,
505 Caoyang Rd., Putuo, Shanghai 200063, China
Tel: (86-21) 3251 6390/1/2 Fax: (86-21) 3251 6393
E-mail: gorista@globalsources.com sales@goristaenterprises.com
Website: www.globalsources.com/gorista.co www.gorista.com
Champagne-bottle stopper, made
of iron and rubber, various colors
and patterns are available
Established in 1997, we are a trading company that specializes in the
manufacturing of promotional products, especially wine accessories. We
export over $2 million worth of goods each year, including OEM/ODM
items to buyers like you in North America, Europe, Australia and Asia.
Our Shanghai facility houses a comprehensive center covering assembly,
QC and packaging. All products pass through this, in addition to standard
factory inspections. We can also handle packaging for mixed orders.
Should your products require condentiality, well handle nal assembly
and packaging to ensure that your designs are never leaked to competitors.
We are led by a trade specialist with more than 10 years of experience
in the industry. Let us know your product and pricing expectations
and we will complete a proposal for you. Contact us today.
Comprehensive facilities for in-house
QC, packaging and assembly
Bottle stoppers,
different designs
Promotional wine bottle charms
Customizcd to suit your matcriaI, dcsign,
mcasurcmcnt and packaging spccs
19A Demonstrative Industrial Area,
Longgang, Wenzhou,
Zhejiang 325802, China
Tel: (86-577) 6869 8988, 6418 2688
Fax: (86-577) 6869 0658
For 10 years, weve been producing all types of bags fashion shopping bags, suit
covers, cooler bags and even beach mats. We make these items from PET, PP, PE,
woven and nonwoven materials, which are water-resistant and recyclable. Our fve
designers develop 50 to 100 new designs monthly and can also customize samples
within seven days to suit your material, design, measurement and packaging
specifcations. Our products make great promotional items and are ideal for
shopping, packaging gifs, advertising or home use.
We employ more than 450 workers at our 23,000-square-meter factory, for a daily
capacity of 350,000 units. Weve equipped our dust-free printing workshop with
high-tech machinery from Germany, Italy and Japan, including a color-printing
compound production line, color-table systems and electronic-engraving systems.
Contact us today.
Nonwoven wine-transporter
bag with six wine holders
Nonwoven tote bags
All trademarks shown here are for reference purposes only. They are the property of
their respective owners, and we are not authorized to sell items bearing such trademarks.
Wenzhou Yinhai Printing
& Bag Co. Ltd
July 2009 Gifts & Premiums 83 More new products - www.globalsources.com
Promotional backpack with
solar charger (TYNB-8)
If youre looking for eco-friendly promotional items, then were the supplier
for you. We offer a wide range of backpacks and solar chargers for laptops,
mobile phones, media players, PDAs and other electronics. Our 10 designers,
each with 10 years of experience, can create custom samples in just one
week. Each month, we release 30 newmodels that you can use for your next
promotional campaign.
Our monthly output is 200,000 CE- and RoHS-marked units. However,
we can get you started with an order of just 100 so you can test the
marketability of our items. Contact us with your requirements today.
Sol ar - pow er ed pr emi ums r eady f or your l ogo
Solar chargers
with LED lights
and USB
Samples in just one week
TYN-97 (left)
TYN-91 (right)
Shenzhen Duolilong Industrial Co. Ltd
2/F, Bldg. B, No. 7, East District, Shangxue Science & Technology Industrial City,
Bantian, Buji, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China
Tel: (86-755) 2589 1062/1057 Fax: (86-755) 2557 6243
E-mail: dolilong@globalsources.com sales@duolilong.com
www.globalsources.com/dolilong.co www.duolilong.com
USB pens sourced by
IBM, Panasonic
and Siemens
USB pens, available
in different colors
4/F, Bldg. C, Chuangfu Science and Technology Park, Beihuan Rd.,
Shiyan, Baoan, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China
Tel: (86-755) 2761 2511/3511 Fax: (86-755) 2761 1911
chineseusb@globalsources.com sales@chineseusb.com
www.globalsources.com/chineseusb.co www.chineseusb.com
Come to us for USB
pens that youll be
proud to put your logo
on. IBM, Panasonic,
Siemens and Lenovo are just a few
of the renowned buyers that have
sourced our items. Our R&D team
of software, hardware and structural
engineers can have a sample bearing your
logo in just one week. To ensure effcient
manufacturing, we use SMT machines from
Taiwan, allowing us to turn out 1.6 million units
monthly. Our delivery lead time is just fve days.
E-mail us your inquiries now.
Shenzhen USBetter Technology Co. Ltd
PU and foam toys made
with nontoxic dyes
\e hunde your orders or rubber
und oum toys ut our on-ste
dyeng uctes. Cny
nontoxc dyes ure used
on your products to ensure
suety. 1en to 20 nev
desgns ure uvuube
every month, und your
CLM sumpes cun be
reudy vthn l4 duys.
\e uso produce nonvoven
tems ncudng tote bugs,
gurment covers und storuge
boxes, prnted on Hedeberg
muchnes rom Cermuny. \e produce
up to 300,000 peces euch month. Contuct us toduy.
PU-foam balls and toys in
custom designs
Nonwoven tote bag
Changzhou Zhongya ChcmicaI Co. ltd
Shunhekou, }uox, Chungzhou,
}ungsu 2l3ll6, Chnu
L-mu: ehunggobusources.com
Zhangjiagang Hcngtong Co. ltd
Zhenbe Rd., Lungung rdge, lenghuung,
Zhungugung, }ungsu 2l56l4, Chnu
1e: |86-5l2) 5879 576l/5762
lux: |86-5l2) 5879 5639
L-mu: hentongbugsgmu.com
\ebste: vvv.zg-nye.cn
Gifts & Premiums July 2009 84 www.globalsources.com - Choose veried suppliers
Art Power Plastic & Electronic Fty Ltd
Flat K1, 5/F, Summit Building, 30 Man Yue St., Hunghom, Kowloon, Hong Kong
Tel: (852) 2408 0212 Fax: (852) 2408 2913
E-mail: artpower@biznetvigator.com
Website: www.globalsources.com/komaxil.co
Sourced by Wal-Mart
and Disney
Corporations such as Wal-Mart and Disney turn to
us for a wide range of cameras as well as healthcare
and electronics products. We have 10 years of
manufacturing experience and serve OEM customers
in the US, Europe, Japan and many other countries
from our Hong Kong headquarters. Our mainland
China factory is ISO 9001:2000- and UKAS-certifed
and we make 1 million units monthly. E-mail us your
inquiries today.
ISO 9001:2000- and UKAS-certifed production
Digital and reusable cameras
All products displayed
are patented
Pedometer with
body fat analyzer
Portable alcohol tester
Unique promotional umbrellas
with distinctive features
And durable fiberglass frames
Source our promotional umbrellas that do more than just make your logo
look great. Our patented umbrellas double as portable chairs. This extra
functionality will be appreciated by elderly users who get tired easily,
as well as fans of outdoor sporting events. Although the frames of our
umbrellas can support a persons weight, each one weighs just 1kg. Its
their fiberglass frames that provide this ideal
combination of strength and portability.
Every month, we produce 120,000 CS-
approved promotional umbrellas for
internationally respected brands like Coca-
Cola and Pepsi. But if youre a smaller
buyer, youll be pleased to know that we
accept mixed orders for just $3,000 worth
of products. We complete all orders in
45 days, and deliver samples in just 10 days.
For more information on our distinctive
promotional umbrellas, contact us today.
Jasmin Umbrella Inc.
Room 2B45, No. 5 Xin Yi Rd., Sec. 5,
Taipei, Taiwan
Tel: (886-2) 2723 2704 Fax: (886-2) 2723 2573
E-mail: maxamco@ms15.hinet.net
All trademarks shown here are for reference purposes only. They are the property of their
respective owners, and we are not authorized to sell items bearing such trademarks.
Patented promotional umbrella,
able to support up to 200lbs
July 2009 Gifts & Premiums 85 More new products - www.globalsources.com
How much do you know about the PVC products that youve been
sourcing from China? Work with us and youll be certain they and
your customers are safe. Disney,Target, Coca-Cola, Pizza Hut, Nivea
and Hyundai condently bring us their promotional projects. And
you can too, or choose from our 100 new creations monthly. Small
custom samples are ready in just one day and larger samples within
three days.
Eighty percent of our products are exported to Europe. Our
nontoxic inatable PVC items are certied by SGS, Intertek, STR.
They also satisfy requirements of EN 71 Parts 1, 2 and 3, and
weve passed Targets audits performed by BV. Let our 20 years
in the PVC products industry and 10 R&D staff members work
for you. Inquire today.
SuppIying Targct and Disncy
And weve passed Targets BV audit
Rm. 202, 668 Beicun Rd.,Yiwu, Zhejiang 322000, China
Tel: (86-579) 8579 0199/0299 Fax: (86-579) 8579 0399
E-mail: ywlatoys@globalsources.com sale@ywlatoy.com
Website: www.globalsources.com/ywlatoys.co
YWLA Toys Co. Ltd
All trademarks shown here are for reference purposes only. They are the property of their respective owners,
and we are not authorized to sell items bearing such trademarks.
PVC inatable baby
oats, ideal for gifts
and promotions
Are you ookng or ust the rght
supper or your next promotonu
cumpugn: \e, you've ound us. Cur
trude stu members euch huve three to
eght yeurs o experence und ure vutng
to hunde your proects.
\e ure umur vth most uctores n
Zheung und Nngbo, und ve muntun
ongstundng reutonshps vth l0
cooperutng uctores. 1hs s hov
ve ure ube to uccept mnmum
orders or us ev us l,000 custom
tote bugs. Contuct us toduy.
Stream (China) Co. Ltd
Rm. 2l05, 2 North Cuhong Rd., Nngbo
Zheung 3l5000, Chnu
1e: |86-574) 8772 0826, 8772 l620
lux: |86-574) 8772 0829
duneobnb.com - streummu.nbptt.z.cn
vvv.obnb.com |promotonu tems)
vvv.e-pu.com |bug und ugguge)
vvv.e-tt.com |suety und protectve tems)
Efcient sourcing for
awless products
Strap with carabiner
and bottle holder and
a reective LED
Knitted sock-style mobile phone holder,
and shopping bag in pouch and unfolded
All trademarks are shown for reference purposes only. We are not
authorized to sell any items bearing such trademarks.
Toyota and Ford have their
logos on our items
Add Disney, Coca-Cola, McDonald's,
Guinness and Callaway to the
names above, and you know you
aren't putting your reputation
at stake when you source from
us. Our 16 years of experience
customizing badges, lapel pins
and other premiums mean we can
design items that meet your clients'
discerning tastes. Our monthly
capacity is 1 million units,
and we ship orders in just
15 days. Inquire now.
Jinju Hardware Enterprise (SZ) Co. Ltd
Taichung Industry Zone, Alian Villa, Longgang,
Shenzhen, Guangdong 518172, China
Tel: (86-755) 8991 6958, 2898 5186 ext. 807 Fax: (86-755) 2898 5206
E-mail: szqw@globalsources.com
Website: www.globalsources.com/jinjuhardware.co
Metal badge, available
in various shapes
Chinese dragon key chain
Gifts & Premiums July 2009 86 www.globalsources.com - Choose veried suppliers
Source our EN 13356/471-
and CE-compliant products
Tesco and PMS have chosen us
If you are looking for a reliable supplier of CE- and EN 13356/471-compliant items,
then you are on the right page. And we are exible we accept small and mixed
orders. So you can be condent that, large or small, your products will be delivered
on time.
Tesco and PMS have chosen us and now you can too. You see,
unlike most of our competitors, we offer a wide selection
as well as a large capacity of 100,000 pieces per month.
We specialize in various reective products such as
keychains, hangers, vests, and your OEM/ODM
items. Our R&D team will have your samples
ready in two to seven days. To see some examples
of our product range, visit our Global Sources
Online showroom, and then send us an e-mail today.
Yongkang Juyuan
Reective Products Fty
301 East Huaxi Rd., Gushan, Yongkang,
Zhejiang 321300, China
Tel: (86-579) 8751 3379/2328
Fax: (86-579) 8751 3369
E-mail: zjjuyuan@globalsources.com
www.globalsources.com/zjjuyuan.co www.reect.com.cn
Polyester refective
keychains, available
in various animal
PVC refective hangers
PVC refective
wristband and hanger
PET tote bag
Green shopping bags for
Lookng or bugs thut v ur ve n your
envronment-conscous murket: 1hen ook no
urther, und on our st o cents ncudng
Dsney, Lpson, Lstee Luuder und lu Xerox. 1he
products thut ve munuucture ure recycube,
reusube und bodegrudube. 1hut's becuuse ve
use muterus such us nonvoven, ll voven,
recyced lL1, orgunc cotton und nyon ubrcs.
\e huve tvo uctores coverng 6,000m
ve vecome u CLM requests. Cur sumpe eud
tme s ve to l5 duys, und nu orders v be
competed n u month. lnqure nov.
Top forcst (H.k.) Bags Mfy
Lnt 7l72, 7/l, ock , lrot lndustru udng,
l-l5 lvu lung Crescent, lvu long, N.1., Hong long
1e: |852) 3l06 0776 - lux: |852) 3l86 5578
L-mu: notoporest.com
\ebste: vvv.gobusources.com/toporest.co
All trademarks shown here are for reference purposes only.They are the property of their respective
owners, and we are not authorized to sell items bearing such trademarks.
your eco-conscious markets
cooler bag
Cotton tote bag
July 2009 Gifts & Premiums 87 More new products - www.globalsources.com
At a glance, lt's hard to tell whlch suppllers are rellable. That's why Clobal Sources
provldes the lndustry's most ln-depth suppller pre-screenlng servlce. uallfy tradlng
partners before you contact them wlth these powerful tools:
Thls comblnatlon of tools from both Clobal Sources and trusted thlrd-party provlders ls
your key to reduclng rlsk when sourclng from Creater Chlna and Asla.
Flnd verlfled Suppllers at (MPCBM4PVSDFT0OMJOF, the $IJOB4PVSDJOH'BJST,
1SJWBUF4PVSDJOH&WFOUT and ln our trade magazlnes. vlslt www.globalsources.com today
to learn more.
Fach of our suppllers has been vlslted on-slte at least three tlmes to
conflrm thelr lnformatlon
kanklngs from one to slx stars glve you a qulck way to compare suppllers
based on the amount of lnformatlon they've provlded for verlflcatlon
uetalled credlt reports cover up to 12 key reportlng areas - more than
anyone ln the lndustry
Plus, we offer Suppller Capablllty Assessments and Product lnspectlons
by request
0thers Clobal Sources
1ake a c|eser |eek at yeur supp|ier
uyer inquiries by reion
0nllne metrlcs
1op new product postins 1op buyer requests 1op product proles
Percent of all onllne actlvlty for thls product group
0nllne metrlcs are taken from buyer and suppller actlvlty ln the featured product group on www.globalsources.com
ln the month precedlng publlcatlon of thls magazlne.
uyer requests track total lnqulrles from our lndependently verlfled worldwlde communlty of more than 750,000 buyers.
Product profiles represent the total number of unlque products avallable from export-ready suppllers ln our easlly
searchable catalogs.
hew product postins lndlcate the number of new product proflles added to our webslte by suppllers durlng the perlod.
For these and thousands of other categorles, vlslt Clobal Sources onllne and slgn up for Product Alert to recelve the latest suppller
postlngs. use the webslte's Product Search functlon to flnd hundreds of products and send lnqulrles dlrectly to verlfled exporters.
29.0% Fancy keychalns
hong Kong
Metal keychalns
LFu keychalns
Plastlc keychalns

Leather keychalns
ulgltal photo
Solar keychalns
Metal keychalns
Fancy keychalns
Plastlc keychalns

Leather keychalns
LFu keychalns
ulgltal photo
Solar keychalns
8ottle opener
Photo keychalns
8ottle opener
Photo keychalns
Plastlc keychalns
Metal keychalns
Fancy keychalns

LFu keychalns

Leather keychalns
Solar keychalns
8ottle opener
ulgltal photo
Carablner keychalns
July 2009 Gifts & Premiums 89 More new products - www.globalsources.com
Mcct thc nccds of your cIicnts with
IcnticuIar tcchnoIogy
Your clients are looking for products that
capture and amaze their customers. We can
help. Using the most updated software, our
lenticular technology allows us to create a
variety of special effects from 3-D and zoom to
scene change effects, boosting the appeal of
your gifts, premiumitems and stationery.
Famous buyers such as Pepsi, Coca-Cola,
Motorola, Nokia and Sanrio already use our
lenticular technology to their advantage. In
addition to its appeal to the general audience,
this 3-D technology can also be used for
security and safety labeling purposes. Average
monthly capacity for a wide range of products
is 2 million units. To nd out more about our
items and technology,
inquire today.
D4D Technology Development Ltd
Rm. 601, Seaview Commercial Bldg., 21-24 Connaught Rd. West, Hong Kong
Tel: (852) 2541 2628 Fax: (852) 2815 1142
E-mail: d4d@netvigator.com
www.globalsources.com/d4d.co www.d4d315.net
Mainland China factory: 2/F, Blk. B6, Dongfang Jianfu
Industrial Estate, Gongming, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China
Placemats with lenticular 3-D effects
Puzzle with
lenticular 3-D effects
Advanced equipment for accurate
design rendering
We have 14 years of experience creating custompins, badges,
tags, brooches, plaques and other premiums. Our factory
houses a CNC die-carving machine, a hydraulic press, friction
presses and punching machines. We also have stamping,
injection, photo etching, ofset printing, silk-screen printing,
pewter and PVC production lines, so we only need seven days
to complete your orders with your designs. With every order,
we ofer free artwork, full-color proofs and revisions, molding
and samples. Contact us nowto take advantage of our services.
All trademarks are shown for reference purposes only. We are not authorized to sell any items bearing such trademarks.
Asny Craft Fty
Fanmo 2nd Rd., Shimei, Wanjiang, Dongguan, Guangdong, China
Tel: (86-769) 2271 9048, (86) 137 6014 7441 Fax: (86-769) 2271 7943
E-mail: asny@globalsources.com balang@asnypin.com
www.globalsources.com/asnypin.co www.asnypin.com
Pin with soft enamel
Zinc alloy badge
with ofset printing
Mol d- f r ee pr ot ot ypes i n 10 days
Tell us what kind of promotional pen, bag or electronics item
you're seeking, and our six designers will create a prototype for
you in just 10 days without making a mold. We'll make changes
based on your feedback, and only make the mold after your
conrmation. Since the rst mold we make is always the nal
mold, this service eliminates the time and cost of mold changes.
Metal ballpoint
pens, different
shapes available
Alarm keychain with
counterfeit money detector
Shenzhen Saixing Industrial Co. Ltd
Bldgs. 2-4, Huafeng Industrial Park, 2nd Industrial Zone, Nanchang,
Gushu, Xixiang, Bao'an, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China
Tel: (86-755) 2747 5111 Fax: (86-755) 2747 5000
E-mail: saixingsales@vip.163.com
Website: www.globalsources.com/saixing.co
You can depend on our 15 years
of industry experience to help
you choose just the materials
your project requires. To start
enjoying these benets,
e-mail us today.
Gifts & Premiums July 2009 90 www.globalsources.com - Choose veried suppliers
Six factories for all of your packaging needs
Wouldnt it be nice to have just one supplier for your
various promotional bag and packaging needs? Come
to us and youll instantaneously have access to our six
factories. With this network, youll be able to nd bags
made of plastic, paper and nonwoven fabric, plastic and
paper boxes and other packaging items. Not only does
this cut down on your supplier-search time, but also helps
you save on shipping as we can easily combine your
mixed orders into one container.
We have been exporting to the US, Europe, Canada,
Australia, South Africa and other countries and regions
for the last 23 years. After you approve our samples, well
have your order delivered in just three to four weeks. For
more information, contact us today.
Centennial Industrial Co.
(Operated by Appletex Co. Ltd)
7/F, Block C, Howard Factory Bldg., 66 TsunYip St.,
Kwun Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong
P.O. Box: 95960 Tsim Sha Tsui
Tel: (852) 2763 0903, 2763 0904 Fax: (852) 2344 6553
E-mail: centinco@centinco.com.hk
www.globalsources.com/centinco.co www.centinco.com.hk
All trademarks shown here are for reference purposes only. They are the property of
their respective owners, and we are not authorized to sell items bearing such trademarks.
Paper promotional bags
Fabric promotional bags Non-woven and plastic gift bags
2,000 dcsigns to choosc from
Over the last 23 years, we have developed a product line that includes
over 2,000 stainless steel multifunctional pocket knives, multitools,
ashlights, corkscrews, compasses and other outdoor tools. We are
experienced in OEM/ODMprojects, and our 50 R&D designers add to this
selection by releasing 30 newproducts every year. Plus, well have your
logo imprinted on our products and deliver your orders in just 30 days.
We have 500 skilled workers and a new assembly line in the works at our
mainland China factory to process your orders. To take advantage of our
monthly output of 300,000 items, contact our Hong Kong ofce today.
Suites 1906-8, 19/F, Boss Commercial Centre,
28 Ferry St., Jordan, Kowloon, Hong Kong
Tel: (852) 2723 7720 Fax: (852) 2723 0966 / 2312 2698
E-mail: sales@peacetarget.com
Pocketknife with
LED fashlight
Compass Carabiner with 3 tools
July 2009 Gifts & Premiums 91 More new products - www.globalsources.com
An i mpr essi ve sel ect i on of over
150 el ect r oni c pr emi ums
5/l, Huu lndustru udng, uo'un, Shenzhen, Cuungdong, Chnu
1e: |86-755) 2757 0324/l002 - lux: |86-755) 2757 0696
L-mu: guunghuueecgobusources.com - ghbvp.l63.com
\ebste: vvv.gobusources.com/guunghuu.co - vvv.kvunvu.com
Lookng or uttructve deus to promote your brund: Check out our
neup o vutches, heurt rute montors, dgtu photo rumes, cocks,
thermometers und vuke-tukes. \e've ureudy creuted more thun
l50 modes, muny o vhch huve been sourced by corporutons
rom }upun, North Amercu und Lurope. Cur R&D teum udds up
to three nev modes to ths seecton monthy, so vurety von't
be un ssue.
You' upprecute our strngent C us ve. \e screen u
products to ALs o l.5 to 2.5, vhe other suppers test to
ALs o 2.5 to 4. \e uso huve our ovn lSC 900l:2000-certed
uctory und uborutory or uge und temperuture tests, so your
orders ure sure to urrve n the condton you expect. Vev our
onne shovroom und contuct us toduy.
Shenzhen Guangkehua El ect r oni cs Co. Lt d
2.4GHz watch with tracker
Recording photo frame
Fixed radio with
19 channels
Our selection and capacity satisfy
D isney and Family D ollar
Di sney has worked wi th us for si x years on promoti onal proj ects.
We passed an audi t from Fami l y Dol l ar three years ago, and
theyve sourced our compressed towel s ever si nce. Why do these
buyers choose us? Our sel ecti on of 500-pl us desi gns contai ns 200
more than our cl osest competi tor. And our annual capaci ty of 20
mi l l i on pi eces means that vol ume orders are never del ayed.
Our goods carry SGS and BV approval s, and are free of l ead and
azo dyes. For custom sampl es i n one to three days, e-mai l us today.
Rm. 101, East Uni t, Bl dg. 10, Fanhai Ci ty Garden,
196 Dongfeng East St., Wei fang,
Shandong 261031, Chi na
1e: |86-536) 888 2326 - lux: |86-536) 888 2729
promoti onal towel @gl obal sources.com
cotton@vi p.163.com
www.gl obal sources.com/promoti onal towel .co
Linqu Jinkaili Textiles Co. Ltd
100% cotton compressed
towels, ready for your
custom logo
100% cotton
compressed T-shirts

Hong Kong
Oct. 20- 23, 2009
Booth No. 3G09
Prcmiums in just 21 days
If you are looking
for newand exciting
premiums for your
promotional campaigns,
take a look at our catalog. Our offerings include multi
card readers, lamps, calculators and USB hubs all of
which contain ample space for your logo. Youll not only
appreciate the variety of products we offer, but also that
we accommodate their budgets both large and small. We
welcome orders starting at 1,000, units and well have your
goods delivered in as fast as 21 days. Visit our Global Sources
Online showroom to view more of our innovative premiums.
Creative Products Technology Ltd
Unit 1203, Lemmi Centre, 50 Hoi Yuen Rd., Kowloon, Hong Kong
Tel: (852) 2341 6388 Fax: (852) 2341 8123
E-mail: sales@cpthk.com.hk
Website: www.globalsources.com/cpthk.co
Multi card reader with calendar,
clock and thermometer
Gifts & Premiums July 2009 92 www.globalsources.com - Choose veried suppliers
Get precisely the locks you want
With the quality you expect
Locks thut ook und uncton ust us you envson expect nothng ess rom
our uy ntegruted producton processes. lrom desgn und de custng to
grndng und poshng, producton o our combnuton ocks s competey
under our contro. \e ndvduuy check euch ock or smooth unctonng
und reubty, ensurng quuty n every order.
\e reguury reeuse nev products, muny o vhch ure
putented. See more o our products onne, or send us your
CLM/CDM speccutons und
ve' get counter sumpes to
you rght uvuy.
Fullyear-Brother Enterprise Co. Ltd
No. 4l-2l Cuun 1so Street, lu Shng Hsung,
Chung Huu, 1uvun
1e: |886-4) 780 l666 lux: |886-4) 780 l662
L-mu: uyeuruyeur.com
vvv.gobusources.com/uyeurbrother.co - vvv.uyeur.com
Pink-ribbon lock with pink cable
Three-dial combination model for luggage, bags,
sporting goods and more
Colorful TSA-approved
key lock for luggage and bags
TS987 V
TSA-approved three-dial
combination padlock for
luggage and bags
The BBC, Disney and
Nestl come to us
Over 1,000 inf latable PVC items to choose from
Nestl, Disney, KFC and the BBC source our inatable gift and promotional items. Our
quality is what keeps themcoming back. We think youll notice the difference too. Unlike
most suppliers, we inspect 100 percent of our goods before packaging. Our QC ofcers
inate each item and monitor it for 48 hours to make sure it does not leak. The
industry average for leakage testing is 36 hours.
We offer you over 1,000 inatable items and welcome your custom ideas
for promotion. Our monthly capacity is 3 million units, all with EN 71,
ASTM, GS and CE approvals. And all of our
products are phthalate-free. E-mail us
today to learn more.
Zhejiang Yiwu Shentong Toys Co. Ltd
Economic Development Area, Yiwu, Zhejiang 322000, China
Tel: (86-579) 8563 8276 Fax: (86-579) 8563 8178
E-mail: wcy@globalsources.com wcy@shentongtoys.com
www.globalsources.com/shentong.co www.shentongtoys.com
All trademarks shown here are for reference purposes only. They are the property of their
respective owners, and we are not authorized to sell items bearing such trademarks.
Promotional infatable PVC
bottle, 183cmin height and
48cm in diameter
Logo and OEM-ready infatable PVCitems:
Flocked mattress, boat which comes
with two paddles, and beach ball
July 2009 Gifts & Premiums 93 More new products - www.globalsources.com
\e're un lSC 900l:2008- und lSC l3485:2003-certed munuucturer o promotonu
vrstbunds und putent lD vrstbunds. 1hese ncude burcode, mother/nunt, vrte on, mprnter,
nsert und udhesve vrstbunds. 1hunks to our mnmum order quuntty o l,000 unts, even
smu compunes cun source the sume tems us Noku und Cocu-Cou. And vth u monthy
output o l00 mon unts, ve ure one o the urgest munuucturers o vrstbunds n the vord.
Cur modes huve SCS upprovus or even greuter murketubty. You muy choose rom u vde
vurety o muterus, ncudng vny, pustc, HDlL und voven ubrc. \th u eud tme o ust
seven to l0 duys, ve ure the deu supper or your next murketng cumpugn. L-mu or cu
toduy to eurn more.
Sour ce f r om an I SO 9001:2008- and
lS0 1345:003~t|IIh0
manuf act ur er
Plastic (left) and vinyl
(right) wristbands
All trademarks shown here are for reference purposes only. They are the property of their respective owners, and we are not authorized to sell items bearing such trademarks.
B&B Expor t i ng Lt d
dg. D, Xnhe lndustru lurk, Huushun Sundong Ave., Huudu,
Cuungzhou, Cuungdong 5l0880, Chnu
1e: |86-20) 8678 0687 |drect ne), 8678 0797 - lux: |86-20) 8678 0697
L-mu: bbexportngyuhoo.com.cn - bbntl63.com
\ebste: vvv.dvrstbunds.com.cn - vvv.gobusources.com/bbnt.co
Patient ID wristbands Event ID wristbands
Woven fabric wristbands
Plastic keychain with LED
light, available in various
materials, colors and shapes
No. 8, Lane 66, Da Lin Rd., Ta Ya, Taichung 428, Taiwan
Tel: (886-4) 2568 1107 Fax: (886-4) 2568 3756
E-mail: topcard.ysl@msa.hinet.net
www.globalsources.com/topcard.co www.topcard-ysl.com
Top Card Enterprise Co. Ltd
Luggage tags with
customizable images,
sizes and colors
Promotional luggage tags
sourced by Nike
We annually export over $2.5 million
worth of metal and plastic promotionals,
including luggage tags, keychains and
trolleys, to Nike, Wilson, Dunlop and
other buyers. Ultrasonic inspection
machines are used to ensure our
products meet the standards of these
leading brands. Put our 20 years
of experience to work on your next
promotional item. You can start with
a mixed order. Contact us today.
Hong Kong
Oct. 20- 23, 2009
Booth No. 3H34
Rm. 31103, Bldg. 2, Lvgang Garden, Gaolin 6th Rd.,
Xi'an, Shaanxi 710075, China
Tel: (86-29) 8850 3318 Fax: (86-29) 8845 3558
info@saintyarn.com xiansaintyarn@globalsources.com
www.globalsources.com/saintyarn.co www.saintyarn.com
\e produce our ruv
muterus n-house. lrntng,
cuttng und sevng ure uso
competed on-ste, uovng
us to provde sumpes n us
ust us three to seven duys.
Crders ure competed n
ust l0 duys ve vhoe
duys qucker thun the
competton. 1hut meuns
you cun get your bugs,
medcu govns und shoe
covers uster thun ever.
Lvery product s mude vth
recycube nonvoven ll, und
hus CL und lDA upprovus.
Crders sturt ut l,000 unts,
und mxed vurutons ure
uccepted. Contuct us toduy.
Samples in 3 days
and orders in 10
Recyclable nonwoven PP
shopping bags with printed
OPP-flm lamination
All trademarks are shown for reference purposes only. We are not authorized to sell any items bearing such trademarks.
Xi'an Saintyarn Nonwoven Fabric Co. Ltd
Gifts & Premiums July 2009 94 www.globalsources.com - Choose veried suppliers
Dlverslfy your meIal
gremlum offerlngs
\th 60 nev desgns monthy
rovse through our cutuog, und you' nd over l,000 metu
premums und souvenr tems or your seecton. Cur teum o
60 desgners creutes up to 60 nev desgns euch month. Dsney
upprecutes ths vurety, und you cun enoy t too.
Cver the course o 29 yeurs, ve've expunded our uctes to
ncude eght uctores so ve cun produce u greuter vurety o
products. 1hese ncude keychuns, botte openers, etter
openers, muncure sets, ushtruys, dnner bes, spoons
und te cps u o vhch ure reudy or your ogo. Cur
products ure ureudy sod n more thun 40 countres
vordvde. 1o nd out more ubout our seecton und
CLM servces, contuct us toduy.
All trademarks shown here are for reference purposes only. They are the property of their respective owners,
and we are not authorized to sell items bearing such trademarks.
Tsul Lung MeIal Mfy Co.
|Subsdury o 1su Lung Croup |lur Lust) Co. Ltd)
Rm. 2605, 26/l, Nev 1reusure Centre,
l0 Ng long St., Sun lo long, lovoon, Hong long
1e: |852) 2752 6735 lux: |852) 2322 0256, 2322 4688
L-mu: tsuunggobusources.com - notsuung.com.hk
vvv.gobusources.com/tsuung.co - vvv.tsuung.com.hk
A variety of collectible souvenirs
Get your message out quickly with
Do you have a marketing event coming up and need
promotional items fast? If so, just send us your design
and logo specifcations and we'll deliver a sample LED
message/logo fan to you in just three days. Then, after we
receive the go-ahead for your order, we'll ship as many as
10,000 fans to you in only 15 days to ensure that you're
prepared for your promotional events well ahead of time.
Buyers such as Disney, Heineken and Wal-Mart are
satisfed with this efciency, and the production
capabilities that go along with it. We can manufacture
more than 600,000 CE-, RoHS- and EN 71-marked LED
mini-fans each month, assuring you of plentiful marketing
supplies, no matter howbig your advertising campaigns
are. E-mail us today to learn more about how our products
will spread your marketing message.
Dongguan Pi n Guan El ect r oni c Co. Lt d
Fenxi Rd., Bajiaowo, Wanjian, Dongguan, Guangdong, China
Tel: (86-769) 2315 2408, (86) 138 2576 9658
Fax: (86-769) 2270 7478
pinguan@globalsources.com pinguan@vip.163.com
Programmable fashing
LED message fans featuring
our patented design,
no. 200420092721.1
15-day lead times
All trademarks shown here are for reference purposes only. They are
the property of their respective owners, and we are not authorized
to sell items bearing such trademarks.
July 2009 Gifts & Premiums 95 More new products - www.globalsources.com
Popular premiums selected
by famous retailers in Japan
When major retailers in Japan went looking for electronic premiums,
they ended up sourcing with us. In addition to offering a wide range
of novelty radios and promotional items, we can help you source
materials and components to suit your price points. Quality is assured
since our inspection processes are carried out by a senior production
staff with solid electrical knowledge.
With three factories in mainland China that have a total monthly
capacity of 1 million units, we have the manufacturing muscle to
support your needs. Add to this our partnerships with over 100
factories, and you can be sure of on-time delivery even during peak
seasons. To learn more about how you can benet from our resources,
inquire in English or Japanese today.
J&W Global Co. Ltd
Rms. 808-809, 8/F, Wing Fat Industrial Building,
12 Wang Tai Rd., Kowloon Bay, Hong Kong
Tel: (852) 2191 9906 Fax: (852) 2191 9597
E-mail: sales@jwglobal.com.hk
AM/FMradio and speaker with LCD
clock and dock for Apple's iPhones
iPhone is a trademark of Apple Inc.
FMradio with speaker (CCN152-23) Heart-shaped pillowwith speaker
for MP3 players (CCN454-02)
10 years of experience in
novelty gifts and stationery
Having trouble nding the ideal novelty
gift or stationery item for your
promotional projects? Weve got the
experience and selection that you need.
We have over 10 years of industry
experience and a collection 3,000 items.
And we add 200 new designs annually, so
you know youll nd something to your liking.
Target,Wal-Mart, Darice and GiFi S.A. stock
our goods because of their proven retail
appeal. Our 17 QC ofcers and three
senior inspectors monitor production at
all four stages and check every nished
product. Inquire today.
Kingtoy Craft (Ningbo) Co. Ltd
Factory: Ningbo Economic & Technological
Development Zone, Ningbo, Zhejiang 315821, China
Tel: (86-574) 8735 9111, 8735 6038
Fax: (86-574) 8735 2638
ktcraft@globalsources.com kingtoy@mail.nbptt.zj.cn
www.globalsources.com/kingtoy.co www.ktcraft.com

Ostrich feather pen and

promotional bear-shaped
USB mouse pad warmer
Coin purses made
of PVC and metal
Up to 10 million
refrigerator magnets monthly
We manufacture all kinds of magnets, stickers, 3-D lenticular products,
pencil bags, labels and other custom stationery products. Advanced
production equipment and a staff of 150 people give us many
production advantages. Our monthly capacity for refrigerator magnets
alone is 10 million pieces.Weve supplied KFC, the NBA,Wal-Mart,
Honda and LG.
Our equipment includes high-speed, seven-color
UV printing machines, Heidelberg UV printers and
automatic molding machines. Our glue, printing ink
and paper are SGS-approved. Custom samples are
ready within ve days. Inquire today.
Wenzhou Wanshida Printing Industry Co. Ltd
No. 1, Bldg. 5, Packing and Printing Industry Zone,
Longgang,Wenzhou, Zhejiang 325802, China
Tel: (86-577) 6860 6777 Fax: (86-577) 6425 4218
E-mail: wsdyy@globalsources.com
www.globalsources.com/wsdyy.co www.wsdyy.com
magnets, made
of PVC and PP
3-D lenticular
business card
Gifts & Premiums July 2009 96 www.globalsources.com - Choose veried suppliers
800 promotionaI
itcms rcady for
your Iogo
Get your logo out there with our 800 promotional items,
including shopping bags, calculators, stationery, mugs,
ashlights, bottles and foldable hangers. Or give us your ideas
and our R&D engineers at our Hong Kong, mainland China or
Japan design centers will work with you on your projects. To
ensure your logo reaches your market quickly, our 800 workers
employ 50 plastic injection machines to nish your samples
in three days and deliver your nished products in 30.
To make sure your orders are processed smoothly and to
your specications, we perform production checks up to
once a week, and third-party inspection are available
upon request. Contact us in English, Japanese, Mandarin
or Cantonese to get us started on your project.
Global Force Industries Ltd
Rms. 808-809, 8/F, Wing Fat Industrial Bldg.,
12 Wang Tai Rd., Kowloon Bay, Kowloon, Hong Kong
Tel: (852) 2191 9906 Fax: (852) 2191 9597
E-mail: manager@gbforce.com
Website: www.globalsources.com/gbforce.co
Mainland China Ofce:
Room 103, No. 42 Liuzhuangxiang,
Haishu, Ningbo, Zhejiang, 315000
Tel: (86-574) 8725 2594/95/96 Fax: (86-574) 8725 2593
Animal character roll-up
body, face and hand towels
300 el ect r oni c gadget s f r om a Di sney- aut hor i zed maker
And we maintain a 95%
repeat order rate
Disney was so impressed with our services that they made
us one of their authorized manufacturers. Over 95 percent of
our buyers including the world' s largest retailer are just
as pleased, placing repeat orders for our electronic novelties
and promotional products. We offer a catalog totaling
300 models, all of which are CE- and FCC-certifed and
compliant with the RoHS Directive for easy market entry.
With our 30-member R&D team, we add fve to 10 new
designs each month to give you more options. And if we
don' t have the exact product you want, just tell us your
requirements, and we' ll create the novelty or promotional
gadget to match. Contact our English-speaking staff today
to receive the same service we provide Disney.
TGF Group Co. Ltd
No. 12 DanZuTou, ZhongXing Rd., BuJi Town,
LongGang District, Shenzhen, China
Tel: (86-755j 8994 9985/9995
Fax: (86-755j 8994 9975
E-mail: e-well@globalsources.com
Website: www.globalsources.com/tgf.co
Digital camera for kids with 1.1" LCD display,
available with 100k or 300k pixels
Digital camera for kids, available
with 100k or 300k pixels
PC-compatible 2MP pen camera with
audio and video recording functions
July 2009 Gifts & Premiums 97 More new products - www.globalsources.com
fxpand your cataIog with our
furopcan-inspircd dcsigns
If youre looking for accessories that stand out from the norm, take
a look at our collection. We offer clocks, luggage tags, keychains
and other gift items created by our designers from Europe and
Hong Kong. Our products are made with premium materials such
as zinc and aluminum alloy, silicone and anodized aluminum, which
allows for richer colors. Select from over 100 unique items in our
catalog, or work with one of our designers to realize your own ideas.
From prototypes and production to packaging, we perform all
processes in-house, and our QC inspectors check each item to
ensure that its awless before shipping. With a monthly capacity
of 500,000 units, we have no problem lling your volume orders.
Contact us today in English or French, and well respond to your
inquiries within 24 hours.
Mude vth premum muterus or rcher coors
Blue Square Ltd
Units 5-10, 9/F, Tower 1, Ever Gain Plaza, 88 Container Port Rd.,
Kwai Chung, N.T., Hong Kong
Tel: (852) 3652 8800 Fax: (852) 2310 1866
E-mail: info@bluesquare.com.hk
Clocks on sticks, can be
placed in pen holders
Stem-style digital clock
USB lamp
Stem-style incoming call
notifer for mobile phones
Stem-style USB drive
Crafts, gifts & neve|ties 103
Processes that do not adversely affect the environment are
increasingly being adopted by the line.
Christmas |ights 143
Suppliers emphasize models ftted with LEDs and use
alternative power sources.
Find thousands of products and
suppliers in an easy to compare
formatupdated daily
Product Alertreceive e-mail
when new products go online
Inquiry Basketsend inquiries
quickly to multiple suppliers
0ifts, Crafts &
Roliday 0ecorations
0ames & hobbies
Roliday decorations
Party supplies
July 2009 Gifts & Premiums 99 More new products - www.globalsources.com
Production power
With two factories covering a total area of 35,000m
we have the resources to meet the volume needs
of international retailers such as Ikea. Thanks to our
monthly output of 2 million wooden, plastic and metal
frames, this buyer has been sourcing from us for
the past 10 years. With more than 1,000 employees
running our facilities, we have the manpower to fll
your volume orders too.
Imported machinery and materials
We've searched all over the world to ensure that our
frames exceed international standards. Our production
equipment includes fnger-joint, foil, spraying, splitting
16 x 20" collage frame, holds nine 4 x 6" photos
and packing machines from Italy and Germany.
Plus, we've imported materials from the same 20
trusted suppliers for the past 15 years. We source
pine from New Zealand and Chile, fberboard from
Thailand, foil from South Korea and paint from Italy.
And with a QC team of 20 inspectors conducting
hardness, salt-spray and brightness tests, we
provide quality assurance from start to fnish.
Continuous product development
Our eight engineers develop as many as 10 new
frames each month to keep our catalog full of the
latest styles. To update your product line with photo
frames sourced by top retailers, call us today.
Tangqian, Dashuikeng, Guanlan,
Bao'an, Shenzhen, Guangdong 518110, China
Tel: (86-755) 2798 9388 ext. 821 Fax: (86-755) 2798 9288
lilyxiao@globalsources.com ls022@lsframe.com
www.globalsources.com/lsframe.co www.lsframe.com.hk
With a 2 million-unit monthly output
Supporting I kea
for 10 years
LS Frame Mfy Ltd
16 x 20" collage frames
8 x 10" table frame
11 x 14" document frame

June 14- 16, 2009
Booth No. 3D20
Cust omized cards and
games in t wo weeks
\e dever u knds o orders be they cutuog seectons, CLM
modcutons or brund-nev creutons vthn tvo veeks. 1hs s
ust one reuson Creenbrer n the LS und RDl n the Ll source
rom our runge o puyng curds, gume curds und other gumng
tems. And ve huve numerous purtner uctores throughout
munund Chnu, vhch uov us to rump up producton ut u
moment's notce, und your urge-voume orders vthout
u htch.
Cur uctes uso huve umpe storuge spuce, meunng ve cun
hod your orders unt you ure reudy to receve them suvng
you vurehousng costs und ensurng on-tme devery. lor
sumpes n three duys, contuct us nov.
Kinlux Industrial Corporation
No. 20l Mng Chuun Rd., Sec. 2, 1unun 700, 1uvun
1e: |886-6) 220 3303 lux: |886-6) 22l 2200, 223 7677
cyt888ms35.hnet.net - knuxgobusources.com
vvv.gobusources.com/knux.co - vvv.cyt.ttnet.net
And samples within three days
All trademarks shown here are for reference purposes only. They are the property of their respective owners, and we are not authorized to sell items bearing such trademarks.
Set of uniquely shaped
promotional playing cards
Childrens memory game with
custom cards and box
3-D foam puzzle with
praying mantis theme
ll, No. 9, Lune l94, Cheng lu Rd., Nun-lung Dst., 1upe, 1uvun
1e: |886-2) 265l 0637 lux: |886-2) 2786 7382
L-mu: ug.shpmsu.hnet.net - ug-shpumu.hnet.net
vvv.gobusources.com/ugshp.co - vvv.ugshptvn.com
A trudemurks shovn here ure or reerence purposes ony. 1hey ure the property o ther respectve ovners, und ve ure not uuthorzed to se tems beurng such trudemurks.
Flagship Banner & Pennant Industrial Co. Ltd
J.P. Flag Co. Ltd
Thousands of novelty
fl ags to choose from
\e understund your need or product vurety vhen t's tme to source ugs,
vndsocks, bunners und pendunts. 1hut's vhy our runge encompusses thousunds
o reudy-to-shp desgns. \e've uso nvested n uutomuted muchnery, to ensure
consstency n your stundurd und customzed orders.
Choose rom muterus thut ncude poyester, nyon, 1C, lL und lVC. \e' use
hgh-temperuture dyeng, prntng, vushng und ronng to gve your ugs vvd
coors thut stund the test o tme. 1o puce u mxed order, contuct us toduy.
Our product range includes:
Car flags
National and state flags
Mounting accessories
Marine and signaling flags
Banners and pennants
Swooper flag
Emergency fag Golf fag Car windsock
Gifts & Premiums July 2009 102 www.globalsources.com - Choose veried suppliers
Suppliers of crafts, gifts and novelties in China are
implementing various strategies to make production
processes environment-friendly. Such steps may also result
in cost reductions.
The use of clean energy is increasing among
manufacturers of ceramic and glass models. In addition,
many enterprises have begun to adopt recovered material
and water.
Similarly, some suppliers of gift boxes and bags are now
employing recycled paper.
Other popular methods of green manufacturing
involve reductions in waste generation and power
consumption, and improvements in byproduct treatment
Regardless of the industry, the companies implementing
environment-friendly measures are usually midsize or
large. Such enterprises are capable of making the capital
expenditure necessary for these processes.
Pewer frem e|ectric, gas seurces
Electricity and gas are among the common power sources
for Chinas craft makers.
The former is said to be the cleanest energy type, and
permits manufacturing facilities to achieve a high degree
of automation while enabling precision temperature
ce-friend|y measures
take he|d in |ine
Makers adopt 'green' processes,
lncludlng uslng clean power
sources, recycllng and treatlng
waste, and conservlng energy.
In addition, the use of electric kilns increases quality
while lowering the defect rate. Such machines are not
affected by sudden heating and cooling, thereby lasting
longer than other versions.
Unlike manufacturing lines that utilize a different power
source, however, they cannot reach 1,310 C. This temperature
is necessary for the creation of superclear white porcelain.
Due to their high operating costs, electrical facilities are
typically not suitable for large-scale output. Some makers
in Fujian provinces Dehua county are exerting efforts to
overcome this limitation, as the local natural gas supply
may not be suffcient for sizeable production. For instance,
suppliers are developing electrical facilities that run at a
lower cost.
Gas is available in coal, LPG and LNG types. Of
these, the last is cleanest and safest, and enables the
creation of ceramic crafts with high-quality glaze and
patterns. It costs 30 and 15 percent less than LPG and
diesel, respectively.
In 2000, the China government implemented a natural
gas transmission project. This allowed enterprises based in
the countrys eastern region to use such gas as the primary
power supply. Many sourcing centers for ceramic and glass
products in this area have since established LNG stations.
Natural gas has been utilized as the power source by
several Dehua companies since 2004. There are more than
1,100 ceramic makers in the county, 100 of which are
large. Most of the latter, including Fujian Guanfu Modern
Co. Ltd and Fujian Jiamei Group Corp., employ LNG.
centinued en page 108 W
Sourclng update
Model CM3099-52 from
8aoylng Cuanmel ls an
angel flgurlne made
of glass. lt features a
spray-palnted and sllver-
plated sklrt.
5uppliers interviewed for this report:

