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Konrad and his band of Squat Miners have once again crashed on an alien world.

Your mission is to get the Beer Machine from him, and escape off the board with it before your enemy does.

SET UP 1- The game master sets up 6 objective counters representing energy/life readings. One is the Beer Machine. The other 5 are suprises. 2-Players draw numbered turn counters. The lowest number chooses a deployment zone and sets up his entire army. Continue in turn until all players have deployed. 3-Re-draw turn counters to determine player turn order. Redraw at the beginning of each game turn. The game master always takes the first turn.

The player who takes the Beer Machine off any table board edge is the winner. Treat the Beer Machine and the other objective counters as if playing a Rescue Mission. (pg. 190 of the 40K Rulebook)


Turn Counters

Just to make sure things stay interesting. You might go first, you might go last.

SCENARIO SPECIAL RULES Infiltrators Treat Infiltrators as Scouts. Deep Strike Deep Striking units are set up in the deployment zone. But before the game may make a special 2d6 inch move in any direction after Infiltrators and Scouts move. Get the BEER MACHINE! Units take break tests at 50% casualties instead of 25%. Units may rally as long as 25% of the units starting strength remains.

GAME LENGTH Until the BEER MACHINE is off the board, or everyone is dead

Ordos Xenos Datafile: 123498A336





Threat Grade-

Alpha/C Exterminus Order 14YY89668

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