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THE PARABLES OF JESUS Being a presentation by Sola Adeyegbe at the Speakers Weekend Day 1 Friday April 22 2011, on Grailland.

A. INTRODUCTION: A parable is a brief and clear story that illustrates a moral or a teaching.1 This presupposes that the story uses pictures to pass on the message. The use of pictures also relates to Creation where indeed everything is formed, and therefore manifests in pictures. For us human beings we can only experience our surroundings and Creation as a whole pictorially. Even when it is described to us in words or through the written word, a picture arises before the eyes of our spirit for us to really experience it. Therefore, the word picture has a special meaning. For example, when we get a clear idea about something we say we are in the picture. When we want to clarify or explain something to someone else, we put him in the picture. When we want to describe something in detail to a person we say we want to paint a picture to the person.2 The way we are made is such that the spirits decisions or messages from the beyond are impressed on the back brain and this spiritual impressions form pictures which the back brain passes on to the large brain which in turn shapes these pictures into writing, speech or deed. On the other hand, the impressions from outside are passed on through the large or frontal brain to the back brain, which then transmits them to the spirit in pictures. So to enrich ourselves spiritually we need to absorb the pictures flashed to us from above through our spirit, and also absorb the experiences from outside in pictures. This way, we enrich our spirit and advance spiritually.

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Herbert Vollmann, A Gate Opens Composite Volume (Stiftung Gralsbotschaft Publishing Co. Stuttgart 1985) page 340

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Of course the Son of God knew the best way to reach the deep inner core of men and so He often spoke to people in pictorial parables. This way He made His Teachings clear and gave deep Truths to mankind in a simple way. The Mission of Jesus, contrary to popular opinions lay squarely in His Word,3 in bringing to mankind the Truth from Luminous Heights, in order to show mankind their way to the Light. He showed men how Gods Will governs the whole of Creation. And since man belongs to Creation, he needs to be aware of the way it runs so that he can be able to fit himself properly into the way Creation operates. Jesus used His parables to convey this Creation knowledge as we shall see shortly. Unfortunately however, the contents of His parables have been frequently misunderstood right up to the present day. We will now take a few of such parables and explain them in the Light of the New Knowledge contained in the Grail Message.


1. The parable of the prodigal son The parable of the prodigal son can be summarized as follows: A certain man had two sons. The younger of them asked his father for his inheritance. The father granted his request and afterwards, this son travelled to a distant country where he wasted all of his belongings in riotous living. Soon, he was in abject poverty and in order to survive took on the job of looking after pigs! After much suffering he regretfully came to his senses and decided to go back to his father. On seeing his father, he confessed that he has sinned and no more worthy to be called a son. But the father had compassion and joyfully took him back. In the light of the Grail Message, this Parable of Jesus the Son of God tells us about the origin of man, his purpose on earth, his failure in this regard and the true path to the forgiveness of sins. It speaks also and most importantly of the ever watchful Love of the Almighty Father. The prodigal son in this parable represents mankind. Man has his origin in the part of the Kingdom of Heaven called Paradise (this can be likened to the fathers

Abd-ru-shin, In the Light of Truth The Grail Message Special Edition in One volume (Vomperberg. Tyrol: Alexander Bernhardt Publishing Co.,1971) pg. 544

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house in the parable). There he starts as an unconscious spirit seed. This unconscious spirit seed through the granting of its wish to develop is permitted to leave Paradise for the earth. He is thereby given the opportunity to learn the Laws of Creation and experience same through living and working in the lower parts of Creation which acts like a school. The young mans journey to a distant country in the parable can therefore be likened to the journey of man from the Heavenly Paradise where he has his origin to the earthly school where he is meant to mature and subsequently go back home to Paradise as a fully matured human spirit. The Grail Message says that From there it will consciously work, helping and furthering, in the part-planes below, this being the highest task of every mature human spirit.4 However, what happens most of the time is that the time granted for this necessary schooling is frittered away in vanity, immorality and running after earthly things such as money, fame, power and position. In the Parable, this was referred to as the riotous living of the prodigal son, tantamount to abandoning the purpose of gaining useful experiences that will mature him as mentioned earlier. The result of such neglect is that man becomes dense sometimes falling below the levels of animals. He also reaps unhappiness, lack of fulfillment and lack of contentment like the poverty and degradation suffered by the prodigal son in the parable. What can bring fulfillment to the inner longing of man is the recognition of God in His Creation, His Word and His Laws. Man has the duty while on earth to absorb the Holy Word and live accordingly. Through obedience to the Laws of God man brings purity to his thoughts, words and deeds and is given the strength to overcome temptations. His way of life will be a joy to himself and others who like him are schooling on earth. His steadfastness will in time bring him that maturity which will naturally lead him back to Paradise. This process sums up the very purpose of life on earth! Where however one has gone astray, repentance i.e. retracing ones step, embracing the Word of God and living accordingly is the way out. In the parable, the picture we see is that the prodigal son came to himself and proposed in his heart to go back to his father. It was only after this repentance that the prodigal sons journey back home to his father began. The parable shows that subsequently, the father completely forgave the repentant son. Repentance is therefore shown as the way to obtaining the forgiveness of sins. It is therefore incorrect as it is being

Abd-ru-shin, supra note 3, page 442. See also page 601.