8aoylng Cuanmel Art Co. Ltd CPMC Co. Ltd uongfeng
Chrlstmas Arts & Crafts Co. Ltd Fu|lan uehua hlngchang
Ceramlcs Co. Ltd Fu|lan Cuanfu Modern Co. Ltd Fu|lan
}lamel Croup Corp. Xlamen Long way oung handcraft Co.
Ltd angzhou Lalfu Arts & Crafts Co. Ltd angzhou Llupu
Class Artware Co. Ltd
July 2009 Gifts & Premiums 103 More new products - www.globalsources.com
LlndI and Cblrardelll bave sourced Ilns
Give your brand the exposure it needs by putting your logo
on one of our 1,000 gift and candy tins. Lindt, Ghirardelli,
Deweys Bakery and Disney have worked with us for six years
running. So you know you wont be putting your reputation at
stake when you source from us. Choose from our wide range
to which we add 100 new designs monthly. With 20 designers
and our own molding center, we can render any shape you
desire and have a sample bearing your label in one week.
Our products comply with FDA standards and we implement
Six Sigma, 5S and TQM systems, demonstrating our
commitment to safety and quality. Such attention to your
concerns and our rapid service are the major reasons why
buyers in the US and Europe order $30 million worth of
items from us annually. For promotional items that you can
confdently put your brand on, visit our website today.
Dongguan City Wanxinlong Metal Mfg Co. Ltd
Yinhu Industrial Park, Xiegang, Dongguan, Guangdong, China
Tel: (86-769) 8768 8099 Fax: (86-769) 8763 1208
E-mail: sales@dgwxl.com
www.dgwxl.com www.globalsources.com/dgwxl.co
from us for slx years
Candy tins and boxes
in assorted shapes
All trademarks shown here are for reference purposes only. They are the property of their respective owners, and we are
not authorized to sell items bearing such trademarks.
Color cbanglng groducIs
from onc of thc worId's Iargcst makcrs
Lstubshed n l98l, ve ure one o the vord's urgest munuucturers o
heut/LV coor-chungng und gov-n-the-durk products, oerng l0,000
derent promotonu tems, ushon uccessores und novetes to choose
rom. \e cun get you sumpes n tvo veeks, und ve compete u orders
n 2l to 30 duys.
Cur munund Chnu uctes provde u CLM/CDM servces und
reeuse l20 nev styes seusonuy. 1o dscuss
pucng smu und mxed orders,
contuct us toduy.
Oceans Mystique
Color Changing Necklaces and Rings
China Patent No: ZL 2004 2 0088072.8
Mood and
Glow-in-the-dark Band Rings
Mood and
Glow-in-the-dark Rings for Kids
Pbllcba FnIergrlse Co. LId
No. 24 Chn-Her Rd., Chung Her Cty,
1upe Hsen 23585, 1uvun
1e: |886-2) 2222 3495 lux: |886-2) 222l 5907
L-mu: phchucoor-chunge.com
vvv.coor-chunge.com - vvv.gobusources.com/phchu.co
Munund Chnu uctory: Xumen, luun
Gifts & Premiums July 2009 104 www.globalsources.com - Choose veried suppliers
Customize our 1,000 pr oducts
with over 300 mater ials
Durd's, Sten Murt und other depurtment stores source ther gts und
premums rom us or good reusons. 1hey vuue our l,000-mode seecton
o every boxes, muncure sets, cosmetc boxes und more, vhch ve
expund vth over 40 tems monthy to meet chungng consumer tustes.
1hese cents uso knov ve cun customze uny product usng u runge o
over 300 muterus: vood, uoy, lVC, lL, genune euther und more. And
to ensure our cents cun muke sourcng decsons vthout deuy, ve shp
custom modes vthn three duys our duys uster thun our competton.
\e' your CLM/CDM orders usng computerzed uuto-cuttng muchnes
und other udvunced equpment. 1hunks to ths muchnery, ve cun produce
l25,000 every boxes und muncure sets monthy. And our products ure
tested by SCS und l1S to guuruntee quuty. lor more normuton, contuct
our sues stu toduy. 1hey' respond vthn l2 hours.
1uohuushu lndustru Zone, Xuoun, Zhongshun,
Cuungdong 5284l6, Chnu
1e: |86-760) 2223 l728 - lux: |86-760) 2223 l7l8
L-mu: nevuungobusources.com
\ebste: vvv.gobusources.com/nevuun.co
GraccfuI Rhythm lndustriaI Co. ltd
Handbag-style portable jewelry
boxes with multiple compartments
Printing that delivers
brand messages
Serving brands like Campbells,
Johnson & Johnson and more
Lstubshed n l97l, muor brunds vordvde huve reed on
us to dever und enorce ther brund messuges by prntng
eectve puckugng, DM, gveuvuy curds und more. lrom
lVC, lL1 und ll pustcs und os, to synthetc pupers,
stutc und tuttoo stckers und entcuur puckuge prntng
ve cun prnt on uny muteru rom 0.l to l.0mm. And ve
do t u usng Hedeberg presses or vord-cuss resuts.
1hs muchnery uso heps us to be more ecent. \e
compete u orders n 30 duys und sumpes ure shpped
vthn l4 duys. Athough ve serve bg brunds, ve uso
vecome your smu und mxed orders, too. Contuct
us toduy.
No. ll, Lune 46, }ung }eng Rd., Sn }huung, 1upe 24243, 1uvun
1e: |886-2) 2997 4866 lux: |886-2) 2996 58ll
L-mu: ohnvcksuntupress.com.tv
vvv.gobusources.com/suntupress.co - vvv.suntupress.com.tv
Santa Press Co. Ltd
All trademarks shown here are for reference purposes only. They are the property of their respective owners, and we are not authorized to sell items bearing such trademarks.
Our medal s and but t ons
ar e suppl i ed t o mi l i t ar i es
Our clients come to us for medals, emblems and buttons to supply the
militaries of Russia, Germany, the US and other countries. Our products
are worn by military men from head to toe. Name your intended use
and desired material, and well create an appropriate sample. With
25 years of experience, we focus on details to keep our clients
happy. We're also green-minded we use only lead-free paint
and eco-friendly bers and raw materials, meaning our
emblems and medals are marketable all over the world.
Military medals and buttons
Dongguan Jian Plastic &Metal Products Ltd
3-1 Gaobu South Blvd., Gaobu, Dongguan, Guangdong 523278, China
Tel: (86-769) 8878 2881 Fax: (86-769) 8878 2882
jian@globalsources.com sales@jianpins.com pinsjj@yahoo.com
Backed by our 5,000 dedicated workers and 100 sales
staff, we produce 30 million units monthly. Send your
specications, and we'll respond within 24 hours with
detailed information. E-mail us now. We welcome you
to visit us at booth 1Y40 of the HKTDC Hong Kong Gifts
and Premium Fair from April 27-30, 2009.
All trademarks shown here are for reference purposes only. They are the property of their
respective owners, and we are not authorized to sell items bearing such trademarks.
Gifts & Premiums July 2009 106 www.globalsources.com - Choose veried suppliers
Volume. With a 101,000m
facility and 2,800 skilled workers,
we can produce 10 million yards of ribbons and 1 million ribbon
bows in a day. It's easy because of the 2,500 high-speed looms,
78 high-temperature dyeing machines, 18 normal-temperature
dyeing machines, 30 high-speed warping machines and 200
printing machines we have. This capacity and manufacturing
power ranks us number one in the world in terms of polyester
ribbon production scale.
Fast delivery. Whether your needs are gift wrapping,
accessorizing, or trimming, we have the right ribbons for you. We
always keep 150 million yards in stock, in 196 colors and more than
20 widths, so your rush orders can be shipped within 24 hours.
Quality. Our polyester ribbons are popular for their ne textures,
colorfastness and vivid prints. We source raw materials from choice
suppliers in Germany, Japan and Malaysia. And we use a coloring
process that is azo-free to meet Oeko-Tex Standard 100 guidelines.
Huge volume, fast delivery and assured quality. These are three
reasons why we are one of the top ribbon suppliers in the world,
and why our buyer list includes the largest ribbon retailers in the
US and Europe. Find out what else we can do for you. Inquire now.
Why ar e we t he No. 1
pol yest er r i bbon suppl i er ?
318-328 Yingyao Rd., Jimei North Industrial District,
Xiamen, Fujian 361021, China
Tel: (86-592) 766 5555 Fax: (86-592) 766 3333
E-mail: yaoming@globalsources.com global@yama.cn
Website: www.globalsources.com/yamaribbon.co www.yama.cn
Yama Ribbons & Bows Co. Ltd
196 colors of polyester ribbon in stock for you to choose from
Various polyester,
printed and organza
ribbons for gift packing
Baoying in Jiangsu province is a manufacturing
and export base for handmade glass and crystal crafts,
especially those in a Christmas theme. There are about
1,000 suppliers, the majority of which have production
facilities in the towns of Sheyanghu, Xianfeng and
The last is home to about 90 enterprises. Of these,
many still utilize LPG-powered ovens. The local industrys
annual production costs are expected to drop by $2.6
million if makers switch completely to LNG. A natural gas
pipeline was installed in November 2008.
Taiwan-invested Yangzhou Liupu Glass Artware Co.
Ltd is the frst company there to begin using LNG. In
addition, Dongfeng Christmas Arts & Crafts Co. Ltd and
Yangzhou Laifu Arts & Crafts Co. Ltd plan to shift to this
power source in the second half of 2009.
Waste undergees recyc|ing, treatment
Typical waste in craft manufacturing includes leftover
materials, residue, defective and broken products, and
contaminated water.
At most suppliers of ceramic models, the defect rate is
10 percent and the breakage rate is 3 to 5 percent. Melting
rejected pieces for reuse is diffcult due to the temperature
As such, enterprises face the problems of accumulated
waste and decreasing clay supply.
Dehuas 1,100 makers of the line, however, are
fnding ways of reapplication. The total utilization rate of
recovered material is 90 percent, amounting to 30 kilotons
per year. This saves $2.2 million of expenditure and
translates to about $11.7 million in output.
Waste ceramic is recycled by pulverizing the substance
and fortifying it with additives before fresh clay is
combined in specifc proportions.
The resulting material costs 30 percent less than
alternatives. Being previously subjected to heat, recovered
ceramic has lower temperature requirements, minimizing
centinued en page 112 W
Fu|lan }lamel produces model
Cku3200, a ceramlc craft ln a
blrd-on-nest deslgn.
Our Iatcst citroncIIa
candIc has attractcd
big buycrs from thc US
Lookng to shov o your ogo on some pructcu promotonu products: \e
muke over l,000 derent tems such us cundes, cosmetc bugs, p boxes,
sevng kts, tmers, teu pots, ushghts und more u reudy or your custom
ogo. Cur R&D teum uses CNC muchnes und 3-D mugery to deveop your
CLM sumpe. 1hs uovs you to mody und very your desgn beore the mod
mukng und producton begn. Cur ctroneu cundes huve uttructed bg nume
buyers n the LS. \e cun uso muke promotonu bugs rom lVC, sutn, chumos
euther, und umost uny other muteru thut you desre.
\e nspect every tem durng euch stuge o producton und beore puckugng to
ensure your order s o the sume quuty us your sumpes. Nnety percent o our
output s exported to cents n the LS und Lurope. \e cun provde u quote or
you n 24 to 48 hours, so send us un e-mu toduy.
Tin bucket candles
with citronella Citronella candles with glass holders
]&H lntcrnationaI Trading (Hk) ltd
Rm. 503-505, \en Xn 1over, l95 \en Lr Rd.,
Hungzhou, Zheung 3l00l2, Chnu
1e: |86-57l) 8586 6348
lux: |86-57l) 8586 6347
Gifts & Premiums July 2009 108 www.globalsources.com - Choose veried suppliers
Another month,
another 50 new
Custom sampIcs within a wcck
30-strong R&D tcam to work with you
Cur seecton o promotonu eectroncs v keep your customers
comng buck or more. Cur 30-member R&D stu reeuses upproxmutey
50 nev eectronc und promotonu tems every month. And 30 percent
o our products curry putents. l you huve your ovn deu or un
CLM/CDM proect, ve' prepure your sumpes vthn one veek.
Ovcr 10 ycars of cxpcricncc
\e huve more thun l0 yeurs o experence n ths ndustry, und hunde
u pustc necton, vedng, puntng, ussemby und puckng ut our
lSC 900l:2000-certed uctory. \e huve over 40 C
nspectors to ensure quuty.
DcIivcry in 20 days
Cur 500 vorkers compete orders vthn 20 duys. Cur products compy
vth CL, LL, 1LV und RoHS requrements. \e uso cooperute vth
l0 purtner vorkshops to provde you vth LS, sour-povered
und LLD promotonu goods, und cosmetcs. L-mu us toduy.
Foldable 28-LED booklight
Includes USB cable, AC/DC charger, carrier bag
3 settings: 4, 16 and 28 LEDs
Uses 4 AAbatteries
Solar charger with 3 attachments
For use with mobile phones, digital cameras,
PDAs and MP3 and MPEG-4 players
Includes Li-polymer battery
Wcnzhou Timcs Co. ltd
Al-A2, 5/l, 1mes Squure, \enzhou,
Zheung 325000, Chnu
1e: |86-577) 2890 2890, 2890 289l
lux: |86-577) 2890 2899
L-mu: gtchnoeectrcs.com
Hong Kong
Oct. 20- 23, 2009
Booth No. 6P17
A tems shovn here vth vurous trudemurks, brund numes und ogos |Murks) ure or reerence
purposes ony, und ure not or sue. 1he Murks ure the property o the respectve ovners, und ve
ure not uuthorzed to munuucture or se uny tems beurng such Murks to uny thrd purty.
\hen you need promotonu sportng products, go
to the expert. \e supped gume duy vgs, scurves,
ugs, horns und bunners to the 2006 Luro Cup
und 2008 eng Cympc gumes. Cur
product runge s vde, thunks to l0 purtner
uctores. \e cun uso hep you source
stutonery und prnted tems.
You cun choose rom the ve to l0 nev
products thut ve creute every month. Cr, brng
us your custom proects. Cur vgs curry LN 7l
upprovu, und ve export our output muny to
Lurope und the LS. Cur C teum vsts euch
uctory to montor producton und ensure thut your
requrements ure met. Vev more o our products on
our Cobu Sources Cnne shovroom toduy.
Rms. 3-7, 3/l, Zhongyung Shungzuo Munson,
54 Dushun St., Nngbo, Zheung 3l50l0, Chnu
1e: |86-574) 277l 857l, 277l 8572 lux: |86-574) 277l 8573
L-mu: runvngobusources.com - suesrunvn.com.cn
vvv.gobusources.com/runvn.co - vvv.runvn.com.cn
Ningbo Haishu Runwin Imp. & Exp. Co. Ltd
We supplied the 2006 Euro Cup
and 2008 Beijing Olympics
Promotional items
for soccer fans:
Synthetic hair in
your choice of colors
Fan scarf
Plastic horn
100% polyester ag
All trademarks shown here are for reference purposes only.They are the property of their respective owners, and we are not authorized to sell items bearing such trademarks.
Cut costs by saving on freight charges
When providing you with gift boxes, cosmetics boxes and paper displays,
one of our priorities is saving you money. We carefully dismantle or fold
each of our boxes to ft more |n sh|pp|ng conta|ners, cutt|ng fre|ght costs.
And our precise equipment from Germany' s Roland allows us to produce
up to 15 million units monthly an economy of scale that results in lower
prices. Compliant with the RoHS Directive, all of our packaging materials
are free of heavy metals, ensuring smooth overseas market access.
For quality assurance, we use ink
sourced from South Korea and Japan,
which is not as prone to fading as local
varieties. We also maintain a skilled
in-house QC team to weed out defects
at multiple stages. If you' re interested in
fnd|ng out more about our pr|ces and
quality, contact us today.
Guanqiaojiao Area, Baxin Rd., Wangjiang, Dongguan,
Guangdong, China
Tel: (86-769) 2217 3333 ext. 288 Fax: (86-769) 2227 6207
hfpackaging@globalsources.com info@hfpackaging.com
www.globalsources.com/ hfpackaging.co www.hfpackaging.com
Paper gift box
Foldable gift box,
available in a
variety of shapes
Our boxes are folded to ship for less
All trademarks shown here are for reference purposes only. They are the property of their
respective owners, and we are not authorized to sell items bearing such trademarks.
Citico Development Ltd (Hong Kong)
Heng Feng Packaging & Paper Products Fty
Cosmetics boxes
Gifts & Premiums July 2009 110 www.globalsources.com - Choose veried suppliers
7A2, Tongji Building, Huli St., Xiamen,
Fujian 361006, China
Tel: (86-592) 567 7368 Fax: (86-592) 567 7361
yangtse@globalsources.com yangtse@winmail.cn
Website: www.globalsources.com/yangtse.co
Do you have ideas for your next line of products? Send them to
us, and well realize them with samples completed in only one
week. For faster time-to-market, choose from our range of over
200 custom-ready cages and other items all handcrafted using
metal wire. We'll tailor packaging according to your specifcations
and choice of materials.
To facilitate distribution anywhere in the world, everything we
make conforms to the EUs 84/500/EEC Directive and Californias
Proposition 65 requirements. This means that our products lead
and cadmium contents are well below the limits required by these
Send us your ideas, and
well have samples quickly
Xiamen Yangtse Ltd
Wire cages, gurines included can be
replaced to suit your requirements
markets. Plus, we provide SGS reports indicating the specifcs of
the materials in our merchandise. We welcome mixed orders, so
e-mail us your inquiries today.
More sourcin opportunities online
5ave time searchin
0ne search provldes you wlth quallty results from
Clobal Sources verlfed suppllers - plus hundreds of
other suppllers and search results from the entlre web.
5in up for Product Alert
Source from your desktop wlth free e-mall updates on new
products and suppllers ln the categorles you want.
Product gallery, page 127
energy consumption. The defect rate of fnished products is
also reduced.
Consequently, many midsize and large makers in Dehua
have started recycling waste. Of the 50 kilotons of clay
employed annually by Fujian Guanfu, 6.5 to 7 kilotons
become detritus. The company reduces production outlay
by nearly $600,000 via the use of all scrap material.
At Fujian Dehua Ningchang Ceramics Co. Ltd, the
utilization of recovered ceramic raises output value by $1.5
million each year.
In addition, the more than 30 plaster recycling
enterprises in Dehua repurpose 220 kilotons of plaster
generated by ceramic molds, dropping costs further. They
established the Dehua Plaster Science & Technology
Association for technological improvements and
information dissemination.
Some makers, including Fujian Dehua Ningchang, have
also started recycling slag tailings from the manufacture of
ceramic models and metal glaze. About 100 megatons are
generated annually in China.
This byproduct does not require crushing to process,
thereby reducing the manufacturing cost of the metal glaze
and ceramic items made from it.
Most of Fujian Dehua Ningchangs ceramic photo
frames have recycled content. Pieces with 40 percent waste
ceramic and versions that use 80 percent slag tailings are
priced 40 and 60 percent less, respectively, than releases
exclusively in virgin clay.
Some China suppliers are also installing facilities for
material recovery. At Fujian Guanfu, trapped solids are
separated from liquid in a settling pond. Both are then
sent back to the manufacturing facility for utilization. This
system can reduce fuid consumption by 70 percent.
Most midsize and large makers of polyresin crafts have
treatment systems for wastewater and gas. Among these,
Xiamen Long Way Young Handcraft Co. Ltd has invested
$170,000 in such equipment.
Fujian Jiamei employs 90 percent of its leftover
materials, including plastic foam. The step results in cost
reductions of 5 percent. Similarly, Fujian Dehua Jiamei
Printing uses recycled paper in its gift boxes and bags.
This lowers prices by more than 10 percent.
Foldable promotional and gift items
Samples in 1 to 3 days
Small savings can add up. Our promotional and
gift items are foldable, which will make your
transportation and shipping costs much lower.
And we can nish samples in just one to three
days faster than the industry average of one
week. Our sample-making team includes one
expert with more than 10 years of experience.
We are equipped to handle every single step
in-house to control our lead time
and quality.
You can come to us for desktop
organizers, paper, packaging, gift,
jewelry, storage, shoe, cosmetics and
wine boxes, as well as paper bags,
stationery items and printing services.
We create ve to 10 newproducts
each month for your perusal. To learn
more, e-mail us today.
Shanghai Hanchang Printing Co. Ltd
No. 120, Lane 1702, Gulang Rd., Putuo,
Shanghai 200331, China
Tel: (86-21) 5284 8685 Fax: (86-21) 6284 4336
E-mail: sales@shhcprinting.com
Website: www.globalsources.com/shhcprinting.co
All trademarks shown here are for reference purposes only. Tey are the property of
their respective owners, and we are not authorized to sell items bearing such trademarks.
Foldable desktop organizer set
Jewelry box and
foldable mobile
phone holder
Gifts & Premiums July 2009 112 www.globalsources.com - Choose veried suppliers
2 i nnovat i ve desi gns f or you i n 24 hour s
All we need is your idea
Work with us and you' ll get a selection of innovative designs to choose from,
and you' ll get it up to 10 times faster than our competitors can offer. All you
have to do is tell us your idea for a medical promotional gift, then our R&D
team will draft technical drawings in 24 hours or less.
Volume production is another area we excel in. We' ve reached a monthly
capacity of 200,000 units, backed by three CNC machines from Germany,
18 production lines and 25 injection machines. CE, EN 71, FDA and UL
approvals, as well as compliance with the RoHS Directive, ensure easy entry
into US and EU markets.
Pfzer, Abbott Laboratories, Novartis and Sanof-Aventis are already benefting
from these advantages. Plus, they appreciate the way we do business our
operations adhere to OSHA regulations. Contact us today to fnd out how you
can proft from our design and manufacturing strengths.
Rm. 505, 5/F, Hillview Plaza, Dongcheng Rd., Dongcheng,
Dongguan, Guangdong 523129, China
Tel: (86-769j 2276 1601/1602 Fax: (86-769j 2276 1603
easypromote@globalsources.com michael@easypromote.cn
www.globalsources.com/easypromote.co www.easypromote.cn
Easypromote Industrial Group Ltd
All items shown here with various trademarks, brand names and logos ('Marks') are for reference
purposes only, and are not for sale. The Marks are the property of the respective owners, and we
are not authorized to manufacture or sell any items bearing such Marks to any third party.
Liver-shaped paper clip
holder with magnets
Door gripper
Helps open doors more easily
Reduces impact on wrist:
suitable for people with arthritis
Computer monitor cleaner
Pl ayi ng car ds and gi f t boxes i n any
shape and si ze
\hy do hgh-proe compunes und bg urnes come to us or
CLM puyng curds, gt boxes, puzzes, gume sets und other
premums: ecuuse ve cun prnt uny sze or shupe o puyng
curd, ncudng poker und brdge szes, und hexugonu or unmu
shupes. Aso, our ust devery tme o 20 duys und monthy
output o over 3.3 mon unts guuruntee quck und consstent
revenue or them.
ln uddton to eusy ng urge orders, ve cun uso
uccommodute smuer orders. \e oer u vurety o puckugng
optons to sut your needs. 1o nd out hov ve cun serve you,
send us un e-mu und
ve v respond
vthn one duy.
Gift boxes
Playing cards

