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101 Books on Ideas, Creativity, Innovation, and Success

100 Ideas For Teaching Creativity 101 Activities for Teaching Creativity and Problem Solving 108 Ways to Get a Bright Idea 99% Inspiration A Kick in the Seat of the Pants A Technique for Producing Ideas A Whack on the Side of the Head Acres of Diamonds Russell Conwell Aha: 10 Ways to Free Your Creative Spirit and find Your Great Ideas Applied Imagination As A Man Thinketh Brainstorm Brainstorming Conceptual Blockbusting Cracking Creativity Cracking The Millionaire Code: Your Key to Enlightened Wealth Creating Affluence Creative Negotiating Creative Thinking Creative Visualization Creativity Dreams In Action Expect the Unexpected or You Wont Find it: A Creativity Tool Based on the Ancient Wisdom of Heraclitus Flicking Your Creative Switch Free Prize Inside Hoovers Vision How To Be More Creative How to Create New Ideas How to Find Ideas How to License Your Million Dollar Idea How to Sell Your Ideas How To Think Like A Millionaire How Would You Move Mount Fuji? I Could Do Anything If I Only Know What It Was Idea Power Steve Bowkett Arthur B. VanGundy Arthur B.Van Gundy Bryan Mattimore Roger Von Oech James Webb Young Roger Von Oech Jordan Ayan Alex Osbourne James Allen Richard Loehle Charles Clark James L. Adams Michael Michalko Robert Allen and Mark Hansen Deepak Chopra Stephen Kozicki Mike Vance Shakti Gawain Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi Milton Katselas Roger Von Oech

Wayne Lotherington Seth Godin Gary Hoover Roger Von Oech Eugene Raudsepp Jack Foster Harvey Reese Jesse S. Nirenberg Mark Fisher and Marc Allen William Poundstone Barbara Sher Arthur B. VanGrundy

Idea Revolution Ideation: The Birth and Death of Ideas Imagineering: How to Profit from Your Creative Powers Intuition at Work: Why Developing Your Gut Instincts will make your better at what you do I-Power Its Not How Good You Are, its How Good You Want to Be Juice: The Creative Fuel that Drives World Class Inventors Lateral Thinking Edward De Bono Leading on the Creative Edge Leading The Revolution Liberating Everyday Genus Mary Live Your Dreams Mindmapping: Your Personal Guide for Exploring Creativity and Problem Solving Money Love New Ideas About New Ideas Secrets of the Millionaire Mind Serious Creativity The 100 Absolutely Unbreakable Laws of Success The Act of Creation The Alchemist: A Fable about Following Your Dreams The Art of Creative Thinking The Art of Exceptional Living The Art of Innovation: Lessons in Creativity from IDEO, Americas Leading Design Firm The ASTD Trainers Sourcebook: Creativity & Innovation Create Your Own Training Program The Care and Feeding of Ideas Bill Backer The Circle of Innovation The Courage to Create The Creative Attitude The Creative Edge The Creative Executive The Creative Life The Creativity Training Idea Book: Inspired Tips and Techniques for Engaging and

Clare Warmke and Lisa Buchanan Douglas Graham and Thomas Bachman Michael Leboeuf Gary Klein Martin Edelston Paul Arden Evan I Schwartz

Roger Firestein Gary Hamel Elaine Jacobsen Les Brown Joyce Wycoff Jerry Gillies Shira P. White T. Harv Eker Edward De Bono Brian Tracy Arthur Koestler Paul Coelho Gerard I Nierenberg Jim Rohn Paul Kelley Elaine Biech

Tom Peters Rollo May Roger Schank William Miller Granville N. Toogood Eric Butterworth Robert W. Lucas

Effective Learning The Five Faces of Genius The Future of Ideas: The Fate of the Commons in a Connected World The Grace of Great Things The Idea Fisher The Instant Millionaire The Magic of Believing The Mozart Effect The One Minute Millionaire The Passion Plan The Power of Desire The Pursuit of WOW The Science of Getting Rich The Success Principles The Techniques of Creative Thinking The Vein of Gold: A Journey to Your Creative Heart Think and Grow Rich Think and Grow Rich: A Black Choice Think Like A Genius Think Out of The Box Thinkertoys: A Handbook of Business Creativity for the 90s Thinking Big Thinking For A Change: Discovering the Power to Create, Communicate, and Lead Thinking For A Living: Creating Ideas that Revolutionize your Business, Career and Life Unleashing The Ideavirus Use Both Sides of Your Brain Visionary Business Weird Ideas That Work What A Great Idea! What Makes the Great Great? Whats The Big Idea? Why Didnt I Think of That: Think the Unthinkable and Achieve Creative Greatness Why Not? Wishcraft Your Best Year Yet

Annette Moser -Wellman Lawrence Lessig Robert Grudin Marsh Fisher Mark Fisher Claude Bristol Don Campbell Robert Allen and Mark Hansen Richard Chang Jack Zufelt Tom Peters Wallace D. Wattles Jack Canfield Robert Crawford Julia Cameron Napoleon Hill Dennis Kimbro Todd Siler Mike Vance and Diane Deacon Michael Michalko Brian Tracy Michael Gelb Joey Reiman Seth Godin Tony Buzan Marc Allen Robert I. Sutton Charles Thompson Dennis Kimbro George Lois Charles W. McCoy, Jr. Ian Ayres and Barry Nalebuff Barbara Sher Jinny Ditzler

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