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( Act. # 2.3 )

Objectives: To know what are the metals and nonmetals Materials: copper wire, tin, aluminum, sulfur crystals, iodine crystals, hammer, wooden block,
thumb tacks, two batteries, electric bulb, electrical wire (1 m)

A. Electrical Conductivity 1. Set up the conductivity apparatus as shown in Figure 4.10 2. Separately test the conductivity of the copper wire, tin, aluminum, sulfur crystals and iodine crystals by testing each material using the conductivity apparatus. If the bulb connected to the apparatus lights up, the material is a conductor. 3. Record your observations in Data Table 4.4 B. Malleability, Brittleness, and Ductility Place each of the copper wire, tin, aluminum, sulfur crystals, and iodine crystals on a separate piece of paper. Hammer each one at a time. Which is malleable? ductile? brittle? Record your observations in Data Table 4.4 Data Table 4.4 PROPERTY (Malleable, Ductile, Brittle) ELECTRICAL CONDUCTIVITY CLASSIFICATION (Metal or Nonmetal)


Copper Tin Aluminum Sulfur Iodine

Which elements do you consider metals? Which are nonmetals? Explain why.


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