South China DcvcIopmcnt (Hk) ltd

Room 240l-2 Nev 1rend Centre,
704 lrnce Ldvurd Rd. Lust, lovoon, Hong long
1e: |852) 235l 438l lux: |852) 235l 4496
L-mu: scdnetvgutor.com - scdhkdnetvgutor.com
\ebste: vvv.gobusources.com/southchnu.co
We'll give you 20 million tin boxes monthly
And ship them in just 15 days
Dongguan City Yiguan Can (Manufactory) Co. Ltd
E. Village Industrial Zone, Shijie, Dongguan, Guangdong 523305, China
Tel: (86-769) 8183 8311 Fax: (86-769) 8183 8300
E-mail: sales@fhcans.com
Website: www.globalsources.com/fhcans.co www.fhcans.com
Our 10,000m
factory houses 22 production lines, 16 dust-free
packing lines and 2,500 workers, enabling us to produce
20 million tin boxes each month. This capacity allows us to
deliver volume orders in just 15 days to our clients such as
Coca-Cola, Nestl and Lipton.
We have over 300 designs to choose from and offer several
nishing options, including offset color printing, as well as
surfaces with a cracked, wrinkled or embossed effect. And
if you want extra modications, our R&D team will have a
sample ready in just ve days. Find out what else we can do
for you by inquiring today.
All trademarks shown here are for reference purposes only. They are the property of their
respective owners, and we are not authorized to sell items bearing such trademarks.
Tin chocolate box
Tin liquor box Tin gift box
Gifts & Premiums July 2009 114 www.globalsources.com - Choose veried suppliers
Choose from thousands
of plastic and
aluminum alloy cases
EVAgift box
Aluminum suitcase and cosmetics case
Foldable ABS DJ
table and case
Customizable in three days
Finding the case you need for your market is a breeze when
you have access to thousands of items and a monthly output
of 200,000 units. Work with us and well make your sourcing
experience as convenient as possible.
All the cases you need
Our catalog features thousands of plastic and aluminum alloy
cases for gifts, Mewelry, cosmetics, tools, rifes, CDs and other
items. And if you want to create your own design or adapt any of
our products, our 10 designers can have a sample ready for your
approval in as little as three days.
Monthly production of 200,000 units
Equipped with punching and riveting machines from Taiwan, our
eight assembly lines turn out 200,000 units each month. This
enables us to fll high-quantity orders with ease. To beneft from our
wide selection and capacity, send us your requirements today.
Nanhai Tianyi Metal Products Co. Ltd
Hecun Industrial Area, Lishui, Nanhai, Guangdong, China
Tel: (86-757) 8568 8281/7863
Fax: (86-757) 8568 7862
E-mail: tianyi@globalsources.com
Website: www.globalsources.com/tianyi.co I SO 9001:2000
Hong Kong
Oct. 20- 23, 2009
Booth No. 8E31
Bookmark our websit e
for your promot ionals
Mixed orders for just 300 units accepted
Lntrust your orders or promotonus vth our 2,000-strong vorkorce.
1he NA, Spudng, 1test, Dsney und others order over 2.5 mon
metu cruts, bookmurks, scone bruceets, sot lVC products, unyurds
und poyresn tems rom us monthy. You cun uso choose rom u vurety
o goods mude o stuness stee, bruss, ron, znc uoy or pevter.
Athough our cent st ncudes muny bg numes, ve uso cuter to
smu-voume buyers ookng to run murket tests. Mxed orders o ust
300 unts ure vecomed, und ve dever them vthn tvo veeks. Vst
our vebste toduy.
Stainless steel
with your logo
King Char Co. Lt d
7l-9, No. 258 Len-Cheng Roud,
Chung Ho Cty, 1upe Hsen, 1uvun
1e: |886-2) 8227 l88l
lux: |886-2) 8227 l885
L-mu: musterkngchur.com.tv
All trademarks shown here are for reference purposes only. They are the
property of their respective owners, and we are not authorized to sell
items bearing such trademarks.
Customizable memo
and paper clip
Stainless steel
Stainless steel
memo and paper
clip, 0.3mm thick
ScasonaI Iights in originaI dcsigns
20 new products every month
Bldg. B, Longhu Industrial Area, Pingshan,
Longgang, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China
Tel: (86-755) 3360 7666 Fax: (86-755) 8451 1516
everbright@globalsources.com everbright@everbright.net.cn
Website: www.globalsources.com/everbright.co
Ever Bright Electric Co. Ltd
Investing $200,000 in design projects annually, we expect our R&D team to come
up with original designs thatll bring holiday cheer to your customers.Through their
efforts, we can offer 20 new products each month, most of them using LEDs.This is
seen as a key trend for this line. And to speed up the design process, we make our
molds in-house, so our engineers never have to wait on outsourcing to get started
on your orders.
With our monthly output of 3 million lighting sets, you can be sure we can deliver
your orders no matter how large they are.Weve also equipped our factory with
a RoHS scanner, so youre assured of receiving products that are compliant with
the RoHS Directive. All of our items carry CE, BS, GS, NF, SAA, UL and PSE marks.
Contact us today to start lighting up homes in your market.
Lighted Christmas decor
Decorative acrylic lamp
post and deer-shaped
seasonal decor
Gifts & Premiums July 2009 116 www.globalsources.com - Choose veried suppliers
Diverse design strengths
Each month, our UK-based design team helps us to develop 30 new
ribbons and other gift packaging accessories for Western holidays
and other gift occasions. Tis team keeps our selection of 10,000
dierent designs up-to-date with the latest trends. We also have 12
R&D sta members on-site. Tanks to their six years of experience
each on average, they know and implement cost-eective materials
and weaving techniques. We pass these savings on to you.
Advanced production machinery
We oer satin, grosgrain, jacquard, organza, Christmas-themed,
wired, lattice, pull-up, metallic, velvet and printed ribbons. You can
also source bow knots, garments and fashion accessories from us.
Weve obtained our ribbon-weaving and velvet-ribbon machines
from Jakob Muller of Switzerland, rope weaving machinery from
Comez of Italy, and printing machines from Hong Kong. Tis
advanced equipment helps us to create 50 million meters of ribbon
and 50 million bow knots per month.
ITS tested products
Ten QC inspectors follow each production step to ensure that
your quality requirements are met. Our ribbons are tested by ITS
and have grade 4.5 colorfastness. Tats higher than the industry
average of grade 4.0. Start with an order for just 5,000 yards.
Contact us today.
Economic Development Area, Changle,
Weifang, Shandong 262400, China
Tel: (86-536) 628 0586, 628 9991 Fax: (86-536) 628 9077
E-mail: yuyuan@globalsources.com ivytang@yuyuantex.com
Website: www.globalsources.com/yuyuan.co www.yuyuantex.com
We pair mainland China price
savings with European design
Choose from 10,000 different items
Weifang Yuyuan Textile Co. Ltd
ISO 9001:2000
ISO 14001:2004
OHSAS 18001
Customizable ribbons and bow knots
Supplying Ikea ags for 4 years
We have f ive 100m screen-printing lines
Ikea approached us four years ago to help manufacture
their ags. We are still their sole supplier to date. Our
workshop is ready for your large orders.
We have Roland digital printers for high-speed printing.
And our ve 100m-long manual screen-printing lines are
available for low-volume, urgent orders. Although hand-
operated, they produce consistent printing on both the
front and reverse sides. We produce up to 1 million ags
per month, and our standard lead time for smaller orders
is seven days.
We have 15 years of experience manufacturing outdoor,
corporate, car, handheld, desk, beach and national ags as
well as advertising banners. Samples are ready in three to
ve days. E-mail us today.
Changzhou Rene Flag & Crafts Co. Ltd
585 Zhongwu Rd., Tianning, Changzhou, Jiangsu 213018, China
Tel: (86-519) 8206 5607, 8206 5608 Fax: (86-519) 8206 5601
E-mail: sales@reneag.com
www.globalsources.com/reneag.co www.reneag.com
All trademarks shown here are for reference purposes only. Tey are the property of their
respective owners, and we are not authorized to sell items bearing such trademarks.
Polyester indoor banner
with digital printing,
250 x 100cm
Outdoor fag with
digital printing,
120 x 400cm
Knitted polyester indoor banner with
wooden or plastic stick, 80 x 200cm
Choosc from 40 ncw
modcIs pcr month
Minimum ordcrs start at S00 units
Lke the ook o these guss home products: \e' provde
you vth more optons choose rom 40 nev modes euch
month. Cur 20 R&D teum members
cun huve your sumpes reudy n
ust three to seven duys.
\e shp 70 percent o our output
to Lurope und the rest to the LS.
\th u duy cupucty o 50,000
unts, ve huve room or your urge
orders. You cun uso test your murket
vth u mnmum order or us ev us
500 unts. Come to us or home
decoruton tems such us every
boxes, cunde hoders und photo
rumes, us ve us promotonu
gts und premums.
Vst our Cobu Sources Cnne
shovroom to see 300 o our utest
desgns toduy.
Glass jewelry box with screen-printed
design and velvet lining
Glass candle holders
with mirror tray
Glass photo frames
with aluminumstands
Ningbo fTDZ Victor fnt. lntI Co. ltd
Lnt 7-33, 54 Dushun St., Nngbo, Zheung 3l50l0, Chnu
1e: |86-574) 8729 5477 lux: |86-574) 8729 4466
L-mu: cs3vctorgroup.cn
vvv.gobusources.com/gussurt.co - vvv.myshovroomchnu.com
Gifts & Premiums July 2009 118 www.globalsources.com - Choose veried suppliers
Our 3-day samgle lead Ilme
wlll bave you cbeerlng
Whatever events or activities you're planning, you can count
on us to get you in a festive mood with our rapid design
service. We only need three days to prepare a pom-pom
for you. And with a monthly production output of 500,000
units, we have no problem supporting your big marketing
events or promotions.
We provide pom-poms in a variety of colors and sizes. We
also offer keychains and mobile phone charms, as well as
rubber, TPU and silicone bands and plastic springs. Choose
any item, and rest assured that it will arrive approved by
SGS for distribution in your market. To view our full product
range, visit our Global Sources website today.
16 Congzheng 2nd St., Jitigang, Huangjiang, Dongguan,
Guangdong 523757, China
Tel: (86-769) 8202 4411 Fax: (86-769) 8202 6233
E-mail: dghjhf@vip.163.com
Website: www.globalsources.com/dghengfu.co
Dongguan Huangjiang Hcngfu Toy's Acccssorics fty
PE pom-pom
Rubber keychains with metal rings
HeaI-Iransfer grlnIlng for clearer
and longer-lasIlng lmages
Cixi Gangfa lndustriaI Co. ltd
Rm. 723-725, North 1over, Centru udng,
Cx, Nngbo, Zheung 3l5300, Chnu
1e: |86-574) 6380 9862 lux: |86-574) 6380 9863
L-mu: stevenl97988gmu.com
\ebste: vvv.gobusources.com/nbgungu.co
Mini foosball table with
CARB E1/6P certifcation
Wine gift bags available in
various materials
84 poker table
with speed cloth
\ne gt bugs und boxes, oosbu und poker tubes, cusno tems, cur orgunzers
und gumng sets. \e' brund your ogo on uny o our products usng udvunced
technooges such us heut-trunser prntng or crsp muges und vbrunt coors thut
von't ude. lev compettors n our ed huve uccess to ths technoogy. Custom
sumpes tuke seven duys, compured to our compettors' tvo veeks.
Muny o our veterun R&D stu members huve more thun 20 yeurs
o reevunt experence euch. And the teum deveops us
muny us 50 nev desgns unnuuy. Cur three purt-ovned
uctores produce up to 50,000 vne gt bugs, 40,000
oosbu tubes und 3,000 poker tubes monthy.
\e vecome requests or smu quunttes und uccept
mnmum orders or us ev us l0 unts or some tems.
Devery tukes 30 duys. lnqure toduy.
Custom sampIcs in 7 days
Supplying to dozens
of Las Vegas casinos
1,000 units dcIivcrcd in scvcn days
1hunks to our S70 mon producton uctes vhere 80 percent
o the equpment s rom }upun or Cermuny ve cun produce l.5
mon decks o pustc or puper puyng curds monthy, und dever
vthn l0 duys, or ust seven duys you ony need l,000 unts.
1hut's vhy dozens o Lus Vegus cusnos source rom us.
Cur n-house desgners use ther sx yeurs o experence n
deveopng l2 nev tems euch yeur. 1hey cun creute uny sze or
shupe o curds you need, usng uny photo or muge you provde.
\e uso oer rouette sets und other gumbng uccessores. 1e us
your requrements, und ve' shp sumpes to you vthn tvo duys.
Cr e-mu us your nqures, und ve v unsver vthn un hour.
No. 49-l }oushe Lune, etun Dstrct, 1uchung 406, 1uvun
1e: |886-4) 2436 8686, 2436 8899 lux: |886-4) 2436 7799
L-mu: umusspuyngcurd.com.tv - poker.curdmsu.hnet.net
vvv.gobusources.com/umuss.co - vvv.puyngcurd.com.tv
Amass International Corp.
Playing cards made
of recycled paper
Mini playing cards with customizable packaging
Gifts & Premiums July 2009 120 www.globalsources.com - Choose veried suppliers
100% checked goods
from Yiwu
Mctro cnjoys our dcsigns
and quaIity
\e specuze n the munuucture o puper bugs und puper boxs. \e empoy
l50 sked vorkers to muke 40,000 bugs und 5,000 boxes per duy. Cur
udvunced equpment ncudes u Hedeberg prntng muchne rom Cermuny,
u vuter-bused umnuton muchne und de-cuttng muchnes.
\e munuge the entre producton process ourseves so thut ve cun oer
compettve prces vhe muntunng compete contro over the quuty o
our goods. And our onne quuty contro und pre-shpment nspecton
servces provde uddtonu montorng. So or every order, bg or smu, ve
cun ensure punctuu devery. Cur eght desgners creute l00 nev tems euch
month. Choose rom ths constunt ov o nev bugs und boxes, or send us
your specs toduy.
Christmas gift bags available in 120 designs.
Request your free samples today
Christmas gift bags available with glitter,
hot-stamped designs, UVprinting and focking
Yiwu MuItipack fty
Cce: Rm. 5, l5/l, \est ock, Crent Muson, l8l nvung Rd., Yvu,
Zheung 322000, Chnu
luctory: 20 South Hetun Rd., Yx lndustry Zone, Yvu, Zheung 322000, Chnu
1e: |86-579) 8542 895l, 8557 806l, 8557 809l lux: |86-579) 8542 7484
L-mu: mutpuckgobusources.com - nozheungmutpuck.com
\ebste: vvv.gobusources.com/mutpuck.co - vvv.zheungmutpuck.com
Offcring a divcrsc rangc of products with
taiIor-madc scrviccs for 19 ycars
Rockman Co. Ltd
Flat C1, G/F, Wing Hing Industrial Building,
14 HingYip St., Kwun Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong
Tel: (852) 2341 4351/3049 Fax: (852) 2343 0417/7087
E-mail: info@rockmanhk.com
Website: www.globalsources.com/rockman.co
PVC folding boxes
PVC toy product parts
Weve been producing a diversied range of semi-nished
plastics products since 1990. Our lineup includes
semi-nished products that can be used to make folding
boxes, food-grade and laminating-grade products and credit
card overlays, in addition to other PVC and PET lm products.
Production takes place at our 40,000m
factory, which
is certied to ISO 9001:2000 and ISO 14001:2004
management systems. Here, we house eight PVC and two
PET production lines, and equipment sourced from Europe,
the US and Taiwan. With these facilities, we guarantee
efciency our average output is 100,000 tons annually.
To exceed the standards of our international clientele, we
source raw materials from Europe, the US and Japan.
Contact us today to work with an experienced and
quality-proven manufacturer.
Stock your shelves with
50 new products monthly
1,500 ceramic crafts to choose from
Source from us and you' ll never see a shortage of products or designs.
With 20 engineers designing 50 new products each month, we have the
range of ceramic gifts and home products to keep you stocked for any
season. We welcome you to choose from 1,500 ceramic crafts designed
for seasonal use.
Fujian Putian New
Developing Gift Co. Ltd
No. 531, South of Xintang, Licheng,
Chengxiang, Putian, Fujian, China
Tel: (86-594) 263 9898 Fax: (86-594) 265 7881
E-mail: cnf@public.ptptt.fj.cn
Website: www.globalsources.com/xxlp.co
To fll orders large and small, we can fll up
to ffteen 20-foot containers worth of these
products every month, and we gladly take
orders for as few as 5,000 units as well.
Each item has passed SGS testing in
lSO 14001:2004-certifed facilities.
Ceramic Santa
Claus and snowman
cookie jars
Ceramic Santa
Claus bathroom set
To discover more about our array
of ceramic crafts, visit our Global
Sources Online showroom today.
Gifts & Premiums July 2009 122 www.globalsources.com - Choose veried suppliers
Tune in to greeting cards and gift
packaging that stand out
For over two decades, we' ve been crafting greeting cards and
gift packaging that catch the attention of recipients around the
world. You'll even fnd these items on the shelves of Wal-Mart
and Target. Here are some advantages you can enjoy if you
source with us:
Attention-grabbing effects
Electronic modules are integrated into our greeting items and
can be customized with sound, fber-optic, LED, recordable
and 3-D effects. So you can get your message across by
having us program it into modules that go into your cards,
bags and boxes, as well as gifts and premiums.
Popwin Giftware Mfg Co. Ltd
Unit 6, 7/F, Block B, Po Lung Centre, 11 Wang Chiu Rd., Kowloon Bay, Kowloon, Hong Kong
Tel: (852) 2799 8879 Fax: (852) 2796 2297
E-mail: general@popwin.com.hk Website: www.globalsources.com/popwin.co
Backed by 20 years' experience
Electronic modules with sound, lighting and
motional effects integrated into tin boxes,
greeting cards and paper shopping bags
Quick turnaround time
Our team of engineers and sales representatives in Hong Kong
is eager to work closely with you to process your requests.
Bring us your specifcations, and we'll have a sample ready for
you in as fast as two days. Our factory in Shenzhen can turn
out up to 4 million units monthly - more than enough for your
volume orders.
Hassle-free import
Our team of QC inspectors follows strict procedures that are
approved by SGS, Bureau veritas and lTS. And for even
smoother access to the US market, we are C-TPAT-approved.
Contact us today to start sourcing items that will grab attention
in your market.
Rms. 630-632, Unit A, Huameiju Business Center, Xinhu Rd.,
Bao' an, Shenzhen, Guangdong 518133, China
Tel: (86-755) 2759 3435/3730 Fax: (86-755) 2759 3700
clco@globalsources.com info@clco88.com
www.globalsources.com/clco.co www.reliable-digital.com
Shenzhen Cailiang Electronics Co. Ltd
Up to 8 new designs every month
lf you work with us, you'll have fve to eight new digital photo
frames, speakers and electronic novelties to choose from
every month to stay ahead of the trends. Such prolifc product
development comes courtesy of a 100-strong design team. We
can transform your technical drawing into a sample in one week
or create a new model from scratch in three.
Semmax (Hong Kong) Ltd
Portable speaker with dock for Apple's
iPhone and alarm clock function
7" digital photo frame with touch
keys and 16:9 contrast ratio, with
CE, FCC and RoHS marks
8" digital photo frame
with dock for Apple's
iPod and iPhone
Thanks to a 100-strong R&D team
iPod and iPhone are trademarks of Apple Inc.
Every year, we ship $10 million worth of
merchandise to Sony, Panasonic and many
other buyers around the world. We can meet this
demand thanks to our 14,000m
factory with 12
SMT and 24 assembly lines, giving us a monthly
capacity of 200,000 units. To take advantage of our
design capabilities, contact us now. Our 30 sales
representatives will respond within 12 hours.
High-end fashion companies such as Hugo
Boss have chosen us as their packaging supplier,
as have Nike, Avon, Sharp and Nikon. That's because we offer
themvariety that fewsuppliers can match. Our 16 designers
use our own molding workshop to create up to 50 new items
every month, and they can have samples ready for delivery in
just one week.
Our monthly capacity of 5 million bags and 600,000 jewelry
and gift boxes helps us meet the needs of our clientele. Such
large volumes are made possible by advanced production
equipment that includes ve Heidelberg and Roland printing
presses and our CTP printing system. To get packaging suited
for major brands, contact us today.
Packaging fit for Hugo Boss
Paper gift boxes with matte
laminated surfaces, various sizes available
East Color Printing Packaging Co. Ltd
New Nanhuan Rd., Houjie, Dongguan,
Guangdong 523969, China
Tel: (86-769) 8581 9699, 8599 8588 ext. 368
Fax: (86-769) 8169 2518, 8558 6830
E-mail: dongcai@globalsources.com sales@dongcai.com.cn
www.globalsources.com/dongcai.co www.dongcai.com.cn
Luxury garment bag with hot-stamped logo,
available in a variety of designs
Perfume box, available in eight colors
Gifts & Premiums July 2009 124 www.globalsources.com - Choose veried suppliers
The nest materials crafted
into masterworks of art
All crystals imported from Austria and the Czech Republic
For 19 years, our passion has always been to produce the best premiums.
We use some of the worlds most desired materials to craft our product lines.
Among these materials are crystals from Austria and the Czech Republic,
including those of the celebrated Swarovski Group.
Our three wholly owned factories in mainland China have a combined staff
of 2,500 to take care of the stamping, laser cutting, electroplating, polishing,
painting and nishing procedures. Many items feature handwork that employs
old-world techniques to bring out their richness and beauty.
Each year, we export $10 million worth of products to Europe, where we
have a satised and loyal customer base. With a monthly capacity of 3 million
pieces, we are ready to ll your orders too. Contact our Hong Kong ofce today
and order a sample to get a real sense of the detail and quality we can provide
you with.
Victory Link Ent. Ltd
Unit A, 11/F, Lladro Centre, 72 Hoi Yuen Rd.,
Kwun Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong
Tel: (852) 2950 0689 Fax: (852) 2950 0869
E-mail: info@victorylink.com.hk
Website: www.globalsources.com/victorylink.co
Decorative metal clock studded with rhinestones
Miniature metal display chairs
Decorative keychains
To buy direct from verified China manufacturers, we invite you to step inside China
factories with Global Sources China Sourcing Reports.
Youll find page after page of details on verified manufacturers of specific
products. Plus, benchmark your suppliers against these factories capabilities
and prices.
Choose from the following list of titles:
To experience the difference that working with verified suppliers can make to
your business, select your China Sourcing Reports today.
To see all titles, go to www.ChinaSourcingReports.com/HA
Choose verified suppliers
China Sourcing Reports
Automotive Parts
Camping & Outdoor Gear
Crafts, Gifts & Novelties
Fashion Accessories
Jackets & Sportswear
Lighting & Electrical
Luggage & Travel Goods
Promotional Items
Kitchen Appliances
A selectlon of crafts, glfts & noveltles from Chlna
anzhou Liupu 0lass Artware Co. Ltd
Models: SS-06007, S-06008
0escription: Class crafts, Chrlstmas tree
decoratlons, frosted, handpalnted patterns,
67mm dlameter
fu[ian |iamei 0roup Corp.
Model: Cku3200
Minimumorder: 20 pleces
0elivery time: 50 days
0escription: Ceramlc craft, blrd flgurlne
0onfen Christmas Arts & Crafts Co. Ltd
Model: Creen Xmas Tree wlth Colden 8alls
Minimumorder: $5,000
0elivery time: 0 days
0escription: Class craft, green Chrlstmas tree
deslgn wlth golden balls
fu[ian 0uanfu Modern Co. Ltd
Model: 8-6-1
Minimumorder: 2,000 sets
0elivery time: 50 days
0escription: Ceramlc craft, adopts recycled
materlal, three contalners wlth sunflower
CPMC Co. Ltd
Model: 197A
Minimumorder: 50,000 pleces
0elivery time: 30 days
0escription: Clft tln, 0.23mm thlckness,
aoyin 0uanmei Art Co. Ltd
Model: CM3092-6
Minimumorder: 1,000 pleces
0elivery time: 60 days
0escription: Class craft, ball wlth Santa Claus
flgurlne, handpalnted Chrlstmas tree and
blrd, 22x13cm
Sourclng update
July 2009 Gifts & Premiums 127 More new products - www.globalsources.com
Customzed usk tn
Add market appeal to your food and beverages by packaging them in our
gift tins. For 17 years, weve been helping buyers including Carlsberg,
Heineken, Coca-Cola and the makers of Jack Daniels improve their product
presentation. We can do the same for you. Choose fromour range of over
1,000 designs, and our 50-strong R&D team will have a sample bearing your
logo ready in one week.
You can be sure that our tins meet the safety
requirements of strict markets as we use materials that
pass SGS, EN 71 and FDA standards. Plus, our products
are tested for RoHS Directive compliance using
equipment from Germany, Japan, the UK and
Sweden. With an annual output of 200 million
three-piece cans and 60 million printed
tinplates, we are ready for your volume
orders. Inquire today.
Grandroad Packaging Co. Ltd Kaiping
89 Xingang Rd., Changsha, Kaiping, Guangdong 529300, China
Tel: (86-750) 225 7217/7207 Fax: (86-750) 228 6717
grandroad@globalsources.com master@grandroad.com.cn
www.globalsources.com/grandroad.co www.grandroad.com.cn
All trademarks shown here are for reference purposes only. They are the property of their respective owners, and we are not
authorized to sell items bearing such trademarks.
Making products look snappy for 17 years
Ct und teu tns
We supplied the 2008 UEFA
European Soccer Championships
Shaoxing Xiangying Co. Ltd
Rm. 9258, 9/F, Bldg. A, 1388 Jinkeqiao Ave.,
Shaoxing, Zhejiang 312000, China
Tel: (86-575) 8556 0370, 8556 0375
Fax: (86-575) 8556 0377, 8407 9103
E-mail: jgb2222@vip.163.com
www.globalsources.com/xiangyingag.co www.xyag.com
When the organizers of Euro 2008 went looking for a supplier, they
needed somebody with the capacity and experience to handle
such a huge event. And they chose us. Weve worked with 20 partner
factories for more than a decade. They support our own 3,600m
facilities to provide a combined yearly capacity of 100 million m
of ags and other cloth promotionals more than double the
industry average. And we deliver in two weeks twice as fast as
any competitor.
Our ags, bandanas and scarves can be made from a range of
low-cadmium and azo-free materials, including oxford, nylon,
satin, knitted polyester, cotton, taffeta, 500D polyester, PVC
and PE. We can complete your customsamples in seven days.
Send us an e-mail to learn more.
Delivering twice as many products in half the time
I SO 9 0 0 1:2 0 0 0
Cape, ready for
your sports-team or
promotional logo
All trademarks shown here are for reference purposes only. They are the property
of their respective owners, and we are not authorized to sell items bearing such trademarks.
100% polyester fag
30 x 20cm paper
hand fag and 100%
polyester fan scarf
Hong Kong
Oct. 20- 23, 2009
Booth No. 8C40
Gifts & Premiums July 2009 128 www.globalsources.com - Choose veried suppliers
MatcriaIs with Icss than
100ppm cadmium contcnt
Products subject to AQL 1.5 testing
We understand the reservations you have when it comes to the safety of the items
you source. Working and consulting with over 135 clients in England, South Korea,
Japan and the US, we put your concerns to rest by we crafting our decorative gift
boxes using materials that contain less than 100ppm of cadmium. And as an
added assurance, we subject our 50,000-unit daily output to an AQL of 1.5.
Our 13,000m
factory equipped with 12 production lines also manufacture
shopping and gift bags. Once you' re decided on a model from our catalog, we' ll
use Heidelberg offset presses to print crisp, colorful logos and other designs for
you. Advantages such as these have made Hugo Boss and other buyers repeat
customers. We think you'll be impressed with our effciency too. lt only takes us
three days to send you custom samples. To learn more about our selection and
services, e-mail us now and we' ll respond within one hour.
Environment-friendly gift boxes
Dongguan Juanchen Printing Co. Ltd
1st lndustry Zone, Xiasha, Shipai, Dongguan, Guangdong 523341, China
Tel: (86-769) 8655 9168/7202 Fax: (86-769) 8653 1363 8655 9268
E-mail: juanchenpr@globalsources.com
Website: www.globalsources.com/juanchenpr.co www.juanchenpr.com
100 new styles every
four months
Frames and candles to match any decoration
You want to source fromChina but most suppliers designs dont seemright for
your market. Heres why ours are different. Our R&D team works with experts from
France to create 100 new styles each season. So if youre sourcing for a Western
market, youre sure to nd models closer to your needs. If you have a custom
project, well have an OEMsample ready in seven days.
You can come to us for photo, decorative and picture frames. Candles, candle
holders and glass and iron decorations are also available. Our factory produces up
to 450,000 photo frames and 250 tons of candles each month. Your orders for as
few as 2,500 photo frames are welcome. Visit our Global Sources website today to
see more of our designs.
Zhejiang Panda Trading Co. Ltd
Rm. 404-406, Liyuanshangdu A2,
201 Lantian Rd., Ningbo,
Zhejiang 315010, China
Tel: (86-574) 2788 7555, 2766 2236
Fax: (86-574) 2766 2238
E-mail: tec@teczj.com
Website: www.globalsources.com/tec.co
Display your photos in style with this collage frame
Black plastic frame
White matte board
Displays nine 4 x 6 photos
Glass face
Hardwood backing
Sawtooth hangers on back
Measures 24.5 x 20.5 Orange-scented candles, 7.5cm in
diameter, heights range from 10 to 15cm
S&Z Gift Packaging Co.
128 Xingda Rd., Pinlong Industrial Zone, Egongling, Pinhu,
Longgang, Shenzhen, Guangdong 518000, China
Tel: (86-755) 8401 0569 Fax: (86-755) 8401 1339
E-mail: changying@globalsources.com sanjon_hk@hotmail.com
www.globalsources.com/changying.co www.sanjon.com.cn
Gift boxes sourced
by Beijing 2008 Olympics agents
Our attention to quality and creativity attracted the attention of
sourcing agents for the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games. But theyre
not the only quality-conscious buyer we serve. Rocket Redbox
of the US, as well as US government agencies also come to us
for gift boxes. These clients also benet from our 10-day product
development lead time and our monthly output of 240,000 boxes.
These include leather, iron, PU and wooden creations. Contact us
now to join major buyers in sourcing from us.
Jewelry gift boxes
All trademarks are shown for reference purposes only.We are not authorized to sell any items bearing such trademarks.
Over 1,000 customizable gift
and promotional items
We' ve been exporting promotional and gift products for more
than 15 years. We use an integrated system that covers material
sourcing, in-house production and packaging. Our catalog
features over 1,000 customizable items, and we have 20
des|gners who comp|ete OEM samp|es w|th|n fve days. They
also create 20 new items each month. Our three factories have
a combined monthly output of over 2.5 million units, allowing
us to f|| rush orders |n just one week. Ooca-Oo|a, He|neken and
Bacard| have benefted from our promot|ona| goods for more
than 10 years. To jo|n them, contact us today.
9/F, |andmark P|aza, 89 Wus| Rd., Fuzhou, Fuj|an 350003, Oh|na
Te|: (86-591} 8784 1144 Fax: (86-591} 8781 7716
E-ma||: katesong@g|oba|sources.com
www.globalsources.com/ katesong.co
Decorative ant-series
metal crafts
Metal bird feeder
Fuzhou ShangHeCheng Imp & Exp Co. Ltd
Gifts & Premiums July 2009 130 www.globalsources.com - Choose veried suppliers
Over 10 years in gift
Ribbons available
in various materials
and colors
Gift and cosmetics bags available in
different colors, shapes and sizes
We've been producing ribbons and trimmings for
buyers in North America and Europe for more than a
decade. So if you're looking for a supplier who
understands your needs, we are the one for you.
Whether it's for gift packaging, accessorizing garments
and bags or retail, we can help you meet your requirements.
Everything you need from ribbons to pouches
Featuring more than 1,000 items, our catalog has everything
you need from ribbons, bows and rosettes, elastic loops
and twist cords to tassels, rafas and gift pouches. Every year,
we develop new products to offer you more choices. If you
have an idea, our six designers will realize it in two days and
have it ready for production in one week.
A stellar lineup of equipment for your orders
Our facilities are outtted with 2,300 braiding machines, 15 cord-twisting
machines, 300 sewing machines, 200 high-speed weaving looms and
seven multipurpose continuous dyeing machines. These enabled us to turn
out 180 million yards of ribbons, 100 million yards of elastics, 50 million
tassels and ribbon bows and 35 million gift pouches last year alone. So that
you can put your quality concerns to rest, we use raw materials sourced
from our trusted suppliers.
Discuss your requirements with us today. Our 30 English-speaking sales
staff will send you a detailed reply within two hours.
Bldg. 3, Gaosite Industry City, Pingshan, Longgang, Shenzhen,
Guangdong 518118, China
Tel: (86-755) 8463 8688/8898 Fax: (86-755) 8463 9989
E-mail: bestpak@globalsources.com johnson@best-pak.com
Feida Rd., Cheluo, Gaoyou, Yangzhou, Jiangsu, China
Tel: (86-514) 8456 0388/0688 Fax: (86-514) 8456 0988
E-mail: bestpak@globalsources.com johnson18@best-pak.com
www.globalsources.com/bestpak.co www.best-pak.com
Bestpak Gifts & Crafts Co. Ltd
ISO 9001:2000
We're a Hong Kong manufacturer specializing in aluminum cases.
Our goal is to ensure every order gets lled efciently, every time.
To achieve this goal, we've equipped our 33,000m
ISO 9001:2000-
certied factory with nine production lines featuring punching,
stamping, forming, riveting and aluminum-cutting machines. This
allows us to produce up to 250,000 cases monthly more than
enough for all of our clients.
Up to 250,000 cases monthly
Songshi Rd., Songgang, Nanhai, Foshan, Guangdong, China
Tel: (86-757) 8520 8098/8378/8108/8022
Fax: (86-757) 8520 4838
nhjg@globalsources.com case@weishunse.com
Website: www.globalsources.com/nhjg.co
Enough to fill every order
Weishun Industrial Co. Ltd
Trinket box with blue
acrylic exterior and
silk screen interior,
130 x 90 x 65mm
Cosmetic case with white
PVC exterior and black
fannel interior,
135 x 110 x 105mm
Laptop case with silver
aluminum exterior and black
nylon interior,
421 x 342 x 68mm
We release 80 new designs every year, covering cases
for jewelry, cosmetics, laptops and CDs. Join the OEM
and ODM buyers from the US, Europe, Japan and
South Africa already sourcing from us. Contact us today.
All trademarks shown here are for reference purposes only.They are the property of
their respective owners, and we are not authorized to sell items bearing such trademarks.
Hong Kong
Oct. 20- 23, 2009
Booth No. 6N09
Tr anspar ent polyr esin
samples in seven days
1runspurent poyresn s used to creute our gts und
premums uovng us to huve sumpes to you n ust
seven duys. \e uso crut tems usng pevter, cerumc,
metu, und vood u o vhch compy vth LN 7l und
AS1M stundurds. Mxed orders ure vecome. Sutsed
customers vordvde huve pushed our monthy export
cupucty to over Sl.5 mon. 1o on them, cu toduy.
lP & P ltd
Rm. 2309, Hong Mun lnd. Center, 2 Hong Mun St.,
Chu \un, Hong long
1e: |852) 26l8 4443 lux: |852) 2898 2l75
L-mu: pnppnp.com
vvv.gobusources.com/pnp.co - vvv.no-pp.com
Transparent polyresin
fgurines and candle holders We take quality seriously when it comes
to the production of our electronic cigarettes.
Thats why our operations comply with
ISO 9001:2008 standards. Plus, we only
source rawmaterials that comply with
MIL-STD-105. Our 60 QC inspectors
perform checks during all stages of
production and see to it that our items
are ft to bear CE, RoHS, WEEE, UL and PSE
marks. Were the only manufacturer of
electronic cigarettes that uses non-contact
switches in our products, allowing for longer battery lives. Our monthly
capacity is 250,000 units. Inquire today in English or Japanese.
Shenzhen Kanger Technology Co. Ltd
3/F, 3A, Sha'er Lantian Science and Technology Garden,
Baoan, Shenzhen, Guangdong 518104, China
Tel: (86-755) 2724 0540 Fax: (86-755) 2724 0544
Mobile: (86) 134 1752 9452 Contact person: Ms. Ivy Liu
E-mail: szkangerwei@yahoo.cn
Website: www.globalsources.com/szkanger.co
El ect roni c ci garet t es f rom an
|S0 9001:2008-cert|hed s0pp||er
Electronic cigarettes
cigarette set
Gifts & Premiums July 2009 132 www.globalsources.com - Choose veried suppliers
Industry experience that
will light up your markets
Quality that will continue to shine
Specializing in ashing novelty and promotional items for
six years, we have a monthly capacity that exceeds 100,000
units, and 80 percent of our goods are exported to the US
and Europe. So we can comfortably meet the needs of your
international markets. Our 10 R&D staff members each
develop three new exciting and innovative products every
month, and we welcome your OEM requests. Currently we
offer about 40 different molds. Samples take eight days to
make and can be delivered within 20 days. Conscious of your
quality needs, we check every component piece-by-piece,
whether it is made in-house or outsourced, and inspect every
nished product before packaging. Our nished products are
Over 20 years, our group has established stable, long-term
importing and exporting business relationships with over
2,000 companies in more than 40 countries. Our export trade
amounts to almost $30 million annually. Browse through our
online showroom and contact us today. Our sales staff will
follow up on your inquiries within 12 hours.
Wenzhou Success Group Co. Ltd
5/F, Success Mansion, Liuhongqiao Rd., Wenzhou,
Zhejiang 325000, China
Tel: (86-577) 8168 3085 Fax: (86-577) 8861 8126
E-mail: successgroup@globalsources.com
Website: www.globalsources.com/successgroup.co
MSN: mochen@hotmail.com Skype: mo.chen
Wrist band with six colored LEDs
and six ash settings
Flashing tunnel light
and teeth pendants
Flashing skull and bones
pendant, diamond-shaped
ring and tunnel light ring
Over 20,000 party favors
Fit for all festivities and occasions
We have specialized in the design and
manufacture of party favors for over 34 years.
Customers choose us because we offer over
20,000 designs for them to choose from, with
items suitable for all festivities and occasions.
Our 40 designers and product specialists also
roll out more than 20 product collections with
some 400 new items each year.
Already sold all over the world, our products
range from Halloween masks and carnival felt
hats to party toys and disposable tableware.
Each item is safe and non-toxic, made of
materials from Europe, the US and Asia.
Inquire today for our newest products.
Kord Party Favour Mfy Ltd
12/F, Century Ind. Bldg., Shek Pai Tau Rd.,
Tuen Mun, N.T., Hong Kong
Tel: (852) 2463 4011 Fax: (852) 2456 3072
E-mail: salesgp@kord.com.hk
Website: www.globalsources.com/kord.co
Disposable Christmas-themed set
Matching paper plates,
cups and table cover
Printed napkins
In-house color separation and
artwork services provided
Custom designs welcome
Premium domino and
game set s since 1978
Lntrust your orders vth u supper chosen by eudng retuers.
\u-Murt, 1urget und other compunes n North Amercu,
Lurope und Austruu vuue our 3l yeurs o experence, not to
menton our seecton. \e updute our runge vth 20 premum
tems euch quurter, ncudng domno, chess, buckgummon,
rouette und checkers sets, gumng tubes
und burds uccessores. You cun
even come to us or vne sets. 1o
receve custom sumpes vthn seven
duys, contuct us toduy.
lll, No. 28l Zhungshu 2nd Rd., Xzh,
1upe 225l9, 1uvun
1e: |886-2) 2642 0709 lux: |886-2) 2647 9589
L-mu: hmuxx.commsu.hnet.net
vvv.gobusources.com/hmuxx.co - vvv.h-muxx.com
Hi-Maxx Enterprise Co. Ltd
Watch box,
holds six
Domino sets, available in
over 20 eye-catching designs
Our focus on R&D has
created over 100 patents
Our designers create one new product every day.
Tats how weve collected over 100 patents
for innovations of our own
making. Choose fromour
selection of 3,500 styles
of gif tins and keychains.
We also welcome your
customorders. Your samples
will be ready within two weeks
when you work with us. Come to
us for gif tins, jewelry and trinket
boxes, keychains, photo frames,
alloy ornaments and other gif and
promotional items.
We serve major buyers such as
Disney, Target and Marlboro. Our
annual output reaches 10 million
units. Visit our Global Sources Online
showroomand then send us an e-mail today.
Yiwu Qifu Craft & Gift Co. Ltd
3 Wuyan North Rd., Yidong Industrial Zone,
Yiwu, Zhejiang 322000, China
Tel: (86-579) 8507 3368
Fax: (86-579) 8507 3378
E-mail: nick@chinaqifu.com
www.globalsources.com/qifu.co www.qifu.cc
Tr inket box,
made of zinc-t in alloy
Trinket boxes, available
in var ious designs
Gifts & Premiums July 2009 134 www.globalsources.com - Choose veried suppliers
38 Zhenzhong Rd., Shenshan Ind. Area, Jianggao, Baiyun, Guangzhou,
Guangdong 510460, China
Tel: (86-20) 8606 2228 Fax: (86-20) 8606 2298
E-mail: info@winbocn.com winbocn@globalsources.com
Website: www.winbocn.com www.globalsources.com/winbocn.co
We make 2.5 million units monthly
Trusted by McDonald's,
Coca-Cola, Haier and Disney
We have been manufacturing and molding metal and
plastic products for over a decade. Over this time, many
big-name companies have made us their OEM partner
for tinplate products, plastic products, stationery, gifts
and housewares. These companies include McDonald' s,
Coca-Cola, Haier and Disney. You too can have the
same top-quality products these companies are already
We have a new, 35,000m
ISO 9001:2000- and
lSO 14001:2004-certifed facility. Our staff turns out
2 million tinplate products and 500,000 plastic products
every month so we can fll your volume orders. Call us
today to get started.
ISO 9001:2000 ISO 14001:2004
Winbo Metal & Plastic Factory
All items shown here with various trademarks, brand names and logos ('Marks') are for reference
purposes only, and are not for sale. The Marks are the property of the respective owners, and we
are not authorized to manufacture or sell any items bearing such Marks to any third party.
Portable tinplate box,
coin bank and pencil case
Tinplate and plastic water bottles
Plastic lunch box
Add some extravagance to your product lines with our boxes. Theyre
fashioned with a layer of silver or 24K gold foil, which is covered in
a transparent protective coating. With our featured candy boxes, even
the most ordinary candies placed within look like delicacies. We offer
these and many other folding boxes layered with your choice of 24K
gold, silver or titanium foil, as well as many other materials. And
we also can create 3-D ornaments to compliment your boxes or as
promotional items.
Send us your OEM/ODM orders, and our design team
will incorporate your logo, pattern or any other requirement
you might have. We even offer embossing, which enhances
your products image on boxes. Delivered flat to save
on your shipping fees, these boxes fold easily into
shape. We already export to more than 40 countries
and are prepared to supply your market. Contact
us today.
Candy boxes layered with silver or 24K gold foil
Comprehensive OEM/ODM services including embossing
3-D ornament sample
Shopping Town Global Marketing Co. Ltd
3F, No. 102 Nanjing E. Rd., Sec. 3, Beitun District,
Taichung 40645, Taiwan
Tel: (886-4) 2238 8455 Fax: (886-4) 2231 8900
E-mail: info@shoppingtown.com.tw
www.globalsources.com/shoppingtown.co www.shoppingtown.com.tw
Unfolded candy box
with easy-to-fold design
Candy boxes with 24K
gold or silver foil layers
OEM projects completed
in 2 weeks
Our 10 R&D engineers will put their experience to work for
you. Give them two to four weeks, and your OEM project will
be complete. ODM products can be nished within six weeks.
If you need even faster service, choose fromour UMPCs, GPS
smartphones, notebook computers and more, all ready for
immediate shipment. Everything we offer comes with FCC, CE and
RoHS marks. To source from a supplier to leading international
retailers, contact us now.
Mini notebook and
multifunctional voice recorder
Shenzhen Meizhi Technology Co. Ltd
MatchTech Industrial Co. Ltd
Unit 24D, Jinrun Building, 6019 Shennan Rd., Shenzhen,
Guangdong 518000, China
Tel: (86-755) 8272 0900 Fax: (86-755) 8272 0080
match-tech@globalsources.com james@match.net.cn
www.globalsources.com/match-tech.co www.match.net.cn
Unit 3B East, Bldg. 9, 2 Xinglin St.,
Zhongshan, Dalian, Liaoning 116001, China
Tel: (86-411) 8255 6033, 8255 6233
Fax: (86-411) 8255 6077
E-mail: brad@artifcialcraft.com
www.globalsources.com/dloverseas.co www.artifcialcraft.com
\hether they
need hoduy or
home decorutons,
bg buyers such us
1urget und \u-Murt
huve sourced our
vood products or
the pust l0 yeurs. lnd
vhut you need vhen
choosng rom the l,200
tems ve creute euch yeur. \th
so muny tems to choose rom,
70 percent o our buyers nd
vhut they're ookng or n our
cutuog. 1he rest receve CLM
sumpes n ust l0 duys.
\e export up to S3 mon
vorth o home decorutons
every yeur. Contuct us toduy.
Christmas decoration balls
made of natural materials
1,200 new designs
per year
Dalian Overseas Industry Co. Ltd
Bird houses made of solid pine
Hong Kong
Oct. 20- 23, 2009
Booth No. 10K27
Gifts & Premiums July 2009 136 www.globalsources.com - Choose veried suppliers
300 new deslgns annually for
nonIoxlc novel gromoIlonal lIems
Ningbo Mcrry Art Gifts Co. ltd
Rm. ll, l8/l, Nev \ord udng, 689 Century Ave., Nngbo, Zheung 3l5040, Chnu
1e: |86-574) 2786 3339 lux: |86-574) 2786 3337
L-mu: suesmerryurt.cn
vvv.gobusources.com/merryurt.co - vvv.merryurt.cn
vvv.chnugov.com - vvv.chnumerryurt.com
Glow-in-the-dark sticks,
available in various
colors and designs
Check out our sue und nove promotonu toys desgned to stmuute chdren's
mugnutons und druv uttenton to your brund. Choose to customze our products
vth your ogo, und ve' nsh your sumpes n ve duys hu the ndustry uveruge.
Luch yeur, ve creute 300 equuy uppeung promotonu products or your seecton.
\e munuucture gov-n-the-durk products thut curry LN 7l und AS1M 4236
upprovus. 1hs s the mun reuson eudng retuers such us \u-Murt, 1urget und
Dour 1ree come to us.
Cur three uctores ure or modng, ussemby, und prntng und puckugng, respectvey.
\e cun desgn your custom puckugng, be t bster pucks, uumnum-o bugs or
dspuy rucks. \e respond to nqures vthn 24 hours. Contuct us toduy to puce un
order or us ev us 5,000 unts.
OfM sampIcs in haIf thc timc
Keeping Home Depot, Kohl's and Jo-Ann
stocked year round
\th 5,000 nev cruts unnuuy
1he sheves o our customers, the Home Depot, loh's und }o-Ann, ure
uvuys stocked vth up-to-dute cruts or Nev Yeur's, Luster, Chrstmus
und other hoduys. 1hut's becuuse euch yeur ve oer them u stuggerng
choce o 5,000 nev cruts doube vhut our compettors cun provde.
You too cun benet rom ths vust seecton. Choose rom u runge thut
ncudes cundehoders, suncutchers, vnd chmes und more, und
receve sumpes n ust three duys. \e' then muss-produce your order
Quanzhou Deyu Arts & Crafts Co. Ltd
Shunme lndustru Zone, Xume,
Nun'un, luun 362302, Chnu
1e: |86-595) 8676 6678
lux: |86-595) 8676 6668
L-mu: yukshnggobusources.com
\ebste: vvv.gobusources.com/deyu.co
n our l6,500m
uctory, to the AL o
your choce. l you need urge quunttes,
t's u good bet our 400,000-unt monthy
producton v cover you. 1o eurn more
ubout vhut ve oer, vst our onne
cutuog toduy.
Decorative metal planter
Stained glass bird feeder
Hong Kong
Oct. 20- 23, 2009
Booth No. 3E24
Were your source for
one-of-a-kind masks 90 percent
of our items are handmade. So we can
create shapes that cannot be duplicated
by machines. Our 104 employees have up
to 15 years experience each. Bring us your
specications, and well use our expertise to create a sample for
you in as fast as 10 days. For safety assurance, we see to it that all
of the dyes that we use conformto EN 71-3 and ASTMF963-03
standards. Each month, we make up to 30,000 units, so we can
handle your volume orders with ease. Visit our Global Sources
Online showroom to nd out more about our unique products.
Your sourcc for handcraftcd
papcr masks
Zhangzhou Co. For Int'l Techno-Economic Coop.
New Dawei (HK) Co. Ltd
Bldg. 15, Shiji Plaza, Xinhua East Rd., Zhangzhou, Fujian, China
Tel: (86-596) 219 9938/9939 Fax: (86-596) 219 9936
E-mail: angel@mask-venetian.com
www.globalsources.com/mask-venetian.co www.mask-venetian.com
Paper masks
11/F, Tower 5, Part 3, Natural Business Centre,
East Shifu Rd., Wenzhou, Zhejiang 325000, China
Tel: (86-577) 8988 9019, 8988 9629
Fax: (86-577) 8988 9619
E-mail: ericwang@vip.163.com
Wenzhou Evernew Ind. Co. Ltd
We have an exciting range of gifts
and promotional items for your
markets. We work with 10
suppliers, and theyve all been
with us for at least ve years.
They keep our selection
up-to-date with 20 new
items monthly.
Our collection includes
multifunctional LED and laser
novelties, gifts and promotional
items, electronic pet products and
high-tech gadgets all with CE, FDA and
RoHS marks. Weve handled OEM/ODM
projects for buyers like you for over 10 years.
Delivery takes 10 to 15 days. Inquire today.
20 new market-friendly
models monthly
Glowing shower head with
turbine-driven LEDs and
temperature sensor
42C to
45C, ashes
above 45C
32C or colder
33C to 41C
Gifts & Premiums July 2009 138 www.globalsources.com - Choose veried suppliers
Gumball Dispensers
from a 30-year OEM/ ODM
}on umous LS superstores n sourcng our gumbu
dspensers. Avuube n untque-stye metu und guss modes
or contemporury pustc vuretes, they're customzube to
your CLM speccutons. \e' gudy ushon dspensers or
you n the coors und shupes o your choosng.
1o ussure compunce vth consumer heuth und suety
stundurds o muor murkets, ve use ov-eud, ov-cudmum
punt n our products. And to ensure quuty, ve perorm
n-process und postproducton C tests n our 30,l50-squure-
meter munund Chnu uctory. Let u 30-yeur munuucturer
compete your order. Contuct us toduy.
gumball machines in
various shapes and sizes
Kwang Hsieh Ent. Co. Ltd
(Gumball Machine)
9l, No. l05, Sec. 3, Mn Sheng L. Roud, 1upe l05, 1uvun
1e: |886-2) 27l5 3839 lux: |886-2) 27l5 2l69
L-mu: sueskvunghseh.com.tv khecmsl0.hnet.net
vvv.gobusources.com/gumbumuchne.co vvv.kvunghseh.com.tv
What can our shower
r adios do for you?
Source our range of shower radios, and diversify
your product offering with unique items. We have
over 100 designs available, with some that
incorporate mirrors and LCD clocks for extra
value. Or, source our radios as promotional items,
like Dove and Head & Shoulders do, and put your
marketing message right into your users home.
As a unit of a Hong Kong trading group
established in 1950, we have fve decades of
experience supplying retailers, wholesalers and
distributors across Europe and the Americas.
Our catalog also includes a range of body boards,
battery-operated and educational toys, and hiking
sticks. For product details and sample requests,
contact Polly So at our Hong Kong offce today.
Faucet shower radio
Zinoki Ltd
Unit 15, 9/ F, Hing Wai Centre, 7 Tin Wan Praya Rd., Aberdeen, Hong Kong
Tel: (852) 2521 5225 Fax: (852) 2810 0191
Email: zinokitoys@globalsources.com
Website: www.globalsources.com/ zinoki.co www.zinokitoys.com
All trademarks shown here are for reference purposes only. Tey are the property of their respective
owners, and we are not authorized to sell items bearing such trademarks.
OEM shower radio
Shower radio with mirror
Shower radio
with LCD clock
July 2009 Gifts & Premiums 139 More new products - www.globalsources.com
When it comes to premiums, we are the preferred supplier of the
members of the Promotional Products Association International
and Advertising Specialty Institute. Since we ventured into
promotional LED production in 1993, we have successfully
created a string of best sellers in the market. Thanks to our
50 designers, we bring you more potential hits. The laser star
projector and sound-sensitive light shown here are suitable for
bars and homes and make excellent promotional gifts.
Each month, we produce up to 50,000 laser star projectors
and 150,000 sound-sensitive lights. This capacity enables us to
Factory: Fuyong, Baoan, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China
Sales ofce: 16/F, Highgrade Building, 117 Chatham Rd.,
Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong
Tel: (852) 2690 9808 Fax: (852) 2690 9802
E-mail: benny@moslink.com
www.globalsources.com/moslink.co www.moslink.com
Moslink Electronic Ltd
ship 5,000 units in just 30 days. We also ofer fans, keychains,
carabiner fashlights and other premiums. All of our items are
CE-marked for easy distribution. Inquire now.
Laser star projector with
built-in glass lenses
Sound-sensitive LED ball light
50 designers ready to work with you
Members of PPAI and ASI choose us
If youre looking for competitively priced
packaging boxes, were the supplier for you. With our own paper
factory and mold department, were able to keep production costs
down. For the past 10 years, Kappa has been working with us
because they value that we maintain their high standards without
high costs. Plus, we handle their volume orders with our large
capacity of 2 million shoe boxes, 3 million color-printed packaging
boxes and 500,000 gift boxes monthly. We followan ISO 9001:2000-
certifed management system, and unlike many of our competitors,
we adopt ink testing for our paper boards. E-mail us now to get
started on your order.
Dongguan Handsum Printing & Packing Co. Ltd
Sanfang Industrial Area, Xiansha, Gaobu, Dongguan,
Guangdong 523285, China
Tel: (86-769) 8592 6202 Fax: (86-769) 8589 5796
E-mail: handsum@globalsources.com
Supplying to Kappa for
over 10 years
Ct boxes
The illustration shown here is a drawing or other representation of the product. It
is not an actual photograph of the product.
Pr ovi di ng manufact ur i ng
schedul es ever y t wo days
Wh||e manufactur|ng fgur|nes and cards for c||ents such as
Peps|, McDona|d's, KFO and Ph|||ps, we've |earned that
commun|cat|on became |mportant for our customers. That's
why we respond a|| |nqu|r|es w|th|n two hours and prov|de
manufactur|ng schedu|es every two days. Ourrent|y, we have
three factor|es respons|b|e for produc|ng PvO, p|ast|c and meta|
products. Our month|y capac|ty |s 300,000 un|ts and OEM
serv|ces are ava||ab|e. lnqu|re now to get more |nformat|on.
Shenzhen Sinosparkle International Ltd
5F, B|ock 16, Gu|fangyuan, Buj|, |onggang, Shenzhen,
Guangdong 518112, Oh|na
Te|: (86-755} 8415 8844 Mob||e: (86} 139 2848 2395
Fax: (86-755} 8473 0086
E-ma||: jenn|fer@s|nospark|e.com
MSN: g|ftscn@hotma||.com Skype: s|nospark|e-jenn|fer
Figurines made with PVC material
Gifts & Premiums July 2009 140 www.globalsources.com - Choose veried suppliers
Pewter items used by Samsung
and LG for their promotions
For pewter products with quality that you can see at frst glance,
fip through our catalog. We have over 600 pewter souvenirs,
medals, trophies and crafts available. Major companies such
as Samsung, LG and Hyundai source our premiums, as do
government departments in South Korea.
With casting, buffng, CNC, engraving, pressing and laser-marking
equipment, we're able to render your exact design requirements.
Let us put our 20 years' experience to use on your next project.
Contact us in English or Japanese today.
Pewter trinket box
156-16 Dodang-dong, Wonmi-gu, Bucheon-si,
Gyeonggi-do, South Korea
Tel: (82-32) 677 6191 Fax: (82-32) 677 6192
E-mail: trade@ipewter.com
Website: www.globalsources.com/ipewter.co
Bokwang Pewter Co. Ltd
ISO 9001:2000
Pewter water jug and cup set
Kuo Kau Paper Products Co. Ltd
No. 31 Tien Shui Rd., Taipei, Taiwan
Tel: (886-2) 2559 5660 Fax: (886-2) 2559 5668
E-mail: kuokau@ms17.hinet.net
www.playingcards.com.tw www.globalsources.com/kuokau.co
Backed by our 30 years industry experience, our Royal- and
Queen-brand cards are famous for their crisp printing, durable
coatings and superior flexibility. Major airlines, tobacco
firms, automakers and Las Vegas casinos have
all turned to us for their playing cards.
Our 20 in-house designers come up with 500 new
designs monthly, so were sure youll find something
you like. We make 1 million decks of cards monthly,
and orders start at just 1,000 decks. We can get
you samples in a week, and complete your
orders in 15 days. Take advantage of our
quick turnaround times contact us today.
500 new designs monthly
A trudemurks shovn here ure or reerence purposes ony. 1hey ure the property o ther
respectve ovners, und ve ure not uuthorzed to se tems beurng such trudemurks.
Hong Kong
Oct. 20- 23, 2009
Booth No. 3G36
July 2009 Gifts & Premiums 141 More new products - www.globalsources.com
600 new items every year
Nov oerng uromutc vux sets
Our ability to create 600 newhome dcor items every year
is just one of the reasons why brand name retailers source
from us. These customers have pushed us to over $10 million
in annual sales of our own products and OEMdesigns. This
allows us to continue making quality aromatic wax products
and decorations year after year.
Weve recently partnered with a company that develops
fragrances. This has enabled us to offer you over 60 different
scents in a multitude of wax shapes. To join our growing
list of satised customers, visit our Global Sources Online
showroom today.
Provide Ltd
Rm. 2302, 23/F, Benson Tower, 74 Hung To Rd.,
Kwun Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong
Tel: (852) 2357 1051 Fax: (852) 2357 1184
E-mail: rebeccac@provide.hk
Website: www.globalsources.com/provide.co
Aromatic wax
pieces in mini
skillet holder
Wall hanging decorative signs
Delivery for
1.5 million units
takes 30 days
Cne o our cents n Lurope
vunted l.5 mon rosures
und bruceets. \thn our
uctory, our more
thun 200 sked vorkers
nshed the order n ust one
month. Not muny o our compettors
cun top thut. Modest requests or
us ev us l,200 unts ure vecome.
\e' get you u sumpe ust.
Creutng nev mods tukes 20 duys, und sumpes rom our exstng
nes need ust l0 duys. You cun choose rom over 2,000 rosury
und vooden every desgns. And every month, ve reeuse 30
nev tems. L-mu us toduy.
Wooden rosary
and bracelet,
various colors available
Zhejiang Tiantai Huanan Craft Fty
lumen lndustru lurk, 1untou, 1untu,
1uzhou, Zheung 3l7206, Chnu
1e: |86-576) 837l l888
lux: |86-576) 837l 0323
csmu.tzptt.z.cn - rosurygobusources.com
Rosary with
wooden beads
We have over 10 years of novelty
fag production experience. More
than 90 percent of our goods are for
export worldwide. We also make
mini-kits, fan scarves, windsocks,
nonwoven shopping bags, cooking
aprons and bandanas.
We`ve been the choice of the 2006
FIFAWorld Cup, 2008 UEFA
Championship and 2008 Beijing
Olympic Games. Coca-Cola, Sony,
the NBAand Avon also trust us to
make their promotional shopping bags
and fags. Samples take three to fve
days, and we turn out up to 1 million
pieces monthly. Inquire today.
Banncrs for thc 2008 Summcr
OIympics and UffA furo 2008
140-144, District 2, Ou`nan Gift City, Aojiang,
Pingyang, Wenzhou, Zhejiang 325401, China
Tel: (86-577) 6363 7589 Fax: (86-577) 2383 3885
Wcnzhou fIy Craft Product Co. ltd
Heat-transfer printed,
100%polyester mini-kit
All trademarks are shown for reference purposes only. We are not authorized to sell any items bearing such trademarks.
Heat-transfer printed
polyester fan scarf
Gifts & Premiums July 2009 142 www.globalsources.com - Choose veried suppliers
Chinas Christmas lights industry is emphasizing the
increased use of energy-efficient bulbs and alternative
power sources.
Two years ago, about one-ffth of the 1,000 suppliers
had the capability to make LED-equipped models.
Less than 20 percent of their total production was
allotted to the segment, as incandescent designs were
At present, the trend has reversed. Nearly all
companies boast regular manufacturing lines for LED
Christmas lights. In fact, such types now account for
60 to 70 percent of the output in most factories. There
are even suppliers such as Glamor Optoelectronics
Technology Co. Ltd that devote up to 90 percent of
production to the segment.
LED bulbs are favored for their low power consumption,
high heat tolerance and brightness. The components last
20,000 to 100,000 hours while incandescent versions only
average 3,000.
Further, they function properly in temperatures of -40
to 80 C and can be switched on and off frequently without
damaging the wires.
More China makers are also adopting substitutes to
electricity as a power source. For example, Shenzhen-based
Ever Bright Electric Co. Ltd has developed LED Christmas
lights that run on solar energy. Chinas production of such
models is projected to increase at an annual rate of 5 to 10
mphasis en Ls,
new energy seurces
Power-savlng bulbs that are
brlghter and last longer prevall
as new releases run on solar
energy or batterles.
Releases that rely on dry cells are receiving increased
attention as well. Typically, two or three AA batteries can
power between 20 and 30 bulbs for 48 to 72 hours.
String lights and rope versions formed into various
holiday-themed shapes are offered in China. Models at all
price points are available.
Some of the latest designs have novelty bulb housings
that resemble stars, pine trees, snowfakes, berries,
reindeers and Santa Claus.
Typical low-end string releases are good for one-season
use only. These have a basic linear construction, ftted with
single-color, steady incandescent bulbs. The life span is
short, ranging from 1,000 to 1,200 hours. The plugs and
cables are made of locally sourced ABS. Products with a
length of 5m are priced from $0.75 to $4.
Most midrange and high-end string models adopt LED
Icicle or curtain Christmas lights with 160 miniature
or rice incandescent bulbs go for $5 to $7.50. These 120
to 240V designs can last up to 25,000 hours, and display a
choice of patterns such as chasing, waving, blinking, slow
glow/fade and steady.
Upscale versions have a much longer life span, reaching
100,000 hours. The bulbs are usually sourced from
Taiwan, while raw plastic with high temperature resistance
is purchased in South Korea or Germany.
Using controllers, these can play Christmas melodies
that are synchronized with the lights blinking motion. A
5m-long design ftted with up to 200 bulbs starts at $8.
centinued en page 148 W
Sourclng update
Clamor offers model
CLS-A-08-01A-06, a
star-shaped LFu rope
llght wlth a bllnklng
effect. lts frame ls
made of steel and PvC.
5uppliers interviewed for this report:

Fver 8rlght Flectrlc Co. Ltd Clamor 0ptoelectronlcs
Technology Co. Ltd Cuangzhou world-ueco Croup Ltd
Llnhal Shencheng Chrlstmas Llght Fty Melzhou Angel
Clfts & Crafts Co. Ltd ueqlng wanll Art & Craft Fty
July 2009 Gifts & Premiums 143 More new products - www.globalsources.com
When you need to source diverse gifts and premiums in
volume, you can count on us. Each month, we ship up to
100 forty-foot containers worth of merchandise digital
photo frames, digital video cameras, keychains, handheld
games, novelty clocks, desktop novelties, home DVD
players and more. To ensure each product arrives in good
condition, our 20-member QC staff performs stringent
checks using an AQL of 1.5/4.0 or 2.5/4.0.
Tell us what kind of premiums youre looking for, and
well use our 12 years of international trade experience
and 35-member sourcing staff to fnd a partner factory
offering just the item you want. Or let our in-house design
team create a product that matches your OEM/ODM
specifcations. Have further inquiries? Contact our 40
sales staff members today. Theyll reply within 24 hours.
25/F, CEC Information Bldg., Xinwen Rd., Shenzhen, Guangdong, China
Tel: (86-755) 8294 7405 Fax: (86-755) 8294 7077
E-mail: sales@kingsun1.com
Website: www.kingsun1.com www.globalsources.com/kingsun1.co
Contact Person: Ms. Cathy Gao
We shi p 100 cont ai ner s mont hl y
Shenzhen Kingsun Enterprises Co. Ltd
Digital photo frame
With remote control
MP3 player
with crystals
LED light
Multimedia function
It's time to put our 18 years
of experience to work for you
We've been making a variety of wall and desk clocks for over
18 years. In addition to experience, you'll also benet from a large
capacity when you source from us.With 20 production lines in our
factory, our 1,000 employees can make up to 1.2 million
units a month.You may choose from 100 wall models, 600 desktop
models or 300 LCD models that our 50 engineers have created.
And they come up with up to ve new items every quarter. It's time
to start working with a long-term supplier, so contact us today.
Novelty desk clock with beep alarmand snooze function
Jinjiang Guanghua Electronic Clock & Watch Co. Ltd
Pujin Industrial Area, Longhu, Jinjiang, Fujian 362200, China
Tel: (86-595) 8522 0055, 8287 9999 Fax: (86-595) 8522 0099
ghclock@globalsources.com ghclock@ghclock.com
www.globalsources.com/ghclock.co www.ghclock.com
Energy-saving LED lamp
Eco-friendly printed
items with nontoxic
soy-based inks
Inprint Design & Printing Ltd
Rms. 1808-1809, Huameng Business Palace,
Chezhan Rd., Wenzhou, Zhejiang 325003, China
Tel: (86-577) 8890 1518/1528 Fax: (86-577) 8890 1517
inprint@globalsources.com info@inprint.com.cn
www.inprint.com.cn www.inprint.net.cn
Cardboard box with
photo inserts on each
side and heart-shaped
gif box
Our eco-friendly, printed products are
CE- and EN 71/3-compliant. We only
use nontoxic, soy-based inks. We have
implemented our own customized
system of quality management called
IPP360 (Inprint Press Process 360),
and we use Heidelberg
CtP systems.
Established in 1996,
weve maintained our
strong relationships with
material suppliers. Thats
why 90 percent of our buyers
reorder. Over 40 QC ofcers inspect
our products. Wal-Mart and Disney
have already chosen us. Inquire today.
Nonwoven cofee
carrier bag
All trademarks are shown for reference purposes only. We
are not authorized to sell any items bearing such trademarks.
Gifts & Premiums July 2009 144 www.globalsources.com - Choose veried suppliers
All trademarks shown here are for reference purposes only. They are the property of their
respective owners, and we are not authorized to sell items bearing such trademarks.
DlglIal subllmaIlon
grlnIlng ln 7 days
Flags are symbols of heritage and sources of inspiration. Our US-made digital sublimation
machine prints ags up to three meters wide and of any length. Orders of this kind take
seven days. We are one of two mainland China manufacturers that uses this technology.
The colorfastness of products is tested by TV. Our heat-transfer printing is grade 3 to 4,
and our digital sublimation printing is grade 5. We were an ofcial supplier to the 2008
Beijing Olympic Games.
Come to us for up to 1 million corporate, sports, national and car ags, banners and bags
monthly. All of our products are free of azo dyes, cadmium and heavy metals. We can
screen print or print on large format digital machines. Inquire today.
Industrial Zone, Zhuangqiao, Jiangbei,
Ningbo, Zhejiang 315032, China
Tel: (86-574) 8756 0620, 8756 0226
Fax: (86-574) 8756 0905
E-mail: nbheyuan@globalsources.com
Ningbo Jiangbei
Heyuan Textile Co. Ltd
I SO 9 0 0 1:2 0 0 0 I SO 14 0 0 1:2 0 0 4
Colorfastness testing by TV
Corporate ags
printed on digital
sublimation printer
Digital printed banner,
75 x 230cm
Embroidered golf ag
We carry out tooling in-house to realize your most
challenging shape and dimensional requirements at
cheaper costs. And with this workshop located alongside
design, printing and stamping facilities, we can ensure
that this low-cost process results in attentively detailed
products. By customizing our molds, coating our tinplate
with food-grade lacquer, and testing our seals to 0.4Pa,
were ensuring that you receive truly excellent gift tins.
Keeping everything in-house lets us work fast as well.
Well ship your custom tins in only 15 days. And no matter
how many of those items you want, with our 1 million-unit
monthly capacity, well be able to provide them. Get exactly
the design you envision. Call us today.
Dongguan Cheong Hing
Metal Container Products Ltd
Shuinan Chenwu 2nd Industrial Zone, Mingzhu Middle Rd.,
Shijie, Dongguan, Guangdong 523306, China
Tel: (86-769) 8632 8028, 8633 1988 Fax: (86-769) 8631 7393
E-mail: cheonghing@globalsources.com sales@cxzg.com.cn
Website: www.globalsources.com/cheonghing.co
In- house tool ing for l ower costs
Gift tins in
various shapes
All trademarks shown here are for reference purposes only. They are
the property of their respective owners, and we are not authorized to
sell items bearing such trademarks.
and higher qual ity
July 2009 Gifts & Premiums 145 More new products - www.globalsources.com
Packaging materials that attract Mattel and Hasbro
With 100 new designs monthly
We make it a top priority to ensure that all of our items meet
stringent quality standards. That's why high-prole international
buyers, such as Mattel and Hasbro, come to us for packaging
materials. Our QC team performs thorough checks on nished
products including washing, toxicity, colorfastness, tension
and shrinkage tests. All nished items are azo-free, meet
REACH, EN 71 and ASTM standards and are certied to the
RoHS Directive.
Our 14 years of experience is evident in our production
capabilities. Select from our assortment of intricate pouches,
cords, strings, ribbons, lace and lanyards -- to name a
few or bring us your specications for a uniquely crafted
order. With thousands of designs to choose from, and 100 new
styles added each month, we make sure you'll nd the perfect
materials to decorate your products with. Contact us today for
packaging from a quality-conscious supplier.
Dragon Max Weaving & Accessories Co. Ltd
Flat I, 6/ F, Block 4, Golden Dragon Industrial Centre,
182-190 Tai Lin Pai Rd., Kwai Chung, N.T., Hong kong
Tel: (852) 2389 8378 Fax: (852) 2389 8738
E-mail: enquiry@dragonmax.com
www.globalsources.com/ dragonmax.co www.dragonmax.com
Mainland China factory: 1st Industry Zone,
Qiaotou, Houjie, Dongguan, Guangdong, China
Tel: (86-769) 8558 0163, 8583 6569, 8590 2395
Fax: (86-769) 8588 3096
E-mail: tg_staff9@dragonmax.com
Velvet and organza
drawstring pouches
Velvet and organza
drawstring pouches
Decorative organza
drawstring pouches
Our smoking selection
contains hundreds of items
Wenzhou Yixin Smoking Co. Ltd
2/F, No. 18, Longfang Industrial Zone, Lucheng,
Wenzhou, Zhejiang 325000, China
Tel: (86-577) 8960 6599 Fax: (86-577) 8678 1997
E-mail: yixinsmoking@globalsources.com
Tobacco grinders
We bring your costs back down to
earth with in-house production.
Making almost everything
in-house means that we can offer
you extensive customization
options and work more closely
with you throughout the OEM/
ODMprocess. Youcanevenspecify
QC protocols by giving your
requirements directly to
our staff. Come to us
for hundreds of smoking
accessories, available in
thousands of specications.
We turn out up to 5 million
units each year, 95 percent
of which are exported.
E-mail us today and get
a response within 24 hours.
Smoking pipe
reassembles into
nut and bolt
portable ashtray
18 Zhongxing Rd., Xinzheng, Henan 451150, China
Tel: (86-371) 6262 2622 Fax: (86-371) 6262 2322
E-mail: mxx@globalsources.com mxx@lightstick.net
www.globalsources.com/allstars.co www.lightstick.net
Xinzheng All Stars Glow Toy Factory
We've been producing glow products since 1995, making us one
o the rst in mainland China. All o our items are made with
machinery designed in-house, so you can be condent that we
can meet your requirements.
We closely follow glow-industry developments and keep up with
the latest trends. Inrared and color-changing models are just
two o our up-to-date oerings. \e make up to 36 million units
monthly, all o which are ree o DBP and other toxins. Inquire
today - we`ll respond within eight hours.
We know glow
trust in our 14 years
of experience
Light sticks that use
nontoxic chemicals
Gifts & Premiums July 2009 146 www.globalsources.com - Choose veried suppliers
A tradition of
festivity since 1968
In the business for over 40 years, we have amassed
a catalog of over 2,000 original designs, including
garlands, tinsels, banners, cascades, velvet
bows and more. Choose from classic Christmas
decorations, or fromthe 50 newdesigns brought
to you annually by our teamof talented designers.
Youll nd everything you need to bring forth that
festive spirit, all in one place.
Our products are made of high-grade materials
such as nonammable PVC metallic lms, and
manufactured at our 8,000m
Computerized machinery helps us ll up to fty
Tangs Decoration Mfy Ltd
23/F, Blocks A/B, Boldwin Industrial Building,
16-18 Wah Sing St., Kwai Chung, N.T., Hong Kong
Tel: (852) 2421 3834 (4 lines) Fax: (852) 2480 3416
E-mail: info@tangs.com.hk
Website: www.globalsources.com/tangsdec.co
40-foot containers monthly, and ensures prompt
delivery within 30 days. Minimumorders start
at 10,000 units. Visit our Global Sources Online
showroomto viewour latest festive items.
Red/gold garland
Tinsel wreath
Halloween hanger
Discover our new smoke-free,
alcohol-based f ire bowls
Samples in just 5 days
Our featured re bowls are an attractive decoration for
indoor and outdoor spaces. Because they use alcohol-based
fuels, they are smoke-free, and dont require electricity gas
or wood. We currently have 15 models available for your
selection. Samples take just ve days, or 15 days if a new
mold is required. Start with an order for just 1,000 units.
You also can come to us for holiday decorations, novelty
stickers, CD racks and more. Every month, we add 30
new items to our selection of innovative home decoration
products. We keep up with international market trends
by attending trade shows in Las Vegas and Cologne. Our
trade staff will reply to your inquiries within 12 hours.
Inquire today.
Ningbo Magnetic Industrial Co. Ltd
5/F, Kaiyue Business Building, 9 Lantian Rd.,
Ningbo, Zhejiang 315010, China
Tel: (86-574) 2772 6500, 2772 6505,
2772 6509, 2772 6515
Fax: (86-574) 2772 6525
E-mail: magicind@globalsources.com
Website: www.globalsources.com/magicind.co 7XEMRPIWWWXIIPVIFS[PJSV
July 2009 Gifts & Premiums 147 More new products - www.globalsources.com
xperts s|ew due te s|ump
The economic crunch that hit key overseas markets
contributed largely to the 22 percent decrease in exports
of China-made Christmas lights. In 2008, the country
shipped 385 million pieces, down from the previous years
498 million.
The descent was less steep in terms of value, thanks to
the higher average per-unit value in 2008. Exports amounted
to $995 million, only 2 percent lower than 2007 levels.
Customs statistics show that 40 percent of China`s
exports in the line go to the US. Average monthly
shipments bound for there are valued at $35 million. Other
key markets are the UK and the Netherlands, importing
$6.2 million and $5.8 million worth per month.
Most Christmas light suppliers are located in Zhejiang
and Guangdong. Combined exports from these provinces
account for nearly 90 percent of the country`s total.
Companies in the former hub specialize in models that
target the low-end and midrange markets. The cities of Yiwu
and Taizhou are the chief manufacturing centers, with small
and midrange players dominating the supplier base. The
provinces monthly shipments average $38 million.
In Guangdong, most makers focus on upscale designs.
The bulk of production takes place in the city of Shenzhen.
Exports are valued at $34 million per month.
More sourcin opportunities online
5ave time searchin
0ne search provldes you wlth quallty results from
Clobal Sources verlfed suppllers - plus hundreds of
other suppllers and search results from the entlre web.
5in up for Product Alert
Source from your desktop wlth free e-mall updates on new
products and suppllers ln the categorles you want.
Product gallery, page 163
Llnhal Shencheng makes thls outdoor
Chrlstmas llght deslgned llke a peach
blossom tree. lt has 5mm LFus.
Int egrat ed manuf act ure of
prof essi onal RC product s
Cur Step Lp brund comprses u runge o proessonu RC products
thut grovs by over l00 tems unnuuy. Cur n-house deveopment
und munuucturng teums huve yeurs o experence. 1o stuy n touch
vth overseus murkets, ve huve R&D und murketng oces n
Lurope, the LS und }upun, n uddton to our uctes n 1uvun und
munund Chnu. \e oer CLM customzutons, und uso suppy
CDM products to cents ke Robotronc o Austru. You cun source
eectrc or ntro modes rom us, n smu or urge quunttes. Vst us
onne toduy.
kingstar Co. ltd
No. 46 Luu Rd., Luzhu 1ovn, 1uoyuun County 338, 1uvun
1e: |886-3) 353 0963 lux: |886-3) 3ll 7503
L-mu: ducheng.suesmsu.hnet.net
vvv.gobusources.com/ksrucng.co - vvv.stepuprc.com

2WD Off-road Electric
RC Stadium Truck
Max. speed: 50kph+
1/ 10 scale
gift boxes
Honest Vantage Ltd
2/F, Bldg. A2, Yinfeng Industry Hangcheng Rd., Gushu, Xixiang,
Bao'an, Shenzhen, Guangdong 518126, China
Tel: (86-755) 2163 3358, 2757 6048 Fax: (86-755) 2779 2290
honestvantage@globalsources.com market@chinahonest.com.cn
www.globalsources.com/honestvantage.co www.chinahonest.com.cn
We're transparent
when it comes to the
details that go into your gift
boxes. For instance, we provide
SGS reports to showyou that all
the materials we use comply with the
RoHS Directive. And for quality assurance,
we have 15 inspectors to monitor each
production step. Getting inspirations fromfashion trends
in South Korea, our R&D team develops over 10 new models each
month. For more information, visit our Global Sources website today.
Gifts & Premiums July 2009 148 www.globalsources.com - Choose veried suppliers
Chosen for gifts to kings, queens and presidents
S1 ycars of cmbroidcry cxpcricncc
lor over hu u century, ve've been hund-sttchng
embrodery urt peces. Cur products ure mude vth such
precson und curty thut the government o Chnu hus
repeutedy chosen to gve our vork us gts to vord euders.
ln l962, our embroderes vere presented to the lng o
Sveden. Cur products huve uso been gven to lresdent
lord und lresdent Reugun o the LS. 1her eedbuck vus
so postve thut ve vere then chosen to creute gts or the
ueen o Lngund n l986.
Cur stu ncudes 60 embrodery experts vho huve been
sttchng or over 30 yeurs. \e cun customze peces or
souvenrs, ne urt exhbts und more. \e ure even budng
our ovn urt museum n Suzhou to shovcuse the hstory
und trends o embrodery urts. lnqure nov.
embroidered artwork
100%silk double-sided embroidered fower screen
Suzhou fmbroidcry Rcscarch lnstitutc Co. ltd
9/l South, Ynsheng udng, l Hong Rd., lutun,
Shenzhen, Cuungdong 5l8000, Chnu
1e: |86-755) 2595 0966, |852) 2305 9688
lux: |86-755) 8209 5822, |852) 2243 3389
L-mu: topembgobusources.com - chnese_embhotmu.com
\ebste: vvv.gobusources.com/topemb.co - vvv.topemb.com
Over 500 EVA items available
Our EVA novelties are colorful, durable,
inexpensive, and are currently selling well in
Hallmark, Kmart and Wal-Mart stores. Choose
from more than 500 designs including growth
charts, puzzles, DIY stamp sets, toe
separators, bath toys, photo frames and
more. Your |deas and spec|fcat|ons are
also welcome. We are well experienced in
OEM projects and have a team of designers
and engineers who can create special items
just for your market.
Our 10,000m
factory in Dongguan has a
monthly capacity of 6 million units,
ensuring prompt delivery at all times.
To view more product samples,
visit our website today.
Vastbo Industries Ltd
Workshops 1-7, 6/ F, Kenning Industrial Bldg.,
19 Wang Hoi Rd., Kowloon Bay, Hong Kong
Tel: (852) 2389 7500 Fax: (852) 2389 4276
E-mail: vastbo@vastbo.com
www.globalsources.com/ vastbo.co www.vastbo.com
Floatable plane-shaped keychain
door safety guard
Dinosaur design photo frame
Duck-designed growth charts
July 2009 Gifts & Premiums 149 More new products - www.globalsources.com
lushng modue
Curd modue Sound curd Voce modue
Our in-house sound editing process
makes the difference
A muscu, voce und ushng modues ure not mude equu. Curs stund upurt
rom those o our compettors becuuse ve perorm u sound edtng process on
u the lCs ve source rom 1uvun. 1hree n-house engneers vth more thun
l5 yeurs o experence euch v muke sure our modues provde ust the rght
sound und ghtng eects you need.
Cur uttenton to detu s vhy toy und gt compunes uround the vord
source rom us. 1vo uctores und l6 producton nes n munund Chnu ure
uvuube or your orders, und cun produce up to 50,000 unts per duy. 1uk to
us toduy to source the rght sound und ushng modues or your products.
Tila Worldwide Co. Ltd
No. 1504-05, 15/F, Sunbeam Plaza, 1155 Canton Rd., Mong Kok, Hong Kong
Tel: (852) 2398 1338 Fax: (852) 2398 0880
E-mail: tilahk@globalsources.com
Website: www.globalsources.com/tilahk.co
4-year supplier to
major companies
Shenzhen First Union Technology Co. Ltd
3-5/F, Block 22, Bldg. A, 60 Xinan 3rd Rd., Baoan,
Shenzhen, Guangdong 518000, China
Tel: (86-755) 2784 6185/6191
Fax: (86-755) 2784 7287
E-mail: marketing@cssunny.com
www.globalsources.com/rst_union.co www.chinarstunion.com
Top companies in the US, the EU and Japan have been sourcing
from us since we began producing electronic cigarettes in 2004.
Our OEMcapability left such a great impression on themthat
they still source with us today. With 15 production lines that turn
out 200,000 CE- and RoHS-marked units monthly, we can ship
orders in just one week. We maintain quality by using TV-certied
components and implementing a strict QC program. Inquire now.
RoHS Directive-compliant
electronic cigarettes
You' l l get SGS
r epor t s f or
h0I00 p|000tI
00 0I|II
Source gt boxes, greetng curds und bugs rom us, und you' get
u SCS reports or the nshed products und the muterus. So
you cun rest ussured thut euch tem n your order s t to beur your
ogo. Send us your requrements, und our R&D teum v nsh u
sumpe or you n ust three duys. \e' process your buk order
usng Round ve-coor prnters or vvd gruphcs und hgh-speed
puper cuttng muchnes or ecency. Contuct us toduy.
WciHong Papcr & Printing Co. ltd (Wcida CoIor)
No. l02 Xngung North Rd., Xnvun, Humen, Dongguun,
Cuungdong, Chnu
1e: |86-769) 857l 7l68 lux: |86-769) 857l l797
L-mu: sues_sumchenvdprnt.net
\ebste: vvv.gobusources.com/vehong.co - vvv.veduprnt.com
Printed packaging available
in a variety of shapes, colors and sizes
All trademarks are shown for reference purposes only. We are not authorized to sell any items bearing such trademarks.
Gifts & Premiums July 2009 150 www.globalsources.com - Choose veried suppliers
Manufact uring a wide range of
color- changing product s
for morc than two dccadcs
\th more thun 20 yeurs o experence, ve munuucture
qud crystus und other muterus thut chunge coors under
derent temperuture und ght condtons. And ve cun udepty
uppy these muterus to mouse puds, every, stutonery tems,
dnnervure, thermometers, 1-shrts und more.
Cur 1uvun-bused producton uctes ure vhoy ovned, or
quck und cost-eectve order competon, und ve deveop 20
nev products every yeur to oer you more choces. You
cun source products vth our NCC brund, or send us your
CLM/CDM specs. Vst us onne to vev our vde runge
o coor-chungng tems.
New Prismat ic Ent erprise Co. Lt d
9l, No. 3 }un Y Rd., Chung Ho Cty, 1upe 235, 1uvun
1e: |886-2) 822l 370l lux: |886-2) 2226 l838
L-mu: nccnocoorchunge.com.tv
UV index cards,
use colors to indicate
UV intensity
Color-changing umbrella
Changes color under the sun
or UV light
Customizable with your logo
pencil, changes color
when held in hands
Customizable cards, available in many shapes,
designs, materials and boxes
Uni que pl ayi ng car ds
i n st yl i sh cases
Produced on a Heidelberg 7-color offset press
Cur puyng curds come n crcuur, rectunguur und other shupes
und even n trunspurent desgns. 1hey're puckuged n durube cuses
ushoned rom vood, stee und other uttructve muterus. And to
ensure vvd coors thut stund out n stores, our curd gruphcs ure
prnted on u Hedeberg Speedmuster 7-coor oset press rom
Cermuny. \e cun even prnt derent desgns on euch curd.
Lsng 32 yeurs o experence, ve provde customzuton
servces to the vord's thrd-urgest toy munuucturer. Cur
customers upprecute our ubty to prnt on ceur und
ov-ubsorbency muterus. lor tvo-veek turnuround tmes,
nqure n Lngsh or }upunese toduy.
No. 26 lu } lst Roud, An Nun Dst., 1unun, 1uvun
1e: |886-6) 384 ll88 lux: |886-6) 384 26l0
L-mu: no.hongtumsu.hnet.net
Hong Tai Pr i nt i ng Co. Lt d
Playing cards in circular and triangular designs
July 2009 Gifts & Premiums 151 More new products - www.globalsources.com
Unlike most other mainland China ag makers, we have two specialized
factories one for machine printing and another for hand printing.We offer
four-color printing by heat-sublimation, digital and screen processes. Delivery
takes seven to 15 days, and we can turn out 300,000 pieces monthly.We
supplied ags and banners to the 2006 FIFA World Cup, and bring more than
20 years of expertise to every order.
Custom samples can be prepared in just four days. Come to us for banners,
scarfs, cheering sticks and bandannas.We can hand print on thicker-than-normal
fabrics, such as spun and 300D polyester. Our hand-
printing services are ideal for oversized ags
measuring more than 3 meters in length
and low-volume orders.We promise a
same-day response to your inquiries.
Inquire today.
Scparatc faciIitics for hand
and machinc printing
Delivery in 7 to 15 days
Rms. 509/510, Hong Nan Investment Building,
939 Jinqiao Rd., Shanghai 200136, China
Tel: (86-21) 6162 3316/3318
Fax: (86-21) 6162 3313
E-mail: sales@seniorag.com seniorag@globalsources.com
Website: www.globalsources.com/senior.co
Shanghai Senior Flags Mfr Co. Ltd
Spun-polyester ag with screen printing, 1.8 x 3m
100% polyester car
and hand ags Nonwoven pennant
Pager gackages for
less slnce 2001
Ningbo Kaida Packing Fty
Dongqiao Industrial Area, Yinzhou,
Ningbo, Zhejiang 315157, China
Tel: (86-574) 8804 1031 Fax: (86-574) 8804 5570
E-mail: nbkaida2001@yahoo.com.cn
Website: www.globalsources.com/nbkd.co Cardboard tea box
Established in 2001,
we specialize in paper packaging.
We produce gift boxes, and packaging for
cosmetics, clothing and food. We also make tea tins
and cardboard displays. Our Ningbo base affords an abundant
raw materials supply, helping to keep costs low.
We thoroughly QC all raw materials and nished products,
and inspect during every phase of production. Five advanced
indentation machines, dozens of cutting machines, seven
production lines and hundreds of employees help
us deliver orders on time. Inquire today.
Cardboard gif box,
various sizes and
shapes available
OEM samples in
just 5 days
Thanks to the hard work of our six-year
R&D engineers, we can complete
OEM samples in our
in-house molding
workshop |n just fve
days. These specialists
have a|so bu||t up
our line to include
over 1,000 crafts made
of polyresin and other
materials. To help you
choose items that will sell
well in Western markets,
we also employ American
des|gners. Every one of the
1.5 m||||on un|ts we produce
monthly comes with RoHS
marks. Contact us now to
beneft from super|or R&D.
Polyresin vases
Star Craft (Quanzhou) Co. Ltd
5/F, lnternat|ona| Bu||d|ng, O|tong Rd.,
Ouanzhou, Fuj|an 362000, Oh|na
Te|: (86-595} 2211 9859/9869 Fax: (86-595} 2211 9870/3869
E-ma||: qzstar@g|oba|sources.com
Webs|te: www.g|oba|sources.com/qzstar.co
Gifts & Premiums July 2009 152 www.globalsources.com - Choose veried suppliers
Original designs from our
strong R&D team
Rm. 501, 5/F, Bldg. 1, Shenzhen Software Park,
Zhongke 2nd Rd., Nanshan, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China
Tel: (86-755) 3395 3228 ext. 8003 Fax: (86-755) 8615 5461
jwxh@globalsources.com jw@jw-gifts.com
www.globalsources.com/jw.co www.jw-gifts.com
Factory: 4/F, C6 Hengfeng Industry Building, Hezhou,
Xixiang, Bao' an, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China
Shenzhen J.W. Industries Co. Ltd
Novelty radio
wireless remote control
Laser presenter
Wireless mouse control
In the promotions industry, where suppliers seem to
offer the same things, we stand out by creating unique,
multifunction products. Our strong R&D skills have
earned us repeat business from buyers in North America,
Europe and Asia.
Backed by over a decade of experience, our 12
designers release fve new products quarterly. And during
trade show seasons, they up the ante with three models
monthly. With a knack for melding features and functions,
they can have your samples developed and molded in
just 30 days.
We can produce up to 600,000 radios, fashlights,
electronic cigarettes, remote controls, clocks, calendars,
USB peripherals and mini phones monthly. To start
sourcing original items for your promotions, inquire now.
Electronic cigarettes
Over 3,000 or i gi nal desi gns
If you are looking for original gift items, jewelry,
silverware or fashion accessories, take a look in our
catalog. We offer over 3,000 designs in 14 product
categories, so we are sure that you will fnd the perfect
items for your collection. We also specialize in OEM
cosmetics and fashion accessories.
We have two facilities for your orders, including one for silverware and
novelty metal items and another for jewelry. To ensure that your quality
standards are met, we conduct all production processes in-house from
concept artwork and prototypes to product refnement and volume
production. Our packaging facility can also provide a variety of gift and
display boxes to suit your marketing objectives. Find out why major jewelry
and silverware companies across the US, Europe and Asia put their labels
on our products. E-mail us today for details.
Joyas Mfg Ltd
Head ofce/showroom:
22/F, Park Building, 476 Castle Peak Rd.,
Kowloon, Hong Kong
Tel: (852) 2408 0880 Fax: (852) 2408 0906
E-mail: sales@joyas.com.hk
www.joyas.com.hk 4700MPE00
Silver-plated memo pad holder
Silver-plated desktop clock
Silver-plated photo frame
Card or paper holders
July 2009 Gifts & Premiums 153 More new products - www.globalsources.com
We offer tins for gifts,
CDs, candy, tea, coffee,
cookies and much more
Ju Bao Long Metal Can Co. Ltd
Xinja Industrial Zone, Sukeng, Changping,
Dongguan, Guangdong, China
Tel: (86-769) 8375 8789, 8375 8681
Fax: (86-769) 8375 8878
E-mail: tin@globalsources.com tin@dgjbl.com
Website: www.globalsources.com/dgjbl.co
We can cover markets of any size, since we have
no minimum order requirement and have a monthly
capacity of 3 million units. And we can do it quickly
too 100,000-unit orders ship in 8 to 15 days. So
whether youre a small store, or a multinational
distributor such as Disney, Wal-Mart or Coca-Cola,
youll receive the number of tins you need on your
If you need odd-shaped or specially printed tins,
youll appreciate the customization services our
32 designers, mold-makers and printers offer. Or,
if youre looking for standard-shaped packaging or
popular gift items such as pencil boxes and lunch
boxes, well help you save time and money by mass-
producing one of our 600 house models. To learn
how we can tailor our services for you, call us now.
No MOQ and a 3 million-unit monthly capacity
ISO 9001:2000
All trademarks shown here are for reference purposes only. They are the property of their
respective owners, and we are not authorized to sell items bearing such trademarks.
Shenzhen Kwongkee Science & Technology Co. Ltd
3/F, Bldg. 10, 228 Industrial Zone, Henggang, Longgang,
Shenzhen, Guangdong 518000, China
Tel: (86-755) 8933 2560/2563 Fax: (86-755) 8933 2405/2066
kwongkee@globalsources.com kevin@akeechina.com
www.globalsources.com/kwongkee.co www.kwongkee.cn
Materials and equipment
imported from
Looking for promotional products
ft to bear your logo? Then
work with us. Our materials and
molding equipment are imported
from Germany to ensure high
quality. And all items must pass
mandatory lQC, lPQC and OQC
stages. Our own brand, Akee,
is well-perceived and enjoys a
repeat-order rate of 95 percent. To
fnd out more information, contact
our English-speaking sales
representatives today.
cigarette holders
Photo frame specialists with hve new
developments monthly
Ningbo Wenda Craftwork Co. Ltd
Juedu Section, 329 Country Rd., Xiepu, Zhenhai,
Ningbo, Zhejiang 315204, China
Tel: (86-57) 4865 05158, 8786 3046, 8786 3047, 8786 3049
Fax: (86-574) 8650 5288, 8786 3048
E-mail: cnwenda@globalsources.com sales@cnwenda.com
www.globalsources.com/cnwenda.co www.cnwenda.com
Photo frames made from iron or aluminum, with velvet backing
Our monthly capacity is twenty 40-foot containers worth of goods. This
includes photo and picture frames made fromacrylic, leather, fabric, metal,
wood and plastic. And our R&D team creates fve new designs monthly.
Such capacity and selection is made possible by our 500 skilled employees
operating three assembly lines, 10 injection-molding
machines, six polishing machines and 20 punches.
All of our products are destined for export, most
as OEM orders for Europe and North America.
Inquire today.
Plastic photo frame
Gifts & Premiums July 2009 154 www.globalsources.com - Choose veried suppliers
Li ght up your company' s
name wi t h our si gns
Sunny Gift & Promotion (HK) Company
Rm. 601, K Zone, Global Plaza, Dongcheng Ave.,
Dongcheng, Dongguan, Guangdong 523129, China
Tel: (86-769) 2203 1789 Fax: (86-769) 2226 4113
dgsunny@globalsources.com market@sunnylightbox.com
www.globalsources.com/ dgsunny.co
Our R&D team creates 10 new
models monthly
All trademarks shown here are for reference purposes only. They are the property of their
respective owners, and we are not authorized to sell items bearing such trademarks.
Gain wide exposure for your brand by sourcing our products. We
accept OEM/ ODM orders for signs and displays illuminated by LEDs,
fber opt|cs, p|asma ||ghts, chem|ca| |um|nescence, neon ||ghts or
EL lights. Our designers create 10 new designs monthly and have
been customizing products for major buyers such as Heineken,
Corona and Miller for 10 years.
To make your signs eye-catching, we do silk-screen printing on
acrylic surfaces to create more vivid colors. If you would like to
preview our techniques, we can present you with a drawing in three
days and a completed sample in two to four weeks. For a look at our
products, visit our Global Sources Online showroom today.
Neon clock
Flashing pub sign
Plasma clock
Flashing premiums
customized for
major OEM clients
Enhance your brands recognition by placing your
|ogo on our fash|ng prem|ums - as He|neken, D|sney,
Wa|-Mart and Ooca-Oo|a have. Ohoose from our
range of mugs, pens, neck|aces, w|ne g|asses and
more. Each month, we add two new |tems to g|ve you
fresh |deas for your next promot|ona| campa|gns.
A|| our processes, from des|gn and mo|d|ng, to
assemb|y, s||k-screen pr|nt|ng and packag|ng, are
comp|eted |n-house for speed and qua||ty you can re|y
on. Our month|y capac|ty |s 400,000 un|ts, enough to
support your sourc|ng needs. Jo|n major buyers who
have the|r |ogos on our products. lnqu|re today.
Shenzhen Aokai Electronic Co. Ltd
B|ock 2, Max|mum lndustr|a| Park, Fuha| Rd., Fuyong,
Shenzhen, Guangdong 518103, Oh|na
Te|: (86-755} 2732 0458 Fax: (86-755} 3366 0103
aoka|@g|oba|sources.com szaoka|sa|es@163.com
Webs|te: www.g|oba|sources.com/aoka|.co
Promotional fashing mugs
July 2009 Gifts & Premiums 155 More new products - www.globalsources.com
Pcrfumc atomizcrs rcady for branding
Whether you are looking for perfume containers or
a unique premium to offer your customers, we have
the solution for you. Weve recently introduced the
featured refllable perfume atomizer, available in
over 100 colors. Your customers will appreciate the
convenience this product offers they only need
to connect the valve to any perfume bottle to refll.
And with a 4.5mL capacity, this item can be brought
anywhere, even on planes.
All production takes place at our facility
in Dongguan, where we oversee all QC
processes. We welcome your logos for printing
for increased visibility of your brand. Contact
us today to fnd out how you can beneft from
offering our products in your market.
fastcrn TcchnoIogy DcvcIopmcnt ltd
lut , l9/l, lederu Centre, 77 Sheung Cn St., Chu \un, Hong long
1e: |852) 2889 9088 lux: |852) 2889 9099
L-mu: suessunnycty.com.hk
vvv.gobusources.com/eusttech.co - vvv.sunnycty.com.hk
4.5mL refllable PP
perfume atomizers
Valve fts onto any perIume bottle
Soe Agent: 1.H.l Ltd
Attracting Argos,
and Plus
lresh deus come rom stmuuted
mnds. Cur teum o ve R&D
engneers vth more thun l0
yeurs o ndustry experence
uttend cuttng-edge trude shovs
such us the Ll Sprng lur und
Ambente n lrunkurt.
And u o our output ucheves u
quucuton rute o 99 percent. You
cun urther trust n our CL murk und
RoHS Drectve compunce. Your
CLM/CDM orders ure vecome. lor
your convenence, ve uccept orders
or us ev us 5,000 peces. Contuct
us toduy.
Nantong Yifa lighting Co. ltd
No. 6, }uzu lndustru Zone,
Sun Dun, Chongchuun, Nuntong,
}ungsu 226007, Chnu
1e: |86-5l3) 8525 5939
lux: |86-5l3) 8525 56l8
L-mu: ntyugobusources.com
Ball-shaped rechargeable
LED mood lights with
500 charges
LED mood lamp
Speci al i ze i n cust om gi f t boxes and
premi ums f or over 10 years
\hen t comes to munuucturng customzed puckugng, t s
evdent vhy bg buyer such us Svutch, Dsney, Shsedo und
A.S. \utsons come to us. \e've specuzed n gt boxes und
premums or over l0 yeurs, und huve the expertse to tuor
products to your murket needs. Cur runge ncudes every
boxes, cosmetc boxes, gt boxes und other promotonu gt
tems, mude usng puper, ubrc or lVC/lL euther. }ust send us
your specc requrements or your ovn desgn, und our R&D
teum v tuke cure o the rest. lnqure nov.
Promotional gift bags
Shantou GlD Arts & Crafts Co. ltd
lengnun lndustru Zone, \ushu, Longhu,
Shuntou, Cuungdong 5l5823, Chnu
1e: |86-754) 8579 9722/97l2 - lux: |86-754) 8579 5923
L-mu: stgdgobusources.com - gdgdcn.com
\ebste: vvv.gobusources.com/stgd.co - vvv.gdcn.com
ISO 9001:2000
Gifts & Premiums July 2009 156 www.globalsources.com - Choose veried suppliers
A supplier to Costco, Canadian Tire and Aiptek
\e've orged successu purtnershps vth urge-voume buyers ke Costco,
Cunudun 1re und Aptek. ut ve don't rest on our uures. lteen percent
o our revenue s renvested n R&D, so our engneers huve the resources to
reuze ther nnovutve desgns. And ve stuy on top o the utest trends n
the ndustry by uttendng top trude events ke the lnternutonu CLS und
Cel1 every yeur.
lt tukes quuty equpment to muke quuty products. 1hut's vhy ve've bought
one SM1 muchne rom 1oshbu or euch o the ve producton nes ut our
lSC 900l:2000-certed uctory. \e uso ussgn sx C specusts to vutch
over euch ne. Cur LRl system keeps the vhoe operuton runnng smoothy.
lor u purtner you cun rey on n the ong term, contuct us toduy.
Shcnzhcn MSD TcchnoIogy Co. ltd
Rm. , 2l/l, South Secton, Hube udng, 9003 nhe Ave.,
lutun, Shenzhen, Cuungdong 5l8000, Chnu
1e: |86-755) 8356 6379, 8346 6220 - lux: |86-755) 8356 6027
L-mu: msdsuesgobusources.com - ustnmsdtek.com.cn
\ebste: vvv.gobusources.com/msd.co - vvv.msdtek.com.cn
Contuct person: }ustn
1.5" digital photo frame with 8MB fash memory, stores
up to 58 images and ideal as Christmas ornament
1.5" 2-in-1 digital photo frame
and USB fash drive
2.4" digital photo frame,
supports MP3/MP4 playback
3.5" digital photo frame, supports
SD cards/MMCs and calendar function
60% of our wi ne boxes ar e expor t ed
t o Fr ance and Sout h Amer i ca
40 new designs monthly
Our wine accessories are trusted by discerning
international buyers. Jameson Whiskey, Guinness, The
Carlsberg Group and Chivas take advantage of our OEM
abilities for their promotional items. And 60 percent of
our wine boxes are distributed throughout France and
South America. We take extra measures to rene our
products, such as spray-painting the wine boxes and
lids simultaneously to eliminate color variation. And we
implement a strict QC regimen involving material checks
and inspections during and after production.
We release 40 new wine box designs monthly, and we can
customize one for you in seven days. Each month, we turn
out up to 50,000 wine boxes, allowing us to ll all orders in
30 days. And we accept requests for as fewas 1,000 units.
Inquire today.
Ni ngbo HCH I ndust r i al Co. Lt d
Rm. 3-26/27, Dushirenhe Building, 91 Yaohang St.
(19, 88 Lane, Junzi St.), Ningbo, Zhejiang 315010, China
Tel: (86-574) 8731 0921 Fax: (86-574) 8731 1021
E-mail: jmsying@gmail.com nbhch@globalsources.com
www.globalsources.com/nbhch.co www.hch-china.com
All trademarks shown here are for reference purposes only. Tey are the property of
their respective owners, and we are not authorized to sell items bearing such trademarks.
1-bottle leather wine box with 4 accessories
1-bottle wooden wine box
with poker chip set
July 2009 Gifts & Premiums 157 More new products - www.globalsources.com
We' ve passed f act or y
audi t s by Wal - Mar t ,
Tar get and Di sney
Cur l5 yeurs n busness huve gven us the knov-hov to
peuse urge-voume buyers. \u-Murt, 1urget und Dsney huve
conducted uudts o our tvo uctores, then begun pucng
orders. ut huvng top-notch producton uctes vhere ve
produce 30,000 gt boxes und 50,000 notebooks per month
s ust one o our udvuntuges.
Cur cents, vho uso ncude Corgo Armun und V&S Croup,
upprecute our ubty to render crsp, cooru gruphcs usng
Hedeberg und lomor oset prntng muchnes. You cun tuke
u ook ut our urtstry by vstng our Cobu Sources Cnne
shovroom toduy.
Dongguan Hel i Pr i nt i ng Co. Lt d
2nd lndustru Zone, uhuo, Houe, Dongguun, Cuungdong, Chnu
1e: |86-769) 8587 6lll, 8559 9488 - lux: |86-769) 859l 20l5
L-mu: nodghe.com.cn
\ebste: vvv.gobusources.com/dghe.co - vvv.he.com.cn
Notebooks with PP covers
Gift boxes
In-house production,
on-time delivery
In the 13-plus years that weve been exporting promotional and home
dcor items, weve never delivered an order late. To ensure a fast
turnaround, we make all of our molds and printing plates in-house.
At our four factories, we make up to 2 million signs, plates, posters,
buttons and badges, as well as metal and plastic gifts and crafts monthly.
This capacity allows us to meet the needs of global corporations such
as Target, Wal-Mart, Coca-Cola, UPS and Coors. To get a quick start on
your order, inquire now.
All trademarks are shown for reference purposes only. We are not authorized to sell any items bearing such trademarks.
Xiamen Joytie Industry &Trade Co. Ltd
Shanghai Palever Enterprise Co. Ltd
1500 Meichuan Rd., Shanghai 200333, China
Tel: (86-21) 5278 1069/1019 Fax: (86-21) 5278 1019
E-mail: tony@palever.com tonyyds@hotmail.com
www.globalsources.com/palever.co www.palever.com
Skype: tonyyds
EN 71
Metal sign with chalkboard
Metal sign and signpost
3-D poster
24 year s of exper i ence
i n ant i que desi gn
Flip through our catalog of 80 items,
and you'll nd the work of our in-
house design and molding teams, led
by our chief designer with 24 years
of experience. We've been creating
antique-style telephones for decades,
and now our Paramount brand is selling
well in the EU and the US. The model
featured here functions as a standard
phone, and is built in a classic style
that will appeal to your antique-savvy
customers. We can have an order
for 300 units ready to ship in
20 days, and our 21 QC
technicians will check it to
ensure quality. Call us now.
Par amount El ect r oni cs (Shenzhen) Lt d
3/F, Block I, Hepingdong Rd. Gangzhilong Industral Zone,
Longhua, Bao'an, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China
Tel: (86-755) 8170 8355 Fax: (86-755) 8170 8352
E-mail: szparamount@globalsources.com
Website: www.globalsources.com/szparamount.co
Classic antique-style telephone
Push-button/revolving dialing
Center medallion button for redial
Tone/pulse control
Volume/ringer volume control
Gifts & Premiums July 2009 158 www.globalsources.com - Choose veried suppliers
Ten new multigames seasonally
SampIcs in a wcck or Icss
\e oer numerous mutgume sets,
rom ney cruted l0-n-l desgns mude
o vood und euther to compuct, ov-prced
mugnetc truve sets. Chess, buckgummon,
domnoes und other gumes ure uvuube.
Snce l979, retuers n the Lnted Stutes, Cermuny,
the Netherunds, ltuy und lrunce huve been stockng
ther sheves vth our products. \e nov huve over
500 gumes to choose rom, und our l0-member R&D
teum desgns l0 nev products every seuson.
Cur mnmum order s ust 600 o uny tem, und ve
vecome your CLM/CDM requests. \e nsh most
orders n 30 duys or ess, und ve dever sumpes n
under u veek. Contuct us toduy.
Dukc lntcrnationaI Cards &
Gamcs Co. ltd
No. 3l 1en Shu Roud, 1upe, 1uvun
1e: |886-2) 2558 l686 lux: |887-2) 2556 8377
L-mu: dukedukegumes.com.tv
Hong Kong
Oct. 20- 23, 2009
Booth No. 3G35
Over 4,000 safety- appr oved
par ty favor s and decor ations
Offer your customers variety with over 4,000
party supplies. Our catalog includes festive
items suited for all types of occasions, and our
10 artists add at least fve new designs every
month. We also welcome your ideas and can
provide custom samples in three to fve days.
Buyers in the US and Europe have been
sourcing from us for 22 years. They trust us
for our EN 71, 21 CFR and ASTM certifcations
and prompt deliveries of 30 days. A 300-strong
production team at our 8,000m
factory is
ready for your orders. Inquire today.
Tai Sam (Party Fun) Ind. Co. Ltd
Flat K, 5/F, Wah Lik Ind. Ctr., 459-469 Castle Peak Rd.,
Tsuen Wan, N.T., Hong Kong
Tel: (852) 2416 8501 Fax: (852) 2411 5901
E-mail: tasso@taisam.com.hk
Website: www.globalsources.com/taisam.co
July 2009 Gifts & Premiums 159 More new products - www.globalsources.com
Promotional premium metal
items ready for your
brand and logo
St. Allen (H.K.) Company
Want your manicure sets and keychains to live up to your
brand image? We've got what it takes to make it happen. 0ur
factory in Zhongshan is the largest manufacturing
facility for nail clippers in mainland China, with 800 workers
and over 60 senior engineers, as well as advanced automated
and quality control lines and a professional R&D department.
Our products are selling well in 40 countries and regions,
including Europe, the US, Southeast Asia, Hong Kong and
Macau. And we've received the 'No. 1 Nail Care Brand in
mainland China' award for three consecutive years. Contact us
today to carry your logo further.
(A wholly owned subsidiary of Tsui Lung Group (Far East) Co. Ltd)
Rm. 2605, 26/ F, New Treasure Centre, 10 Ng Fong St.,
Sanpokong, Kowloon, Hong Kong
Tel: (852) 2752 6735 Fax: (852) 2322 0256/ 4688
E-mail: info@st-allen.com.hk
www.globalsources.com/ stallen.co www.st-allen.com.hk
7-piece manicure sets
9-piece manicure
sets with mirrors
500 million
boxes yearly
You can expect a perfect ba|ance between qua||ty and effc|ency
when sourcing gift boxes from us. Even though we' ll meet your
large orders with 500 million paper boxes and 400,000 wooden
boxes produced yearly, we ensure high quality with Heidelberg
and Mitsubishi printing machines, premium hot stamping
machines from Sweden and Japan, and ink from Japan and
South Korea. If you send us your own designs, we' ll engender
them with that very same quality in only three days. Join Nike
and Wal-Mart in sourcing from us now.
Rm. 9E, Ganlangpeng Garden, Caitian Rd., Futian, Shenzhen,
Guangdong 518035, China
Tel: (86-755) 8286 7435/ 7427 Fax: (86-755) 8286 7453
E-mail: yuanyin@globalsources.com sales@szyuanyin.com
www.globalsources.com/ yuanyin.co www.szyuanyin.com
Shenzhen Yuanyin Paper & Packaging Co. Ltd
Gift boxes
Flutes made with technology
from Germany
We source our futes froma Sino-German joint-
venture factory that utilizes advanced technology
fromGermany. So you can be sure that our
products are high-quality. We can supply up to
1 million futes per year. Our partner factory
also has clarinet-making technology fromJapan
that turns out up to 6 million units annually.
We inspect all products thoroughly and can
provide CE and EN 71-1/2/3 test reports.
Your packaging requests and orders for as
few as 3,000 units are welcome. Delivery
takes 30 to 45 days. E-mail us today.
Huize International
Trading Co. Ltd
Tianan Building, 270 Zhongshan Rd.,
Wuxi, Jiangsu 214001, China
Tel: (86-510) 8272 7605
Fax: (86-510) 8275 5890
E-mail: huize@globalsources.com
Wooden and
Gifts & Premiums July 2009 160 www.globalsources.com - Choose veried suppliers
Need gt boxes, keychuns, stutonery or photo rumes: \e cun muke t u n-house. Cur
producton cupubtes ncude: desgn und deveopment, de custng, pustc necton,
bov, steep und squeeze modng, spruy puntng, eectroputng, prntng, guss/ucryc
cuttng, und poshng.
\e vere the rst munund Chnu munuucturer to uppy n-mod decoruton technoogy to
gts und premums. Luch yeur, ve cun produce l80 mods und deveop l00 nev products.
Cur pustc-necton muchnes und modng center ure rom 1uvun.
\e've pussed Dsney's uctory uudt, und other sutsed customers ncude:
- Comestcs brunds: Avon, L'Creu, Muybene und Shsedo
- Lquor brunds: }ohnne \uker, Chvus Regu und Remy Murtn
- lhurmuceutcu compuny: lzer
Sumpes tuke three to ve duys. Cur 300 vorkers hep turn out up to 35 mon peces
unnuuy. Sturt vth un order or ust 5,000 unts. lnqure toduy.
Nunhong Secton, Zhenhu, Nngbo
lndustru Lstute, Nngbo, Zheung 3l5000, Chnu
1e: |86-574) 8636 9ll2, 8636 9ll7 lux: |86-574) 863 69lll
L-mu: nb-kyngobusources.com - kynnb-kyn.com
vvv.gobusources.com/nbkyn.co - vvv.nb-kyn.com
Ningbo Zhenhai Kylin
Craft Article Co. Ltd
We handle all production
steps in-house
In-mold decoration technology for gifts and premiums
Travel sewing kit with
comb and mirror Leaf-shaped plastic comb
Rose-shaped makeup
mirrors with case
ABS Black Label gift box
Made for Johnnie Walker
Automobile tail light
shape for an F1 promotion
All trademarks shown here are for reference purposes only. They are the property of their respective
owners, and we are not authorized to sell items bearing such trademarks.
Guaranteed safe lighters
Meeting BSEN ISO 9994:2006
and child-resistance standards
We don't just claimthat our lighters are safe we have the
BS EN ISO 9994:2006 certication plus an approval fromthe US
Consumer Product Safety Commission to prove it. We also meet child
resistance standards in Europe. This safety guarantee is valued by
customers in 70 countries, who purchase over 500 million units from
us each year. You too can benet fromthis advantage.
Choose from our range of 100 items, including barbecue, rellable
gas and disposable lighters. We'll process your order in one of our
three factories under an ISO 9001:2000-certied quality management
system. With 160,000m
of production space and 5,000 workers, we
can handle all your volume requests with ease. To start sourcing safe
lighters, contact us today.
Lighters with form-
fitting grips, available
in various designs
Zhuoye Lighter Mfg Co. Ltd
Gonghe Industrial Zone, Gonghe, Heshan, Guangdong 528300, China
Tel: (86-750) 831 8999 Fax: (86-750) 830 0111
Sales department: New Technological Industrial Zone, Xingtan,
Shunde, Foshan, Guangdong, China
Tel: (86-757) 2738 1742 Fax: (86-757) 2738 1730
zhuoye@globalsources.com sales@zhuoyelighter.com
www.globalsources.com/zhuoye.co www.zhuoyelighter.com
All trademarks shown here are for reference purposes only. They are the property of their
respective owners, and we are not authorized to sell items bearing such trademarks.
July 2009 Gifts & Premiums 161 More new products - www.globalsources.com
Werk with verified supp|iers
fer mere peace ef mind
These days, top buyers llke you
are more concerned than ever
about suppller quallty. Make your
sourclng process easler wlth these
thlrd-party pre-screenlng tools.
Credit Check:
Provlded by verlfy Screenlng
Solutlons & Slnotrust - two of
Asla's most trusted buslness
credlt reportlng agencles
Covers up to 12 buslness
categorles - more than anyone
ln the lndustry
Conflrms your potentlal
suppller's status as a legally
reglstered buslness
5upp|ier Capabi|ity Assessments:
0ffered through 8ureau verltas,
the world's leadlng solutlon
provlder for product
testlng, lnspectlons and
compllance audlts
Conflrm detalls about your
potentlal suppller's operatlons,
productlon capabllltles, C
processes and management
Plus, arrange your custom
product lnspectlons by request
To learn more, vlslt Clobal Sources
0nllne (www.globalsources.com)
A selectlon of Chrlstmas llghts from Chlna
ueqin Wanli Art & Craft fty
Model: wL012-M30}X-wh
Minimumorder: 3,000 unlts
0elivery time: 30 days
Price: $3.99
0escription: heart-shaped hanglng outdoor
llght, LFu rlce bulbs
Meizhou Anel Arts & Crafts Co. Ltd
Model: 62810-8CLkS
0elivery time: 60 days
Price: $16.8 per set
0escription: Clft box-shaped outdoor llght
set, 15x15, 20x20 and 25x20cm, color and
slze can be customlzed, CF, kohS
0uanzhou World-0eco 0roup Ltd
Model: wu-M00
Minimumorder: 500 unlts
0elivery time: 30 days
Price: $135
0escription: Santa-on-motorcycle deslgn,
11mm-dlameter LFu rope llght, metal frame,
2m rubber power cord wlth lP plug,
1.2x1.7m, CF, CS, kohS
Linhai 5henchen Christmas Liht fty
Model: LFu Peach 8lossom Tree Llght
Minimumorder: 50 sets
0elivery time: 20 days
Price: $200 to $250 dependlng on order
0escription: Peach tree-shaped outdoor
llght, 5mm LFus, PvC cord wlth artlflclal
blossoms, 18m hlgh
0lamor 0ptoeletronics 1echnoloy Co. Ltd
Model: CLS-A-08-01A-06
Minimumorder: 500 unlts
0elivery time: 30 days
Price: $29
0escription: Star-shaped LFu rope llght,
bllnklng effect, steel and PvC frame,
80x60cm, CF, CS, kohS, uL, CuL
fver riht flectric Co. Ltd
Model: Lu7127
Minimumorder: 1,000 unlts
0elivery time: 90 days
0escription: kelndeer-shaped outdoor llght,
acryllc frame, LFus, 8ln hlgh, 8S, CS, SAA,
Sourclng update
July 2009 Gifts & Premiums 163 More new products - www.globalsources.com
Advanced PIN and password
protection features
Up to 40 million pieces monthly
\e specuze n munuucturng curds thut v keep your vuuube
normuton secure. \e've nvested n udvunced uctes to ensure thut
your prepud phone, smurt, Rl, mugnetc und burcode curds ure sue.
Cur lSC 900l:2000-certed ndustru purk covers un ureu o over
, ncudng u 5,000m
dust-ree vorkshop. Cur producton
equpment ncudes u Hedeberg our-coor oset prnter, l0 codng
muchnes rom Cermuny, und our muchnes to ndvduuy vrup our
curds. Cur monthy cupucty s 40 mon peces.
\e've supped curds to nternutonu buyers n the bunkng,
teecommuncutons, tuxuton, securty, postu, educuton, nsurunce,
shoppng und uccommodutons ndustres.
\e cun prepure custom sumpes n ust three to ve duys, und huve
oces throughout munund Chnu or your convenence. Vst our
Cobu Sources Cnne shovroom to see more und then e-mu us toduy.
Zhejiang Jiaheng Cards Co. Ltd
l88 Dongeng Rd., }nxung, Cungnun, \enzhou,
Zheung 325805, Chnu
1e: |86-577) 6456 l905 lux: |86-577) 6456 l904
uhenggobusources.com - yeyemmyl63.com
vvv.gobusources.com/uheng.co - vvv.uhengcurd.com
Scratch cards with PIN and serial numbers
Available in PVC or cardboard
Thickness: 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6 and 0.76mm
Custom-shaped promotional card
with four-color printing
Magnetic card made
of PVC, with HiCo
or LoCo magnetic strips
All trademarks shown here are for reference purposes only. They are the property of
their respective owners, and we are not authorized to sell items bearing such trademarks.
Our 38 years of creating glass ornaments has furnished us with
the experience that our customers like Kohls, Ikea and Macys look
for. Our R&D teamfromTaiwan is constantly on the lookout for
trends and innovation in the home dcor industry so that they can
provide you with more than 1,000 new designs to choose from
each year. All of our products, including decorative balls, gurines
and candleholders, are in great demand throughout North America
and Europe. To learn more about what we have to offer, visit our
website today.
Decorative glass
Christmas balls
R&D that Ikea, Macys and
Kohls trust
Yi Fon Gift Factory
123 Changshun St., Changtang 3rd Industry Park,
Dalang, Guangdong, China
Tel: (86-769) 8331 2875 Fax: (86-769) 8331 2465
E-mail: yifon@163.net yifon@globalsources.com
Website: www.globalsources.com/yifon.co www.yiyiglass.com
Taiwan Ofce: 209 Tung Hing St., Hsin Chu City, Taiwan
Tel: (886-3) 571 3115 Fax: (886-3) 571 1366
Victoria's Secret wouldn't
source just any
gift boxes
The elegance of our handmade gift boxes has
attracted orders from Victoria's Secret. We
rendered their designs ourselves, and they approved the frst sample
we made without modifcations just as all of our clients have for the
past three years. Our 20 designers also create up to 100 new items per
month using a wide variety of materials, including paper, wood, leather
and metal. During production, 30 QC technicians performinspections
at each stage to ensure the level of quality that world-famous
companies expect. To put our artistry to work for you, contact us today.
Gift boxes
All trademarks are shown for reference purposes only. We are not
authorized to sell any items bearing such trademarks.
Fullsun International Enterprise Ltd
Bldg. 36, Fuxing Industry Zone, Xiagang, Changan, Dongguan,
Guangdong 523000, China
Tel: (86-769) 8547 0655 Fax: (86-769) 8547 0699
E-mail: anny@fullsungroup.com
Website: www.globalsources.com/fullsungroup.co
Gifts & Premiums July 2009 164 www.globalsources.com - Choose veried suppliers
Source the promotional gift sets
Avon chooses
\e never tuke chunces vhen t comes to the suety
o our buth products. A our puper und gycern
soups us ve us bubbe zzes ure hundmude usng
nuturu muterus. So ure our eu und buth conett
gt sets und suts. LN 7l, lDA, l1S und MSDS
upprovus conrm thut our tems ure sue or most
skn types. 1hs suety ocus s u muor reuson vhy
Avon, l&C und \u-Murt source rom us.
rovse our cutuog, und somethng nterests you,
ve' send you u sumpe n ust tvo duys. Cnce ve
receve your conrmuton, ve' your order und
huve t reudy to shp n 20 duys. \e produce up to
Sl mon vorth o merchundse unnuuy, so ve're
reudy or voume purchuses. lnqure toduy. Cur
sues stu v respond to you vthn sx hours.
8/l, dg. l, lndustru Vuge, Nutonu H-1ech Deveopment Zone,
Cungkou Rd., loshun, Cuungdong 528000, Chnu
1e: |86-757) 8383 2369/698l - lux: |86-757) 8383 239l
L-mu: exportstc-cn.com
vvv.gobusources.com/stc.co - vvv.stc-chnu.com
STC Bath & Body Carc fty
Natural plant soap
Paper soaps
Adapting to diferent
buyer needs for 33 years
Munuucturng gt und storuge boxes or export
snce l974, ve huve penty o experence uduptng
to derent buyer needs. \e've creuted trnkets or
curtoon brunds, stysh yet uordube storuge sets
or home mprovement retuers und ood-grude
promotonu contuners or cundy mukers.
}on these buyers n benetng rom our exbty.
You cun pck rom the l0 nev desgns ve udd to
our shovroom monthy. Cr usk our l0-member
desgn teum to creute u seres o sumpes mutchng
your brund phosophy. Lther vuy, you ure
guurunteed u monthy producton cupucty o
eghty 40-oot contuners und u eud tme o 30 to
35 duys. Dscuss your requrements vth us toduy.
Xiamcn Raydcng Papcr Craft & Art Co. ltd
2026 }etou Rd., Muxung Xungun, Xumen, Chnu
1e: |86-592) 768 0l25, 65l 8258
lux: |86-592) 768 0l27, 65l 8266
georgetsums94.ur.com.tv - ruydenggobusources.com
vvv.gobusources.com/ruydeng.co - vvv.ruyku.com
Photo frame made of paper
Storage box made of cloth and paper
ISO 9001:2000
July 2009 Gifts & Premiums 165 More new products - www.globalsources.com
Responsi bl e, ecofr i endl y
and t r ust ed
by Di sney and QVC
As a responsible company, we not only are devoted to our clients, but to
the environment as well. Our products comply with the RoHS Directive,
are FDA-approved, and certied by SGS. Attributable to our efforts, we've
attained clients such as Disney and QVC who enjoy our industry leading
products from purse hangers to cuff links.
We are capable of manufacturing 30 to 50 new products per month.
In-house molding, eight sets of molds and 10 mold engineers are all
available to you. For customizations, we have eight experienced R&D
Weizhongjie (Dongguan)
Metal Handcraft Fty
12-16 Jinxia Rd., Shixia, Dalang,
Dongguan, Guangdong 523770, China
Tel: (86-769) 8386 7846 ext. 808 (86-769) 8320 9066 Fax: (86-769) 8386 7837
E-mail: vjbadges@globalsources.com sales@vjbadges.net
Website: www.globalsources.com/vjbadges.co www.vjbadges.net
engineers capable of providing
samples within three to four days.
To nd out more, contact our French
and English speakers today.
Purse hanger with crystals
Magnetic foldable purse hanger
Cuf link buttons
Up t o 1 mil lion games, t oys
and puzzles mont hly
The NBA, KFC and Kia are just
some of the big buyers that have
discovered our games, toys, puzzles
and promotional items.We can
deliver up to 1 million units monthly
for your volume orders.
Our ISO 9001:2000-certied
facilities include computerized plastic
injection machines, automatic lathes,
punches, ultrasonic welding machines
and 12 OEM-ready production lines.We
offer products with EN 71 approvals.Visit
our Global Sources Online showroom for
details and then send us an e-mail today.
Ningbo Junye St at ioner y
& Spor t s Ar t icles Co. Lt d
28 Bali Rd., Zhoujiaduan, Zhangqi,
Cixi, Ningbo, Zhejiang 315313, China
Tel: (86) 135 6781 9599
Fax: (86-574) 6375 3636
E-mail: nbjunye@globalsources.com
All trademarks are shown for reference purposes only. We are
not authorized to sell any items bearing such trademarks.
Cube puzzle with
multicolor printing
ashtray and
basketball toy
UniqucIy dcsigncd acryIic
and mctaI itcms backcd by
1S ycars' cxpcricncc
We use our 15 years' experience to craft unique acrylic and
metal gift items. Select from our own catalog, or bring us your
ideas and our team of designers will create a customized
product based on your requirements. Our range includes
medals, pins, acrylic gift displays, plastic picture frames and
metal keychains . Our monthly capacity is 100,000 units, and
we can have your orders ready in as fast as 10 days. Contact us
today to offer unique items in your market.
A2 Mfg Co. Ltd
Acrylic metal pins and award medals
Rm. 805, 8/ F, 1 Hung To Rd., Kwun Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong
Tel: (852) 2782 5968 Fax: (852) 2782 5962
E-mail: info@a2mfg.com
Website: www.globalsources.com/ a2.co www.a2mfg.com
Mainland China address:
Xie Gan Zhen Cao Le Guan Li Qu, Xinwei,
Dongguan, Guangdong, China
Gifts & Premiums July 2009 166 www.globalsources.com - Choose veried suppliers
We carry out 8 separate tests
And our 60-member QC team
makes sure they're done right
Function tests, tinning tests, structure tests, salt spray tests,
drop tests, life-span tests, high voltage tests, insulated resistance
tests. We put our products through a barrage of inspections at our
factory to make sure they pass the most important test of all: your
customers' satisfaction. With 60 QC specialists, 10 for each of our
six production lines, we have the manpower to make sure these
tests are performed thoroughly and effciently.
All of our products which include digital photo frames and DVD
players - have CE, UL and FCC certifcates for easy import. We offer
extensive after-sales service and will even send a technician to your
location for support if necessary. Contact us now to fnd out why
our products have penetrated markets all over the world.
Grand Electronics (Shenzhen) Co. Ltd
5/F, Bldg. B, Fuxinlin Park, Hangcheng Industrial Zone, Xixiang,
Bao' an, Shenzhen, Guangdong 518126, China
Tel: (86-755) 6111 3845 Fax: (86-755) 6111 3569
E-mail: carid@globalsources.com salegrd@163.com
Website: www.globalsources.com/carid.co www.szkrd.com 9" portable DVD
player with built-in
Dolby AC-3 decoder
7" digital photo frame*
DVD player with two speakers
The illustration shown here is a drawing or other representation of the product.
It is not an actual photograph of the product.
Top cosmetics brands like LOral, Shiseido and Amway have
been coming to us for years because of the huge variety of
compact, upright and wall mirrors we offer. We offer 100 models
to choose from, showcasing special features like embossed
patterns, dome casings and detachable handles, so were sure
you'll also fnd just what you're looking for. And to keep up with
trends, our R&D team develops 20 new models yearly.
We dont stop with a diverse selection. Well handle your volume
orders with our monthly production capacity of 2 million mirrors.
These items come with one-year guarantees. Plus, they are
checked by our QC staff at fve different stages to ensure they
are of the quality you expect. Contact us today.
Wide variety of
makeup mirrors
ISO 9001:2000
Star Corporation
137-108, Mia-Dong, Kangbuk-Gu, Seoul, South Korea
Tel: (82-2) 988 0030 Fax: (82-2) 989 5300
E-mail: star@starcorp.co.kr
Tabletop/handheld mirrors
Compact mirrors
with rose designs
July 2009 Gifts & Premiums 167 More new products - www.globalsources.com
Blue Bond Technology Industry Co. Ltd
Blue Bond Technology Stationery Factory
No. 20, Aey 9, Lune l33, Nunkng L. Rd., Sec. 4, 1upe l0580, 1uvun
1e: |886-2) 27l2 2580/l, 27l8 88ll/8833 lux: |886-2) 27l5 3866
L-mu: buebondms23.hnet.net
vvv.gobusources.com/buebond.co - vvv.lenChnu1uvun.com
A trudemurks shovn here ure or reerence purposes ony. 1hey ure the property o ther respectve ovners, und ve ure not uuthorzed to se tems beurng such trudemurks.
Promotional Pen
Cur bunner pen s u uvorte murketng too umong bg nume cents such us lzer, M\
und Cocu-Cou. 1hs s becuuse our pen s but vth u retructube bunner vhere un
udvertsng messuge or ogo cun be prnted. And the burre s uvuube n vurous
coors to mutch uny product thut you ure seng. lt s uso compuct und ghtveght
so t cun be eusy uttuched to your product vthout uterng ts puckugng mukng
t un deu promotonu tem.
enet rom our over 30 yeurs o pen-mukng experence by uovng us to
turn your CLM/CDM concept or u bunner pen, bupont pen, novety pen or
mutunctonu pen nto u nshed product n 20 duys. Contuct us toduy.
Promotional pen
Banner retracts
Available in
assorted solid,
transparent and
metallic colors
Double-sided printing
Sourced by Pfizer and Coca-Cola
We invest $145,000 annually in R&D
To ofer your customers innovative and
interactive game accessories, partner with
us. We invest over $145,000 in R&D every
year for the purpose of building new-and-
improved game accessories. Our product
selection is upgraded regularly due to our 50
engineers, 20 of which have over four years
of experience. All of our products comply
with the RoHS Directive and are CE-certifed
for hassle-free distribution in major markets.
To fnd out more, contact us now.
Video game controller
Cypher Groups Co., Ltd
Rm. D08, 4/F Huafeng Plaza, Factory Bldg. 3, Shapu Industrial
Rd., Shenzhen, Guangdong 518133, China
Tel: (86-755) 2785 8789 Fax: (86-755) 2785 8126
E-mail: cyphergroups@globalsources.com
All trademarks are shown for reference purposes only. We are not authorized to sell
any items bearing such trademarks.
Dance pad for Dance
Dance Revolution
Crystal items sourced
by Rmy Martin
LED keychain made of
crystal, 3 x 2 x 1.5cm
Come to us for over
1,000 crystal items, updated
with 10 new creations monthly. We use
3-Dlaser-incision equipment to produce our
deep-carved series, which features ornamental
animals, birds, sh and owers. And we meticulously
burnish each piece by hand.
The government of Kuwait gives our crystal products as gifts both to
party members and associates. And Rmy Martin sources our goods
for their promotional projects. Customsamples take three days.
We turn out up to 5,000 vases, 30,000 ashtrays and 10 million
keychains monthly. Inquire today.
K9 crystal ashtray
available in various
designs and colors
Kaiyue International
(China) Co. Limited
175 North Xishan Rd., Pujiang, Jinhua,
Zhejiang 322200, China
Tel: (86-579) 8451 5551, 8408 8553, 8408 8552
Fax: (86-579) 8408 8955
E-mail: james@hyattcrystal.com
www.globalsources.com/hyattcrystal.co www.hyattcrystal.com
Gifts & Premiums July 2009 168 www.globalsources.com - Choose veried suppliers
Nothing here but fun and games
20-year game manufacturing specialist
Mugnetc truve
Sudoku gume sets
Supcr Accord lndustriaI ltd
Rm. 906, Century Centre, 44-46 Hung 1o Rd., lvun 1ong, lovoon, Hong long
1e: |852) 2345 l02l lux: |852) 234l 4372 L-mu: superuccgobusources.com
\ebste: vvv.gobusources.com/superucc.co
MainIand China factory: Ping Di lai Po PIastic Toys Mfy
lng D 1hrd lndustru Dstrct, ock 303, Shenzhen, Cuungdong
lor the pust 20 yeurs, ve've munuuctured
nothng other thun gumes, und ve're pretty
good ut t too. Cur customers n Lurope
ke our products so much thut our sues
voume nov surpusses S250,000 monthy.
And vth u sorts o gumes uvuube n our
cutuog rom bourd gumes und mugnetc
gumes to educutonu gumes und truve gume
sets, ve're sure you' nd somethng your
customers v ke us ve.
A munuucturng processes ure perormed
n-house ut our munund Chnu uctory,
vhere desgns cun be customzed to sut your
needs. A our products ure CL-upproved.
\e nov uso oer u runge o un gts und
premum tems, und ve vecome your CLM
orders. Cu toduy or detus.
Our 300 tree models include
pre-decorated varieties
Come to us for more Christmas tree options than a pine plantation. Our selection
contains 300 models of artifcial trees, including pre-decorated and fber-optic
varieties. Unlike our competitors, who rely on reprocessed materials, we use frst-run
PVC and PET for a sofer, more authentic texture.
Retail chain Tchibo relies on us for a steady supply of products during the holiday
rush. Our 8,000m
factory turns out up to 10,000 Christmas trees daily. We also
ofer wreaths, garlands, and plastic and glass decorations all SGS-approved and
compliant with the RoHS Directive.
Our little R&D helpers create 20 new items monthly. We use imported production
equipment for precision and reliability that our competitors domestic machinery
cant deliver. Well ship your order in as few as 30 days. Inquire today.
New PVC and PET f or sof ter, more authenti c text ure
Shanghai Afala International
Trade Co. Ltd
Rm. 26G-H, Huanxian Plaza, Bldg. 1, 515 Yishan Rd.,
Shanghai 200233, China
Tel: (86-21) 3414 1591 Fax: (86-21) 3414 1592
E-mail: afala@globalsources.com info@afala.cn
PVC Christmas tree
Christmas balls,
decorated with glitter
July 2009 Gifts & Premiums 169 More new products - www.globalsources.com
Find the most extensive range of items that includes paper
products, metal products, organizing supplies, writing
pads, school and ofce supplies, art and design materials,
computer accessories, gift items and drawing
materials among other products.
Register now and take advantage of unlimited
sourcing opportunities.
Korea Stationery Industry Cooperative
Korea Stationery Center, 186-33, Jangchungdong 2-ga,
Jung-gu, 100-855, Seoul, South Korea
Tel: (82-2) 2278 7891/7892/7893/7894/7895 Fax : (82-2) 2275-1065
E-mail: webmaster@ksic.co.kr Website: www.sisfair.co.kr
Convention & Exhibition (COEX), Seoul, South Korea
Our network of four factories
produces a wide variety of
gift and promotional
products with different
cultural themes. High-prole
companies such as P&G,
Anheuser-Busch and
Coca-Cola trust our
selection. They appreciate
our 50 new annual offerings
and ability to quickly turn
design ideas into nished products.
Our product range includes jewelry holders,
decorative wine and tissue box covers, cushions, purses,
handbags, chopstick sets, fruit bowls and carved furniture.
To benet fromservices trusted by leading multinationals,
Inquire today.
Premiums trusted by P&G
and Anheuser-Busch
Handsoul Arts & Crafts Co. Ltd
Jiangbei Light Industrial Park Zone, Dongyang,
Zhejiang 322100, China
Tel: (86-579) 8635 1516, 8528 7263
Fax: (86-579) 8635 1516
E-mail: cnhandsoul@gmail.com
Website: www.globalsources.com/handsoul.co
Jewelry bag
Wine bottle cover
ln onllne, prlnt and at trade shows, Clobal Sources
brlngs you new products and verlfled suppllers
from Creater Chlna.

