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1. NGO Management |Introduction|. 3
2. Fund Raising Methods. 4-5
3. Purpose oI resource mobilization & Preparing Ior Iund raising. 6
4. Researching the current situation & Volunteers as resources. 7-8
5. Summary 9

Introduction: Here is a checklist oI policies and other management system necessary Ior NGO`s
to run eIIective organizations and mobilize resource Ior development work.
1. Organization chart Ior your NGO.
2. Equal employment opportunity and aIIirmative action statement in NGO`s.
3. Leadership succession plan Ior your NGO.
4. HRM system Ior your NGO staII.
5. Job description Ior NGO staII.
6. Personnel policy.
7. Communication policy.
8. Computer policy.
9. Procurement policy.
10. Fixed asset policy.
:nd Raising:
Introduction: Almost every voluntary or non-proIit organization requires money either to support
its existing activities or to expand and improve it services. Fund raising has no option other than
hard work, but iI the voluntary agencies have a cause or programes that deserves support and it is
willing to really work at it, it can raise considerable awareness, goodwill and money.
Methods oI Fund Raising:
O %hrough Iunding agencies: In India to whom NGO can approach easily. BeIore preparing
a proposal Ior any Iunding agency, it is important Ior the voluntary agency to have a clear
written vision and mission statement (Ior example oI vision and mission statements sees
another module oI 'How to construct vision and mission statements).

4 ou need to present your idea very speciIically and clearly, Iunding agency will
ask Ior objectives and outcome expected.

4 NGO should also abide to some conditionality`s laid by FA about evaluation,
documentation and reporting, budget.

O %hrough Individual: Most oI the time this is directly Iaces to Iace solicitation. %his is by
Ior, the best method oI Iund raising.

4 BeIore meeting the prospective donor, send him/her written letter or appeal giving
necessary inIormation, about the activity Ior which you intend to raise the Iund.

4 hen requesting a speciIic sum oI money, do not think in terms oI what the donor
could be or is capable oI getting.

4 A Technique of direct appeal: It also includes sending public appeal through
post/courier. In such case, you usually require a cause that has a broad appeal. It is
also important to select the target group with the utmost care.

O Government Department: Receiving government support may bring a degree oI
recognition and credibility to the organization. Government Iunding is substantial in term
oI volume and it is a great source oI Iund. However, dependence on government could
also make the organization vulnerable to government control or political pressure.

O Corpus or endowments: It is a 'capital receipt and & thereIore not treated as income
donor must express the intent in writing that the donation is towards corpus.

4 Corpus donation should preIerably be invested in long term deposit &only the
interest used through cause related marketing.

O E-Fund Raising: An online payment system allows you to be open 24 hours a day, 7 days
a week & 365 days a year.
4 Not only is this is an important convenience Ior your donors and individual, it also
more revenue Ior you.

O %hrough Events: Special events include organizing a Iilm premier or a dance/musical
programes or a Iashion show or a gala dinner or a carnival.
4 Special brochures or souvenirs can be brought out on occasion and advertisements
solicited Ior inclusion in the same.
4 Banners and other Iorms oI display advertisements bring in good revenue as well.
O Payroll giving: Payroll giving is nothing but deduction oI certain percentage oI amount oI
total salary oI employee. %his is the strategy which decided at board level and directly
implemented in organization. Many I% companies & corporate adopt this strategies oI
donating certain amount especially in the time oI certain natural or manmade disasters.

O Corporate: As an NGO we have to realize that the Iunds are required Ior what our
program stand Ior. %hey are the product we sell.

4 It is important to understand what a company Iocuses on as a part oI its CSR, or
might have product synergies towards giving owing to their business.

O In kind donation: An in kind donation is also very important way oI raising Iunds. Many
people donate brand new laptop, Iax machine telephone, instrument, printer, some
stationary etc.