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suggested in many quarters that the guilt of men can be unjustly heaped on the Son of God and forgiveness obtained at a moments notice! Just as in the parable where the decision of the prodigal son to turn back from his evil ways eventually led him back to his fathers house, so it will be for us if we reconsider our ways, become truly repentant and happily adjust ourselves to Gods Laws. We will be helped onto the path that leads back to the Kingdom of Heaven from where we came to the earth. This time however, we will go back fully matured to participate in the joyful activity of other blessed human spirits who already have Paradise as their home. Concerning this the Message says: Strive for the ability to enter the Spiritual Realm as fully matured spirits, you earthmen! You will then be united with those who could develop in the Spiritual without having to plunge into the World of Matter first. You will then be no less strong than these, for you have overcome many obstacles, and through requisite exertion you became a flame! There will then be joy over you, as is already indicated in the parable about the prodigal son! 5

2. Parable of the wicked tenants The Grail Message tells us that Without exception every Bringer of Truth, whether great or small has had to suffer mockery and scorn, persecution and attack by his dear fellow-men, who in just the same way today always like to consider themselves too clever and too wise to accept the explanations of the Will of their Creator from His Messengers, especially since these Messengers never in fact issued from any of mankinds great institutions of learning! 6 And so it was that even when the Love of the Almighty inclined to this earth in Jesus, mankind did not welcome Him. Despite all the good He did, He remained an annoyance to them and was totally rejected. By hating Jesus mankind sided with the Antichrist and it is a proof of their enmity to the Father Who sent Christ. The Son of God sums all these up when He spoke of the master who sent out his servants to collect what was due to him from his tenants. But instead of receiving the rents the servants were scoffed and beaten before they were scornfully sent back empty handed!7

Abd-ru-shin, supra note 3, page 980. Id. Page 556 Id. Page 557

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When this parable is pointed out today, men try to gloss over it by calling it a mere parable! They prefer to believe that the main mission of Christ to the earth was to come and suffer and die for their sins and that it is a distinction conferred by God on His Messengers if they have to suffer in this manner, instead of regarding it as a crime on the part of mankind which is not willed by God! 8 And as if to negate this position and to warn the people of the dire consequences of their decision to reject Jesus as their Lord, the account from the Bible tells us that the master later sent his beloved son thinking that the tenants will respect him. Instead of this, the wicked tenants killed him. Subsequently, the master destroys the tenants and gives the vineyard to others. What this means in reality, however is that with the rejection and murder of Jesus, mankind became burdened with a terrible fate which is now being experienced in the World Judgement! The old covenant was annulled and now only those who pledge to serve the Almighty by living in accordance with the Truth will be partakers of the New Covenant with the Son of Man. 3. The parable of the wise and foolish virgins. In the Bible we read Then shall the kingdom of heaven be likened unto ten virgins, which took their lamps, and went forth to meet the bridegroom. And five of them were wise, and five were foolish. They that were foolish took their lamps, and took no oil with them: But the wise took oil in their vessels with their lamps. While the bridegroom tarried, they all slumbered and slept. And at midnight there was a cry made, Behold, the bridegroom cometh; go ye out to meet him. Then all those virgins arose, and trimmed their lamps. And the foolish said unto the wise, give us of your oil; for our lamps are gone out. But the wise answered, saying, not so; lest there be not enough for us and you: but go ye rather to them that sell, and buy for yourselves. And while they went to buy, the bridegroom came; and they that were ready went in with him to the marriage: and the door was shut. Afterward came also the other virgins, saying, Lord, Lord, open to us. But he answered and said, Verily I say unto you, I know you not. Watch therefore, for ye know neither the day nor the hour wherein the Son of man cometh.9 In this parable, which relates to the Last Judgment, the bridegroom is the Son of Man proclaimed by Christ. He comes by night, thus at a time when He will not be recognized by most men. One part of mankind (five foolish virgins) will pass by the Truth proclaimed by Him, because they are according to the Grail Message too indolent to think and too lazy to exercise the necessary care and attention to

Id. Page 557 The Bible, Matthew 25:1-13, King James Version.

