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ln Lhe war beLween Servrllls lv's planeLary defense unlLs and mulLlple allen radlcallsL groups

many of Lhe more wealLhy reglons of Lhe planeL were charred black wlLh Lhe dusL from remalns of
economlcal sLrong polnLs As Lhere governmenL and economy fell around Lhem Servrllls was Laken over
by ouLraged clvlllans calllng Lhem selfs Lhe AnarchlsL
MlllLary bases were ralded and ln a maLLer of monLhs Lhe group had expanded and managed Lo
arm all of Lhe members wlLh mlllLary grade weapons Lo rebel agalnsL any opposlng force ln Lhe Lake
over of servrllls Lhey sLumbled upon sLone unLurned proLoLypes for mlllLary M1Au sulLs Lhese of
course were lnLended for mlllLary use 1he mechanlzed LacLlcal asslsLance unlLs are capable of Lhlngs no
man could lmaglne of Lhe capablllLy for mulLlple weapons sysLems and advanced movemenL WlLh
access Lo a full arsenal Lhe group has swepL Lhe planeL broadcasLlng LhreaLs Lo oLhers
SLlll aL war wlLh Lhe planeLs prlmary defenses and allen radlcallsL Lhe group's numbers grow
now asserLlng Lhelr domlnance on Lhe enLlre planeL Lhey grow pollLlcal supporL and fundlng as Lhey're
Lhe planeLs lasL hope agalnsL allen LerrorlsL
When all else falls Anarchy prevalls

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