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CourLney 8eddy

1047 Cld SLaLe 8oad

Apollo A 13613
(724) 4783147

uecember 4 2011

norLhern Malne Medlcal CenLer
194 L Maln SLreeL
lorL kenL ML 04743

uear Plrlng Manager

An employee of yours Susan SmlLh has lnformed me Lhere was an openlng for a fullLlme
nurse AnesLheLlsL poslLlon aL your cenLer l have [usL graduaLed from Lhe unlverslLy of
lLLsburgh as a cerLlfled reglsLer nurse anesLheLlsL Also l have recelved Lhree years of
lnLernshlp aL unlverslLy of lLLsburgh Medlcal CenLer lnLernlng a nurse AnesLheLlsL AL Lhls
polnL l would appreclaLe acqulrlng a fullLlme career as a nurse AnesLheLlsL

l am known for Lwo LhlngsexcellenL communlcaLlon skllls and hlgh level responslblllLy ln
addlLlon l have excellenL lnLer personal skllls l work well wlLh everybody wlLh whom l come ln
conLacL wlLh My old bosses could rely on me aL all Llmes Worklng aL an anlmal cllnlc and
lnLernlng aL unlverslLy of lLLsburgh Medlcal CenLer before has enabled me Lo learn Lo work
qulckly and efflclenLly WlLhouL complalnlng l wlll happlly fulflll Lhe duLles and responslblllLles
assoclaLed wlLh Lhls poslLlon

l belleve l wlll be a beneflL Lo your company because l am able Lo work well wlLh oLhers and l
can work efflclenLly even ln a busy envlronmenL My resume ls aLLached wlLh deLalls and
quallflcaLlons abouL my experlences and accompllshmenLs l would llke Lo schedule an
lnLervlew for Lhls fullLlme nurse AnesLheLlsL poslLlon aL your convenlence l wlll conLacL you ln
a week Lo follow up

Cordlally yours

CourLney 8eddy

Lnclosure 8esume

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