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Networking Technologies Lab 7 (FTP Server) FTP Server

Name: Mark Chronowski Lab Group: ______n/a_______________

Objectives 1. To learn how to setup a FTP server in a Windows/Linux environment. 2. To explore a FTP session login. 3. To explore the establishment and termination of FTP connections using wireshark. Steps to perform 1. This lab is similar to the lab you have done last time (telnet server). Based on your knowledge which you have gathered in the practical last week, create a FTP server and client. 2. Send and receive file from one virtual environment to other virtual environment. 3. Using wireshark, capture packets which are involved in the establishment and the termination of TCP connections. Your report should contain the following details a. Write steps involved in setting up a FTP server and client. What problems you have faced and how you have resolved them? b. A professional report is required which contains purpose of the experiment, screen shots, figure caption and description. c. Setting up a successful FTP server 10 marks; lab report 5 marks.

I installed vsftpd on Ubuntu by typing sudo apt-get install vsftpd

I used the gksudo gedit /etc/vsftpd.conf command to modify the config file to enable logins by typing Anonymous enable=YES and I also enabled writing through FTP.

Next I enabled the FTP Server on Windows which allows me to connect to the Ubuntu machine.

Next, I restart the vsftpd and connect to the ubuntu machine from the windows machine.

Next I use an FTP client to transfer a file and capture the transfer over Wireshark.

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