vlslt www.globalsources.com today!
uan Katz
Managlng ulrector
Mostech Ltd
"C|eba| 5eurces
is a true users'
guide te fantastic
Gifts & Premiums July 2009 170 www.globalsources.com - Choose veried suppliers
Chosen by Wal-Mart
and Carrefour
fnjoy thc varicty of our 40 ncw itcms monthIy
g retuers huve bg choces to muke. \e've met u o the requrements
sought-uter by \u-Murt, l-murt und Curreour. lor sturters, ve huve u
sumpe eud tme o ust tvo to three duys or tems not needng u nev
mod. And ve' deveop u nev mod uccordng to your speccutons
n 45 to 60 duys busc ornuments tuke ony seven to l0 duys.
A o our producton sutses SCS und RoHS Drectve reguutons. And
our uctes ure LN 7l und lSC 900l:2000-certed. Choose rom the 40
nev tems thut our R&D teum creute euch month. \e brng over 20 yeurs
o ndustry experence to your proects, und ve export vordvde. Vst our
Cobu Sources Cnne shovroom und send us un e-mu toduy.
Battery-operated Santa Claus
decoration with lights and music
Christmas decoration
made of resin and glitter
Christmas bell and
ball decoration
GoIdcnbcII Gifts &
Toys Co. ltd
2-3/l, No. 2, dg. 30, Areu 2,
Yueyung, Yvu 322000, Chnu
1e: |86-579) 8536 39l7,
8536 20l7
lux: |86-579) 8537 4804
Ar ms Gr oup of Compani es I nc.
6l, No. 306 lu-1eh Roud, Sec. 4, 1upe, 1uvun
1e: |886-2) 2769 7663 lux: |886-2) 2760 3075
L-mu: urmsmsl3.hnet.net
vvv.urms-group.com - vvv.gobusources.com/urms.co
Munund Chnu uctory: Zhongtung, Dongguun
Poker chi p boxes, chessboar ds,
humi dor s and ot her l uxur y gi f t s
Snce l986, ve huve desgned und munuuctured u vde runge o uxury tems
ke the poker chp box eutured here. \e export neury l mon products
unnuuy to the LS und Lurope testument to our producton cupucty und
ndcutve o the popuurty thut our tems v enoy n your murket.
\e oer our sourcng purtners compettvey prced producton n munund
Chnu, exbe devery schedung und products munuuctured to exuct quuty
speccutons u greut combnuton o vuue und servce. Smu orders or
l,200 o our poker chp boxes ure uccepted. Contuct us toduy vth your
CLM requrements.
fxportcd to thc US and furopc for ovcr two dccadcs
Poker chip box with
embossed metal plate
Chessboard with
leather trim Cigar humidor Jewelry box
July 2009 Gifts & Premiums 171 More new products - www.globalsources.com
Safety you can expect from
a leading stationery supplier
Our products comply with REACH and EN 71-9 regulations
EN 71 part 9 and Benzene-free
Our dedication to producing safe products shows in our
roster of clients. Large retailers in Europe and the US
count on us to deliver phthalate- and benzene-free
stationery. Our goods comply with REACH and EN 71
part 9 and 3 regulations.
Audited by big buyers
Our own factory and nine partner factories have
passed audits by Disney, Tesco and Wal-Mart. We
have ve workers who ensure that we meet the
toughest requirements.
Over 100 new items per year
Every year, we create more than 100 new products for
your selection. Our ve R&D team members each have
12 years of experience.
One-stop service
We can nish orders in our 17,700m
workshop in 40 to
45 days. Our 200 component-suppliers help us deliver
on time. We can consolidate your order and deliver it
directly to your distributors warehouse. Contact us today.
Weve supplied big buyers since 1997:
Tengelmann Tesco Carrefour
Staples Wal-Mart Big Lots
Shanghai Alix International Co. Ltd
Rm. 501-508, Zhongfu Building, 288 Zhaojiabang Rd.,
Shanghai 200031, China
Tel: (86-21) 6474 9889 Fax: (86-21) 6495 0980
E-mail: shanghaialix@gmail.com
www.globalsources.com/alix.co www.shanghai-alix.com
PP file organizer and
cardboard f ile binder
3-document case
Multicolored dividers
and display book
5tationery &
0fce 5upplies
Art supplies
files & folders
Paper products
0fce equipment
Paper 177
Higher tax rebates and improved loan regulations
result in better business climate.
Find thousands of products and
suppliers in an easy to compare
formatupdated daily
Product Alertreceive e-mail
when new products go online
Inquiry Basketsend inquiries
quickly to multiple suppliers
July 2009 Gifts & Premiums 173 More new products - www.globalsources.com
Cust omized LED pens
from a 32- year producer
ucked by 32 yeurs o experence, ve deveop mutunctonu pens or buyers n Lurope, North
Amercu und South Amercu. }ust provde us vth your concepts und our sked R&D specusts v
vork vth you, turnng your LLD pen deus nto reuty. lrom nnovutve bue LLD touch pens und
ushght pens to user-ponter pens, ve ure sure to huve the products your murket demunds.
ln order or your customers to huve u resh seecton o pens to choose rom, ve updute our
oerngs unnuuy. \e uso oer ogo prntng und puckuge customzuton servces. Vst us
onne to vev more o our products.
Big Shark I nc.
6l, No. 96 Hougung St., Shn, 1upe, 1uvun
1e: |886-2) 2882 0545 |Rep.) lux: |886-2) 2882 5000
L-mu: shurkpenms36.hnet.net
vvv.gobusources.com/shurkpen.co - vvv.shurkpen.com
Touch pen with blue LED
Product range:
Compact dual-ink
ballpoint pens
LLD nashlight pens
Laser-pointer pens
Vibrating massage pens
Copy and memo holders
Flashlights Much more
Target and Costco put our
$10 million in equipment
to work for them
Zhejiang KDN Group
538 Danxi Rd., Lanxi, Zhejiang 321100, China
Tel: (86-579) 8896 6220 Fax: (86-579) 8892 9068
E-mail: kdn@globalsources.com kdn@pack.net.cn
Website: www.globalsources.com/kaidin.co www.kaidin.com
Greeting cards
Since 1994, weve specialized in
printing greeting cards, bags,
packaging and decorations.
We have invested $10 million
in our equipment, so we can
handle complicated and high-
volume requests. Thats why
Target and Costco source from us.
Our 80-member QC team checks
during every stage of production.
We use a US-made X-rite color
measurement system, JY-1B
barcode detector, brightness and
anti-friction meters, and a tension
tester to help ensure quality.
Custom samples take just seven
days. Inquire today.
shopping bags
All trademarks are shown for reference purposes only. We are not authorized to sell any items bearing such trademarks.
10-ycar OfM stationcry
suppIicr to Disncy
We've not only passed factory audits from Disney, Coca-Cola and
Pepsi, but we have been supplying OEM stationery sets to Disney
and more than 10 famous European soccer clubs such as Manchester
United, Arsenal and Rangers for 10 years. Backed by 24 years of
experience and an in-house molding facility, we only need seven
days to complete samples and 20 days for delivery. We have more
than 600 promotional items available. Youll also be glad to know that
our items are phthalate-free and carry EN 71 marks. Inquire now.
Jinjiang Overseas Chinese Plastic &Rubber Co. Ltd
All trademarks are shown for reference purposes only. We are not authorized to sell any items bearing such trademarks.
Huasu Building, Hongshan Industrial Zone,
Qingyang, Jinjiang, Fujian, China
Tel: (86-595) 8507 1177, 8562 6672
Fax: (86-595) 8567 8117, 8568 0523
jocp@globalsources.com jocp_global@126.com
www.globalsources.com/jocp.co www.jjocp.cn
School kit, includes drawing book, notepad,
pencil case, pencil, crayons, eraser and more
Hong Kong
Oct. 20- 23, 2009
Booth No. 6Q07
Gifts & Premiums July 2009 174 www.globalsources.com - Choose veried suppliers
Al l t he st at ioner y supplies you need
packaged in- house
Save big wit h our low 2.66% ant i- dumping dut y on pencil s
Find everything you need in our vast product range
With our wide variety of products, you won t need to source anywhere else. We
have everything you need crayons, markers, water colors, graphite and charcoal
pencils, oil pastels and more. This is made possible by our three production plants
and 30 partner factories. All of our products conform to the CPSIA (HR4040). They
also comply with EN 71-3/ 9 and ASTM D4236 standards.
We've been awarded a preferential anti-dumping duty rate
Pencil buyers in the USwill save big with our 2.66-percent anti-dumping duty
compared to the 115 percent most suppliers pay. We are one of a few stationery
suppliers in mainland China awarded this special rate by the USgovernment.
We package your orders in-house
For added convenience, we will also package your orders in-house. We offer PP
wallets, PVC pouches, polybags, display trays and other packaging options so that
your customized products will be ready for sale upon arrival. Contact us today.
2-1316, Art & Tech. Space, 63 Haier Rd., Qingdao, Shandong 266061, China
Tel: (86-532) 8099 9610 Fax: (86-532) 8099 9160
E-mail: qdeverglory@globalsources.com sales@everglory.cn
Website: www.globalsources.com/everglory.co www.everglory.cn
Everglory Co. Ltd
Nont oxic 45- piece
ar t set wit h por t able
st orage case
Flocked pencil s
Pencil s in blist er
car d package
All items shown here with various trademarks, brand names and logos ('Marks') are for reference purposes only, and are not for sale. The Marks are
the property of the respective owners, and we are not authorized to manufacture or sell any items bearing such Marks to any third party.
Cheese verified supp|iers
ef gift packaging supp|ies
Clobal Sources 0nllne Trade shows Magazlnes kesearch
when you're looklng for glft packaglng supplles from quallty suppllers ln Chlna and
across Asla, Clobal Sources can help.
For verlfled suppllers and the most rellable lnformatlon avallable, buyers choose
Clobal Sources. here's why:
face-te-face visits we vlslt each featured suppller personally - 3 or more
tlmes - before offerlng lt to you
xpert ready Fach suppller has shown lts commltment to export
5trict verificatien 0ur 150-strong Cllent Servlce team works wlth each suppller
to verlfy every detall posslble before dellverlng lt to you
Clobal Sources helps you get convenlent access to verlfled suppllers onllne, ln prlnt
and at trade shows.
Cet the most cemprehensive search resu|ts - vlslt Clobal Sources 0nllne
iscever new preducts & supp|iers every month - 13 lndustry-speclflc magazlnes
kesearch China manufacturers - 160 product-speclflc Chlna Sourclng keports
Meet, negetiate, c|ese erders - Chlna Sourclng Falrs ln hong Kong, Shanghal,
uubal & Mumbal
To experlence the dlfference that worklng wlth verlfled suppllers can make to your
buslness, turn to Clobal Sources at www.globalsources.com.
The outlook for Chinas paper industry remains positive
as the government introduces various measures to bolster
export-oriented enterprises.
Within the frst two months of 2009, the administration
approved the Top Ten Chinese Adjustment and
Revitalization Plans. These cover businesses involved
in iron, steel, shipbuilding, equipment manufacturing,
automobiles and textiles. Light-industry companies, which
include paper mills, are also part of the program.
In line with this, the export tax rebate for products such
as envelopes, cardboard, and handmade and letter paper
has been increased from 5 to 13 percent effective April this
year. Savings that makers derive from the adjustment can be
allocated to R&D, manufacturing, QC and other expenses.
Additionally, small and medium enterprises are
expecting improved loan regulations, which can help them
remain afoat amid the global fnancial crunch.
To improve the competitiveness of the industry
further, the national government has established stricter
environmental requirements. The standard for water
pollutant emission in the pulp and papermaking sector, for
instance, has been revised.
In particular, the limit value for chemical oxygen
demand or COD has been lowered from 450 to 100mg/L
for existing paper mills and 80mg/L for new factories.
This parameter is used to indicate the wastewater`s organic
matter content, which refects pollution level.
usiness envirenment
festers eptimism
Suppllers galn confdence as
8el|lng lnstltutes programs
deslgned to lncrease tax rebates
and lmprove credlt rules.
Limit values for other pollutants, including nitrogen,
phosphorus and ammonia, have also been adjusted. Many
large makers view the changes positively because they
centinued en page 180 W
Sourclng update
CkM produces A copy
paper welghlng 80gsm. lt ls
made of chemlcal pulp and
measures 110m thlck.
5uppliers interviewed for this report:

Anhul Technology lmport & Fxport Co. Ltd CkM Co. Ltd
}lashun ulgltech (Shanghal) Co. Ltd Shenzhen hyaclnth
lndustry Co. Ltd wenzhou }lnlan Paper Co. Ltd wenzhou
Success Croup Paper Artlcles Co. Ltd wenzhou wanshlda
Prlntlng lndustry Co. Ltd
Price guide: Cepy paper
Price rane asic features
$1.30 to $1.50 Chemlcal pulp, talc and alumlnum
sulfate addltlves, 8 to 10% water
content, 70gsm, 90% brlghtness,
regular paper packaglng
$1.60 to $1.90 Chemlcal pulp, soft, noncorroslve
addltlves, 5% water content, 80gsm,
100% brlghtness, PF-coated paper
$2 to $2.30 Chemlcal pulp, soft, noncorroslve
addltlves, 3 to 5% water content,
100gsm, 102% brlghtness, PF-coated
paper packaglng
(per ream)
Price rane asic features

