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Mukesh Ambanl

W Age yrs
W Lducat|on @ech (uuC@ Mumbal unlverslLy)
W Chalrman and Managlng ulrecLor of 8ellance Croup
W ,a[or Group Compan|es 8ellance lndusLrles 8ellance 8eLall
8ellance lndusLrlal lnfrasLrucLure lndlan eLrochemlcals
CorporaLlon LLd (lCL)
W AsseL of Croup uS $ 63 llllon
W ,a[or Ach|evements conomlc @lmes uslness leader of Lhe
?ear 6 4
world's mosL respecLable buslness leader ln
4(flnanclal Llmes) World CommunlcaLlon Award 4 Asla
SocleLy Leadershlp Award uSA
W uture |ans @o open 8ellance 8eLall sLores all over lndla
@o develop Speclal conomlc Zone (SZ)
Anll Ambanl
W Age yrs
W Lducat|on Sc (Mumbal unlverslLy)
MA (WharLon uslness School uSA)
W Chalrman and Managlng ulrecLor of 8ellance Anll uhlrubhal
Ambanl Croup
W ,a[or Group Compan|es 8ellance CommunlcaLlons 8ellance
nergy 8ellance CaplLal 8ellance naLural 8esources 8ellance
lg nLerLalnmenL
W Asset of Group uS $ 34 llllon
W ,a[or Ach|evements Member of 8a[ya Sabha (4 Lo 6)
#uslnessman of Lhe year6' by @lmes of lndla M@I ?ouLh
lcon of Lhe ?ear#(3) @he nLrepreneur of Lhe uecade
Award by Lhe ombay ManagemenL AssoclaLlon
W uture |ans @o expand uslness ln nLerLalnmenL lndusLry

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