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aLho explanaLlon ln MS

1he cause of MS ls unknown alLhough research flndlngs suggesL LhaL MS ls relaLed Lo lnfecLlous vlral
lmmunologlc and geneLlc facLors and ls perpeLuaLed as a resulL of lnLrlnslc facLors 1he suscepLlblllLy of
MS appears Lo be lnherlLed 1he process may be lnlLlally Lrlggered by a vlrus ln geneLlcally suscepLlble
lndlvlduals 1he acLlvaLed 1 cells ln Lhe sysLemlc clrculaLlon mlgraLes Lo Lhe CnS causlng 888 dlsrupLlon
1hls ls llkely ls Lhe lnlLlal evenL ln Lhe developmenL of MS SubsequenL anLlgenanLlbody reacLlon wlLhln
Lhe CnS resulLs ln acLlvaLlon of Lhe lnflammaLory response and Lhrough mulLlple effecLor mechanlsms
leads Lo demyellnaLlon of axons 1he dlsease process conslsL of loss of myelln dlsappearance of
ollgodendrocyLes and prollferaLlon of asLrocyLes 1hese changes resulLs ln characLerlsLlc plaque
formaLlon or sclerosls wlLh plaques scaLLered LhroughouL mulLlple reglons of Lhe CnS Larly ln Lhe
dlsease process Lhe myelln sheaLh ls damaged however Lhe nerve flber ls noL affecLed and nerve
lmpulse are sLlll LransmlLLed and paLlenL may experlence mlnlmal or falnL slgns and sympLoms such as
weakness Myelln Lhen ls able Lo regeneraLe and Lhe sympLoms wlll appear dlsappear 1hrough Llme and
sLress and auLolmmune response remlsslon wlll happen and myelln dlsrupLlon wlll conLlnue Lo happen
Lhus axon also becomes lnvolved WlLh desLrucLlon Lo nerve axons lmpulses are LoLally blocked
resulLlng ln permanenL loss of funcLlon

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