$0.30 to $0.50 Straw pulp, 80gsm, plaln color
$0.60 to $0.80 wood pulp, 200gsm, embossed,
fuorescent color
$0.90 to $1 wood pulp, 300gsm, embossed,
lrldescent effect
Price guide: Craft paper
(per pack)
July 2009 Gifts & Premiums 177 More new products - www.globalsources.com
Chinas first producer
of bill counters with
counterfeit detectors
Our new bill counter features a patented cover design
Your money matters to us. Weve manufactured money handling products
since 1985 and became Chinas rst producer of money counters with
counterfeit bill detectors in 1990. We currently offer over 40 products to
count, verify and store your money, including 10 types of money counters.
Our newest counter includes a patented cover design for easier maintenance.
Its unique mechanical construction provides more stable performance and
a count rate of 1,200 bills per minute. And a DC power supply system protects
the users from electrical shocks. Your OEM/ODMorders are welcome.
With a monthly production capacity of 5,000 units,
were ready for your large orders. Each of our 20
staff members has more than ve years of
industry experience to help expedite
exportation to the US, Europe, and
Asia. E-mail us today.
Hangzhou Bright Group Corp.
Suite 409, Bldg. 8, Phase 2, Europe City Mall, Jiangbin Rd.,
Lucheng, Wenzhou, Zhejiang 325000, China
Tel: (86-577) 8878 9081 Fax: (86-577) 8878 9083
E-mail: sales@bright-corp.com hzbright@globalsources.com
www.globalsources.com/bright-grp.co www.bcashcounter.com
BC9300: Bill counter with counterfeit detector
BC-D108: Counterfeit bill detector
with advanced infrared technology,
LCD/LED screens available
Precision Sourcing
Points Here
Hong Kong
Oct. 20- 23, 2009
Booth No. 6N32
Ningbo Unipoint Pen Mfg Co. Ltd
188 Shizhu Rd., Linyu Industrial Park, Zhenhai,
Ningbo, Zhejiang 315207, China
Tel: (86-574) 2626 8651/8650
Fax: (86-574) 2626 8600
E-mail: unipoint@globalsources.com
Website: www.globalsources.com/unipoint-pen.co
After over a decade as penmakers,
we have ne-tuned our production
process. We carefully source inks from
the US and Germany. And our 30
QC ofcers inspect like clockwork
to guarantee qualied products.
Place orders for as few as 10,000
pieces per style. Choose fromour
collection of plastic and metal
ballpoint, roller, and light pens as
well as mechanical pencils. Our 20
R&D staff members create ve new
items monthly. Or send us your
specs, and well complete your
custom samples ve days later.
Inquire today.
Ballpoint pens
Maintaining the reputations
of Coca-Cola and Bosch
Shenzhen Tianxin Gift Co. Ltd
11 Dongfa Rd., Dongkeng, Gongming, Bao'an, Shenzhen, Guangdong 518106, China
Tel: (86-755) 2717 0145 Fax: (86-755) 2717 0575
E-mail: sztianxin@globalsources.com tianxin@sztianxin.com
www.globalsources.com/sztianxin.co www.sztianxin.com
Green/red laser pointer
Our internationally recognized
clients such as Coca-Cola and
Bosch cannot afford to have
their logos on cheap, unstable
promotional electronics. That's
why they come to us for laser
pointers with PCB modules
that we produce in-house.
These components help our
lasers outperform the standard
promotional models offered by
our competitors. We also have a
molding department equipped
to create ODMitems for you. Our
minimumorder quantity is only
500 units, and we can deliver in as
fast as 18 days. Contact us now.
Red laser pointer and wireless
mouse with USB receiver for
on-screen functions
Gifts & Premiums July 2009 178 www.globalsources.com - Choose veried suppliers
Premiums that reect your
brands image
If you're looking for premiums that mirror your reputation for quality,
then source from us. Hugo Boss, Honda, Toyota, Jaguar, DHL, KFC
and the makers of Johnnie Walker all have found effective promotional
items in our catalog, and you're bound to as well. With over 9,000
clocks, metal desktop organizers and keychains, plus 100 new products
monthly, we're sure to have a premium that suits your company's
image or the market channel of your upcoming promotions.
We invest 10 percent of our annual earnings in R&D. This allocation,
plus our 13 years of customization experience, has given us the means
to complete a sample bearing your logo in just seven days. And, with
a monthly capacity of 2 million units, we have what it takes to support
your volume needs. All of our items are azo- and nickel-free and low in
cadmium to comply with the requirements of eco-conscious markets.
Join the ranks of major brands placing their logos on our premiums.
Contact us today.
No. 120, Emerald Palazzo, Donghua Rd., Jiangmen,
Guangdong 529000, China
Tel: (86-750) 307 3288 Fax: (86-750) 307 3277
E-mail: sales@premium4you.com
www.premium4you.com www.keychain4you.com
Premium4you Ltd
Over 9,000 items to
put your logo on
All items shown here with various trademarks, brand names and logos (Marks) are for reference purposes
only, and are not for sale. The Marks are the property of the respective owners, and we are not authorized
to manufacture or sell any items bearing such Marks to any third party.
Metal desktop clock
Flower charm keychain
Compass keychain
with customized logo
Silicone keychain
customized for Reebok
already have the equipment needed to comply with the
revised standards.
Furthermore, companies that cannot upgrade their
facilities may be forced to stop operation. As a result, there
will be fewer competitors within the industry. Those that
remain, however, will be the ones able to offer high-quality
1imber as preferred materia|
China suppliers of precut sheets either source paper in rolls
or manufacture their own.
Although products can be made using cotton, bamboo
or linen, most companies prefer timber from soft- and
hardwood trees such as spruce, pine, fr, oak, maple and
Wood chips typically undergo mechanical or chemical
pulping, where fbers are separated by degrading and
dissolving the lignin that binds them together in the
tree. Of the latter, a kraft or sulfte process is commonly
The mixture is bleached to produce white paper. Dyes
are added to create color versions.
Apart from virgin wood pulp, some makers also use
recycled or straw fber in their products.
Companies that operate on a small or medium scale
procure pulp primarily from the provinces of Hubei
and Shandong. A number of suppliers also source from
Indonesia and Chile.
On the other hand, large enterprises with integrated
mills produce their own mixture.
The pulp used in regular paper is usually treated with
rosin and aluminum sulfate. Talc is utilized as fller.
Acid-free or pH-neutral types are processed using
calcium or magnesium bicarbonate to counteract naturally
occurring acids in the pulp. For sizing, alkylketene dimer
or AKD emulsion is employed.
Makers adopt fuorescent whitening agents to enhance
paper brightness, which ranges from 90 to 102 percent.
centinued en page 182 W
wenzhou Success makes model
hL001, color copy paper welghlng
80gsm. lt measures 21x29.5cm.
7l, No. l23-3 Hsng De Rd., Sun Chung Cty, 1upe County, 1uvun
1e: |886-2) 85l2 2933 lux: |886-2) 85l2 2930
L-mu: godenrms54.hnet.net
vvv.gobusources.com/godenr.co - vvv.goden-ree.com.tv
Golden Free I ndust rial Co. Lt d
Find out why indust ry
leaders st ick
wit h us
\hy do promnent compunes ke
Dsney, Humurk, Hurey-Duvdson
und }upun's Sunro choose us us ther
uuthorzed stcker supper: 1he unsver
s smpe ve dever ther customzed
orders vthn tvo veeks. 1hs ecency
hus heped us ucheve u neur-perect
repeut busness rute over the course o our
27-yeur hstory. Seect rom the hundreds
o stckers eutured n our product runge.
You cun even receve SCS testng reports
upon request. Vst us onne nov.
Transfer stickers,
perfect for application
to DIY greeting cards
Stck vth us vhen pucng your next
order or hgh-voume udhesve products.
\e oer doube-sded stckers, ubes, nt roers
und other nnovutve stcky stu or homes und oces.
Cur lSC 900l:2000-certed 30,000m
uctory und
300 vorkers turn out up to 400,000 unts monthy.
\e muke udhesves, pustc coutngs und umnutes n-house. Cur
equpment ncudes our reucton cuudrons, tvo m-drenchng
muchnes, three coth-umnutng muchnes und un l8-meter
uutomutc oven. \e vecome your custom orders. lnqure toduy.
Wenzhou Taichang
Adhesive Products Co. Ltd
l Huxng North Rd., }nxung,
Cungnun, Zheung 325805, Chnu
1e: |86-577) 68l0 08l7 lux: |86-577) 6457 l055
L-mu: cntcgobusources.com
Up to 400,000 adhesive
products monthly
rings and labels
Double-sided stickers,
250 pieces per pack
Gifts & Premiums July 2009 180 www.globalsources.com - Choose veried suppliers
Ug Io 1.2 mllllon unlIs monIbly
Io meeI rlslng demand
Consumers worldwide are switching from traditional
greeting cards to the recording variety so they can spread
their goodwill by voice. And you need a supplier with
a big production capacity to help you meet this new
demand. That' s us. We make up to 1.2 million greeting
cards a month on our fve production lines, allowing us to
guarantee that orders of up to 10,000 units will be ready
for delivery in just 12 days.
And you' ll be getting high-quality items in your shipment.
Our modules are able to record up to 600 seconds of
voice messages 60 times longer than the industry
standard. And we use IC technology from the US for stable
performance. See why McDonald's, Starbucks, lBM,
Heineken and Motorola source from us. Contact us today.
All items shown here with various trademarks, brand names and logos ('Marks') are for reference purposes only, and are not for
sale. The Marks are the property of the respective owners, and we are not authorized to manufacture or sell any items bearing
such Marks to any third party.
3/F, Block B, Dajiahao lndustrial Zone, District 28, Bao'an,
Shenzhen, Guangdong 518133, China
Tel: (86-755j 2758 9916/9070 Fax: (86-755j 2758 9073
highrich@globalsources.com sales@highrich.cn
Website: www.globalsources.com/highrich.co www.highrich.cn
Greeting cards available with
sound, recording and fashing features
ISO 9001:2000
Recording module
Sound module
Shenzhen Highrich
Electronics Technology Co. Ltd
We also carry assorted recording keychains
More sourcin opportunities online
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Clobal Sources verlfed suppllers - plus hundreds of
other suppllers and search results from the entlre web.
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products and suppllers ln the categorles you want.
Product gallery, page 189
The water content in products is between 5 and 10
percent. Models with less moisture are considered of better
xperts en|y frem |arge makers
The majority of Chinas paper suppliers are small and
medium enterprises that cater generally to the domestic
market. Only large manufacturers, which have annual sales
of $5 to $10 million, export their products.
In 2008, the country shipped 4 million tons of
paper, accounting for 5 percent of the industry`s total
Most companies offer paper for copy and printing
purposes, although there are some that make specialty
versions suitable for arts and crafts projects.
Copy paper is priced between $1.30 and $2.30 per ream,
which contains 500 sheets.
Usually available in packs of eight to 16 pieces,
craft paper can go for $0.30 to $1. This type features an
embossed or iridescent effect.
Preduct upgrades fer enve|epes
Envelope suppliers in China are emphasizing visual appeal
in their latest releases. Made of 100 to 250gsm premium
paper, these high-end models come in vibrant colors and
unconventional sizes.
Some products have patterns applied through foil
stamping or holographic printing. Embossing and UV
coating are employed as well. Moreover, new designs
feature handmade paper applique or ribbon trimmings.
Upscale releases go for a minimum of $0.40 per piece.
For current midrange models, popular material options
include cardboard, and offset and kraft paper. Sizes are
based on buyers` requirements.
Plain envelopes in standard dimensions of C4, C5 and
C6 are considered low-end. Priced at $0.01 or $0.02 each,
these are typically made of 80gsm wood-free paper.
An OPP or polybag contains 12, 24 or 48 pieces.
Products can also be included in letter sets.
There are about 100 suppliers in China that export
envelopes. These companies usually manufacture other
paper-based items, including greeting cards and notebooks.
Choose from 1,000 types of
ofce products
g buyers such us Stupes,
1urget und \u-Murt come to us.
1hey ke our seecton o more thun l,000 types o oce
products. \e produce desk orgunzers, penc hoders, muguzne
hoders, e truys, trush bns, bookends, oce sets, CD rucks
und cout rucks n u runge o muterus.
ln busness snce 2004, ve nov huve 2l0 empoyees und
u l0,000m
uctory. Cur monthy producton cupucty s
700,000 unts. Sturt vth un order or ust 2,000 unts. Devery
tukes 25 to 30 duys. lnqure toduy.
File rack: portable,
practical, durable
and simple, available
in black and silver
Hangzhou Horcr Stationcry Co. ltd
1onghuo Rd., egun St., Xuoshun,
Hungzhou, Zheung 3ll2l7, Chnu
1e: |86-57l) 827l 4780 ext. 808
lux: |86-57l) 8273 8590
L-mu: horergobusources.com
Business card
and memo holders
ID badge holders and accessories
since 1977
lor 32 yeurs, ve've been munuucturng pustc-nected lD
budge hoders, strups, cps und other uccessores. Reyng on
experence thut most compettors don't come cose to, ve cun
desgn budge hoders und uccessores or you n lVC, AS or
lC. A modng und ussemby ure competed n-house, us
ve us brunded puckuge desgn. L-mu us toduy vth
your CLM/CDM speccutons.
No. 52 lng Ho 5th St., Lung lng orough,
Chung Huu Cty 50090, 1uvun
1e: |886-4) 763 9208
lux: |886-4) 76l 6586
L-mu: no2202ms48.hnet.net
Colored ID
card holder
2-hole metal
clip with
clear vinyl
Gifts & Premiums July 2009 182 www.globalsources.com - Choose veried suppliers
5geedy gromoIlonal
orders for Helneken,
TeleneI and Mobll
Yiwu fIikc Arts & Crafts Co. ltd
Rm. l80l, }nmuo 1over, 699 North Chouzhou Rd., Yvu,
Zheung 322000, Chnu
1e: |86-579) 8559 2l68, 8559 2l67 lux: |86-579) 8559 l8l6
L-mu: ekegobusources.com
\ebste: vvv.gobusources.com/eke.co
All items shown here with various trademarks, brand names and logos (Marks) are for reference purposes only, and are not for sale. The Marks
are the property of the respective owners, and we are not authorized to manufacture or sell any items bearing such Marks to any third party.
PP promotional
hand fan
HcidcIbcrg and komori printcrs
You cun rey on our rst-cuss equpment to get
your ob done ust und husse-ree. \e use u
ve-coor prnter rom Hedeberg und u our-coor
prnter rom lomor or uccurucy, even ut hgh
speeds. So vhen you vork vth us, your order
v be devered n ust l0 to l5 duys. Heneken,
SL\-Lurodrve, 1eenet und Mob source rom
us becuuse they vuue our no-nonsense upprouch
to competng promotonu proects.
SampIcs in 3 to S days
\e don't mess uround vhen t comes to
customzuton ether. Cur l0 desgners cun
compete your custom sumpes n three to
ve duys. \e uso oer heut-trunser prntng
or ceur, vbrunt desgns.
2 miIIion units monthIy
Cur monthy cupucty s 2 mon gt und
promotonu tems, such us prnted cunvuses,
boxes, promotonu uns, bugs, notebooks,
puzzes, keychuns, mugnets und curds. Most
o our output s exported to dscernng murkets
throughout Lurope und the LS. Send us un e-mu
toduy to get sturted.
Ordcrs shippcd in 10 to 1S days
Printed canvas, available
in custom sizes
Cardboard-box packaging ideal for
chocolates, confectionary and cakes
Acrylic and PVC keychains
QuaIity Icns matcriaIs
importcd from ]apan
When it comes to making magniers, clear images are
everything. Thats why we use premium acrylic from Japan for
lenses, and lightweight plastics from Hong Kong for handles
that make magniers easy to hold steady. This formula for
quality has kept companies in Europe and the US sourcing
with us for over 30 years.
Our magniers come in diameters of two to ve inches and
up to 100x in magnifying power. Special features for various
applications such as bifocal lenses, insert
lenses, neck straps and more are available.
Deliveries can be made within 30 days.
Call today for details.
Fortune Illumax Ltd
13/F, Blk. C, Mai Shun Industrial Building, 18-24 Kwai Cheong Rd.,
Kwai Chung, N.T., Hong Kong
Tel: (852) 2423 4146, 2423 9162 Fax: (852) 2489 1223
E-mail: illumax@globalsources.com illumax@fortuneillumax.com
www.globalsources.com/illumax.co www.fortuneillumax.com
Illuminated magnifer
Deluxe magnifer 3x/5x pocket-sized
100x illuminated
10 years of experience inspire
100 new series annually
1en yeurs n the ndustry huve tuught us ecency und broudened
our horzons. Cur experenced R&D stu creutes over l00 nev
seres o tubetop stutonery per yeur, ncudng muny types o
orgunzers und uccessores. 1hese tems ure snupped up by cents
such us Rubbermud und Lssete. ln uct, ve export over S20
mon vorth every yeur.
\e cun get you u sumpe n us ust us three duys. Stee, ron, lL
und vooden products ure u on oer. L-mu us toduy.
Rm. A20ll, Mngsh lortune Center, 20 Cungvun St., Zhongshun,
Duun, Luonng ll600l, Chnu
1e: |86-4ll) 8276 66l8 - lux: |86-4ll) 8276 6683
L-mu: tndgobusources.com - notndc.com.cn
\ebste: vvv.gobusources.com/tnd.co - vvv.tndc.com.cn
Dalian T&D International Trading Co. Ltd
6-piece mesh
stationery set,
various colors
are available
Our R&D teamdesigned the 3-in-1 mouse pen featured here. It
works from15 meters away, enabling presenters to easily control
handwriting annotations or illustrations. Plus, all tracking notes
can be saved. Unlike using chalk, which presents health risks,
our pen offers a convenient and safe way to conduct classes. It
is compatible with Microsoft Ofce, Windows Live Messenger,
Tencent's QQ, Adobe Photoshop and more. Contact us today.
Shenzhen PC-Pen Co. Ltd
4/F South, Bldg. 7, Jia'anda Industrial Park, Dalang,
Longhua, Shenzhen, Guangdong 518033, China
Tel: (86-755) 2803 2335, 2814 1284, 2814 0941 Fax: (86-755) 2803 2755
E-mail: tuan@pc-pen.com
www.globalsources.com/pc-pen.co www.pc-pen.com
Your customers can control
presentations from 15 meters away
Multifunctional 2.4GHz wireless
mouse pens (wireless series)
Patented "any-surface" function 10-hour battery life
All functions of mouse and laser pointer
5 buttons on pen seat, easy to play games and present
All trademarks shown here are for reference purposes only.They are the property of their
respective owners, and we are not authorized to sell items bearing such trademarks.
Gifts & Premiums July 2009 184 www.globalsources.com - Choose veried suppliers
Notebooks produced from
recycled paper
Cur notebooks not ony curry eco-rendy uppeu, they reduce
producton costs und vuste. At our uctory n 1uvun, they ure
mude rom 70 percent recyced puper und vth nontoxc
soy-bused nk. lor every l,000 o these notebooks
produced, ve suve ve trees, 256 pounds o sod
vuste, 480 pounds o greenhouse guses und 4 mon
1Ls o energy. And our R&D teum creutes three nev
tems ke these monthy.
Rey on CDM servces thut ure trusted by Dsney und
\u-Murt. 1hey upprecute thut ve muntun u perect
ucceptunce rute on CDM orders. Let us send you u sumpe
n ve duys, und compete your order or S8,000 or more
vorth o product n one month. lor SCS-upproved stutonery,
e-mu us toduy.
Yung Hsin Hang Stationery Co. Ltd
No. 24 Hsn A Roud, An lng Dstrct, 1unun 702, 1uvun
1e: |886-6) 264 8270 lux: |886-6) 263 608l
L-mu: yhhgobusources.com - yhhtcts.seed.net.tv
vvv.gobusources.com/yhh.co - vvv.yunghsn.com
Notebooks made with
70% recycled paper
Various sizes and bindings available
Perforated pages optional
Products with
features Bresser
Optics seeks
When developing magnifers, compasses and binoculars, our
30 designers focus on value-added features exactly what Bresser
Optics looks for. We create up to 40 user-friendly models annually,
many with your choice of magnifcation, LEDlights, clocks, weather
indicators and other functions. With a monthly capacity of 100,000
units, we have what it takes to support your retail sale or marketing
campaign needs. All of our items are made using materials sourced
fromour suppliers who are familiar with our quality requirements.
Inquire today.
Dongguan Guanlong Photoelectric Co. Ltd
2/F, Bldg. 7, Jintai Industrial Park, Wanjiang,
Dongguan, Guangdong 523069, China
Tel: (86-23) 6741 0057, (86-769) 2231 3010 ext. 8003
Fax: (86-769) 2315 4969 Mobile: 13996191372
E-mail: joancq@21cn.net
www.globalsources.com/gl8.co www.gl07.com
Collapsible magnifer
Metal body and adjustable neck cord
Base holds the unit at desired distance
LEDs for illumination
Benet from our economies of scale by sourcing ofce and
stationery supplies from us. At our two factories, we turn out
4 million units monthly. And our 10-year partnerships with
13 suppliers mean that we can procure rawmaterials at prices that
meet your budget requirements. In fact, we import over 10,000
tons of materials annually to cater to your market needs. With a
ve-strong R&D team, we release three new le folders, CD/DVD
cases and more every month. E-mail us today.
Of f i ce suppl i es i n vol ume,
at compet i t i ve pr i ces
Shantou QD Co. Ltd
Heping Industrial Zone, Chaoyang, Shantou,
Guangdong 515154, China
Tel: (86-754) 8260 6792 Fax: (86-754) 8225 3310
E-mail: qd@globalsources.com info@qddvdcase.com
Website: www.globalsources.com/qd.co
www.qddvdcase.com www.qdstationery.com
Plastic fle folder
and DVD case
July 2009 Gifts & Premiums 185 More new products - www.globalsources.com
100-unit MOQ for exible sourcing
We keep our minimum order quantity at just 100
units even though we can produce up to 100,000
laser pointers, 150,000 USB fash drives and
100,000 mice per month. This allows small and
large businesses to take advantage of our design
capabilities. Our 25 engineers craft original items
for our clients in less than 15 days. You may also
choose from our catalog, to which we add three or
four new models every month.
Each of these items comes with CE, RoHS and
FCC marks necessary for import into Europe
and the US. Our agents in Poland, South Korea
and Hong Kong speed up our sales services. For
fexible sourcing and fast design, contact us today.
A-Ray Industrial Ltd
3-4/F, Bldg. A1, No. 2 Industrial Park, Zhu'ao,
Gushu, Xixiang, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China
Tel: (86-755) 2747 2133 ext. 830
Fax: (86-755) 8609 2774
USB laser pointer
and pen
2.4GHz wireless
multimedia presenter with
laser point function
PP, PS and PVC sourced from Shell
We manufacture expanding fles, briefcases, CD holders, display books,
stationery supplies and durable sheet protectors in various textures with
PP, PS and PVC sourced from Shell. As a result, you can sell our products with
ease in eco-conscious markets. We station our inspectors at all production
steps to ensure quality. And if you have an idea in mind, our 10 designers
can have a sample completed in only one week. To see how you can beneft
fromour focus on environmental safety, contact us today.
Chemchi Stationery Co. Ltd
Hepu, Heping, Chaoyang, Shantou, Guangdong 515154, China
Tel: (86-754) 8225 2780 Fax: (86-754) 8226 3780
E-mail: chemchi@globalsources.com
Website: www.globalsources.com/chemchi.co
Expanding fle, display book and sheet protectors available with
graphics printed on our ofset printing machines
Office supplies made with
PP produced in-house
Unlike our competitors who outsource raw materials, we produce
the PP that we use to make our ofce supplies to ensure quality. We
also carry out molding in-house, so we can guarantee the accuracy
of our le holders, clear books, expanding les, binders, document
trays and le cabinets. With 15 assembly lines boasting machinery
fromJapan and Taiwan, we are ready for your customorders. Send
us your specications, and well use our 13 years of experience to
realize your projects. E-mail us today.
Sihe Qiaodong Industrial Zone, Lugang, Chaonan,
Shantou, Guangdong 515146, China
Tel: (86-754) 8778 1990, 8776 0758 Fax: (86-754) 8777 6057
E-mail: cyys@globalsources.com service@usign.cn
Website: www.globalsources.com/cyys.co
Shantou Yuansheng Industry Co. Ltd
ISO 9001:2000
Three-layer PS fle holder
Wall-mount holder
Gifts & Premiums July 2009 186 www.globalsources.com - Choose veried suppliers
lroducton cupucty does not get bgger thun ours.
1hunks to our Speedmuster CD l02 our-coor prnter
the utest und ustest o ts knd rom Hedeberg ve
turn out up to 25 mon notebooks, cutuogs, boxes,
cuendurs, stckers und other prnted puper muterus
per month. \e uso provde desgn, pute-mukng und
bndng servces, und huve been dong so snce l992.
\e export most o our goods to }upun und South loreu.
uyers rom Lurope, the LS und the Mdde Lust uso come
to us, und ve ure ookng orvurd to expundng our
nternutonu murket.
Request u sumpe
toduy ve' huve t
reudy n ust ve duys.
1o see more sumpes
o our vork, vst Cobu
Sources Cnne toduy. Al-3, Ybung Croup lndustru lurk,
Longgung, \enzhou, Zheung 325000, Chnu
1e: |86-577) 6869 6888, 6869 6777
lux: |86-577) 6869 6677
L-mu: chnutundugobusources.com - tdchnutundu.com
Zhejiang Tianda Printing Co. Ltd
Massive capacity from our Heidelberg
Speedmaster CD 102 printer
We have been printing since 1992
Notebook with computer-
embroidered fabric cover
19 x 26cm notebook
with 230gsm cardboard cover
and spiral notebook with elastic band
All trademarks shown here are for reference purposes only. They are the property of their respective
owners, and we are not authorized to sell items bearing such trademarks.
We offer custom book
printing and binding services
Choose us for our
Heidelberg five-color
UV pr inter
Our goods arc frcc of phthaIatcs
\he muny suppers use busc nk prnters, ve've nvested
Sl.6 mon n u ve-coor LV Hedeberg mode. 1hs heps
us to brng you better quuty prntng vthout usng phthuutes.
\hether you're puttng your desgns on stckers, e oders, ll,
lVC or lL1 bugs or other products, pun-nk prntng ust von't
do. \e' gve your prntng more densty, more even coors und
heuver nk coveruge.
See the derence or yourse. rng us your desgn und our l0
R&D techncuns v creute u sumpe n tvo to three duys. You
von't huve to vorry ubout outsourcng deuys. \e' hunde u
the prntng und puckugng on-ste. \e do Sl0 mon n sues
every yeur. Sturt your next proect vth un e-mu to us toduy.
Nontoxic wall sticker with removable vinyl fm
Custom shopping bags, made of
PP and glossy art paper
Eco-friendly PP fle folders
Zhcjiang ]intai Printing Co. ltd
No. 7-6, luckng und lrntng lndustry Zone, Longgung,
\enzhou, Zheung 325802, Chnu
1e: |86-577) 64l9 6799 lux: |86-577) 64l9 8l86
ntuprntnggobusources.com - tntuprntng.com
\ebste: vvv.gobusources.com/ntu.co
A trudemurks shovn here ure or reerence purposes ony. 1hey ure the property o ther
respectve ovners, und ve ure not uuthorzed to se tems beurng such trudemurks.
July 2009 Gifts & Premiums 187 More new products - www.globalsources.com
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A selectlon of paper from Chlna
Wenzhou 5uccess 0roup Paper Articles
Co. Ltd
Model: Constructlon Paper hL003
Minimumorder: 3,000 packs
0elivery time: 10 days
0escription: Constructlon paper, 250gsm,
6x6, 8x8 and 12x12ln verslons, 8 sheets ln
elght colors per 0PP bag
Wenzhou 5uccess 0roup Paper Articles
Co. Ltd
Model: Constructlon Paper hL002
Minimumorder: 3,000 packs
0elivery time: 10 days
Price: $0.0 per pack
0escription: Constructlon paper, 250gsm,
21x29.5cm, 16 sheets ln an 0PP bag
5henzhen Ryacinth Industry Co. Ltd
Model: hS01
Minimumorder: 2,000 packs
0elivery time: 30 days
0escription: Color paper, chemlcal pulp,
80gsm, ln varlous colors, 50 sheets per pack
Wenzhou 5uccess 0roup Paper Articles
Co. Ltd
Model: Colorful Copy Paper hL001
Minimumorder: 3,000 packs
0elivery time: 10 days
Price: $0.50 per pack
0escription: Color copy paper, 80gsm,
21x29.5cm, 8 sheets ln elght colors per 0PP
CRMCo. Ltd
Model: Copy Paper 2
Minimumorder: 0n lnqulry
0elivery time: 30 days
Price: $2.15 per ream
0escription: Copy paper, chemlcal pulp,
80gsm, 110m thlck, A slze, 500 sheets ln
one ream
Anhui 1echnoloy Import & fxport Co. Ltd
Model: 08Av321CSP001
Minimumorder: TFu
0elivery time: 20 days
Price: $2 per ream
0escription: Copy paper, 100% wood pulp,
80gsm, 90 to 103% brlghtness, A slze,
500 sheets ln one ream
Sourclng update
July 2009 Gifts & Premiums 189 More new products - www.globalsources.com
Molded and assembled using
CNC machines from Europe
20 million pens made each month
To provide you with lasting writing instruments that dont leak, we
mold and assemble them using CNC injection machines from HUTT
and ASSAB, and automatic pen-lling machines from Mikro. This
equipment also enables us to turn out 20 million ballpoint pens, gel
ink pens and rollerball pens each month that's more than enough to
cover your high-quantity orders.
You can also count on us to meet your customization needs. With
37 designers on staff, we can turn your ideas into samples in seven to
10 days, and complete ODMprojects in 20 to 30 days. Buyers in
South America, Europe and Southeast Asia have already beneted
from our R&D and production capabilities. To enjoy the services we
offer our clients, contact us today.
Genvana Industry Zone, Xiashan, Chaonan,
Shantou, Guangdong, China
Tel: (86-754) 8779 2401
Fax: (86-754) 8776 6084
Guangdong Genvana Stationery Co. Ltd
ISO 9001:2000
Nontoxic correction fuid and pen
Customizable gel ink pen, ballpoint
pen and mechanical pencil
All trademarks shown here are for reference purposes only.They are the property of their respective
owners, and we are not authorized to sell items bearing such trademarks.
Per sonal i zed ser vi ce
f r om st at i oner y
i ndust r y exper t s
Our general manager will use his 18 years of expertise in the
stationery industry to provide exactly what you need. He' s also
personally trained our sales staff members, all of whom must
speak fuent Eng||sh to work at our company. That's why 300
companies including one of Japan' s leading chain stores
source from us. We' ve never received a complaint or a returned
product in the four years we' ve been in business. Contact us
now to fnd out about our range of over 100 |tems.
Sticky notes
Xiamen Cheung Win Enterprise Co. Ltd
Rm. 2207, 22/F, Grand lmper|a| P|aza, 820 |ahe Rd.,
|amen, Fuj|an, Oh|na
Te|: (86-592} 296 0309 Fax: (86-592} 296 0359
E-ma||: cheungw|n@g|oba|sources.com
Webs|te: www.g|oba|sources.com/cheungw|n.co
6l-5, No. l69 Mn Sheng L. Rd., Sec. 5, 1upe, 1uvun
1e: |886-2) 2756 3986 lux: |886-2) 2767 9390
L-mu: kusysms37.hnet.net
Kasys Co., Lt d.
All trademarks are shown for reference purposes only. We are not authorized to sell any items bearing such trademarks.
Promot ional writ ing
inst rument s t rust ed
by leading companies
1he vord's most recognzed
entertunment compuny trusts us to crut
promotonu pens und murkers beurng ther
brund nume. Cur cents demund promotonu tems
thut ure sue und nontoxc. 1hut's vhy u o our products
conorm to AS1M D4236, LN 7l und lDA stundurds und meet
RLACH reguutons. \e uccept orders o ust l,000
unts. Contuct us toduy or u response to your nqury
vthn 24 hours.
Our product lines: Counterfeit detector pens
Metallic and CD markers Calligraphy pens
Dry-erase whiteboard markers And many more
Gifts & Premiums July 2009 190 www.globalsources.com - Choose veried suppliers
Your lanyard designs
in t hree days
StratcgicaIIy Iocatcd production ccntcrs
}ust te us vhut you vunt your unyurd to ook ke, und ve' send you
u sumpe n three duys or ess. \e oer everythng rom snge-use
unyurds or promotonu events to extru-hurd pustc curd
hoders or constructon stes. \e uso huve ceur/coored
vny mugnetc curd hoders und u vurety o cps, cords und
other uccessores to muke ust the tem you're ookng or.
Cur producton costs ure over und devery tmes uster
thun other suppers becuuse ve're ocuted ust mnutes
rom our muterus suppers. See or yourse vhy lnte,
Huvone und other ndustry euders und brunds choose
us us ther unyurd supper. Send us your desgn toduy.
No. l48-l Dungu Rd., Home,
Chung Huu, 1uvun
1e: |886-4) 736 6542 lux: |886-4) 735 l026
L-mu: suesdunyurds.com
All trademarks shown here are for reference purposes only. They are the property of their
respective owners, and we are not authorized to sell items bearing such trademarks.
I D Lanyards And Promot ion I nc.
Lanyards with
various attachments
and your logo printed
on plastic ID holders
ABS ID holder
Available in horizontal
and vertical shapes
Easy card removal
Avoid anti-dumping
duties by using our
Vietnam factory
Oyeer Industry Co. Ltd
Epoch Industry Park, Buji, Longgang, Shenzhen,
Guangdong 518112, China
Tel: (86-755) 8417 9901, 8199 6757 Fax: (86-755) 8951 7750
oyeer@globalsources.com lucia@oyeer.com
www.globalsources.com/oyeer.co www.oyeer.com
All trademarks are shown for reference purposes only. We are not
authorized to sell any items bearing such trademarks.
Source plastic
bags from us and
forget about the
US and EU anti-
dumping duties
on mainland China
manufacturers. We
can get around them
by lling your order at
our factory in Vietnam,
where we can produce
500 tons of bags per month.
For special designs and urgent deliveries, you can choose our
Shenzhen factory with a monthly capacity of 900 tons. At both
facilities, we use plastic sourced fromthe US and Taiwan for
durability. Contact us today and receive the same standard of
service as we give to Coca-Cola, KFC and Heineken.
Biodegradable (right) and soft
loop handle shopping bags
Established in 1994, we manufacture
and export a wide range of products
to markets in the US, the EU, Japan,
South Korea and more. Our items
include stationery products, home
decorations, photo frames and photo
albums, as well as other gifts and
premiums which are all made with
eco-friendly materials. At our
ISO 9001:2000-certied factory, we
house 500 skilled workers and an
R&D teamcapable of creating 100
new products annually. For more
information, contact us today.
Manufacturing stationery products
and home decorations since 1994
Shantou Nanheng Industry Co. Ltd
Row 3, Factory Building, Waijing Industrial Park, Haojiang,
Shantou, Guangdong 515071, China
Tel: (86-754) 8738 5386 Fax: (86-754) 8738 4700
E-mail: nanheng@globalsources.com
Website: www.globalsources.com/nanheng.co
Storage boxes
storage basket
All trademarks are shown for reference purposes only.We are not authorized to sell any items bearing such trademarks.
July 2009 Gifts & Premiums 191 More new products - www.globalsources.com
Pk0uuCTS 0hLlhF
0o online for full product details and to contact these suppliers directly.
All suppllers on these pages are
0lobal ride Industry Co. Ltd
Location: Malnland Chlna
Model number: C8-01
M0: 1,000 unlts
0elivery time: 5 days
0escription: Magnetlc memo pad wlth calendar, can be
customlzed. Marklng pen and ballpolnt pen are optlonal.
Location: Malnland Chlna
Model number: FuSu060
M0: 300 unlts]color
0elivery time: 10 to 12 days
0escription: Corrugated cardboard
dlsplay stand for cosmetlcs,
wlth 5 shelves, -color offset
prlntlng and uv coatlng. varlous
packaglng optlons are avallable.
5tore 0isplay (5Z) Ltd
0esin Max Industrial Co. Ltd
Location: Malnland Chlna
Model number: uMu-001
M0: 1,000 unlts
0elivery time: 20 days
0escription: Slllcone fash drlve wlth 1, 2, ,
8 or 16C8 capaclty. Looks and smells
llke a bar of mllk chocolate.
Well Lands fnterprise Co. Ltd
Location: Talwan
M0: 1,000 sets
0elivery time: 20 to 25 days
0escription: Thls set
lncludes a keyboard pad
made from memory foam and
rubber, plus a Pu gel mouse pad
wlth cloth wrlst rest, plastlc base
and prlnt. 8oth ltems come
wlth your logo and ln your
preferred materlal and slze.
0onuan 1ontianxia Rubber Co. Ltd
Location: Malnland Chlna
Model number: TTX-CM01
Price: $]unlt F08 Shenzhen
M0: 3,000 unlts]color
0elivery time: 15 to 18 days
0escription: hatural foam rubber
playmat wlth C dye subllmatlon
polyester surface, avallable wlth
customlzed artworks and slzes.
5hinysource Co. Ltd
Location: Malnland Chlna
Model number: PS-90 kefectlve PvC Slap 8and
M0: 100 unlts F08 Shenzhen
0elivery time: 3-5 days
0escription: kefectlve PvC slap band wlth
glossy flm. Can be seen durlng nlght or
day. wlth velvet backslde and area for
name and address of wearer.
Customlzed deslgns
are welcome.
Gifts & Premiums July 2009 192 www.globalsources.com - Choose veried suppliers
All ltems shown here wlth varlous trademarks, brand names and logos ("Marks") are for reference purposes only and are not for sale. The Marks are the
property of the respectlve owners, and suppllers are not authorlzed to manufacture or sell any ltems bearlng such Marks to any thlrd party.
All suppllers on these pages are
Wenzhou 0etai Plastics Co. Ltd
Location: Malnland Chlna
Model number: uT003
M0: 1,000 unlts
0elivery time: 30 days
0escription: Sturdy prlnted PP shopplng bag
for promotlons, 30 by 0 by 12cm.
Send us your custom
slze and style requests.
0ur bags are bullt to last.
Wenzhou |iameida Crafts Co. Ltd
Location: Malnland Chlna
Model number: PlCP008
M0: 5,000 unlts
0elivery time: 10 to 15 days
0escription: Promotlonal
carrler bag avallable ln
glossy or matte art or kraft
paper. our custom deslgns,
slzes and logos are welcome.
Location: Malnland Chlna
Model number: MZK5200
M0: 1,000 unlts
0elivery time: 12 days
0escription: hovelty
cap made of nontoxlc
glow-ln-the-dark tublng,
ldeal for partles, concerts
and sportlng events.
Meets Fh 71 and ASTM
F963 standards.
Zhe[ian 0uanyuan 1oys Co. Ltd
Woo fun Metal Mfy
Location: hong Kong
Model number: SC8 599
0elivery time: 60 days
0escription: 8aby glft set
featurlng sllver-plated
photo frames, photo
album, tooth box, halr box
and money box.
Location: Malnland Chlna
Model number: h-6001
0escription: Custom-prlnted
balloons for Chrlstmas,
halloween, valentlne's
uay, blrthdays and
other speclal occaslons,
packaged 10 pleces]bag
and 288 bags]box.
Wuxi Raychina Intl Corp.
Century Way Industrial Ltd
Location: hong Kong
Model number: MFw-3007
0escription: Solld wood
handcrafted statue. Measures
11 centlmeters ln dlameter and
21 centlmeters ln helght. 0ther
handcrafted deslgns are also
July 2009 Gifts & Premiums 193 More new products - www.globalsources.com
All ltems shown here wlth varlous trademarks, brand names and logos ("Marks") are for reference purposes only and are not for sale. The Marks are the
property of the respectlve owners, and suppllers are not authorlzed to manufacture or sell any ltems bearlng such Marks to any thlrd party.
All suppllers on these pages are
5ureline fashions Co. Ltd
Location: Malnland Chlna
Model number: Sh}8-015
M0: 2,000 unlts for 08M, 5,000 unlts for 0FM
0elivery time: 10 to 15 days
0escription: Paper boxes
for |ewelry or small trlnkets.
0FM servlces, lncludlng
fnlshlng wlth hot stamplng,
embosslng, shlny lamlnatlon,
matte lamlnatlon, uv varnlshlng,
cover membrane gloss coatlng,
matte coatlng and glossy varnlsh,
are avallable.
Wenzhou Libao Printin Industry Co. Ltd
Location: Malnland Chlna
Model number: L8F299-2
M0: 5,000 unlts
0elivery time: 15 days
0escription: Portable fle folder
wlth handle, durable clasp and
stltched canvas seams. Made of
100% PP and lncludes 12
expandable pockets.
To help you flnd quallty suppllers ln
less tlme, Clobal Sources 0nllne helps
you wlth three powerful suppller
verlflcatlon servlces.
verified we vlslt each featured
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more tlmes. Plus, we verlfy
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before we offer lt to you
Credit Access the sourclng
Check lndustry's most compre-
henslve credlt reports-
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Audit and clalms across 12
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vlslt www.globalsources.comtoday
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Gifts & Premiums July 2009 194 www.globalsources.com - Choose veried suppliers
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Clobal Sources' unlque Suppller kanklng system comblnes best-of-breed, thlrd-party suppller verlfcatlon wlth comprehenslve
buslness lnformatlon, allowlng you to narrow down the huge number of suppllers qulckly and effclently.
The hlgher a suppller's ranklng, the more buslness lnformatlon you'll have access to from that suppller.
For more detalls, please vlslt www.globalsources.com]SlTF]uALlT.hTM
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3 or more face-to-face visits
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registration details
Bureau Veritas Supplier
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9 9 9
9 9 9
9 9
9 9
9 9
@For more lnformatlon, vlslt thls suppller's webslte.
Art materials
Everglory Co. Ltd 175 sales@everglory.cn www.globalsources.com/everglory.co +++,,,
Craft supplies
Chain Wit Corp. 205 chainwit@ms8.hinet.net www.globalsources.com/chainwit.co ++++,,
Ho Long Glitters Enterprises Co. 203 holong.glitter@msa.hinet.net www.globalsources.com/holong.co +++,,,
Ningbo Jiangdong Jodee Imp. & Exp. Co. Ltd 199 nbjodee@globalsources.com www.globalsources.com/nbjodee.co +++++,
Stretched canvas
Yiwu Elike Arts & Crafts Co. Ltd 183 elike@globalsources.com www.globalsources.com/elike.co ++++,,
Multifunction/databank calculators
Infanta Industrial Co. Ltd 213 infanta@ms24.hinet.net www.globalsources.com/infanta.co +++,,,
Solar/dual-power calculators
Hiromori Intl Ltd 211 designfactory@hiromori.com.hk www.globalsources.com/designfactory.co +++,,,
Card shufers
Tonglu Aoer Stationery Co. Ltd @ tlaoer@globalsources.com www.globalsources.com/tlaoer.co ++,,,,
