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@9 8elng a good chlld elLher ln a famlly or socleLy ls

lmporLanL for you WhaL do you do Lo make you good? Lxplaln your
Pow Lo be a Cood Chlld
8elng a good chlld refers Lo how you behave Lo your parenLs or your
socleLy lf you are a good chlld your parenLs wlll LrusL you you wlll geL good
grades and your llfe wlll be much happler lL ls noL easy Lo be a good chlld buL lL
doesn'L mean lL ls hard lf you follow Lhese dlrecLlons llrsL of all do as you would
llke Lo be done Lo you lf you wanL oLher people llsLen Lo you and make you
happy for example you should do Lhese flrsL Lo Lhem Second sLay calm or don'L
be a badLempered person CLherwlse no one wanLs Lo be around you 1hlrd
please avold uslng bad language MosL people don'L Lhlnk bad language ls cool ln
conLacL Lhey Lhlnk lL makes you look crazy ln oLher words Lhey wlll [udge you
worse even as you use more bad languages nexL be honesL wlLh your parenLs
uon'L lle Lo Lhem because Lhey know whaL you're performlng anyway AfLer LhaL
do well ln school you should llsLen Lo whaLever your Leacher says Lake noLes
and even make llLLle pracLlce LesLs for your Lo pracLlce your skllls 1hen geL along
well wlLh your frlends and famlly members especlally wlLh your broLhers or
slsLers llnally please en[oy Lhese sLeps above you wlll geL grand from your
parenLs and your Leacher as well
Make yourselI so soIt as WATER that you can adjust easily with anyone,
but make your attitude so hard as DIAMOND that no one can hurt your Ieelings.

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