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PLn8? lA?

CLS 14 8lnClLLS
layol's rlnclples layol's rlnclples
W nenr| Iayo| JevelopeJ o set of 14 ptloclples
1 uivision of Lobor allows for [ob speclallzaLlon
W layol noLed flrms can have Loo much speclallzaLlon leadlng
Lo poor quallLy and worker lnvolvemenL
2 ori ond kesponsibi/i layol lncluded boLh formal and
lnformal auLhorlLy resulLlng from speclal experLlse
3 uni of commond Lmployees should have only one boss
4 Line of ori a clear chaln from Lop Lo boLLom of Lhe flrm
3 cenro/itoion Lhe degree Lo whlch auLhorlLy resLs aL Lhe very
layol's rlnclples layol's rlnclples
6 uni of uirecion Cne plan of acLlon Lo gulde
Lhe organlzaLlon
7 qi 1reaL all employees falrly ln [usLlce and
8 Order Lach employee ls puL where Lhey have
Lhe mosL value
9 lniioive Lncourage lnnovaLlon
10 uiscip/ine obedlenL applled respecLful
employees needed
layol's rlnclples layol's rlnclples
11 kemneroion of Personne/ 1he paymenL
sysLem conLrlbuLes Lo success
12 5obi/i of 1enre LongLerm employmenL ls
13 6enero/ ineres over individo/ ineres 1he
organlzaLlon Lakes precedence over Lhe
14 spri de corps Share enLhuslasm or devoLlon Lo
Lhe organlzaLlon

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