How can an organization raise the income needed to carry out its mission? here are the
required resources? How do you sustain your organization and work? %hese are the key
questions conIronting organizations when they consider how to maintain their work and
strengthen organizational sustainability. Developing a plan or strategy Ior resource mobilization
can lead to creative eIIorts in using your own local assets to gain support Ior your organization.
Multiple sources oI Iunding can increase your independence and Ilexibility to implement
programs and reduce reliance on external (or Ioreign) Iunding. ith increased competition Ior
scarce grant resources, thinking oI, and creating options Ior new, diverse, and multiple Iunding
streams will help your organization manage its programs.


BeIore you start Iundraising, you should lay the Ioundation to have a compelling reason Ior
donors to give. A plan that weighs your options can help save time and eIIort and have a better
chance oI success. Some oI the key elements that will strengthen your case include:
Clear sense and commitment to your vision and mission -- who you are, where you are
going, and how your mission relates to the communities served.
Promising program that will yield results.
Evidence oI past accomplishments.
EIIective management and leadership by your board members and staII who will ensure
the accountability and transparency oI the organization.
Financial systems that will saIeguard the resources rose, including adequate Iinancial
controls that demonstrate good management and builds trust.
Solid reputation, credibility, and positive image.
Mutual respect and knowledge sharing between the organization and the community it
beneIits, as well as other stakeholders.
%he ability to attract, create, and sustain new resources, especially based in the local

Fundraising requires knowledge of the country's current situation, including legal and
tax structures, as well as what kind of fundraising activity could succeed in your unique
environment, for example:
The legal situation in your country may allow or restrict certain types of activities
for your type of organization. Be familiar with any special permission that is
required for your fundraising activities.
Tax consequences may affect how your organization reports the income and
should be a consideration for selecting the appropriate activity.
Tax relief for individual or corporate donations may be an incentive for giving.
Successful fundraising efforts of other civil society organizations (CSOs) may be
replicated. On the other hand, creating innovative and fresh ideas may also
inspire people to contribute.
Building on local cultural and religious practices and traditions may help to attract
a certain audience.


Volunteers can provide great resources and beneIits to your organization. Volunteering is
generally done by choice, without monetary reward (apart Irom expenses), and beneIits the
community. %o recruit and keep your volunteers, you need to recognize the motivations and
expectations oI a volunteer. People give their time because they get something out oI the service
they provide. For example, a young person may gain skills or experience to apply Ior Iuture

Volunteers can be retirees, technical experts, young people, or student interns. %hey can serve Ior
a long term, such as on your board or short term, such as providing labor to build a health
Iacility. %hey may be a local resident or someone Irom another country. Regardless oI whom
they are and what skills they bring, you may want to think systematically about managing
volunteers to get the most oI this valuable human resource.

IdentiIy tasks that need to get done, outline a job description, duration oI the volunteer
service, and proIile or skills required.
Depending on your needs, recruit volunteers Irom places such as local schools or
universities or inquire about Ioreign volunteer programs Ior placement oI volunteers in
your CSO. Corporations, local government oIIices, community associations, and other
agencies may have skilled human resources to Iill gaps in your organization. Mapping
your community`s assets may help you to identiIy local residents with speciIic skills and
Ensure quality oI the work by interviewing, selecting, and hiring the person with the
appropriate qualiIications. Managing volunteers can be as time consuming as managing
Retain volunteers by supervising them and providing support and mentorship as required.
Volunteers usually desire opportunities that are meaningIul and can IulIill their own
needs (such as skills development, social environment, networks, learning).
Recognize and acknowledge the volunteer in staII meetings and in public (in a newsletter
or public event). Appreciation goes a long way.
eep track oI volunteer hours and record this in your reports to Iunders and other
stakeholders. %his is a demonstration oI in-kind support.

NGO management is very important aspect oI study concern to NGO`s. As it deals with
planning, organizing, actuating, directing oI all the department oI particular NGO. Other
important areas oI NGO are resource mobilization and Iund raising, there are many method oI
Iund raising which is already explained above.
%he Iirst impulse oI many non-governmental organizations (NGO) seeking Iunding is to request
the contact inIormation Ior possible Iunders. %hese NGOs oIten write immediately to the
potential Iunder, stressing how desperately Iunds are needed.
%o study the current situation and researching on it make NGO`s to be successIul to the society.
Finding learned volunteer is big task oI NGO`s as they are important resources to NGO`s.

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