Hi-Maxx Enterprise Co. Ltd 134 himaxx.com@msa.hinet.net www.globalsources.com/himaxx.co ++,,,,
Playing cards
Amass International Corp. 120 poker.card@msa.hinet.net www.globalsources.com/amass.co ++++,,
Hong Tai Printing Co. Ltd 151 info.hongtai@msa.hinet.net www.globalsources.com/uvprinting.co +++,,,
Kinlux Industrial Corporation 102 chuan999@ms8.hinet.net www.globalsources.com/kinlux.co +++,,,
Kuo Kau Paper Products Co. Ltd 141 kuokau@ms17.hinet.net www.globalsources.com/kuokau.co +++,,,
South China Development (HK) Ltd 114 scd@netvigator.com www.globalsources.com/southchina.co ++++,,
Poker chips
Arms Group of Companies Inc. 171 arms@ms13.hinet.net www.globalsources.com/arms.co +++,,,
Ceramic crafts
Fujian Putian New Developing Gift Co. Ltd 122 cnf@public.ptptt.fj.cn www.globalsources.com/xxlp.co ++++,,
Xiamen Yangtse Ltd 111 yangtse@globalsources.com www.globalsources.com/yangtse.co ++++,,
Metal crafts
Fuzhou Shanghecheng Imp. & Exp. Co. Ltd 130 katesong@globalsources.com www.globalsources.com/katesong.co +++,,,
King Char Co. Ltd 116 master@kingchar.com.tw www.globalsources.com/kingchar.co ++++,,
Ningbo Magnetic Industrial Co. Ltd 147 magicind@globalsources.com www.globalsources.com/magicind.co +++++,
Quanzhou Deyu Arts & Crafts Co. Ltd 138 yukshing@globalsources.com www.globalsources.com/deyu.co ++++,,
Sinobest Asia Ltd 57 sunny.kee@mail.sinobestpin.com www.globalsources.com/sinobestmadels.co ++++,,
St. Allen (HK) Co. 160 info@st-allen.com www.globalsources.com/stallen.co +++,,,
Sunny Gift & Promotion (HK) Co. 155 market@sunnylightbox.com www.globalsources.com/dgsunny.co +++,,,
Xiamen Joytie Industry & Trade Co. Ltd (Gift Dept) 158 tony@palever.com www.globalsources.com/palever.co ++,,,,
Paper crafts
Hue King Printing Co. Ltd 8 service@hueking.com.tw www.globalsources.com/hueking.co +++,,,
Polyresin crafts
LP&P Ltd 132 lpnp@lpnp.com www.globalsources.com/lpnp.co ++,,,,
Shenzhen Sinosparkle International Limited 140 szsinosparkle@globalsources.com www.globalsources.com/szsinosparkle.co ++,,,,
Star (Quanzhou) Trading Co. Ltd 152 pingchen17@gmail.com www.globalsources.com/qzstar.co ++,,,,
Wood crafts
Century Way Industrial Ltd 193 cway@netvigator.com www.globalsources.com/cway.co ++,,,,
Dalian Overseas Industry Co. Ltd 136 brad@articialcraft.com www.globalsources.com/dloverseas.co ++,,,,
Expanding les
Chemchi Stationery Co. Ltd 186 chemchi@chemchi.com www.globalsources.com/chemchi.co ++,,,,
Wenzhou Libao Printing Industry Co. Ltd 194 lb@wzlibao.com www.globalsources.com/wzlibao.co ++,,,,
July 2009 Gifts & Premiums 195 More new products - www.globalsources.com
Product / Advertiser Page E-mail Website Star Ranking
@For more lnformatlon, vlslt thls suppller's webslte.
File boxes
Nanhai Tianyi Metal Products Co. Ltd 115 tianyi@globalsources.com www.globalsources.com/tianyi.co ++++,,
Shantou Nanheng Industrial Co. Ltd 191 nanheng@globalsources.com www.globalsources.com/nanheng.co ++,,,,
Weishun Industrial Co. Ltd 132 ws@weishuncn.com www.globalsources.com/nhjg.co ++++,,
File folders
Shantou Xinqiangde Magnetic Electricity Co. Ltd 185 info@qddvdcase.com www.globalsources.com/qd.co ++,,,,
File holders
Hangzhou Horer Stationery Co. Ltd 182 horer@globalsources.com www.globalsources.com/horer.co ++,,,,
Shanghai Alix International Co. Ltd 172 shanghaialix@gmail.com www.globalsources.com/alix.co ++++,,
Shantou Yuansheng Industry Co. Ltd 186 usign@usign.cn www.globalsources.com/cyys.co ++,,,,
Ring binders
Elen International Co. Ltd 211 sales@elenpromotion.com www.globalsources.com/elen.co ++++,,
Poker tables
Cixi Gangfa Industrial Co. Ltd 120 gangfa@globalsources.com www.globalsources.com/nbgangfa.co ++++,,
Board games
Duke International Cards & Games Co. Ltd 159 duke@dukegames.com.tw www.globalsources.com/duke.co +++,,,
Handheld game accessories
Cypher Groups Co. Ltd 168 marketing@cyphergroups.cn www.globalsources.com/cyphergroups.co ++,,,,
Ningbo Junye Stationery & Sports Co. Ltd 166 syj@nbjunye.com www.globalsources.com/nbjunye.co ++,,,,
Travel games
Super Accord Industrial Ltd 169 superacc@globalsources.com www.globalsources.com/superacc.co +++,,,
Gift boxes
Changshu Innovation Packaging & Printing Fty @ ippfc@ymail.com www.globalsources.com/ippfc.co ++,,,,
Dongguan Handsum Printing & Packing Co. Ltd 140 samy-houqh@dg-hansen.cn www.globalsources.com/handsum.co ++,,,,
Dongguan Juan Chen Printing Co. Ltd 129 juanchenpr@globalsources.com www.globalsources.com/juanchenpr.co +++++,
East Color Printing Packaging Co. Ltd 124 sales@dongcai.com.cn www.globalsources.com/dongcai.co +++,,,
Fullsun International Enterprise Ltd 164 anny@fullsungroup.com www.globalsources.com/fullsungroup.co ++,,,,
Heng Feng Packaging & Paper Products Fty 110 hfpackaging@globalsources.com www.globalsources.com/hfpackaging.co ++++,,
Honest Vantage Limited 148 honestvantage@globalsources.com www.globalsources.com/honestvantage.co ++,,,,
Inprint Design & Printing Ltd 144 inprint@globalsources.com www.globalsources.com/inprint.co +++,,,
Ju Bao Long Metal Can Co. Ltd 154 tin@dgjbl.com www.globalsources.com/dgjbl.co ++++,,
Nanhai Tianyi Metal Products Co. Ltd 115 tianyi@globalsources.com www.globalsources.com/tianyi.co ++++,,
Ningbo Kaida Packing Factory 152 nbkaida2001@yahoo.com.cn www.globalsources.com/nbkd.co ++,,,,
Ningbo Zhenhai Kylin Craft Article Co. Ltd 161 kylin@nb-kylin.com www.globalsources.com/nbkylin.co +++,,,
Rockman Company Ltd 122 rebecca@rockmanhk.com www.globalsources.com/rockman.co +++,,,
Shanghai Jielong Art Printing Co. Ltd 5 marketing@jielongart.com www.globalsources.com/jielongart.co +++++,
Shantou GLD Arts & Crafts Co. Ltd 156 gld@gldcn.com www.globalsources.com/stgld.co ++,,,,
Shopping Town Global Marketing Co. Ltd 136 kenneth@shoppingtown.com.tw www.globalsources.com/shoppingtown.co +++,,,
South China Development (HK) Ltd 114 scd@netvigator.com www.globalsources.com/southchina.co ++++,,
WeiHong Paper Printing Company 150 sales_samchen@wdprint.net www.globalsources.com/weihong.co +++,,,
Wuhan Sureline Fashion Co. Ltd 194 info@sureline.cn www.globalsources.com/sureline.co ++,,,,
Gift packaging accessories
Bestpak Gifts & Crafts Co. Ltd 131 bestpak@globalsources.com www.globalsources.com/bestpak.co +++++,
Dragon Max Weaving & Accessories Co. Ltd 146 tg_staff19@dragonmax.com www.globalsources.com/dragonmax.co ++++,,
Weifang Yuyuan Textile Co. Ltd 117 wjht@public.wfptt.sd.cn www.globalsources.com/yuyuan.co +++++,
Yama Ribbons & Bows Co. Ltd 107 yama@yama.cn www.globalsources.com/yamaribbon.co +++++,
Gift tins
Dongguan Cheong Hing Metal Container Products Ltd 145 cheonghing@globalsources.com www.globalsources.com/cheonghing.co +++,,,
Dongguan City Huacheng Can Co. Ltd @ tinboxes@globalsources.com www.globalsources.com/tin.co ++,,,,
Dongguan City Wanxinlong Metal Mfg Co. Ltd 104 sales@dgwxl.com www.globalsources.com/dgwxl.co ++++,,
Dongguan Juan Chen Printing Co. Ltd 129 juanchenpr@globalsources.com www.globalsources.com/juanchenpr.co +++++,
Dongguan Yiguan Can (Manufactory) Co. Ltd 114 sales@fhcans.com www.globalsources.com/fhcans.co +++,,,
Grandroad Packaging Co. Ltd Kaiping 128 master@grandroad.com.cn www.globalsources.com/grandroad.co +++,,,
Hangzhou Mingcheng Guanye Co. Ltd C-3 yxm978@globalsources.com www.globalsources.com/mingcheng.co +++++,
Ju Bao Long Metal Can Co. Ltd 154 tin@dgjbl.com www.globalsources.com/dgjbl.co ++++,,
Paper gift bags
East Color Printing Packaging Co. Ltd 124 sales@dongcai.com.cn www.globalsources.com/dongcai.co +++,,,
WeiHong Paper Printing Company 150 sales_samchen@wdprint.net www.globalsources.com/weihong.co +++,,,
Yiwu Multipack Factory 121 info@zhejiangmultipack.com www.globalsources.com/multipack.co ++++,,
Wine gift bags
Cixi Gangfa Industrial Co. Ltd 120 gangfa@globalsources.com www.globalsources.com/nbgangfa.co ++++,,
Ningbo HCH Industrial Co. Ltd 157 jmsying@gmail.com www.globalsources.com/nbhch.co ++++,,
Ningbo Zhenhai Kylin Craft Article Co. Ltd 161 kylin@nb-kylin.com www.globalsources.com/nbkylin.co +++,,,
Gift products packaging design services
Santa Press Co. Ltd 106 johnvick@santapress.com.tw www.globalsources.com/santapress.co +++,,,
St. Allen (HK) Co. 160 info@st-allen.com www.globalsources.com/stallen.co +++,,,
Gift products trade show services
Korea Stationery Industry Cooperative 170 webmaster@ksic.co.kr n.a
Gifts & Premiums July 2009 196 www.globalsources.com - Choose veried suppliers
A 25-year magnifier specialist
A 25-yeur CLM und mugner specust, ve oer over
200 derent types o mugnyng gusses, mugners,
ghted mugners, sheet mugners, lresne enses, 3-D
puper gusses, compusses und bnocuurs.
Cur products ure l00 percent mude n-house ut our
ucty n 1uvun to ensure producton stundurds ure
met, und u o our muterus ure sourced ocuy. Cur
ong-term reutonshps vth ruv muteru provders uov
us to negotute over costs, und puss those suvngs on to
buyers ke you.
\e knov thut tme s money to our cents so ve
compete u orders n 30 duys or ess. \e vecome
orders or S3,000 vorth o product, und mxed orders
too. Contuct us toduy.
l2l, No. l37 Shn Y Rd., Sec. 4, 1upe, 1uvun
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July 2009 Gifts & Premiums 197 More new products - www.globalsources.com
Product / Advertiser Page E-mail Website Star Ranking
@For more lnformatlon, vlslt thls suppller's webslte.
Printing services
Shanghai Hanchang Printing Co. Ltd 112 sales@shhcprinting.com www.globalsources.com/shhcprinting.co +++,,,
Art bottles
Eastern Technology Development Ltd 156 sales@sunnycity.com.hk www.globalsources.com/easttech.co +++,,,
Winbo Industrial Co. Ltd 135 winbocn@globalsources.com www.globalsources.com/winbocn.co ++++,,
Banner pens
Blue Bond Technology Industry Co. Ltd 168 bluebond@ms23.hinet.net www.globalsources.com/bluebond.co ++++,,
Bath gift sets
STC Bath & Body Care Factory 165 export@stc-cn.com www.globalsources.com/stc.co ++++,,
Candle gift sets
J&H International Trading Ltd 108 jyhz@mail.hz.zj.cn www.globalsources.com/jhgift.co +++,,,
Provide Ltd 142 rebeccac@provide.hk www.globalsources.com/provide.co ++++,,
Zhejiang Panda Trading Co. Ltd 130 tec@teczj.com www.globalsources.com/tec.co ++++,,
Collectible cards
Zhejiang Jiaheng Cards Co. Ltd 164 jiaheng@globalsources.com www.globalsources.com/jiaheng.co +++++,
Collectible memorabilia & souvenirs
Bokwang Pewter Co. Ltd 141 trade@ipewter.com www.globalsources.com/ipewter.co +++,,,
Paramount Electronics (Shenzhen) Ltd 158 paramount@classicphone.com www.globalsources.com/szparamount.co ++,,,,
Star Corporation 167 mirror@staro.co.kr www.globalsources.com/starcorp.co +++,,,
Suzhou Embroidery Research Institute Co. Ltd 149 chinese_emb@hotmail.com www.globalsources.com/topemb.co +++,,,
Woo Fung Metal Mfy 193 info@woofungmetal.com www.globalsources.com/woofung.co ++,,,,
Jewelry boxes
Dongguan Heli Printing Co. Ltd 158 info@dgheli.com.cn www.globalsources.com/dgheli.co ++++,,
Handsoul Arts & Crafts Co. Ltd 170 cnhandsoul@gmail.com www.globalsources.com/handsoul.co ++,,,,
Ningbo ETDZ Victor Enterprise Intl Co. Ltd 118 cs3@victorgroup.cn www.globalsources.com/glassart.co ++++,,
A2 Manufacturing Co. Ltd 166 info@a2mfg.com www.globalsources.com/a2.co ++,,,,
Bokwang Pewter Co. Ltd 141 trade@ipewter.com www.globalsources.com/ipewter.co +++,,,
Dongguan Jian Plastic & Metal Products Ltd 106 sales@jianpins.com www.globalsources.com/jian.co ++++,,
Religious articles/gifts
Zhejiang Tiantai Huanan Craft Factory 142 csj@mail.tzptt.zj.cn www.globalsources.com/huanan.co +++,,,
Stationery gift sets
Winbo Industrial Co. Ltd 135 winbocn@globalsources.com www.globalsources.com/winbocn.co ++++,,
Trinket boxes
Graceful Rhythm Industrial Co. Ltd 105 newallan@globalsources.com www.globalsources.com/newallan.co ++++,,
Shenzhen Chang Ying Metal Plastic Product Co. Ltd 130 sanjon_hk@hotmail.com www.globalsources.com/changying.co ++,,,,
Shenzhen Yuanyin Paper & Packaging Co. Ltd 160 sales@szyuanyin.com www.globalsources.com/yuanyin.co ++,,,,
Weishun Industrial Co. Ltd 132 ws@weishuncn.com www.globalsources.com/nhjg.co ++++,,
Yiwu Qifu Craft & Gift Co. Ltd 134 qifu@globalsources.com www.globalsources.com/qifu.co +++,,,
Modeling sets
Easypromote Industrial Group Ltd 113 michael@darddesignch.com www.globalsources.com/easypromote.co ++++,,
Radio-controlled models
Kingstar Co. Ltd 148 dacheng.sales@msa.hinet.net www.globalsources.com/ksracing.co ++,,,,
Christmas decorations
Ever Bright Electric Co. Ltd 116 everbright@everbright.net.cn www.globalsources.com/everbright.co ++++,,
Goldenbell Gifts & Toys Co. Ltd Yiwu 171 michael@yilegroup.net www.globalsources.com/goldenbell.co ++++,,
Ningbo Magnetic Industrial Co. Ltd 147 magicind@globalsources.com www.globalsources.com/magicind.co +++++,
Tang's Decoration Mfy 147 info@tangs.com.hk www.globalsources.com/tangsdecoration.co +++,,,
Yi Fon Gift Factory 164 yifon@globalsources.com www.globalsources.com/yifon.co +++,,,
Christmas lights
Ever Bright Electric Co. Ltd 116 everbright@everbright.net.cn www.globalsources.com/everbright.co ++++,,
Xiamen Glory Electronic Co. Ltd @ inproject@gloryind.com.cn www.globalsources.com/xmglory.co ++,,,,
Christmas ornaments
Goldenbell Gifts & Toys Co. Ltd Yiwu 171 michael@yilegroup.net www.globalsources.com/goldenbell.co ++++,,
Quanzhou Deyu Arts & Crafts Co. Ltd 138 yukshing@globalsources.com www.globalsources.com/deyu.co ++++,,
Shaoxing Xiangying Co. Ltd 128 jgb1135@hotmail.com www.globalsources.com/xiangyingag.co +++++,
Christmas trees
Shanghai Afala International Trade Co. Ltd 169 afala@globalsources.com www.globalsources.com/afala.co +++,,,
Fancy keychains
Blue Square Ltd 98 info@bluesquare.com.hk www.globalsources.com/bluesquare.co +++++,
Cangnan Colorleaf Craft & Gifts Manufacture Co. Ltd @ colorleaf@globalsources.com www.globalsources.com/colorleaf.co ++,,,,
Handicraftsman Toys & Gift Ltd @ handicraftsman@globalsources.com www.globalsources.com/handicraftsman.co ++,,,,
Yongkang Juyuan Reective Products Factory 87 zjjuyuan@globalsources.com www.globalsources.com/zjjuyuan.co +++,,,
Leather keychains
Premium4you Limited 179 sales@premium4you.com www.globalsources.com/premium4you.co ++++++
Metal keychains
Blue Square Ltd 98 info@bluesquare.com.hk www.globalsources.com/bluesquare.co +++++,
Brilliance Metal Products (Shenzhen) Mfy 26 sales@metal-gifts.com www.globalsources.com/metal-gifts.co +++++,
Gifts & Premiums July 2009 198 www.globalsources.com - Choose veried suppliers
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Website: www.globalsources.com/lightbj.co www.lightbj.com
Beijing Light Stationery Manufacturing Co. Ltd
It's time to turn the page in your promotional campaign and say
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Broker pens with three kinds of cross sections
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Eco-friendly ballpoint pens,
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July 2009 Gifts & Premiums 199 More new products - www.globalsources.com
Product / Advertiser Page E-mail Website Star Ranking
@For more lnformatlon, vlslt thls suppller's webslte.
Chung Jen Emblem Co. Ltd 45 jerry@chungjen.com.tw www.globalsources.com/chungjen.co ++++,,
Jin Sheu Enterprise Co. Ltd 6,7 168service@jinsheu.com.tw www.globalsources.com/jinsheu.co ++++++
KM Designs & Production Ltd 74 info@kinming.com www.globalsources.com/kmproduction.co +++,,,
Longwick Industries Ltd 39 longwick@globalsources.com www.globalsources.com/longwick.co ++++++
R&P International Co. Ltd 81 gangel@ms37.hinet.net www.globalsources.com/gangel.co ++++,,
Scorpion Precision Industry (HK) Co. Ltd 21 info@scorpion.com.hk www.globalsources.com/scorpion.co ++++,,
Sinobest Asia Ltd 57 sunny.kee@mail.sinobestpin.com www.globalsources.com/sinobestmadels.co ++++,,
Tru-Style Accessories Co. Ltd 58 info@tru-style.com.hk www.globalsources.com/tru-style.co ++,,,,
Tsui Lung Metal Mfy Co. 95 info@tsuilung.com.hk www.globalsources.com/tsuilung.co +++,,,
Victory Link Ent. Ltd 125 info@victorylink.com.hk www.globalsources.com/victorylink.co ++++,,
Winwin Industrial Co. Ltd 14 szwinwin@globalsources.com www.globalsources.com/szwinwin.co ++++,,
Multifunction keychains
Growtech Industrial Ltd 28 info@growtech.com.hk www.globalsources.com/growtech.co +++,,,
Logojets International Ltd 33 sales@logojets.com www.globalsources.com/logojets.co ++++,,
Ningbo ZhongHai Industry Investment Co. Ltd 52 info@sunboo.com.cn www.globalsources.com/sunboo.co ++,,,,
Pro-Geniality Enterprise Co. Ltd 66 pg.tech@msa.hinet.net www.globalsources.com/pgtech.co ++,,,,
Shenzhen Xingrui (Anhaorui) Toy & Gifts Co. Ltd 69 info@anhaorui.com www.globalsources.com/anhaorui.co +++,,,
Zhejiang Newne Industry Co. Ltd 77 yzh@newnecn.com www.globalsources.com/newne.co +++,,,
Zurie Watch Ltd 61 sales@bfortune.com.hk www.globalsources.com/bfortune.co +++,,,
Plastic keychains
Dongguan Wenfu Trading Co. Ltd 119 dghjhf@vip.163.com www.globalsources.com/dghengfu.co ++++,,
Hao Dy Development Corp. 53 haodycn@126.com www.globalsources.com/haody.co ++++,,
Quanzhou Licheng Hongfa Plastic & Hardware Products Fty 31 qzhongfa@globalsources.com www.globalsources.com/qzhongfa.co ++++,,
Yiwu Elike Arts & Crafts Co. Ltd 183 elike@globalsources.com www.globalsources.com/elike.co ++++,,
Solar keychains
Depo Manufacturing Corp. Ltd 67 depo@globalsources.com www.globalsources.com/depo.co ++++,,
Zhejiang Newne Industry Co. Ltd 77 yzh@newnecn.com www.globalsources.com/newne.co +++,,,
Musical accessories
Popwin Giftware Manufacturing Co. Ltd 123 general@popwin.com.hk www.globalsources.com/popwin.co ++++,,
Tila Worldwide Co. Ltd 150 tilahk@globalsources.com www.globalsources.com/tilahk.co +++,,,
Wind instruments
Huize International Trading Co. Ltd 160 huize@globalsources.com www.globalsources.com/huize.co ++,,,,
Color-changing novelties
Nantong Yifa Lighting Co. Ltd 156 ntyifa@globalsources.com www.globalsources.com/ntyifa.co ++,,,,
New Prismatic Enterprise Co. Ltd 151 nccinfo@colorchange.com.tw www.globalsources.com/newprismatic.co +++,,,
Philcha Enterprise Co. Ltd 104 philcha@color-change.com www.globalsources.com/philcha.co +++,,,
Emblem/button badges
Jinju Hardware Enterprise (SZ) Co. Ltd 86 salesdepartment@vip.163.com www.globalsources.com/jinjuhardware.co ++,,,,
Logojets International Ltd 33 sales@logojets.com www.globalsources.com/logojets.co ++++,,
North Peak Trading Co. Ltd C-4 northpk@globalsources.com www.globalsources.com/northpk.co +++++,
Talent (Tianjin) Electronics Co. Ltd @ talenttj@globalsources.com www.globalsources.com/talenttj.co ++,,,,
Tech Arts International Co. Ltd 62 service@techarts.com.tw www.globalsource.com/techarts.co ++++,,
Emblem/lapel pins
Asny Craft Factory 90 balang@asnypin.com www.globalsources.com/asnypin.co ++,,,,
Chien Yauh Industries Co. Ltd 3 info@cyibest.com.tw www.globalsources.com/chienyauh.co +++++,
Logojets International Ltd 33 sales@logojets.com www.globalsources.com/logojets.co ++++,,
North Peak Trading Co. Ltd C-4 northpk@globalsources.com www.globalsources.com/northpk.co +++++,
Executive magnetic/kinetic novelties
Sabcollection Gifts & Ornamental Inc. 70 sabcollection19@yahoo.com.cn www.globalsources.com/sabcollection.co ++++,,
Wei Zhong Jie Hardware (Dongguan) Handcraft Fty 166 vjbadges@globalsources.com www.globalsources.com/vjbadges.co +++,,,
Flashing novelty lights
Moslink Electronic Ltd (Ragetta Co. Ltd) 140 info@moslink.com www.globalsources.com/moslink.co ++++,,
Shenzhen Xplonglife Electronics Co. Ltd @ xpll@globalsources.com www.globalsources.com/xpll.co ++,,,,
Wenzhou Evernew Ind. Co. Ltd 138 ericwang@vip.163.com www.globalsources.com/wzevernew.co ++,,,,
Wenzhou Success Group Co. Ltd 133 topam@globalsources.com www.globalsources.com/topam.co ++++++
Glow-in-the-dark novelties
Ningbo Merry Art Gifts Co. Ltd 137 sales@merryart.cn www.globalsources.com/merryart.co ++++,,
Shenzhen Aokai Electronics Co. Ltd 155 szaokaisales@163.com www.globalsources.com/aokai.co +++,,,
XinZheng All Stars Glow Toy Factory 146 mxx@globalsources.com www.globalsources.com/allstars.co ++,,,,
Zhejiang Guangyuan Toys Co. Ltd 193 sales@gytoys.com www.globalsources.com/gytoys.co ++,,,,
Gumball machines
Kwang Hsieh Ent. Co. Ltd (Gumball Machine) 139 khecl@ms10.hinet.net www.globalsources.com/gumballmachine.co +++++,
Novelty desk clocks
Blue Square Ltd 98 info@bluesquare.com.hk www.globalsources.com/bluesquare.co +++++,
Jinjiang Guanghua Electronic Clock & Watch Co. Ltd 144 ghclock@globalsources.com www.globalsources.com/ghclock.co ++,,,,
Joyas Mfg Ltd 153 sales@joyas.com.hk www.globalsources.com/joyas.co ++++,,
Victory Link Ent. Ltd 125 info@victorylink.com.hk www.globalsources.com/victorylink.co ++++,,
Novelty ags/windsocks & accessories
Admax Exhibition System (Shanghai) Ltd @ admax@globalsources.com www.globalsources.com/admax.co ++,,,,
Changzhou Rene Flag & Crafts Co. Ltd 118 sales@reneag.com www.globalsources.com/reneag.co +++,,,
Flagship Banner & Pennant Industrial Co. Ltd 102 ag.ship@msa.hinet.net www.globalsources.com/agship.co +++,,,
Fuzhou Xingchun Premium Mfg Co. Ltd 2 rubbers@globalsources.com www.globalsources.com/softgums.co ++++++
Ningbo Haishu Runwin Imp. & Exp. Co. Ltd 110 goldie@runwin.com.cn www.globalsources.com/runwin.co +++,,,
Gifts & Premiums July 2009 200 www.globalsources.com - Choose veried suppliers
Dlsney, Dalso, Wal-MarI
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Wcnzhou forcst Stationcry Co. ltd
No. l0, Demonstruton lndustru lurk,
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Come to us or stutonery, gt und urt tems. \e munuucture note puds, notebooks,
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Handy and stylish premiums
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Leave a lasting impression of your company
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Then we ll have your order ready to ship in 15 to 20 days. E-mail us today.
Remote control laser pointers
Vson Technology Co. Ltd
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Shenzhen, Guangdong 518102, China
Tel: (86-755) 6113 9518/ 9019 Fax: (86-755) 6113 9111
E-mail: vson@globalsources.com vson@vson.com.cn
www.globalsources.com/ vson.co www.vson.com.cn
Wireless presenter
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Comes with USB receiver
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All trademarks shown here are for reference purposes only. They are the property of their respective
owners, and we are not authorized to sell items bearing such trademarks.
July 2009 Gifts & Premiums 201 More new products - www.globalsources.com
Product / Advertiser Page E-mail Website Star Ranking
@For more lnformatlon, vlslt thls suppller's webslte.
Ningbo Jiangbei Heyuan Textile Products Co. Ltd 145 nbheyuan@globalsources.com www.globalsources.com/nbheyuan.co +++++,
Shanghai Senior Flags Manufacture Co. Ltd 152 sales@seniorag.com www.globalsources.com/senior.co +++,,,
Shaoxing Xiangying Co. Ltd 128 jgb1135@hotmail.com www.globalsources.com/xiangyingag.co +++++,
Wenzhou Fly Craft Product Co. Ltd 142 agfactory@globalsources.com www.globalsources.com/agfactory.co ++,,,,
Novelty lights
Moslink Electronic Ltd (Ragetta Co. Ltd) 140 info@moslink.com www.globalsources.com/moslink.co ++++,,
Wenzhou Times Co. Ltd 109 toy@evatoys.com www.globalsources.com/evatoys.co ++++++
Novelty pens
Lucky Star Enterprise & Co. Ltd @ richard.yeh@luckygroup.biz www.globalsources.com/luckytwn.co ++,,,,
Novelty radios
Zinoki Ltd 139 zinoki@globalsources.com www.globalsources.com/zinoki.co ++++,,
Refrigerator magnets
Global Bridge Industry Co. Ltd 192 minigift@globalsources.com www.globalsources.com/gb.co ++,,,,
Kin Fong Magnets Co. Ltd 36 kinfong@kinfong.com www.globalsources.com/kinfong.co +++,,,
Magnet Ltd 60 magnet@magnet-ltd.com www.globalsources.com/magnetltds.co ++++,,
Shaanxi Decor Imp. & Exp. Co. Ltd 213 info@decor-levic.com www.globalsources.com/decor-levic.co +++,,,
Wenzhou Wanshida Printing Industry Co. Ltd 96 wsdyy@globalsources.com www.globalsources.com/wsdyy.co ++,,,,
Plastic carrier bags
Oyeer Industry Co. Ltd 191 oyeer@globalsources.com www.globalsources.com/oyeer.co ++,,,,
Computer printing paper/forms/labels
Wenzhou Jinlan Paper Co. Ltd @ llwz@globalsources.com www.globalsources.com/luolanprince.co ++,,,,
Greeting cards
Shenzhen Highrich Electronics Technology Co. Ltd 181 highrich@highrich.cn www.globalsources.com/highrich.co ++++,,
Zhejiang KDN Colour & Printing Co. Ltd 174 kdn@pack.net.cn www.globalsources.com/kaidin.co ++,,,,
Note pads
Ningbo Wantai Import & Export Corp. 209 wantai@globalsources.com www.globalsources.com/wantai.co ++++,,
Wenzhou Forest Stationery Co. Ltd 201 forest@forest-china.cn www.globalsources.com/cnforest.co +++,,,
Xiamen Cheung Win Enterprise Co. Ltd 190 sherwin@cheungwin.com.cn www.globalsources.com/cheungwin.co ++,,,,
Beijing Light Stationery Manufacturing Co. Ltd 199 lightjob@globalsources.com www.globalsources.com/lightbj.co ++++,,
Yung Hsin Hang Stationery Co. Ltd 185 yhh@tcts.seed.net.tw www.globalsources.com/yhh.co +++,,,
Zhejiang Tianda Printing Co. Ltd 187 chinatianda@globalsources.com www.globalsources.com/chinatianda.co +++,,,
Golden Free Industrial Co. Ltd 180 gfstick@ms14.hinet.net www.globalsources.com/goldenfr.co +++,,,
Zhejiang Jintai Printing Co. Ltd 187 jintaiprinting@globalsources.com www.globalsources.com/jintai.co ++++,,
New Time Plastic Mfg Ltd 80 jeffery@inatable.cn www.globalsources.com/nt.co ++++,,
Wuxi Raychina Intl Corp. 193 shilz@public1.wx.js.cn www.globalsources.com/raychina.co ++,,,,
Men's & women's party masks & hats
China Zhangzhou Co. For Intl Techno-Eeconomic Coop. 138 mask-venetian@globalsources.com www.globalsources.com/mask-venetian.co ++,,,,
Party favors
Dongguan Wenfu Trading Co. Ltd 119 dghjhf@vip.163.com www.globalsources.com/dghengfu.co ++++,,
Kord Party Favour Mfy Ltd 134 kordparty@globalsources.com www.globalsources.com/kord.co +++,,,
Tai Sam (Party Fun) Industrial Co. Ltd 159 tasso@taisam.com.hk www.globalsources.com/taisamparty.co +++,,,
Digital photo frames
Grand Electronics (Shenzhen) Co. Ltd 167 salegrd@163.com www.globalsources.com/carid.co +++++,
Match Tech Industrial Co. Ltd 136 james@match.net.cn www.globalsources.com/match-tech.co ++,,,,
Shenzhen Cailiang Electronics Co. Ltd 124 info@clco88.com www.globalsources.com/clco.co ++++,,
Shenzhen Guangkehua Electronics Co. Ltd 92 ghdz@163.net www.globalsources.com/guanghua.co +++++,
Shenzhen Kingsun Enterprises Co. Ltd 144 sales@kingsun1.com www.globalsources.com/kingsun1.co ++++,,
Shenzhen MSD Technology Co. Ltd 157 info@msdtek.com.cn www.globalsources.com/msd.co +++++,
Shuoying Industrial (Shenzhen) Co. Ltd 12,13 shuoyingsales@globalsources.com www.globalsources.com/shuoying.co ++++++
Metal photo frames
LS Frame International Ltd 100,101 ls022@lsframe.com www.globalsources.com/lsframe.co ++++++
Ningbo Wenda Craftwork Co. Ltd 154 sales@cnwenda.com www.globalsources.com/cnwenda.co ++,,,,
Paper photo frames
Xiamen Raydeng Paper Craft & Art Co. Ltd 165 amy@raykai.com www.globalsources.com/raydeng.co +++,,,
Plastic photo frames
LS Frame International Ltd 100,101 ls022@lsframe.com www.globalsources.com/lsframe.co ++++++
Quanzhou Licheng Hongfa Plastic & Hardware Products Fty 31 qzhongfa@globalsources.com www.globalsources.com/qzhongfa.co ++++,,
Vastbo Industries Ltd 149 vastbo@vastbo.com www.globalsources.com/vastbo.co +++,,,
Zhejiang Panda Trading Co. Ltd 130 tec@teczj.com www.globalsources.com/tec.co ++++,,
Wooden photo frames
LS Frame International Ltd 100,101 ls022@lsframe.com www.globalsources.com/lsframe.co ++++++
Insulated bags
Chongqing Yatai Trading Co. Ltd 50 customer@yataitrdg.com www.globalsources.com/cqyatai.co ++,,,,
Richall Technology Co. Ltd 40 rich@richall.net www.globalsources.com/richall.co ++++,,
Gifts & Premiums July 2009 202 www.globalsources.com - Choose veried suppliers
Our P VC t oys ar e
pht halat e-fr ee
Rms. 9008-9013, Jinhu Building, 2 Hubei Rd., Luohu, Shenzhen,
Guangdong 518002, China
Factory: Lannian 1st Industrial Zone, Longgang, Shenzhen,
Guangdong 518000, China
Tel: (86-755) 8220 6146 Fax: (86-755) 8220 6192
E-mail: jlx@globalsources.com
Website: www.globalsources.com/jlx.co
You don't have to worry about the safety and quality of our EN 71-
certifed toys, mugs, fgurines, candy boxes, piggy banks and other items.
We guarantee our PVC and ABS sourced fromJapan, Taiwan and South
Korea conformto European toy safety standards and are phthalate-free.
Plus, they're inspected by SGS for quality assurance.
If you need orders in a hurry, we'll complete an OEM prototype in just
one week. We're able to do this because we complete our 3-D design,
molding, rotocasting, injection, spray painting and pad printing in-house.
And we'll have ODMorders ready in just 25 days or less. We can handle
large or small volumes with our monthly capacity of 500,000 units.
Contact us today.
Shenzhen Jinlongxin P last ic Co. Lt d
All trademarks shown here are for reference purposes only. They are the property of their respective
owners, and we are not authorized to sell items bearing such trademarks
EN 71
Promotional fgures
Promotional cash box
Applications: Christmas decorations, body paint, cosmetics,
arts and crafts, toys, stationery and more
Hexagon glit t er in hard- t o-
source sizes
Over 100 colors available
Lstubshed n l982, ve export gtter to Lurope, the Amercus, Austruu und Asu.
\e oer hexugonu, stur, moon und heurt shupes n over l00 coors. Cur products
ure mude to resst sovents und temperutures o up to l70C. Choose rom l4 szes,
ncudng the 0.05mm und 0.07mm ukes thut ev suppers cun oer.
Lectroputng muchnery rom Cermuny mproves our
ubty to cout our gtter vth lVC, Cll, lL1, runbov
und hoogruphc ms vth brunt shne und coor.
And u monthy cupucty o l50 tons ensures your
voume needs ure met. Contuct us toduy.
Ho long GIittcrs fntcrpriscs Co.
No. 23, Lune l, Chn Hsung St., 1u-Cheng, 1upe Hsen, 1uvun
1e: |886-2) 2269 3056, 2269 0369 lux: |886-2) 2269 4046
L-mu: hoong.gttermsu.hnet.net
vvv.gobusources.com/hoong.co - vvv.hoonggtters.com.tv
July 2009 Gifts & Premiums 203 More new products - www.globalsources.com
Product / Advertiser Page E-mail Website Star Ranking
@For more lnformatlon, vlslt thls suppller's webslte.
Shinysource Co. Ltd 192 shinysource@globalsources.com www.globalsources.com/shinysource.co ++,,,,
Yoo Enterprise Co. 68 j293@ms24.hinet.net www.globalsources.com/yooyu.co ++,,,,
Promotional backpacks
Shenzhen Duolilong Industrial Co. Ltd 84 dolilong@globalsources.com www.globalsources.com/dolilong.co +++,,,
Xiamen Good Forever Industrial Co. Ltd 22 sales@picnic-bag.comhttp www.globalsources.com/camping.co ++++++
Promotional carrier bags
Dongguan Juan Chen Printing Co. Ltd 129 juanchenpr@globalsources.com www.globalsources.com/juanchenpr.co +++++,
Shanghai Guohuang Industrial & Trade Co. Ltd 71 sh-ghsm@163.com www.globalsources.com/ghsm.co +++++,
Wenzhou Huatai Printing Industry Co. Ltd @ wzhuatai@globalsources.com www.globalsources.com/wzhuatai.co ++,,,,
Yiwu Elike Arts & Crafts Co. Ltd 183 elike@globalsources.com www.globalsources.com/elike.co ++++,,
Promotional drawstring bags
Emori Products Co. Ltd 65 info@emori.com.hk www.globalsources.com/emori.co +++++,
Promotional gift bags
Bagco Asia Ltd 54 info@bagcoasia.com www.globalsources.com/bagcoasia.co ++,,,,
Dongyang Oyi Packing Co. Ltd 80 oyi@globalsources.com www.globalsources.com/oyi.co ++,,,,
Hongfei Plastic Product (HK) Ltd 27 szhongfei@globalsources.com www.globalsources.com/szhongfei.co ++++,,
Ningbo Ningshen Industry & Trading Co. Ltd 44 sales@ningshen.com www.globalsources.com/ningshen.co +++++,
Shanghai Weijun Group Ecobag Manufactory 59 grand24@grandworldinc.com www.globalsources.com/weijunbag.co ++++++
Shenzhen Dongzhile Co. Ltd 62 amandatfs@globalsources.com www.globalsources.com/shenzhenjiafeng.co ++,,,,
Xiamen Good Forever Industrial Co. Ltd 22 sales@picnic-bag.comhttp www.globalsources.com/camping.co ++++++
Yiwu Multipack Factory 121 info@zhejiangmultipack.com www.globalsources.com/multipack.co ++++,,
Promotional shopping bags
All Star Houseware Ltd 32 enquiry@ast99.com www.globalsources.com/ast99.co +++,,,
Fuzhou Xingchun Premium Mfg Co. Ltd 2 rubbers@globalsources.com www.globalsources.com/softgums.co ++++++
Greaten Import and Export (Xiamen) Co. Ltd 15 davidliu@probtain.com www.globalsources.com/probtain.co ++++++
Shanghai Atlantis Industry Co. Ltd (COFCO Group) 77 sales@goodschannel.com www.globalsources.com/atlantis.co ++++,,
Shanghai Zenglian Industry Co. Ltd 52 shzenglian@gmail.com www.globalsources.com/zenglian.co +++,,,
Shenzhen Henree Bags Manufactory 74 benny@henree.com www.globalsources.com/henree.co ++,,,,
Top Forest (HK) Bags Manufactory 87 info@topforest.com www.globalsources.com/topforest.co +++,,,
Wenzhou Best International Trade Co. Ltd 1 packingcn@vip.sina.com www.globalsources.com/wzbest.co ++++++
Wenzhou Detai Plastics Co. Ltd 193 wzdt@globalsources.com www.globalsources.com/dtplastic.co ++,,,,
Wenzhou Jiade Plastic Co. Ltd @ wzjiade@globalsources.com www.globalsources.com/wzjiade.co ++,,,,
Wenzhou Jiameida Crafts Co. Ltd 193 jiameida@globalsources.com www.globalsources.com/jiameida.co ++,,,,
Wenzhou Yinhai Printing & Bag Co. Ltd 83 yinhaibag@globalsources.com www.globalsources.com/yinhai.co ++++,,
Xi'an Saintyarn Nonwoven Fabric Co. Ltd 94 saintyarn@gmail.com www.globalsources.com/saintyarn.co ++,,,,
Promotional tote bags
Cangnan Meige Bags Co. Ltd 37 cnylxb@163.com www.globalsources.com/meigebags.co ++++++
Centennial Industrial Co. 91 centinco@centinco.com.hk www.globalsources.com/centinco.co +++,,,
Shenyang Times Plastic Woven Packing Co. Ltd 48 popbag@timeschina.net www.globalsources.com/popbag.co ++++,,
Stream (China) Co. Ltd 86 chris@fobnb.com www.globalsources.com/nbstream.co ++,,,,
Wenzhou Yabao Printing Service Co. Ltd 43 ybprinting@globalsources.com www.globalsources.com/yabao.co ++++,,
Yiwu Multipack Factory 121 info@zhejiangmultipack.com www.globalsources.com/multipack.co ++++,,
Promotional air fresheners
Beijing Stronger Rich Imp. & Exp. Co. Ltd 81 strongerich@globalsources.com www.globalsources.com/strongerich.co ++++,,
Promotional bracelets
B&B Exporting Ltd 94 bbintl@163.com www.globalsources.com/bbintl.co ++++,,
Hao Dy Development Corp. 53 haodycn@126.com www.globalsources.com/haody.co ++++,,
Promotional calculators
Fujian Putian New Developing Gift Co. Ltd 122 cnf@public.ptptt.fj.cn www.globalsources.com/xxlp.co ++++,,
Pretty Rich Industrial Ltd 38 info@prettyrich.com.hk www.globalsources.com/pretty.co +++,,,
Promotional cameras
Art Power Plastic & Electronic Factory Ltd 85 artpower@biznetvigator.com www.globalsources.com/komaxil.co +++,,,
Shuoying Industrial (Shenzhen) Co. Ltd 12,13 shuoyingsales@globalsources.com www.globalsources.com/shuoying.co ++++++
TGF Group Co. Ltd 97 sales@tgf-group.com.cn www.globalsources.com/e-well.co ++++,,
Promotional desk clocks
Shenzhen Mingzhida Electronic Co. Ltd @ market@szmzd.cn www.globalsources.com/mzd.co ++,,,,
Promotional digital clocks
Shenzhen Detop Electronic Co. Ltd 56 detop@szonline.net www.globalsources.com/detop.co +++++,
Yick Li Industrial (HK) Co. Ltd 61 info@yickli.com www.globalsources.com/yickli.co +++,,,
Promotional digital watches
Rider Technology Co. Ltd @ sales@ridertech.cn www.globalsources.com/ridertech.co ++,,,,
Zurie Watch Ltd 61 sales@bfortune.com.hk www.globalsources.com/bfortune.co +++,,,
Promotional fans
Dongguan Pin Guan Electronic Co. Ltd 95 pinguan@vip.163.com www.globalsources.com/pinguan.co +++,,,
Promotional ashlights
Lucky International Trade Co. Ltd 40 candy@nbluckytrade.com www.globalsources.com/luckytrade.co ++++,,
Ningbo Pinbo Plastic Mfg Co. Ltd @ sales@pinboplastic.com www.globalsources.com/pinbo.co +++,,,
Ningbo Topsource Foreign Trade Co. Ltd 64 shipping@topsource.cn www.globalsources.com/nbtopsource.co +++++,
Shanghai Goal Stron Electric Co. Ltd 24 goalstron@globalsources.com www.globalsources.com/goalstron.co ++++,,
Shenzhen Duolilong Industrial Co. Ltd 84 dolilong@globalsources.com www.globalsources.com/dolilong.co +++,,,
Shenzhen Xinlingnan Electronic Technology Co. Ltd 35 xlngs@globalsources.com www.globalsources.com/xinlingnan.co ++++,,
Zhejiang Sorbo Electronic Co. Ltd 16 sb@wzshengbo.com www.globalsources.com/sorbo.co +++++,
Promotional golf accessories
Dragonseas & Co. Ltd 69 drgnseas@globalsources.com www.globalsources.com/drgnseas.co +++,,,
Gifts & Premiums July 2009 204 www.globalsources.com - Choose veried suppliers
Your logos will last
longer on our pens
With specialized production and full QC
Send us your OEM/ODM requirements and logos, and see
how our in-house printing allows your logos to remain bright.
Ninety percent of production is carried out in-house, starting
from our own molding departments, to assembly, painting,
logo imprinting and fnally, high-temperature oven baking.
In addition to regular logo printing, we can also do 360 degree
imprinting and shining logos.
We also have a full QC system. Our QC ofcers inspect every
stage of production to ensure a higher standard of quality.
To further improve our products quality, we can easily procure
lead-free materials sourced from South Korea and Taiwan.
Production lead time is only two weeks. Contact us today.
Wah Fook Holdings Ltd
11 Tong Yan San Tsuen Rd., Yuen Long, N.T., Hong Kong
Tel: (86-755) 8958 0233, (86-755) 8958 0738 Fax: (86-755) 8958 0633
E-mail: sales@wahfookltd.com wahfook@globalsources.com
www.globalsources.com/wahfook.co www.wahfookltd.com
Factory address: Baigon Ao, Shang Shui Jing, Jihua Rd., Buji,
Shenzhen, Guangdong, China
WB8331 / WB8332
USB ballpoint pens with fash drives
of up to 8GB, available in various colors
Mainland China patent no: 0802201.6M001 (WB8331)
Mainland China patent no: 0802201.6M002 (WB8332)
WB0760 / WB3690
Metal ballpoint pens with
chrome trims available in
various colors
7l, No. l8, Aey l, Lune 768, lu 1eh Rd., Sec. 4, 1upe, 1uvun
1e: |886-2) 2788 722l lux: |886-2) 2652 27ll, 2653 3842
L-mu: chunvtms8.hnet.net
vvv.gobusources.com/chunvt.co - vvv.chunvt.com.tv
Munund Chnu uctory: uotuo, Dongguun
Customizable and shelf-ready
DIY bag kits and more
Madc with machincry from ]apan
Cur DlY bug kts ncude cooru et, yurn, buttons, bovs und other un
uccents, uong vth step-by-step ustruted drectons. Dozens o derent
kts ure uvuube, euch vth she-reudy puckugng. Cr et us customze
products und puckugng to the uesthetc needs o your customers.
Cur R&D teum uso unves tvo nev desgns quurtery, ncudng DlY
every sets, urt nus und body urt stckers. And our 1uvun-truned
techncuns use ro orm, oset, und skscreen prntng muchnery
mported rom }upun to produce ntrcutey textured stcker suruces.
Lusy meetng the hgh-voume requrements o cents vordvde,
our munund Chnu uctores turn out 500,000 unts monthy. lor
house-brund sumpes n u veek, or customzed sumpes n tvo
contuct us nov.
Chain Wit Corp.
DIY bag kits available in
color-coordinated designs
July 2009 Gifts & Premiums 205 More new products - www.globalsources.com
Product / Advertiser Page E-mail Website Star Ranking
@For more lnformatlon, vlslt thls suppller's webslte.
Jin Sheu Enterprise Co. Ltd 6,7 168service@jinsheu.com.tw www.globalsources.com/jinsheu.co ++++++
We Go Metallic Products Co. Ltd 78 wegopin@globalsources.com www.globalsources.com/wegopin.co ++++,,
Promotional hats
Ningbo Captain Industrial & Trading Co. Ltd @ info@smile-china.com www.globalsources.com/nbcaptain.co +++,,,
Promotional knives
Peace Target Ltd 91 sales@peacetarget.com www.globalsources.com/peacetar.co ++++,,
Promotional luggage tags
Gift Fairy Co. Ltd 82 giftfairy@globalsources.com www.globalsources.com/giftfairy.co ++++,,
Jiar Travelware Co. Ltd 80 gary.hu@jiar.cn www.globalsources.com/jiar.co +++,,,
Top Card Enterprise Co. Ltd 94 topcard.ysl@msa.hinet.net www.globalsources.com/topcard.co ++,,,,
Promotional medical products
Shenzhen Guangkehua Electronics Co. Ltd 92 ghdz@163.net www.globalsources.com/guanghua.co +++++,
Yezu Enterprise Co. Ltd 79 yezu@ms33.hinet.net www.globalsources.com/yezu.co +++,,,
Promotional mobile phone straps
Emori Products Co. Ltd 65 info@emori.com.hk www.globalsources.com/emori.co +++++,
K-Pro International (Shanghai) Co. Ltd 4 customerservice@mail.k-pro.com.cn www.globalsources.com/k-pro.co ++++,,
Winwin Industrial Co. Ltd 14 szwinwin@globalsources.com www.globalsources.com/szwinwin.co ++++,,
Promotional mouse pads
Excebest Enterprise Corp. 71 excebest@excebest.com.tw www.globalsources.com/excebest.co +++,,,
Fuzhou Xingchun Premium Mfg Co. Ltd 2 rubbers@globalsources.com www.globalsources.com/softgums.co ++++++
Kingtoy Craft (Ningbo) Co. Ltd 96 ktcraft@globalsources.com www.globalsources.com/kingtoy.co +++,,,
Shenzhen Hongtong Gifts & Toys Fty @ szhongtong@globalsources.com www.globalsources.com/szhongtong.co ++,,,,
Well Lands Enterprise Co. Ltd 192 wellland@wellland.com.tw www.globalsources.com/wellland.co ++,,,,
Promotional mugs
Bishan Ceramic Factory @ tony@sinoporcelain.com www.globalsources.com/bsceramic.co ++,,,,
Gifts & Premium Ltd 30 info@giftsnpremium.net www.globalsources.com/giftsnpremium.co +++,,,
Nanlong Group Co. Ltd 9 ask@nanlong.com www.globalsources.com/nanlong.co ++++++
Ningbo Fengze International Industrial & Trading Co. Ltd 64 manager@china-fengze.com www.globalsources.com/chinafengze.co ++,,,,