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keep in constant order and readiness the little lamp left to them by the Creator, i.e., their ability to examine and illuminate. The Message says further that these people may easily miss the hour when the Word of Truth comes to them! 10 The other part of mankind (five wise virgins) will recognize the Son of Man and receive His Divine Word, because they continually replenished the oil in their lamps. This means they ensured that their back brain which receives spiritual impressions works harmoniously with the frontal brain. Without this cooperation, the frontal brain is like a lamp without oil!11 So, by using the tools given to them in accordance with Divine Ordinance and with the purity of their faith they were able to take part in the marriage of the bridegroom, that is, in the New Covenant which the Son of Man makes with mankind, through which the gate to Paradise is opened for them.12 So when we think of the false prophets that will come in the end time, also remember that it is at this same period that the Real One, the Bridegroom will appear!13 (See also Luke 21 and Matthew24 of the Bible) We must therefore be extra vigilant and avoid superficiality in this matter. So, in relation to this parable, the Grail Message warns us: Beware of the indolence of your spirit, of comfort and superficiality, you men, and remember the parable of the wise and foolish virgins! It is plain enough in its great simplicity, so that everybody can easily grasp the sense. Act upon it inwardly, then all else will come of itself. Nothing can confuse you, for you go quietly and with firm strides along your path!14

4. The Story of the two thieves Now we come to a story which is not a parable of the Lord Jesus per se. However, it is about something that happened around Him and from which we can learn as indeed we ought to learn from all His parables. And so at Calvary on that momentous Friday afternoon, two thieves were crucified along with the Holy One. Most are familiar with this story of the unrepentant and the sober thief. One said to Christ, are you not the Christ? Save yourself and us!

Abd-ru-shin, supra note 3, page 437. Id. page 628. Herbert Vollmann, supra note 2 pages 343-344 Abd-ru-shin, supra note 3, page 916. Id. page 970.





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The other rebuked the dying yet talkative one. He asked him: Do you not fear God? ...we are receiving the due reward of our deeds, but Jesus has done nothing wrong. This penitent thief then pleaded: Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom15. Let's label them the wise and foolish thieves. I am of course drawing here from the parable of the wise & foolish virgins! We can liken the 2 thieves to the two types of believers on earth today. All are thieves in that all have sinned. We are all in need of salvation and redemption. Just like the foolish thief, a part of present day believers do not have the true faith. Such believers hold that Jesus can do the unnatural for example - suddenly coming down physically from the cross to which his body was firmly nailed unaided. What these people desire or better said, what they demand from their Saviour are arbitrary acts they call miracles. For instance, they expect to be delivered suddenly from all kinds of earthly difficulties that they themselves have brought about through their stubbornness and reckless behaviour. These types of believers always approach the Most High with a shopping list whenever they pray to Him. Some have even stepped over all boundaries by attempting to command their Creator, asking Him to prove Himself by doing this or that for them! These types of attitude remind one of the insults of the foolish thief who said Are you not the Christ? Save yourself and us. The wise thief on the other hand (epitomising the attitude of a true believer) recognised humbly and declared openly that he was in the wrong and was paying for his wrongful behaviour. He did not demand any quick fix to his problem nor seek a temporary earthly advantage: e.g. possible release from his pains on the cross just like the expectation of the foolish thief. Instead, he longed for the Heavenly Kingdom reminding us of one of the admonitions of Jesus that we seek first the Kingdom of Heaven. Similarly, true believers recognising that they are responsible for their thoughts words and deeds continually strive to give purity to their thoughts. They bear within them the firm volition for what is good. The Grail Message assures us that such have already found the way to the Highest!16 In the end, the foolish thief got no visible advantage while the wise thief got a firm promise of a place in paradise! One can decide the path to follow. It is either the path of those who make self serving earthly demands and expect arbitrary actions from the Creator, or the path of repentance that pleads humbly for God's forgiveness and strength for spiritual ascent. May we have the strength to always consider what is of benefit to our spirit.

The Bible,Luke 23:39-43 Revised Standard Version Abd-ru-shin, supra note 3, page 11.


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C. CONCLUSION: In conclusion, we must thankfully regard the Word of Jesus as a Gift from God which shows in all clearness the path we must follow in order to save ourselves. The Grail Message says In the Word lies the Grace which God gives in His incomprehensive Love as has already happened through Jesus.17 We must also at this time give heartfelt thanks to the Almighty for the Gift of the Grail Message Whose Author declares With my words I lead to God and also to Jesus! However in a more vital way than has been known in the past, and not as people have trimmed it through their propensity for spiritual comfort! 18 The Grail Message gives us a clear understanding of the Teachings of Christ and the necessary extension of the knowledge of Creation. The knowledge of Creation, spiritual knowledge is the real purport of all life!19 Let us show our deepest gratitude by living in accordance with the Word of the Message.

REFERENCE LIST Abd-ru-shin, In The Light of Truth The Grail Message Special Edition in One Volume (Vomperberg. Tyrol: Alexander Bernhardt Publishing Co., 1971)

Id. page 890. Abd-ru-shin, supra note 3, page 917. Id. Page 918



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The Bible: King James Version The Bible: Revised Standard Version Herbert Vollmann, A Gate Opens Composite Volume (Stiftung Gralsbotschaft Publishing Co. Stuttgart, 1985) Wikipedia available at: (last visited on 13 April 2011)

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