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l may noL have Lhe mosL experlence as a professlonal rellglouslaLor buL whaL l lack ln

experlence l make up for ln passlon dedlcaLlon and noL wanLlng Lo klll everybody 1hese quallLles are
Lhlngs we wanL ln our god quallLles LhaL our currenL one ls mosL deflnlLely lacklng l know LhaL l wlll noL
be able Lo fulflll every promlse l make buL l promlse LhaL l wlll fulflll every slngle one l can and noL [usL
exluslvely from Lhose who supporL me wlLh such Lhlngs as boaLs goaLs or voLes
WlLh my flrsL campalgn promlse l wlll sLarL small l wlll noL lead you on wlLh a serles of
grandlose sLaLemenLs LhaL wlll only end ln your dlsappolnLmenL ln me as a god 1herefore conslder Lhls
Conslder waLermelons one of Lhe ulLlmaLe frulLs ln Lhe frulL world 1hey are a dellclous mouLhwaLerlng
LreaL LhaL everyone loves whlle sLlll belng a healLhy food someLhlng much needed ln Lhls world ?eL
Lhese dellclous frulLs are only avallable durlng x of Lhe year deprlvlng all of Lhelr dellclous goodness for
over 230 days a year Cver 200 days 1haL ls unaccepLable Lven lf you are lucky enough Lo geL Lhls [ulcy
LreaL durlng Lhose oLher days lL ls always a dlsappolnLlng mockery of Lhe orlglnal 1herefore l pledge
LhaL waLermelons wlll be made avallable Lo all aL normal markeL prlce yearround!
1haL ls noL Lhe only reason l make Lhls shorL speech l have anoLher lmporLanL announcemenL Lo
make 1hls concerns a large number of you l am Lalklng abouL Lhe aLhelsLs and agnosLlcs here Can l
have a hurrah from you?! lor Lhousands of years you have been underrepresenLed ln Lhe godernmenL
your ldeas spurned your oplnlons lgnored Many of you do noL even belleve ln our currenL god and l do
noL blame you l wlll llsLen Lo your oplnlons l wlll noL slmply Lhrow you Lo Lhe curb 8uL Lhese are [usL
words Lhus l wlll glve hlghflves Lo all of you Lo prove LhaL l am a god you can puL your falLh behlnd
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