S.E.B Group Co. Ltd 52 sebinfo2@gmail.com www.globalsources.com/sebgroup.co ++,,,,
Shanghai Topmost Houseware Co. Ltd 79 sales@topmost-sh.com www.globalsources.com/topmost.co ++++,,
Shenzhen Jinlongxin Plastic Co. Ltd 203 jlx@globalsources.com www.globalsources.com/jlx.co ++++,,
Yongkang Ermei Industry & Trade Co. Ltd @ emily@ermeicups.com www.globalsources.com/ermei.co ++,,,,
Zhejiang Feijian Industry and Trading Co. Ltd 44 sales@cnfeijian.com www.globalsources.com/feijian.co ++++,,
Zhejiang Jiahua Household Co. Ltd 68 chinasports@globalsources.com www.globalsources.com/chinasports.co ++,,,,
Promotional novelty radios
J&W Global Co. Ltd 96 sales@jwglobal.com.hk www.globalsources.com/jwglobal.co +++,,,
Promotional outdoor & sports gear
Fullyear-Brother Enterprise Co. Ltd 93 fullyear@fullyear.com www.globalsources.com/fullyearbrother.co +++,,,
Promotional pens
Arico Pen Industrial Ltd 28 aricopen@netvigator.com www.globalsources.com/arico.co +++,,,
Asia Sky International (HK) Ltd 34 asiasky@globalsources.com www.globalsources.com/asiasky.co +++++,
Ocean Star International (HK) Ltd 36 oceanstar@globalsources.com www.globalsources.com/oceanstar.co ++++,,
Odesun Co. Ltd 42 sales@odesun.com www.globalsources.com/odesun.co +++++,
Shanghai Atlantis Industry Co. Ltd (COFCO Group) 77 sales@goodschannel.com www.globalsources.com/atlantis.co ++++,,
Shenzhen Acme Pen Co. Ltd 50 acmepen@globalsources.com www.globalsources.com/acmepen.co ++++,,
Shenzhen Naki Jewelry Pen Co. Ltd 82 naki@naki.cn www.globalsources.com/naki.co ++,,,,
Shenzhen Pico Stationery & Gifts Co. Ltd 67 picopen@vip.163.com www.globalsources.com/picopen.co ++++,,
Shenzhen Saixing Industrial Co. Ltd 90 saixingsales@vip.163.com www.globalsources.com/saixing.co ++,,,,
Promotional purse hangers
Premium4you Ltd (Factory) C-2 sales@premium4you.com.cn www.globalsources.com/premium.co ++++++
Sabcollection Gifts & Ornamental Inc. 70 sabcollection19@yahoo.com.cn www.globalsources.com/sabcollection.co ++++,,
Special Art Ltd 23 sales1@specialartltd.com www.globalsources.com/specialart.co ++++++
Promotional skin cases
Hongkong Bestxun Electronic Ltd 64 bestxun@globalsources.com www.globalsources.com/bestxun.co ++,,,,
Jin Lian Feng Industrial Co. Ltd 55 martincheung@jinlf.com www.globalsources.com/jinlianfeng.co ++++,,
Lucky Goldjyx Ltd 78 goldjyx@globalsources.com www.globalsources.com/goldjyx.co ++,,,,
Promotional tabletop accessories
Cangnan Boyi Trade Co. Ltd 50 cncnboyi@yahoo.com.cn www.globalsources.com/cnboyi.co ++,,,,
D4D Technology Development Ltd 90 d4d@netvigator.com www.globalsources.com/d4d.co +++,,,
Dongguan Tongtianxia Rubber Co. Ltd 192 ttxrubber@globalsources.com www.globalsources.com/ttxrubber.co ++,,,,
Fullmax Industrial (Hong Kong) Ltd (Gifts & Premiums Div.) 56 barrylee@fullmax.com.hk www.globalsources.com/fullmaxgifts.co ++,,,,
Gorista Enterprises Ltd 83 petra@goristaenterprises.com www.globalsources.com/gorista.co ++++,,
Jong Shinn Handicrafts Co. Ltd 51 michelleyu@jongshinn.com www.globalsources.com/jongshin.co +++++,
Shanghai Himmers Industrial & Trading Co. Ltd 20 himmers@globalsources.com www.globalsources.com/himmers-tools.co +++++,
Shenzhen Diya Silicone Electronic Co. Ltd 76 master@szdiya.com www.globalsources.com/szdiya.co ++,,,,
Promotional timers
Growtech Industrial Ltd 28 info@growtech.com.hk www.globalsources.com/growtech.co +++,,,
Pretty Rich Industrial Ltd 38 info@prettyrich.com.hk www.globalsources.com/pretty.co +++,,,
Promotional towels
Global Force Industries Ltd 97 globalforce@nbip.net www.globalsources.com/gbforce.co +++,,,
Linqu Jinkaili Textiles Co. Ltd 92 promotionaltowel@globalsources.com www.globalsources.com/promotionaltowel.co ++,,,,
Rizhao Good Hopes Textile & Crafts Fty 82 hao15667@yahoo.cn www.globalsources.com/goodhopes.co ++,,,,
Promotional toys
Changzhou Zhongya Chemical Co. Ltd 84 feihang@pub.sz.jsinfo.net www.globalsources.com/zhongya.co ++,,,,
Hang Wing Plastic Industry Co. Ltd 74 market@hangwingtoys.com www.globalsources.com/hangwing.co ++,,,,
Gifts & Premiums July 2009 206 www.globalsources.com - Choose veried suppliers
DIY self-laminating
cards and photo paper
Delivered in 25 days
\e munuucture umnutng curds und m, CHl m und photo puper ut
our uctores ocuted n Cuungdong, munund Chnu. \th l4 producton
nes, ve huve u monthy cupucty o 4,000 tons o products more thun
most compettors. \hen sourcng rom us, you benet rom substuntu
voume-producton suvngs. 1hs cupucty uso enubes us to dever your
urge orders n 25 duys, vth sumpes n ust three to ve duys.
Cur eutured umnutng curd suves users' money by enubng convenent
DlY, muchne-ree coutng o photos, lD curds, ugguge tugs, teuchng
muterus und more. lor more normuton on our unque products, peuse
vst our Cobu Sources Cnne vebste or e-mu us toduy.
Photo pouch and postcard,
protect photos from scratches
Glossy inkjet photo paper
Yidu Group Co. Ltd
l2l, No. 232 Hsn 1u \u Rd., Sec. l, Hs-Ch, 1upe Hsen 22l, 1uvun
1e: |886-2) 8642 4985 lux: |886-2) 2643 84l9 L-mu: muydu.com.tv
Laminating pouches
and rolls
Quanzhou Fengze Heli Stationery Co. Ltd
Jingxuan Building, Nanhuai Rd., Xiahuai Community,
Fengze, Quanzhou, Fujian 362000, China
Quanzhou Xiesheng Gift Co. Ltd
Huayi Rd., Huinan Industrial District, Quanzhou, Fujian, China
Tel: (86) 138 0599 1184 Fax: (86-595) 2730 8373
E-mail: roy@qzheli.com matt@qzheli.com
www.globalsources.com/qzheli.co www.qzheli.com
We' ve passed
St apl es' audi t
In 2008, we passed an audit by Staples, proving our commitment to
social responsibility. This company now relies on us for items such
as lanyards and plastic pull reels. We are also ISO 9001:2000- and
SA8000-certifed for your further peace of mind.
To ensure the quality you need, we implement a TQM system that
covers incoming material inspections, assembly and packaging.
This regimen is so effective that we' ve never had a returned item
since 1988. To support your volume needs, we have three factories
producing up to 2.5 million units every month. Contact us now for
more information.
Polyester lanyards
with foam-print logos
Clear carabiner
badge reel
Pr oduci ng up t o 2.5
mi l l i on uni t s mont hl y
July 2009 Gifts & Premiums 207 More new products - www.globalsources.com
Product / Advertiser Page E-mail Website Star Ranking
@For more lnformatlon, vlslt thls suppller's webslte.
Le Bonheur Industrial Corp. 29 sales@bonheurs.com www.globalsources.com/lebonheurs.co +++,,,
Shanghai Oriland Toys Co. Ltd 66 oriland@orilandtoys.com www.globalsources.com/orilandtoys.co ++++,,
Shuoying Industrial (Shenzhen) Co. Ltd 12,13 shuoyingsales@globalsources.com www.globalsources.com/shuoying.co ++++++
Yiwu Changqing Toys Co. Ltd 42 sales@changqingtoys.com www.globalsources.com/changqingtoys.co +++,,,
Yiwu Dongshun Toys Co. Ltd 58 zjtopsun@globalsources.com www.globalsources.com/zjtopsun.co ++,,,,
Yiwu Little Angel Toys Co. Ltd 75 sales@littleangel.net.cn www.globalsources.com/littleangel.co ++++,,
Promotional umbrellas
Future Umbrella Co. Ltd 76 futureumbrella@globalsources.com www.globalsources.com/futureumbrella.co ++++,,
Jasmin Umbrella Inc. 85 maxamco@ms15.hinet.net www.globalsources.com/jasmin.co +++,,,
Promotional USB accessories
Aquarry Technology Inc. 75 aquarry@ms72.hinet.net www.globalsources.com/aquarry.co ++++,,
Bettersupply Ind Co. Ltd 54 bettersupply@globalsources.com www.globalsources.com/bettersupply.co ++,,,,
Creative Products Technology Ltd 92 sales@cpthk.com.hk www.globalsources.com/cpthk.co ++,,,,
Design max Industrial Co. Ltd 192 gemlead@hotmail.com www.globalsources.com/designmax.co ++,,,,
East Sky Industry Co. Ltd 60 eastsky@globalsources.com www.globalsources.com/eastsky.co +++,,,
Shenzhen J.W. Industries Co. Ltd 153 globalsource@jw-gifts.com www.globalsources.com/jw.co ++++,,
Shenzhen Starmate Digital Technology Co. Ltd 63 service@pubang.cn www.globalsources.com/starmate.co ++++,,
Shenzhen Suntop Enterprises Co. Ltd 41 suntop@globalsources.com www.globalsources.com/suntop.co ++++,,
Shenzhen USBetter Technology Co. Ltd 84 sales@chineseusb.com www.globalsources.com/chineseusb.co ++,,,,
Smartocean Industrial Ltd 78 1ily@smartocean.net www.globalsources.com/smartocean.co +++,,,
TGF Group Co. Ltd 97 sales@tgf-group.com.cn www.globalsources.com/e-well.co ++++,,
Toptai (HK) Technology Co. Ltd 70 gracewong@toptai.com www.globalsources.com/toptai.co +++,,,
USB Design Technology Co. Ltd 66 christy@usbdesign.cn www.globalsources.com/usbdesign.co ++,,,,
Xinhuihe (HK) Digital Technology Co. Limited 48 mia@szuniverse.com www.globalsources.com/xinhuihe.co ++,,,,
Promotional watches
Tennmax Industrial Ltd 68 tennmax@globalsources.com www.globalsources.com/tennmax.co +++,,,
Advertising inatables
Agomax Group Ltd 26 info@agomax.com www.globalsources.com/agomax.co ++++,,
Billyking Co. Ltd 38 yanjjin@ms75.hinet.net www.globalsources.com/billyking.co +++,,,
Dongyang Modern Plastic Co. Ltd 65 sales@moderntoys.cn www.globalsources.com/modernplastic.co +++,,,
Dongyang Sentai Plastic Products Co. Ltd 32 sentai@globalsources.com www.globalsources.com/sentai.co ++++,,
Fujian Henghui Plastic & Rubber Co. Ltd 56 sales@qzhh.com www.globalsources.com/qzhh.co ++,,,,
New Time Plastic Mfg Ltd 80 jeffery@inatable.cn www.globalsources.com/nt.co ++++,,
Shenzhen Lijiefa Hardware & Plastic Products Co. Ltd 70 sale@ljfpvc.com www.globalsources.com/ljfpvc.co +++,,,
Shenzhen Zhonglifa Industrial Co. Ltd 48 szzhlf@public.szptt.net.cn www.globalsources.com/zhlf.co ++,,,,
Yiwu Little Angel Toys Co. Ltd 75 sales@littleangel.net.cn www.globalsources.com/littleangel.co ++++,,
Yiwu Tuozhan Plastics Toys Co. Ltd 62 tuozhan@globalsources.com www.globalsources.com/tuozhan.co ++,,,,
YWLA Toys Co. Ltd 86 ywlatoys@globalsources.com www.globalsources.com/ywlatoys.co ++++,,
Zhejiang Yiwu Shentong Toys Co. Ltd 93 wcy@globalsources.com www.globalsources.com/shentong.co ++++,,
Car sunshades
Beijing Stronger Rich Imp. & Exp. Co. Ltd 81 strongerich@globalsources.com www.globalsources.com/strongerich.co ++++,,
Gift display stands
Hua Mu Color Art Paper Product Co. Ltd 30 amy.liao@hwbox.com www.globalsources.com/huamu.co ++++,,
Hue King Printing Co. Ltd 8 service@hueking.com.tw www.globalsources.com/hueking.co +++,,,
Ningbo Ningshen Industry & Trading Co. Ltd 44 sales@ningshen.com www.globalsources.com/ningshen.co +++++,
Shenzhen Mall Vanguard Paper Product Co. Ltd 60 pop@gdpop.com www.globalsources.com/gdpop.co ++,,,,
Store Displays (SZ) Ltd 192 sdpop@globalsources.com www.globalsources.com/sdpop.co ++,,,,
Visad (Hongkong) Display Co. Limited 76 jijiangang@visad.com.cn www.globalsources.com/visad.co ++,,,,
Hospitality supplies
Ningbo Ocean Plastic & Chemical Products Co. Ltd 63 oceannb@globalsources.com www.globalsources.com/oceannb.co +++++,
J&H International Trading Ltd 108 jyhz@mail.hz.zj.cn www.globalsources.com/jhgift.co +++,,,
Kaiyue International (China) Co. Ltd 168 james@hyattcrystal.com www.globalsources.com/hyattcrystal.co ++,,,,
Ningbo Winsun Metal Products Co. Ltd @ winsun@winsun-product.com www.globalsources.com/ningbowinsun.co +++,,,
Tsui Lung Metal Mfy Co. 95 info@tsuilung.com.hk www.globalsources.com/tsuilung.co +++,,,
Cigar accessories
Wenzhou Yixin Smoking Co. Ltd 146 yixinsmoking@globalsources.com www.globalsources.com/yixinsmoking.co ++,,,,
Cigar humidors
Arms Group of Companies Inc. 171 arms@ms13.hinet.net www.globalsources.com/arms.co +++,,,
Cigarette holders
Shenzhen Kwongkee Science & Technology Co. Ltd 154 kevin@akeechina.com www.globalsources.com/kwongkee.co ++,,,,
Cigarette lighters
Zhuoye Lighter Manufacturing Co. Ltd 161 zhuoye@globalsources.com www.globalsources.com/zhuoye.co ++++,,
Electronic cigarettes
Shenzhen First Union Technology Co. Ltd 150 rst_union@globalsources.com www.globalsources.com/rst_union.co ++,,,,
Shenzhen J.W. Industries Co. Ltd 153 globalsource@jw-gifts.com www.globalsources.com/jw.co ++++,,
ShenZhen Kanger Technology Co. Ltd 132 szkangerwei@yahoo.cn www.globalsources.com/szkanger.co ++,,,,
Badge holders
An Ching Industry Co. Ltd 182 no2202@ms48.hinet.net www.globalsources.com/anching.co ++,,,,
Quanzhou Fengze Heli Stationery Co. Ltd 207 roy@qzheli.com www.globalsources.com/qzheli.co ++++,,
Gifts & Premiums July 2009 208 www.globalsources.com - Choose veried suppliers
2l, No. l8 Chung Huu Rd.,
Sec. l, 1ucheng, 1upe 236, 1uvun
1e: |886-2) 2270 6848
lux: |886-2) 2270 6849
L-mu: ucurdmsl5.hnet.net
Golden Mechanical Industrial Co. Ltd
Product range:
Rotary trimmers Paper cutters Corner punches
Color transfer foil Color laminating pouches Roll films
Our rotary trimmers slice 10 sheets
of paper at once
LV series
Personal rotary trimmer with
metal base, for A4 and A3 paper
Creuty ncreusng vork ecency ut busy copy centers, our
LV-seres trmmer cun sce through l0 sheets o stundurd puper
ut once. \e uso oer puper guotnes or SCHC users vho
need to cut busness curds, photos und other busness proects.
Source rom us, und ve v dedcute un experenced R&D
engneer to your proect ensurng your exuct speccutons
ure reected n euch order. Vst our Cobu Sources Cnne
shovroom toduy.
Paper guillotine with lightweight
ABS base, for A5 paper
Corner rounders, available
in multiple colors
PromotionaI itcms for
HcIIo kitty, Pcpsi and Avon
Choosc from ovcr S,000 promotionaI products
\orkng vth more thun 200 uctores, ve oer u seecton o more thun
5,000 products. 1hs ncudes LLD cundes, ushghts, stutonery tems,
heuth und beuuty uccessores, und promotonu tems or Heo ltty, leps
und Avon. And every month, our l0 desgners creute ut eust 20 nev products
to udd to our cutuog.
uyers n 30 countres, ncudng the LS, ruz, Cermuny, Austruu,
}upun und South Arcu, choose us us ther supper. \e've been n the
export busness or over l2 yeurs und ure experenced ut meetng both
the reguutons o vurous murkets und the requrements o nternutonu
buyers. \e turn out up to 500,000 promotonu tems monthy und ure
reudy or your voume orders.
Vst our Cobu Sources
Cnne shovroom
to eurn more
und then e-mu
us toduy.
Note pad with ABS box,
various colors available
Memos with PU
holder, available
with calendar paper
Ningbo Wantai lmp. and fxp. Corp.
lut l205-l206, 96 Lust uzhung Rd., Nngbo, Zheung 3l504l, Chnu
1e: |86-574) 8788 6577, 8788 3l64, 8739 2l48, 8739 2448
lux: |86-574) 8788 9ll9, 8787 0359
L-mu: gordonvuntucn.com
vvv.gobusources.com/vuntu.co - vvv.vuntucn.com
July 2009 Gifts & Premiums 209 More new products - www.globalsources.com
Product / Advertiser Page E-mail Website Star Ranking
@For more lnformatlon, vlslt thls suppller's webslte.
Binding machines
Ningbo Merry Art Gifts Co. Ltd 137 sales@merryart.cn www.globalsources.com/merryart.co ++++,,
Business card cases
Brilliance Metal Products (Shenzhen) Mfy 26 sales@metal-gifts.com www.globalsources.com/metal-gifts.co +++++,
Cash boxes
Hangzhou Bright Group Corp. 178 sales@bright-corp.com www.globalsources.com/bright-grp.co +++++,
Henry Mechanical & Electronic Co. Ltd @ sales@henry.net.cn www.globalsources.com/henrybillcounter.co ++,,,,
Pingyang Ranpeng Electronic Machinery Co. Ltd @ rpbg@globalsources.com www.globalsources.com/rp681.co ++,,,,
Shenzhen Jinlongxin Plastic Co. Ltd 203 jlx@globalsources.com www.globalsources.com/jlx.co ++++,,
Correction pens/tape/uid
Guangdong Genvana Stationery Co. Ltd 190 kfsen@genvana.com.cn www.globalsources.com/genvana.co ++++,,
Lepusheng Stationery Products Industrial Co. Ltd @ lepusheng@globalsources.com www.globalsources.com/lepusheng.co ++,,,,
Huei Sing Enterprise Co. Ltd 215 Fashion@mail.hui-sin.com.tw www.globalsources.com/huisin.co ++++,,
Laminating supplies
Yidu Group Co. Ltd 207 mail@yidu.com.tw www.globalsources.com/yidu.co ++++,,
Dongguan Hechuang Lanyard Co. Ltd @ info@hclanyard.com www.globalsources.com/hclanyard.co ++,,,,
ID Lanyards And Promotion Inc. 191 sales@idlanyards.com www.globalsources.com/idlanyards.co +++,,,
Quanzhou Fengze Heli Stationery Co. Ltd 207 roy@qzheli.com www.globalsources.com/qzheli.co ++++,,
Laser pointers
A-Ray Industrial Ltd 186 suki@arayworld.com www.globalsources.com/aray.co +++,,,
Shenzhen Tianxin Gift Co. Ltd 178 sztianxin@globalsources.com www.globalsources.com/sztianxin.co +++,,,
Vson Technology Co. Ltd 201 vson@globalsources.com www.globalsources.com/vson.co ++++,,
LED pens
Big Shark Inc. 174 sharkpen@ms36.hinet.net www.globalsources.com/sharkpen.co +++,,,
Odesun Co. Ltd 42 sales@odesun.com www.globalsources.com/odesun.co +++++,
Dongguan Guanlong Photoelectric Co. Ltd 185 joancq@21cn.net www.globalsources.com/gl8.co +++,,,
E-Tay Industrial Co. Ltd 197 etay@ms4.hinet.net www.globalsources.com/etayind.co +++,,,
Fortune Illumax Ltd 184 illumax@globalsources.com www.globalsources.com/illumax.co +++,,,
Memo boards
Shaanxi Decor Imp. & Exp. Co. Ltd 213 info@decor-levic.com www.globalsources.com/decor-levic.co +++,,,
Infanta Industrial Co. Ltd 213 infanta@ms24.hinet.net www.globalsources.com/infanta.co +++,,,
Paper trimmers
Golden Mechanical Industrial Co. Ltd 209 lucard@ms15.hinet.net www.globalsources.com/lucard.co +++,,,
Premium4you Limited 179 sales@premium4you.com www.globalsources.com/premium4you.co ++++++
Pencil cases
Hangzhou Mingcheng Guanye Co. Ltd C-3 yxm978@globalsources.com www.globalsources.com/mingcheng.co +++++,
Ja Shen Enterprise Corp. @ jashenn@ms31.hinet.net www.globalsources.com/jashen.co ++,,,,
Rubber bands
B&B Exporting Ltd 94 bbintl@163.com www.globalsources.com/bbintl.co ++++,,
Self adhesive tapes
Wenzhou Taichang Adhsive Products Co. Ltd 180 cntc@globalsources.com www.globalsources.com/cntaichang.co ++,,,,
Staplers & staple removers
Easypromote Industrial Group Ltd 113 michael@darddesignch.com www.globalsources.com/easypromote.co ++++,,
Stationery sets
Dalian T&D International Trading Co. Ltd 184 tnd@globalsources.com www.globalsources.com/tnd.co ++,,,,
Jinjiang Overseas Chinese Plastic & Rubber Co. Ltd Fujian 174 jocp_global@126.com www.globalsources.com/jocp.co ++,,,,
Tape dispensers
Motex Products Co. Ltd 215 mtxtrd@motex.co.kr www.globalsources.com/motexpro.co +++,,,
Tape writers
Motex Products Co. Ltd 215 mtxtrd@motex.co.kr www.globalsources.com/motexpro.co +++,,,
Ballpoint pens
Blue Bond Technology Industry Co. Ltd 168 bluebond@ms23.hinet.net www.globalsources.com/bluebond.co ++++,,
Ningbo Jiangdong Jodee Imp. & Exp. Co. Ltd 199 nbjodee@globalsources.com www.globalsources.com/nbjodee.co +++++,
Ningbo Topsource Foreign Trade Co. Ltd 64 shipping@topsource.cn www.globalsources.com/nbtopsource.co +++++,
Ningbo Unipoint Pen-Manufacturing Co. Ltd 178 karen@unipoint-pen.com www.globalsources.com/unipoint-pen.co ++,,,,
Wah Fook Holdings Ltd 205 sales@wahfookltd.com www.globalsources.com/wahfook.co ++++,,
Fountain pens
Shanghai Fuliwen Golden Pen Co. Ltd @ pen1989@fuliwen.sina.net www.globalsources.com/fuliwen.co ++,,,,
Multifunction pens
Shenzhen PC-Pen Co. Ltd 184 pc-pen@globalsources.com www.globalsources.com/pc-pen.co ++,,,,
Everglory Co. Ltd 175 sales@everglory.cn www.globalsources.com/everglory.co +++,,,
Permanent markers
Kasy's Co. Ltd 190 kasys@ms37.hinet.net www.globalsources.com/kasys.co ++,,,,
Rollerball pens
Shenzhen Acme Pen Co. Ltd 50 acmepen@globalsources.com www.globalsources.com/acmepen.co ++++,,
Gifts & Premiums July 2009 210 www.globalsources.com - Choose veried suppliers
20 desi gner s f r om Japan addi ng
15 new pr oduct s year l y
Established in 1948, were proud to be one of the pioneers in
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calculator with magnifer
Hiromori International Ltd
1/F, Prosperity Centre, 982 Canton Rd.,
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Tel: (852j 2311 3665 Fax: (852j 2367 9465
E-mail: designfactory@hiromori.com.hk
www.hiromori.com.hk Magner bar Clip dispenser
Document stand clip Toothbrush holder
with sand timer
fIcn lntcrnationaI Co. ltd
Rm. 9l8, 9/l, dg. l8, 95 usness Munson, 586 }ungnun Rd.,
Nngbo, Zheung 3l5040, Chnu
1e: |86-574) 8738 068l lux: |86-574) 8738 5837
eenl26gobusources.com - sueseenpromoton.com
vvv.gobusources.com/een.co - vvv.eenpromoton.com
Three-sided ring binder,
can be used as calendar stand
Lnoy the benets o huvng u vde seecton. \e oer over
l,000 promotonu products, such us rng bnders, e oders,
eye musks, 3-D gusses, vgs, stckers, tuttoos, struvs, botte
openers und vhtebourds. And u o our goods curry CL
und SCS upprovus.
\th nne yeurs o CLM und CDM experence, ve cun
compete your sumpes n ve duys, und devery tukes
ust 20. Cur speedy servces ure vhy bg buyers such us
Dsney, Dunone und 1oyotu source rom our runge o
products. \e vecome custom proects und uccept mnmum
orders or 3,000 peces.
Cur customer representutves vork uround the cock,
so you cun receve u repy
vthn l2 hours.
Contuct us toduy.
Wc answcr inquirics within 12 hours
I SO 9 0 0 1:20 0 0
Over 1,000 gromoIlonal
lIems avallable
All trademarks shown here are for reference purposes only. They are the property of their
respective owners, and we are not authorized to sell items bearing such trademarks.
Eye masks, available in various
colors and designs
July 2009 Gifts & Premiums 211 More new products - www.globalsources.com
Advertisers Pae Advertisers Pae
Advertiser tndex
A-Ray Industrial Ltd 186
A2 Manufacturing Co. Ltd 166
Agomax Group Ltd 26
All Star Houseware Ltd 32
Amass International Corp. 120
An Ching Industry Co. Ltd 182
Aquarry Technology Inc. 75
Arico Pen Industrial Ltd 28
Arms Group of Companies Inc. 171
Art Power Plastic & Electronic Factory Ltd 85
Asia Sky International (HK) Ltd 34
Asny Craft Factory 90
B&B Exporting Ltd 94
Bagco Asia Ltd 54
Beijing Light Stationery Manufacturing Co. Ltd 199
Beijing Stronger Rich Imp. & Exp. Co. Ltd 81
Bestpak Gifts & Crafts Co. Ltd 131
Bettersupply Ind Co. Ltd 54
Big Shark Inc. 174
Billyking Co. Ltd 38
Blue Bond Technology Industry Co. Ltd 168
Blue Square Ltd 98
Bokwang Pewter Co. Ltd 141
Brilliance Metal Products (Shenzhen) Mfy 26
Cangnan Boyi Trade Co. Ltd 50
Cangnan Meige Bags Co. Ltd 37
Centennial Industrial Co. 91
Century Way Industrial Ltd 193
Chain Wit Corp. 205
Changzhou Rene Flag & Crafts Co. Ltd 118
Changzhou Zhongya Chemical Co. Ltd 84
Chemchi Stationery Co. Ltd 186
Chien Yauh Industries Co. Ltd 3
China Zhangzhou Co. For Intl Techno-Eeconomic Coop. 138
Chongqing Yatai Trading Co. Ltd 50
Chung Jen Emblem Co. Ltd 45
Cixi Gangfa Industrial Co. Ltd 120
Creative Products Technology Ltd 92
Cypher Groups Co. Ltd 168
D4D Technology Development Ltd 90
Dalian Overseas Industry Co. Ltd 136
Dalian T&D International Trading Co. Ltd 184
Depo Manufacturing Corp. Ltd 67
Design max Industrial Co. Ltd 192
Dongguan Cheong Hing Metal Container Products Ltd 145
Dongguan City Wanxinlong Metal Mfg Co. Ltd 104
Dongguan Guanlong Photoelectric Co. Ltd 185
Dongguan Handsum Printing & Packing Co. Ltd 140
Dongguan Heli Printing Co. Ltd 158
Dongguan Jian Plastic & Metal Products Ltd 106
Dongguan Juan Chen Printing Co. Ltd 129
Dongguan Pin Guan Electronic Co. Ltd 95
Dongguan Tongtianxia Rubber Co. Ltd 192
Dongguan Wenfu Trading Co. Ltd 119
Dongguan Yiguan Can (Manufactory) Co. Ltd 114
Dongyang Modern Plastic Co. Ltd 65
Dongyang Oyi Packing Co. Ltd 80
Dongyang Sentai Plastic Products Co. Ltd 32
Dragon Max Weaving & Accessories Co. Ltd 146
Dragonseas & Co. Ltd 69
Duke International Cards & Games Co. Ltd 159
E-Tay Industrial Co. Ltd 197
East Color Printing Packaging Co. Ltd 124
East Sky Industry Co. Ltd 60
Eastern Technology Development Ltd 156
Easypromote Industrial Group Ltd 113
Elen International Co. Ltd 211
Emori Products Co. Ltd 65
Ever Bright Electric Co. Ltd 116
Everglory Co. Ltd 175
Excebest Enterprise Corp. 71
Flagship Banner & Pennant Industrial Co. Ltd 102
Fortune Illumax Ltd 184
Fujian Henghui Plastic & Rubber Co. Ltd 56
Fujian Putian New Developing Gift Co. Ltd 122
Fullmax Industrial (Hong Kong) Ltd (Gifts & Premiums Div.) 56
Fullsun International Enterprise Ltd 164
Fullyear-Brother Enterprise Co. Ltd 93
Future Umbrella Co. Ltd 76
Fuzhou Shanghecheng Imp. & Exp. Co. Ltd 130
Fuzhou Xingchun Premium Mfg Co. Ltd 2
Gift Fairy Co. Ltd 82
Gifts & Premium Ltd 30
Global Bridge Industry Co. Ltd 192
Global Force Industries Ltd 97
Golden Free Industrial Co. Ltd 180
Golden Mechanical Industrial Co. Ltd 209
Goldenbell Gifts & Toys Co. Ltd Yiwu 171
Gorista Enterprises Ltd 83
Graceful Rhythm Industrial Co. Ltd 105
Grand Electronics (Shenzhen) Co. Ltd 167
Grandroad Packaging Co. Ltd Kaiping 128
Greaten Import and Export (Xiamen) Co. Ltd 15
Growtech Industrial Ltd 28
Guangdong Genvana Stationery Co. Ltd 190
Handsoul Arts & Crafts Co. Ltd 170
Hang Wing Plastic Industry Co. Ltd 74
Hangzhou Bright Group Corp. 178
Hangzhou Horer Stationery Co. Ltd 182
Hangzhou Mingcheng Guanye Co. Ltd C-3
Hao Dy Development Corp. 53
Heng Feng Packaging & Paper Products Fty 110
Hi-Maxx Enterprise Co. Ltd 134
Hiromori Intl Ltd 211
Ho Long Glitters Enterprises Co. 203
Honest Vantage Limited 148
Hong Tai Printing Co. Ltd 151
Hongfei Plastic Product (HK) Ltd 27
Hongkong Bestxun Electronic Ltd 64
Hua Mu Color Art Paper Product Co. Ltd 30
Hue King Printing Co. Ltd 8
Huei Sing Enterprise Co. Ltd 215
Huize International Trading Co. Ltd 160
ID Lanyards And Promotion Inc. 191
Gifts & Premiums July 2009 212 www.globalsources.com - Choose veried suppliers
El egant por t f ol i os
wi t h st i t ched seams
Lnhunce your product nes vth our stysh portoos. 1hey're
mude rom durube eutherette muterus. And vhe most o
our compettors smpy heut und gue portoo seums, ours ure
cureuy sttched together so they' hod up under ong-term
use. lroessonus such us uccountunts und engneers vho need
to muke quck cucuutons on the go v uso ke our ncuson
o but-n cucuutors n these products.
Adherng to u strct 1C system, ve muntun u neur-perect
ucceptunce rute. And ve muke u o our cucuutors, cocks und
other oce uccessores n-house or uster devery tmes. \th
u monthy output o hu u mon unts, ve're reudy or your
voume orders, too. L-mu us toduy. A4 portfolio with built-in calculator
Multiple pockets
Size: 328 x 255 x 25mm
Photo frame with
built-in LCD clock
Portfolio with built-in
8-digit calculator
I nf ant a I ndust r i al Co. Lt d
2F, No. 311 Jui-Kuang Rd.,
Nei Hu, Taipei 114, Taiwan
Tel: (886-2) 8797 4670 Fax: (886-2) 8797 4666
E-mail: infanta@ms24.hinet.net
Foldable calculator
with world-time
function and card holder
Rm. 21007, 10/F, Yangyang International Plaza,
132 Zhuque Ave., Xi'an, Shaanxi 710061, China
Tel: (86-29) 6222 1101, 6222 1102
Fax: (86-29) 6222 1103
decor-levic@globalsources.com info@decor-levic.com
www.globalsources.com/decor-levic.co www.decor-levic.com
Choose f r om 1,500 t ypes of memo boar ds
Well turn your ideas into designs in 3 days
Shaanxi Decor Imp. & Exp. Co. Ltd
Magnetic dry erase
glass memo board
Several members of our R&D staff have over 11
years of experience designing boards in all materials,
shapes and colors. You can choose from our more
than 1,500 memo board models, as well as cork rolls,
magnets, pushpins, markers and erasers. If that's not
enough, we develop 100 new models every season.
And if you are looking for something to suit your
particular campaign, just tell us your price range,
product type and desired style. Well present you with
two or three unique choices in just three days.
We have supplied leading companies throughout
the world with frst-rate OEM/ODM memo boards.
With an average of fve years of experience, our QC
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factory to work for you. Visit our Global Sources
Online showroom today. Our collection includes
cork, magnetic dry erase,
chalk, combination and
standing boards
Magnetic frameless dry
erase memo board
July 2009 Gifts & Premiums 213 More new products - www.globalsources.com
Advertisers Pae Advertisers Pae
Infanta Industrial Co. Ltd 213
Inprint Design & Printing Ltd 144
J&H International Trading Ltd 108
J&W Global Co. Ltd 96
Jasmin Umbrella Inc. 85
Jiar Travelware Co. Ltd 80
Jin Lian Feng Industrial Co. Ltd 55
Jin Sheu Enterprise Co. Ltd 6,7
Jinjiang Guanghua Electronic Clock & Watch Co. Ltd 144
Jinjiang Overseas Chinese Plastic & Rubber Co. Ltd Fujian 174
Jinju Hardware Enterprise (SZ) Co. Ltd 86
Jong Shinn Handicrafts Co. Ltd 51
Joyas Mfg Ltd 153
Ju Bao Long Metal Can Co. Ltd 154
K-Pro International (Shanghai) Co. Ltd 4
Kaiyue International (China) Co. Ltd 168
Kasy's Co. Ltd 190
Kin Fong Magnets Co. Ltd 36
King Char Co. Ltd 116
Kingstar Co. Ltd 148
Kingtoy Craft (Ningbo) Co. Ltd 96
Kinlux Industrial Corporation 102
KM Designs & Production Ltd 74
Kord Party Favour Mfy Ltd 134
Korea Stationery Industry Cooperative 170
Kuo Kau Paper Products Co. Ltd 141
Kwang Hsieh Ent. Co. Ltd (Gumball Machine) 139
Le Bonheur Industrial Corp. 29
Linqu Jinkaili Textiles Co. Ltd 92
Logojets International Ltd 33
Longwick Industries Ltd 39
LP&P Ltd 132
LS Frame International Ltd 100,101
Lucky Goldjyx Ltd 78
Lucky International Trade Co. Ltd 40
Magnet Ltd 60
Match Tech Industrial Co. Ltd 136
Moslink Electronic Ltd (Ragetta Co. Ltd) 140
Motex Products Co. Ltd 215
Nanhai Tianyi Metal Products Co. Ltd 115
Nanlong Group Co. Ltd 9
Nantong Yifa Lighting Co. Ltd 156
New Prismatic Enterprise Co. Ltd 151
New Time Plastic Mfg Ltd 80
Ningbo ETDZ Victor Enterprise Intl Co. Ltd 118
Ningbo Fengze International Industrial & Trading Co. Ltd 64
Ningbo Haishu Runwin Imp. & Exp. Co. Ltd 110
Ningbo HCH Industrial Co. Ltd 157
Ningbo Jiangbei Heyuan Textile Products Co. Ltd 145
Ningbo Jiangdong Jodee Imp. & Exp. Co. Ltd 199
Ningbo Junye Stationery & Sports Co. Ltd 166
Ningbo Kaida Packing Factory 152
Ningbo Magnetic Industrial Co. Ltd 147
Ningbo Merry Art Gifts Co. Ltd 137
Ningbo Ningshen Industry & Trading Co. Ltd 44
Ningbo Ocean Plastic & Chemical Products Co. Ltd 63
Ningbo Topsource Foreign Trade Co. Ltd 64
Ningbo Unipoint Pen-Manufacturing Co. Ltd 178
Ningbo Wantai Import & Export Corp. 209
Ningbo Wenda Craftwork Co. Ltd 154
Ningbo Zhenhai Kylin Craft Article Co. Ltd 161
Ningbo ZhongHai Industry Investment Co. Ltd 52
North Peak Trading Co. Ltd C-4
Ocean Star International (HK) Ltd 36
Odesun Co. Ltd 42
Oyeer Industry Co. Ltd 191
Paramount Electronics (Shenzhen) Ltd 158
Peace Target Ltd 91
Philcha Enterprise Co. Ltd 104
Popwin Giftware Manufacturing Co. Ltd 123
Premium4you Limited 179
Premium4you Ltd (Factory) C-2
Pretty Rich Industrial Ltd 38
Pro-Geniality Enterprise Co. Ltd 66
Provide Ltd 142
Quanzhou Deyu Arts & Crafts Co. Ltd 138
Quanzhou Fengze Heli Stationery Co. Ltd 207
Quanzhou Licheng Hongfa Plastic & Hardware Products Fty 31
R&P International Co. Ltd 81
Richall Technology Co. Ltd 40
Rizhao Good Hopes Textile & Crafts Fty 82
Rockman Company Ltd 122
S.E.B Group Co. Ltd 52
Sabcollection Gifts & Ornamental Inc. 70
Santa Press Co. Ltd 106
Scorpion Precision Industry (HK) Co. Ltd 21
Shaanxi Decor Imp. & Exp. Co. Ltd 213
Shanghai Afala International Trade Co. Ltd 169
Shanghai Alix International Co. Ltd 172
Shanghai Atlantis Industry Co. Ltd (COFCO Group) 77
Shanghai Goal Stron Electric Co. Ltd 24
Shanghai Guohuang Industrial & Trade Co. Ltd 71
Shanghai Hanchang Printing Co. Ltd 112
Shanghai Himmers Industrial & Trading Co. Ltd 20
Shanghai Jielong Art Printing Co. Ltd 5
Shanghai Oriland Toys Co. Ltd 66
Shanghai Senior Flags Manufacture Co. Ltd 152
Shanghai Topmost Houseware Co. Ltd 79
Shanghai Weijun Group Ecobag Manufactory 59
Shanghai Zenglian Industry Co. Ltd 52
Shantou GLD Arts & Crafts Co. Ltd 156
Shantou Nanheng Industrial Co. Ltd 191
Shantou Xinqiangde Magnetic Electricity Co. Ltd 185
Shantou Yuansheng Industry Co. Ltd 186
Shaoxing Xiangying Co. Ltd 128
Shenyang Times Plastic Woven Packing Co. Ltd 48
Shenzhen Acme Pen Co. Ltd 50
Shenzhen Aokai Electronics Co. Ltd 155
Shenzhen Cailiang Electronics Co. Ltd 124
Shenzhen Chang Ying Metal Plastic Product Co. Ltd 130
Shenzhen Detop Electronic Co. Ltd 56
Shenzhen Diya Silicone Electronic Co. Ltd 76
Shenzhen Dongzhile Co. Ltd 62
Shenzhen Duolilong Industrial Co. Ltd 84
Shenzhen First Union Technology Co. Ltd 150
Shenzhen Guangkehua Electronics Co. Ltd 92
Shenzhen Henree Bags Manufactory 74
Shenzhen Highrich Electronics Technology Co. Ltd 181
Gifts & Premiums July 2009 214 www.globalsources.com - Choose veried suppliers
Motex B/D 3/F, 92-4 Dangsan-Dong 4Ga,
Youngdungpo-Gu, Seoul 150806, South Korea
Tel: (82-2) 2274 9973 Fax: (82-2) 2274 9972
E-mail: mtxtrd@motex.co.kr
Website: www.globalsources.com/motexpro.co
I SO 14001:2004
Thr ee- l i ne l abel er s t hat ar e user - f r i endl y
We strive to add comfort to everyday living. That's
why, for the last 32 years, weve been developing
labelers, tape dispensers and shredders that your
customers can use with ease. This convenience is
evident in each of the new products we release.
The model featured here makes it easy to display
important messages on three lines in 30 different
positions. It is light in weight, ergonomically
designed and comes with an easy-squeeze
trigger. Plus, it comes with a one-year warranty. To
eliminate errors, printed information is also high
in legibility. To learn more about the great features
of our products, visit our Global Sources Online
showroom today.
Label maker with
double-blade cutter (E-303) Portable shredder (MS-1001)
Tape dispenser with automatic cutting and
suction cups to hold it in place (MTX-03EP)
Motex Products Co. Ltd
Three line price labeler (MX-2628)
Suppl yi ng st at i onery t hat Di sney t rust s
Shippcd with fN 71 and ASTM approvaIs
\e use 34 yeurs o R&D experence to reuze CLM/CDM orders rom Dsney, Duso
und \ugreens. 1hese buyers rom }upun und the LS upprecute the uct thut our gues
ncude nontoxc preservutves und essences rom Dulont. And u o our products
come vth the LN 7l und AS1M upprovus thut muke mportuton husse-ree.
As un lSC 900l:2000-certed munuucturer, ve empoy S7 mon vorth
o producton muchnery on 25 nes und 350 stu members to muke ubout
l mon stutonery products monthy so contendng vth your urge-voume
orders s no probem. lor those vho huve smuer busnesses, ve uso vecome
orders or ust l,000 unts. Let u three-decude producer hep meet the demunds
o your murket. Contuct us toduy.
Product range:
Erasers, water glue, starch glue, glue sticks, super glue, adhesives,
wood glue, correction nuid, blister card packaging, CD iles and more
Huei Sing Enterprise Co. Ltd
No. l0, Lune l78, Douyuun Lust Rd., ltou 1ovnshp,
Chunghuu 523, 1uvun
1e: |886-4) 888 3507 lux: |886-4) 888 5736
L-mu: ushonmu.hu-sn.com.tv
vvv.gobusources.com/husn.co - vvv.hu-sn.com.tv
color glue Disney inspection
no. ILS R827-3614-0
Glue with
diamond cap
July 2009 Gifts & Premiums 215 More new products - www.globalsources.com
Advertisers Pae Advertisers Pae
Shenzhen J.W. Industries Co. Ltd 153
Shenzhen Jinlongxin Plastic Co. Ltd 203
ShenZhen Kanger Technology Co. Ltd 132
Shenzhen Kingsun Enterprises Co. Ltd 144
Shenzhen Kwongkee Science & Technology Co. Ltd 154
Shenzhen Lijiefa Hardware & Plastic Products Co. Ltd 70
Shenzhen Mall Vanguard Paper Product Co. Ltd 60
Shenzhen MSD Technology Co. Ltd 157
Shenzhen Naki Jewelry Pen Co. Ltd 82
Shenzhen PC-Pen Co. Ltd 184
Shenzhen Pico Stationery & Gifts Co. Ltd 67
Shenzhen Saixing Industrial Co. Ltd 90
Shenzhen Sinosparkle International Limited 140
Shenzhen Starmate Digital Technology Co. Ltd 63
Shenzhen Suntop Enterprises Co. Ltd 41
Shenzhen Tianxin Gift Co. Ltd 178
Shenzhen USBetter Technology Co. Ltd 84
Shenzhen Xingrui (Anhaorui) Toy & Gifts Co. Ltd 69
Shenzhen Xinlingnan Electronic Technology Co. Ltd 35
Shenzhen Yuanyin Paper & Packaging Co. Ltd 160
Shenzhen Zhonglifa Industrial Co. Ltd 48
Shinysource Co. Ltd 192
Shopping Town Global Marketing Co. Ltd 136
Shuoying Industrial (Shenzhen) Co. Ltd 12,13
Sinobest Asia Ltd 57
Smartocean Industrial Ltd 78
South China Development (HK) Ltd 114
Special Art Ltd 23
St. Allen (HK) Co. 160
Star (Quanzhou) Trading Co. Ltd 152
Star Corporation 167
STC Bath & Body Care Factory 165
Store Displays (SZ) Ltd 192
Stream (China) Co. Ltd 86
Sunny Gift & Promotion (HK) Co. 155
Super Accord Industrial Ltd 169
Suzhou Embroidery Research Institute Co. Ltd 149
Tai Sam (Party Fun) Industrial Co. Ltd 159
Tang's Decoration Mfy 147
Tech Arts International Co. Ltd 62
Tennmax Industrial Ltd 68
TGF Group Co. Ltd 97
Tila Worldwide Co. Ltd 150
Top Card Enterprise Co. Ltd 94
Top Forest (HK) Bags Manufactory 87
Toptai (HK) Technology Co. Ltd 70
Tru-Style Accessories Co. Ltd 58
Tsui Lung Metal Mfy Co. 95
USB Design Technology Co. Ltd 66
Vastbo Industries Ltd 149
Victory Link Ent. Ltd 125
Visad (Hongkong) Display Co. Limited 76
Vson Technology Co. Ltd 201
Wah Fook Holdings Ltd 205
We Go Metallic Products Co. Ltd 78
Wei Zhong Jie Hardware (Dongguan) Handcraft Fty 166
Weifang Yuyuan Textile Co. Ltd 117
WeiHong Paper Printing Company 150
Weishun Industrial Co. Ltd 132
Well Lands Enterprise Co. Ltd 192
Wenzhou Best International Trade Co. Ltd 1
Wenzhou Detai Plastics Co. Ltd 193
Wenzhou Evernew Ind. Co. Ltd 138
Wenzhou Fly Craft Product Co. Ltd 142
Wenzhou Forest Stationery Co. Ltd 201
Wenzhou Jiameida Crafts Co. Ltd 193
Wenzhou Libao Printing Industry Co. Ltd 194
Wenzhou Success Group Co. Ltd 133
Wenzhou Taichang Adhsive Products Co. Ltd 180
Wenzhou Times Co. Ltd 109
Wenzhou Wanshida Printing Industry Co. Ltd 96
Wenzhou Yabao Printing Service Co. Ltd 43
Wenzhou Yinhai Printing & Bag Co. Ltd 83
Wenzhou Yixin Smoking Co. Ltd 146
Winbo Industrial Co. Ltd 135
Winwin Industrial Co. Ltd 14
Woo Fung Metal Mfy 193
Wuhan Sureline Fashion Co. Ltd 194
Wuxi Raychina Intl Corp. 193
Xi'an Saintyarn Nonwoven Fabric Co. Ltd 94
Xiamen Cheung Win Enterprise Co. Ltd 190
Xiamen Good Forever Industrial Co. Ltd 22
Xiamen Joytie Industry & Trade Co. Ltd (Gift Dept) 158
Xiamen Raydeng Paper Craft & Art Co. Ltd 165
Xiamen Yangtse Ltd 111
Xinhuihe (HK) Digital Technology Co. Limited 48
XinZheng All Stars Glow Toy Factory 146
Yama Ribbons & Bows Co. Ltd 107
Yezu Enterprise Co. Ltd 79
Yi Fon Gift Factory 164
Yick Li Industrial (HK) Co. Ltd 61
Yidu Group Co. Ltd 207
Yiwu Changqing Toys Co. Ltd 42
Yiwu Dongshun Toys Co. Ltd 58
Yiwu Elike Arts & Crafts Co. Ltd 183
Yiwu Little Angel Toys Co. Ltd 75
Yiwu Multipack Factory 121
Yiwu Qifu Craft & Gift Co. Ltd 134
Yiwu Tuozhan Plastics Toys Co. Ltd 62
Yongkang Juyuan Reective Products Factory 87
Yoo Enterprise Co. 68
Yung Hsin Hang Stationery Co. Ltd 185
YWLA Toys Co. Ltd 86
Zhejiang Feijian Industry and Trading Co. Ltd 44
Zhejiang Guangyuan Toys Co. Ltd 193
Zhejiang Jiaheng Cards Co. Ltd 164
Zhejiang Jiahua Household Co. Ltd 68
Zhejiang Jintai Printing Co. Ltd 187
Zhejiang KDN Colour & Printing Co. Ltd 174
Zhejiang Newne Industry Co. Ltd 77
Zhejiang Panda Trading Co. Ltd 130
Zhejiang Sorbo Electronic Co. Ltd 16
Zhejiang Tianda Printing Co. Ltd 187
Zhejiang Tiantai Huanan Craft Factory 142
Zhejiang Yiwu Shentong Toys Co. Ltd 93
Zhuoye Lighter Manufacturing Co. Ltd 161
Zinoki Ltd 139
Zurie Watch Ltd 61
Gifts & Premiums July 2009 216 www.globalsources.com - Choose veried suppliers
Choose from over
20 tin shapes
Available in more than
100 designs
Make your selection cutting-edge. Whether youre looking for
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First, pick your preferred shape from more than 20 we have
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Our R&D specialists, who each have 10 years of experience,
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Wal-Mart and Fumakila count on our high-volume capacity,
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Hangzhou Huangshun Group Co. Ltd
Hangzhou Mingcheng Guanye Co. Ltd
Chongchuang Cheng, Youche Bridge, Linpu, Xiaoshan Industrial District,
Hangzhou, Zhejiang 311251, China
Tel: (86-571) 8223 0328/0388 Fax: (86-571) 8223 0328
E-mail: yxm978@126.com yxm978@yahoo.com.cn
Website: www.globalsources.com/mingcheng-tin.co www.hzmcgy.com
All it ems shown here wit h var ious t r ademar ks, br and names and logos ( Mar ks ) are for reference
pur poses only, and are not for sale.The Mar ks are t he proper t y of t he respect ive owner s, and we
are not aut hor ized t o manufact ure or sell any it ems bear ing such Mar ks t o any t hird par t y.
Perfume t in wit h embossed
design, 9.5 x 4.5 x 16cm
Perfume t in, 6.5 x 6.5 x 19.5cm,
perfume t in wit h pr int ed design,
and mosquit o coil t in
l3l, No. 460 Cheng lung Rd., Sec. 5, Nehu Dst., 1upe ll4, 1uvun
1e: |886-2) 2632 4076 lux: |886-2) 2634 0638
L-mu: suesnorthpeuk.com.tv
vvv.gobusources.com/northpk.co - vvv.northpeuk.com.tv
North Peak Trading Co. Ltd
Awareness ribbon
pins for every cause
Colors representing all issues available
A grovng number o peope ure veurng rbbons to shov support
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envronmentu protecton rbbons, pnk breust cuncer uvureness
rbbons ve produce pns representng u o these ssues und
more. y combnng stumped ron, sot enume und god putng,
ve creute durube pns vhose quuty mrrors the mportunce
o the subects n queston. \e uso oer temporury tuttoos
und vrstbunds desgned to uppeu to younger veurers.
A o these tems ure uvuube n the specc coor und shupe
thut your cuuse cus or. \e uccept smu und mxed orders,
mukng us un deu supper choce or uny sze o churtube
orgunzuton. And competed orders tuke ust tvo veeks to
urrve tvce us ust us the ndustry stundurd. 1o huve your
uvureness pns und unyurds mude by u exbe munuucturer,
e-mu us toduy.
Ribbon and pins representing
a variety of causes
Ribbon, pin and temporary tattoo
representing various causes
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